Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

The DC version in this site doesn't need the nodvd, just unmount the image or the game will hang on start.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

for marriage blue I was trying to get the worst ending first so I botched up the MC proposal as best I could.....and got the happy ending:donefor:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

for marriage blue I was trying to get the worst ending first so I botched up the MC proposal as best I could.....and got the happy ending:donefor:

There are 3 paths to the happy ending (if I remember correctly), one is if you don't fill the gauge bar, the other one is choosing the right answers if the gauge bar is not available.
And the 3rd is confronting the man who she cheated with.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] Personally i am waiting for the New Summer Radish Game, Shiny Days [MENTION=7357]Keevan[/MENTION] mentioned/linked it some time ago.
Love the first image ^^

[MENTION=13786]Telsa[/MENTION], a new dark lilith game comes out today and looks interesting, and one of the girl is loli xD, i am a lilith fan so i really anticipate it, here is a link to the homepage
As always with Black Lilith : Magnificent character design and art, but way too extreme for me :deadsad:

ntr game
[120224] [ルネ Team Bitters] マリッジブルー「婚約者がいるのに、どうしてこんな男に……」マリッジブルー「婚約者がいるのに、どうしてこんな男に……」-[h-game]-50200/
Yay! :fulfilled:
Any walkthrough yet BTW?
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

so far last night I play マリッジブルー「婚約者がいるのに、どうしてこんな男に……」 I got the same ending over and over the Sayaka's student, MC and Sayaka seniors ending.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

so far last night I play マリッジブルー「婚約者がいるのに、どうしてこんな男に……」 I got the same ending over and over the Sayaka's student, MC and Sayaka seniors ending.

The route divergence happens pretty quick for this game. I got all the endings and as far as I know, only 2 early choices determine 5 of the potential 6 main routes (whether you buy the ring and whether you introduce Sayaka to the MC's parents).

As far as I know, choosing to buy the ring leads to the senior route with the blue gauge determining how big a role the older sister plays into the story.

Not buying a ring/introducing to parents leads to the coworker route. The MC's mom wants Sayaka to quit her job to be a housewife and the older coworker becomes her confidant.

Not buying a ring/no introduction leads to the student routes (and the route splits again when you choose who Sayaka attends the event with). Pretty shallow routes IMO.

The father-in-law route was a bit trickier to get as I'm not 100% sure what the priority on it is yet, but it involves cumming inside her and she tells the MC she's pregnant.

There are a few instant game overs that can happen in the game, but they're so abrupt that you can reload the choose the next option without noticing much.

All in all, I was pretty disappointed with this game.
I know a lot of people didn't like Soredemo Tsuma, but I found it pretty nice as things happened over the course of several months. Everything in Marriage Blue feels rushed and the routes themselves were pretty shallow with little to no build up whatsoever. I guess the senior route is the "main NTR" route of the game if you go through the prologue, but even that was facepalm-worthy when the older sister just pops out of nowhere and apparently hates you. The student has a crush on Sayaka so naturally she sleeps with him when he's depressed. I liked how they added a "subheroine route" for variety, but it would help if the girl wasn't a psychopath. The coworker route had some potential, but I skipped through it once the plot disappeared and it turned into a nukige. Speaking of which, I felt the game (outside of the senior route), did little in terms of NTR. The MC literally disappears from the game in a few routes only appearing when some critical choice option pops up. I also hate how they gutted the detective system from Soredemo Tsuma which I felt made it pretty interactive.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

The route divergence happens pretty quick for this game. I got all the endings and as far as I know, only 2 early choices determine 5 of the potential 6 main routes (whether you buy the ring and whether you introduce Sayaka to the MC's parents).

As far as I know, choosing to buy the ring leads to the senior route with the blue gauge determining how big a role the older sister plays into the story.

Not buying a ring/introducing to parents leads to the coworker route. The MC's mom wants Sayaka to quit her job to be a housewife and the older coworker becomes her confidant.

