Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Thanks a lot!!!! It's not a torrent but let's not get picky.
Did you have any recommendations? I don't mind the bad storyline, but I do mind about the arts and the VA quality.
That being said, there is a lot NTR with good arts. The sole reason why I got 30+ game on my HD which remain untouched.

I'm on this list right now,;m=0;o=d;s=rel;p=2
Let's see how many I can fish from the internet from this list
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14547]Bay K.W. Arde[/MENTION]

I dunno, everyone has different tastes in there artwork / quality and story. For example the game i just found you does nothing for me. Im not into that kind of artwork. Though i am really into True blue and Triangle blue art work, and anything borderline loli (Angles Blue for me was quite awesome because of this). And i really enjoyed the Winters game i posted, its side story was amazing, but i did not like the main game. Everyone is different.

The general community at large loves ヤンヅマ心春 ~お前の嫁は俺のモノ~ and from what i understand its story is quite frankly one of the best there is, but i could not get into it because of the artwork and some others don't like it because of the shota. Meanwhile guys like [MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] are all about the NTR Mystery. So its all hit and miss, i don't have anything specific i can suggest outside of whats already mentioned, just go down that list one at a time, that is actually what i am doing as well while we wait for games to be released.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] are all about the NTR Mystery.
thou when it's not NTR Mystery I like NTR mind corruption, not to be confused with mind brake

corruption= where they start to enjoy cheating behind the BF and look down on the BF
triangle blue and NTR nurse 3 fit this.

mind brake= don't care about anything, just need the good sex and well do and say anything to get it. they don't really have feelings for the jerk there sleeping with they just want his dick in them.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

24th Feb gents, who's ready to get their ntr fix. Marriage blue is releasing, 不良にハメられて受精する巨乳お母さん ~イキ地獄に堕ちた家族のゲーム~ is releasing. Hell even Illusion is releasing their newest 3d game, and man has this thread grown, gonna have to do some catch up sometime.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

thou when it's not NTR Mystery I like NTR mind corruption, not to be confused with mind brake

corruption= where they start to enjoy cheating behind the BF and look down on the BF
triangle blue and NTR nurse 3 fit this.

Loved that aspect of the game, where she slowly but surely changes from innocence to a complete slut. one of the best NTR out there for me. :D

24th Feb gents, who's ready to get their ntr fix. Marriage blue is releasing, 不良にハメられて受精する巨乳お母さん ~イキ地獄に堕ちた家族のゲーム~ is releasing. Hell even Illusion is releasing their newest 3d game, and man has this thread grown, gonna have to do some catch up sometime.

played the marriage blue demo, am keeping my hopes down for this one, seeing their previous games.nice art though
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=13786]Telsa[/MENTION] Dude, I'm guessing it's cause you didn't play it, but the story in Yanduma is retarded... As much as it pains me to say so, because I think the game is fun and we could do for some more because it doesn't fall into the traps that a lot of other NTR games do, the story is so dumb and predictable you can predict pretty much the whole thing in the first 15 minutes of playing. Like, you more or less have to accept that all of the characters fell off the top of the Stupid Tree and smacked every branch on their way down. The writing is on the level of a random generic NTR manga only much longer. It's NOT a bad game, in fact, you can even call it a good game(Though how much of that is on its own merits and how much of that is because a lot of what we play is really shit is anyone's call.), but singling it out for the story strikes me as very strange. I think part of it's appeal is that it's fairly light-hearted for an NTR game, it's easy to follow(Due to the comic style the game uses and the way it offers plenty of hints/foreshadowing and reaction shots, I think you could probably follow along fairly well even without knowing any Japanese.), and the scenes are pretty hot.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I download [たまくろ] 人妻が若い獣欲に堕とされる刻 a while back and when I play the game today the word show half I wondering do the game have a h-code
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]
I just have obscure strange tastes in Animation i suppose, regardless though, i swear when it was released there was several people who where raving about the story, so if not, my bad that was quite some time ago.

Also "you more or less have to accept that all of the characters fell off the top of the Stupid Tree and smacked every branch on their way down." goes on the quote list. Hilarious.

[MENTION=14115]NTSA[/MENTION] i was wondering where you disappeared too, yeah you better catch up before your left in the dust.

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION]Yes the Corruption and Type B-1 is fantastic. But while you love the end result, i love the corruption itself. My all time favorite is when (from the girls view is the best, but any view is nice) the bad guy somehow manipulates them into having sex, or Chikans them slowly, and purposefully, and before they know it there having sex when they did not want it and its too late now. I love the surprise and the final surrender. And then of course..... The guilt afterwords. and if its NTR, The BETRAYAL. The purer the girl, the better the result.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I download [たまくろ] 人妻が若い獣欲に堕とされる刻 a while back and when I play the game today the word show half I wondering do the game have a h-code

Works well with ITH. Just on the game window top on Tab - 7th line following 3rd line and following line take off the the check mark on first line, look for the right one in ITH and done. For agth is /HS10@75FC0BAB but still need to do as above.

found this work around for it here.hope it helps
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION]
What everyone (well in the old thread in HF anyway) liked were the ntr situations and such and that's probably what Telsa was referring to. Of course the actual story is balls since that wasn't the intention of the game, same with 他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…?3 you can see from the first nanosecond of the game what's going to happen but that doesn't mean the situations weren't awesome.
Now this "situation" term is quite handy :whistle:

