I also like Straight Shota and Futanari besides NTR. Actually I only like NTR if the Villain is an old man, a dilf or a shota (with some exceptions). I don't know if it happens to anybody else, buyt the weaker or more unlikely villain is, the more rage I get... When the villain is your average schoolboy or teacher or average guy I'm like: meh... that's normal... I mean that's what happens all the time in real life. When your girlfriend leaves you, 90% of the time is because she meets someone else she likes. On the other side when you steel the girlfriend of someone else you probably makeout or even have sex before she eventally break up with her boyfriend and becomes your girl. I really don't find it exiting.
On the other hand, when the MC finds out that his girl is cheating or changing him for someone who is not your average playboy is really a turn on:
MC: WTF did you leave me/change me for this old geezer/shota/ugly man??? When I have being the ideal boyfriend/husband???? Wahhhhhhh!!!!!! (whimper)
The more weak at sex the stealer shoud be in comparison wth the MC, the bigger the impact. I think here works the rule of the inverse of the sexual prowess: The less manly the stealer is, the more potent/bigger/insatiable/stronger his/her cock is :D
For me the scale would be like this:
:yawn: Your average normal guy
:yawn: Your average playboy/raper

The ugly guy

The fat ugly bald dilf

The cute shota with a big cock

The insatiable old man that puts the MC to shame in sex.

The futanari (haven't seeing this yet, and I don't know why. To get your girlfriend stolen by a girl with a cock bigger and more potent than yours, must be the ultimate humillation for a man).