Not buying a ring/no introduction leads to the student routes (and the route splits again when you choose who Sayaka attends the event with). Pretty shallow routes IMO.

The father-in-law route was a bit trickier to get as I'm not 100% sure what the priority on it is yet, but it involves cumming inside her and she tells the MC she's pregnant.

There are a few instant game overs that can happen in the game, but they're so abrupt that you can reload the choose the next option without noticing much.

All in all, I was pretty disappointed with this game.
I know a lot of people didn't like Soredemo Tsuma, but I found it pretty nice as things happened over the course of several months. Everything in Marriage Blue feels rushed and the routes themselves were pretty shallow with little to no build up whatsoever. I guess the senior route is the "main NTR" route of the game if you go through the prologue, but even that was facepalm-worthy when the older sister just pops out of nowhere and apparently hates you. The student has a crush on Sayaka so naturally she sleeps with him when he's depressed. I liked how they added a "subheroine route" for variety, but it would help if the girl wasn't a psychopath. The coworker route had some potential, but I skipped through it once the plot disappeared and it turned into a nukige. Speaking of which, I felt the game (outside of the senior route), did little in terms of NTR. The MC literally disappears from the game in a few routes only appearing when some critical choice option pops up. I also hate how they gutted the detective system from Soredemo Tsuma which I felt made it pretty interactive.

thanks for the info I will try to get some ending right after I playing my PS Vita :)
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


[MENTION=12764]SnowPatrol[/MENTION] Thanks for your insights, Brother! Finally got it downloaded, so I'll be diving into it and probably doing some in-depth analysis once I've got some free time. I'm not expecting a great deal, and it was good to get some confirmation, but I saw the CGs and there looks to be some pretty good scenes. Have to find extra time between work, finishing Mass Effect 2 saves to prepare for Mass Effect 3(The game's hella fun, but I've beat it before and now I'm rushing, so it feels more like work.), other translation duties, and I'm back off the wagon again and have been getting reaquainted with my old cold-weather friends, hot whiskey and sake. Gotta keep on keeping on. xD

Also, has anyone else had any problems playing Nyuuki Taisai (乳姫大祭)? The only copies I've found have been glitched to all hell. Like you can play the better part of the game, but it crashes as you get to the end(and presumably the better NTR content), and from reading some different Japanese walkthroughs it seems like some of the scenes are out of order as well. Just wondering if there's an easy fix or something before I bother to did deeper. Thanks.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14059]tf2spy[/MENTION] Speaking of Team Biters failures, i never played it before, and i dont remember anyone saying it was bad, but its completely possible someone did (Like you). I just played 俺は彼女を信じてる!~遠距離恋愛のススメ~ 限定版 and its complete crap.

Reason: Protagonist has to sleep with other women to Trigger events (too busy to be with his wife) to get her to cheat or give bad guys the time to get her. Total Fail on so many levels.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=13786]Telsa[/MENTION] it did come out a year before the ntr post at hongfire got started but I always slam it down when it got brought up, epically since it got voted number 1 in most liked ntr game in a Japanese poll back in 08
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=13786]Telsa[/MENTION] it did come out a year before the ntr post at hongfire got started but I always slam it down when it got brought up, epically since it got voted number 1 in most liked ntr game in a Japanese poll back in 08

japanesse people and westerness really do think diferently
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Figures that I find out how full of holes the latest Team Bitters offering is, right when I've just about finally finished torrenting it.
Should I still bother trying it? Guess I'll think it over while looking through the list of others I'm still meaning to get round to playing....
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


[MENTION=14059]tf2spy[/MENTION] Thanks for the help, Brother! Knew I could count on this thread for a quick answer!

