Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

It seems that the next orcsoft game is a mother & sister ntr

Holy cow! It's the Souma family! These are recurring characters from the artist! They appear in many works. It's basically a nympho family, the father(he never shows up) appears to be none the wiser. This is big! I think all the works from this characters are translated, here is a prelude so you can get an idea whats going on.
Holy cow! It's the Souma family! These are recurring characters from the artist! They appear in many works. It's basically a nympho family, the father(he never shows up) appears to be none the wiser. This is big! I think all the works from this characters are translated, here is a prelude so you can get an idea whats going on.
So they're sluts from the beginning I suppose? No corruption then, too bad :(, I really like the design, not too overly curvaceous as they usually do with orcsoft.
Yeah, the Souma family series isn't really NTR, just a family of slutty women where the mom happens to be married (I think one of the sisters might have a fiancee, too, I can't remember). I think you can find most of the stories in here:

But, a game with Mizuryu Kei art is always welcome. And after NTR games, games with sluts or gyaru are my second favorite, so I'll definitely be looking forward to this one.

By the way, a very rough translation of the latest Netoraserare is out:

Looks like our MC has officially snapped.
So they're sluts from the beginning I suppose? No corruption then, too bad :(, I really like the design, not too overly curvaceous as they usually do with orcsoft.

No corruption, but it would be cool for a big part of the game to be mystery in the husband's perspective. The player knows from the start that they are all turbo sluts, but the protagonist doesn't have a clue.
It's confirmed they are not his daughters.
No corruption, but it would be cool for a big part of the game to be mystery in the husband's perspective. The player knows from the start that they are all turbo sluts, but the protagonist doesn't have a clue.
It's confirmed they are not his daughters.
Oh... THAT can be awesome indeed, especially if there is mystery :desire:
But, a game with Mizuryu Kei art is always welcome. And after NTR games, games with sluts or gyaru are my second favorite, so I'll definitely be looking forward to this one.

My brother!! Hahaha, can you give me recommendation for Gyaru / Ganguro eroge. VNDB not update about ganguro heroine tag, and doesn't have gyaru tag.
Holy cow! It's the Souma family! These are recurring characters from the artist! They appear in many works. It's basically a nympho family, the father(he never shows up) appears to be none the wiser. This is big! I think all the works from this characters are translated, here is a prelude so you can get an idea whats going on.

I didn´t notice that they were from that doujin, but what it keeps me thinking is the next image because it has the kanji for "SON"

Could someone with higher knowledge of japanese translate it?

No corruption, but it would be cool for a big part of the game to be mystery in the husband's perspective. The player knows from the start that they are all turbo sluts, but the protagonist doesn't have a clue.
It's confirmed they are not his daughters.

It will be really good if indeed the story was told from the husband POV

P.D. Also we have to wait and see from what branch is the game.... ORCSOFT, GOBLIN or the newest one DWARFSOFT, because besides the main studio the others produce more nukige than any other thing
I like the artist, but I think he can be a tad more conservative in the underwear fashion, I find them too overboard to be really erotic. Maybe it's me, but well :P

I didn´t notice that they were from that doujin, but what it keeps me thinking is the next image because it has the kanji for "SON"

Could someone with higher knowledge of japanese translate it?
I can try with my toddler Japanese knowledge:
"Thanks for taking care of our cocks, Souma-san (pseudonym)."
The kanji son is blended in a 2 kanjis word (息子) that means either "son" or is simply a vulgar way to say "penis".
Souma is one of the heroines' name, I think.

Hope it helps.
My brother!! Hahaha, can you give me recommendation for Gyaru / Ganguro eroge. VNDB not update about ganguro heroine tag, and doesn't have gyaru tag. (brown girl is probably my favorite gyaru design, really hope this studio makes more games in the same vein) (GREAT character designs; unfortunately, the game is hampered by having the girls (excluding the teacher) only have sex with the self-insert MC) (more delinquent than gyaru, also NTR. Would be top-tier NTR if it were longer, IMO)

Also check out autobahn's GREATER HEAL if you haven't.

There are a number of gyaru games that would be great if they didn't have a glaring flaw, like being straight shota (not a fan) and not being voiced. is another that falls into the "boring self-insert MC" category. There's also the other Sei Yariman game which a little more tolerable since it at least mixes things up with an unusual protagonist.