[MENTION=14115]NTSA[/MENTION] I downloaded the Marriage Blue demo but it wouldn't show any text. Clean, AGTH or ITH, nothing. Team Bitters must have read my posts about their games.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

you have to change to japan format in the regional and language option to get text. this is different then unicode option. had to do this with the last game they made as well. still need a /h code thou.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

you have to change to japan format in the regional and language option to get text. this is different then unicode option. had to do this with the last game they made as well. still need a /h code thou.
Totally forgot about that, thanks Prettz.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

thou when it's not NTR Mystery I like NTR mind corruption, not to be confused with mind brake

corruption= where they start to enjoy cheating behind the BF and look down on the BF
triangle blue and NTR nurse 3 fit this.

mind brake= don't care about anything, just need the good sex and well do and say anything to get it. they don't really have feelings for the jerk there sleeping with they just want his dick in them.

do you know more games that fit the mind corruption part, those are my favorites in ntr

pd: mind break is great in certain games like the kansen series
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

hmmm , so been trying to start with share, uploaded a few eroge, but cant download anything at all.... how do I get this thing to work?
set the clusters right, got the files in the dl queue, but even those with the status right don't show any progress... going for two days now .
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

thou when it's not NTR Mystery I like NTR mind corruption, not to be confused with mind brake

corruption= where they start to enjoy cheating behind the BF and look down on the BF
triangle blue and NTR nurse 3 fit this.

Yeah I like that sort of setup best, especially if it's type A or B-1. I think it'd be better to call it Moral Corruption than mind corruption as the latter implies that her judgement has been skewed, while the former seems to fit what we're talking about. Meaning the heroines moral values have been twisted. She might start out at the beginning of the game completely sure that cheating is something she could never tolerate or ever commit herself, and if someone suggested that she might get turned on by betraying her partner, she'd no doubt be offended. But after the other guy is done with her, she starts getting off on the situation more than she's ever done in her life.
I like it a lot less when the girl simply dumps the guy she was with and stops caring about him altogether, trading him in for a better guy.
My favourite is also when she's getting aroused by being NTRed, but rather than pure sadistic feelings and looking down on the main character without feeling bad, she actually does still love and care about her partner from an emotional perspective and thinks she's a terrible person to be doing these things, but is doing them anyway in spite of the guilt. You could say she's feeling both a sadistic thrill at the thought of betraying the main, feels guilty about both the betrayal and the fact she enjoys it, but at the same time is getting a masochistic thrill from the self-loathing as well.
Does that make sense? I do like to get inside the character's heads in NTr scenarios, even if it does overcomplicate things a bit. :gotidea:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

thats exactly what i was talking about, which is why i like the blue series so much, its applied through out there main titles. True specifically has the option to see it from the Protagonists side, so you feel the NTR rage at being helpless to stop it. Or her side so you can see her innocence strip away, In every single encounter in the game.

Grope the H-Anime was very much this scenario, And my favorite> Both girls in it love the main character, and still do even after getting fucked by the other guy. He manipulates the situation to put doubt in there hearts, then takes advantage of it and gets in there. Yet you hear them wish, and still want the main character while he does them. Hell in the very end the main chick gets fucked in front of the Protagonist just before the bad guy dies from the collapse, then looks up at the Protagonist and smiles at him lovingly, Truely still having complete feelings for him, its pure win.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I Haven't been around lately due to my Grandmother passing away. I've been spending time with my family. Glad to see everyone more involved in posting here.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

yeah Moral Corruption sounds better. I agree that the slow turn for the girl is best. like they have a wall of resistens that is chipped away piece by piece. I hate it when the wall of morality is bull doze down, it is unrealistic and can't enjoy the moral corruption when their is no believability to it. also when the girl is 100% corrupted the story needs to end soon, cause there is no more development for the girl to have and can risk being boring, better to focus on the guy being NTR at this point. thou if she still loves the MC then the doors open up for nice conflict. I hate it when it end right when the MC finds out,

my explanation more of a thought in progress
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

moral corruption..........apart from the blue series and the ntr nurse series, are there others games like that?

Prettz i wouldn't say that the wall being broken right away is a bad thing, i like it in doujins at least, like certain sekirei doujin i read a long time ago or the asai netori doujin (its in the ntr torrent but don't remember wich one)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=11769]PirateKingCZ[/MENTION] Sorry to hear about your loss.
Welcome back.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

and today release new games, and i am curious, wich is the most anticipated game from the comunity?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] Personally i am waiting for the New Summer Radish Game, Shiny Days [MENTION=7357]Keevan[/MENTION] mentioned/linked it some time ago.

Thats the only game i am currently aware of thats coming out, that i am in great anticipation over. though it got delayed till april, so.... wow, there is nothing i really want to see till April? Oh no... there is not....

Tsk, this really rather sucks. Is anyone aware of something coming out that does not have overly floopy and ridiculous boobs? And that is not Altier Sakura Industrial. shit at this point it does not have to be ntr, but still in the dark department, True Love games suck so hard.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

So I'm a little late to the party with ボクの彼女はガテン系/彼女がした事、僕がされた事, I did play a little of it when it was released then gave up when I couldn't find the walkthrough. Anyway was going through some old ntr stuff while waiting for the new shit to arrive, just ran through some of ただかの~正しい彼女の作り方~.

Now here's my issue I can't seem to get AGTH or ITH to work with translation aggregator for ボクの彼女はガテン系/彼女がした事、僕がされた事. Both text hookers seem to work, but translation aggregator doesn't seem to want to pick up every line. It'll sometimes skip a couple of random lines before deciding to pick up one line and then go do it's own shit.

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