[MENTION=7208]DiabolicalGenius[/MENTION] C'mon, Man. I'll bet you knew before you started the torrent that it probably wasn't going to be the best game ever. Doesn't mean you might not find something you enjoy in it. Besides, we gotta take what we can get. xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=7208]DiabolicalGenius[/MENTION] have not finished it but I say the first part better then the last game (the part before the NTR) give a bit more time to get to know the 2 main characters thou they are a bit boring and generic. I was looking for the father path and it was the last one I found (meaning I read all the parts before the NTR in each path. got all the crappy one shot rape out of the way and the psycho girl done first.

did the student one next (still on it) back in 2007 NTR was new and I was armed and ready to fap, triangle blue, long sex scens, all for it. now a days more for the emotion impact. If where seeing the girls point of view do the sex scene and show how it impact her life. I think Telsa was talking about show the women dealing with the guilt, I like that also, but back to this game. kid cums in her 3 times then blow job 2 times then more sex... finely over... nooooo now some shower sex. ok now it's over. I say it can have all those sex scenes but space them out and show some cause and effect that each one has on the wife and us-suspecting husband life. anyways I never like the magic penis syndrome where to bad buy can keep going and going and the girl keep... well you know. ok it's not so bad but when it goes nukige the scene in between have no development since there trying to get to the next sex scene as fast as they can ugg. SnowPatrol right about the MC seemingly becoming sparse when the NTR hits.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

the magic penis syndrome where to bad buy can keep going and going
i call it "viagra" xD, and [MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] i haven't used atlas yet so can't tell but the yandere can't be that bad right?

PD: before getting to it can someone explain me who did the yandere girl like from the beggining?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Could anyone tell me where can download the full version of 寝取られ看護学生 ~未優~ 白衣の下の牝肉は、知らぬ間に開発されていた…

In a lot of sites there is only the trial version. Is it released already?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14548]ericlo[/MENTION] don't think it's up yet, but I'll post a link when I find it or someone else will post it hopefully.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION] Well it is Team Bitters, so yeah I knew there would be flaws. Though at least this time it doesn't sound like they're going with their old bit where the main character has to cheat on his partner first before she gets NTRed. I wouldn't mind so much if doing that was just one of the choices you can make which will lead to NTR, but making it almost unavoidable was annoying.
Well I'm sure it'll have it's good points, and any NTR is better than none. It's just demotivating to hear all the bad points before I even get started. :sigh:

[MENTION=7186]Prettz[/MENTION] Thanks for the breakdown. It'll be good if they at least put some effort into the build up at the very least, though I would also like it better if there was a bit of cool down time between sex scenes and if they take the time to show how having done all that effects the people involved. Things like the heroine feeling guilty or acting differently than usual around the MC after she's started cheating are important for the ntr development after all. If they drop the plot halfway and jump head first into nukige territory, it turn mediocre pretty fast.

Magic penis can get tedious when it's used as a quick and easy way to make the heroine forget her lover and fall for the over guy solely based on how awesome his dick is. It one thing to have the popular situation where the MC is average in size and lacking in sexual experience and skill, while the antagonist is well endowed and a player who knows how to press all the right buttons on a girl. I can appreciate multiple orgasms playing a defining role in convincing a heroine that some sex on the side isn't so terrible so long as her partner doesn't find out about it and such. But having her decide that she can't live without that guys dick and doesn't care about the guy she was in love with any more, is just a bit too exaggerated. It's much more interesting when she's truly conflicted, torn between love and happiness with the man she's with and risking it all for the intense sexual gratification the other guy can offer which she's slowly getting hooked on. Something like that is damned hot. Unfortunately quite a few eroge developers dabbling in ntr are too lazy for that, and will happily just throw a magic penis at the girl and have her undergo instant transmogrification into slut who will do anything to get more of the penis. It was hot the first few times I saw it, but it's getting damned repetitive now.
The only thing worse than Magic Penis for me is Magic Aphrodisiac. Why bother with a scenario at all when one quick pill or shot can turn the girl into your eager sex slave? It's ruined two NTR games for me lately which would have been at least a bit enjoyable otherwise. So annoying. :raging:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] came out on the 24 but it's 寝取り NTU so I have not really been looking for it.

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