A lot of Miel games also have a gyaru character, my favorite being from (also has some NTR with the other girl).
I didn´t notice that they were from that doujin, but what it keeps me thinking is the next image because it has the kanji for "SON"

Could someone with higher knowledge of japanese translate it?

It will be really good if indeed the story was told from the husband POV

P.D. Also we have to wait and see from what branch is the game.... ORCSOFT, GOBLIN or the newest one DWARFSOFT, because besides the main studio the others produce more nukige than any other thing

Starting from the first color page with the mother, it talks about a male student moving in with the mother and her daughters for the summer.
Next page is talking about how they're sluts and the effect of having someone living in the house with them.
Next page, "The girls are going to fuck the whole time."
The next three pages very briefly describe the mother, two older daughters, and the youngest daughter. Just a little blurb about their personalities, so read the manga for a better idea, though there's not much beyond their sluts. It does mention that the husband is away on business.
Next page, "Make some summer memories with four pussies."
Last page, "Please look after my son, Souma-san."

Not super promising for good NTR so far, but the game should be otherwise enjoyable. Will have to wait for more information to see just how NTRy it will be, if at all.
Starting from the first color page with the mother, it talks about a male student moving in with the mother and her daughters for the summer.
Next page is talking about how they're sluts and the effect of having someone living in the house with them.
Next page, "The girls are going to fuck the whole time."
The next three pages very briefly describe the mother, two older daughters, and the youngest daughter. Just a little blurb about their personalities, so read the manga for a better idea, though there's not much beyond their sluts. It does mention that the husband is away on business.
Next page, "Make some summer memories with four pussies."
Last page, "Please look after my son, Souma-san."

Not super promising for good NTR so far, but the game should be otherwise enjoyable. Will have to wait for more information to see just how NTRy it will be, if at all.

I really wanted the husband to be the protagonist... And it doesn't sound like NTR at all... Oh well, there is still hope.
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Been playing this one for the past few hours and its an interface nightmare for anyone who cant read Japanese. Finished the game 3 times but i cant figure out how to earn more money.

There's a patch you need to download from the website use google translate, its got a fair bit of text around it and its a blue button if you can't spot it.

For anyone wondering the password for the computer is 自宅警備員 you'll need to set your keyboard to Japanese to copy and paste.

Like Aisai Nikki there's almost no hints from the heroine as far as I can tell so far from what i've played except for in the once a week sex with her.

Having sex with her every week but not ejaculating gives the most bad stats. The top stat is Affection, the bottom one is Libido.

There's a lot of items you can buy but im honestly yet to find out how to use them. I know one of the options in empty rooms has the items/toys as an option but i'm not sure what clicking it actually does.

You'll need to save a lot to make sure the recording devices are in the right rooms which is a huge pain considering how user-unfriendly the engine interface is.

If anyones interested I got the CG download here:

If you didn't like Aisai Nikki i wouldn't bother with this one until a save comes out. None on Sagaoz yet

Patch download Ver. New version out.

Here are some Hirugao no Kansatsu useful stuff. Hope it helps.

(Sorry for the bad English, I'm using google translator.)

会話する(20分) / Conversation (20 min)
小遣いをねだる(20分) / Tease the pocket money (20 min) = +Money (2,000 yen max.)
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

買い物に誘う(全時間) / Invite to shopping (full time) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+30, LUST Lv.-20
映画に誘う(全時間) / Invite to a movie (fulll time) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+20, LUST Lv.+10
プレゼントをあげる(30分) / Give a gift (30 min) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+10
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

ネトゲで遊ぶ(全時間) / Play net games (full time) = angry wife?
ネットビジネス(全時間) / Net business (full time) = +Money (10,000 yen max.)
寝る(全時間) / Take a nap (full time)
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

部屋をしらべる(20分) / 1. Examine the room (20 min)
アイテムをしかける(20分) / 2. Install an item (20 min)
監視器具をしかける(30分) / 3. Install a monitoring instrument (30 min)
たちさる(消費なし) / Leave (no consumption)

1. Examine the room (20 min)
妻のブラ / Saki's Bra
妻のショーツ / Saki's Pantsu
椿の盆栽 / Tsubaki's Bonsai
お宝雑誌初版本 / Treasure Magazine First Edition Book
伝説のスコップ / Shovel of Legend

2. Install an item (20 min)
Place and items:

Guest Room (客間)
ピンクローター / Pink rotor
バイブ / Vibe

Living Room (リビング)
アイマスク / Eye mask
電動マッサージ / Electric massage

Father's Room (舅の部屋)
アイマスク / Eye mask
ローション / Lotion
搾乳薬 / Breast medicine

Front Door (玄関)
ピンクローター / Pink rotor
バイブ / Vibe

Dining Room (ダイニング)
荒縄 / Roughness rope

Kitchen (キッチン)

Lavatory (洗面所)

Bathroom (浴室)
荒縄 / Roughness rope
ピンクローター / Pink rotor

1st Floor Toilet (1階トイレ)

2nd Floor Toilet (2階トイレ)

Bedroom (寝室)
電動マッサージ / Electric massager
アナルビーズ / Anal beads

Veranda (ベランダ)

3. Install a monitoring instrument (30 min)
設置状況: / Installation conditions:
盗聴器→設置済み / A. Wiretap → Installed
デジカメ→未設置 / B. Digital camera → Not installed
ビデオカメラ→未設置 / C. Video camera → Not installed
しかけない / Don't install

B. Digital camera → Not installed
月~水曜日 / Monday to Wednesday
火~木曜日 / Tuesday to Thursday
水~金曜日 / Wednesday to Friday
しかけない / Don't install

C. Video camera → Not installed
月曜日 / Monday
火曜日 / Tuesday
水曜日 / Wednesday
木曜日 / Thursday
金曜日 / Friday
しかけない / Don't install


さそう / Invite => Kissing
さそわない / No invite = LOVE Lv.-10, LUST Lv.-10

おしたおす / Push down => Sex
キスまで / Keep kissing = LOVE Lv.+20, LUST Lv.+10

固くなってきた / It has become hard = LOVE Lv.+30, LUST Lv.-30
柔らかくなってきた / Has become soft = LOVE Lv.-20, LUST Lv.+20


SAKI'S PHONE CALL #1 - Massage
肩もみを頼む / Allow shoulder massage
断れ / Refuse

SAKI'S PHONE CALL #2 - Man at the door
訪問販売を追い返さない / Not reject the door-to-door salesman
訪問販売を追い返す / Reject the door-to-door salesman

偽メール / Fake E-Mail
通販 / Mail Order
寝る / Sleep

Wife's E-Mail Password: 自宅警備員 (You can copy-paste the password, just not from a .txt file)
1. 舅 / Father
2. 上司 / Boss
3. チャラ男 / Salesman
やめておく / Stop

3. Salesman
キミに、触れて欲しいかも…。 / Hey, you might want to touch...
相手を再選択する / Choose another person

購入 / Buy
売却 / Sell
戻る / Return

盗聴器 / Wiretap : 12,500 yen
デジカメ / Digital camera : 25,000 yen
ビデオカメラ / Video camera : 50,000 yen
防水ビデオカメラ / Waterproof video camera : 80,000 yen
アイマスク / Eye mask : 1,050 yen
ローション / Lotion : 880 yen
搾乳薬 / Milking drugs : 7,280 yen
次のページ / Next page
購入しない / Don't buy

BUY (Next page)
荒縄 / Roughness rope : 880 yen
ピンクローター / Pink rotor : 1,050 yen
バイブ / Vibe : 3,200 yen
電動マッサージ / Electric massager : 1,800 yen
アナルビーズ / Anal beads : 840 yen
前のページ / Previous page
購入しない / Don't buy

盗聴器 / Wiretap
デジカメ / Digital camera
ビデオカメラ / Video camera
次のページ / Next page
売却しない / Don't sell

SELL (Next page)
妻のブラ / Saki's Bra : 3,000 yen
妻のショーツ / Saki's Pantsu : 5,000 yen
椿の盆栽 / Tsubaki's Bonsai : 3,000 yen
MyPhone : 4,000 yen
お宝雑誌初版本 / Treasure Magazine First Edition Book : 10,000 yen
伝説のスコップ / Shovel of Legend

Last edited:
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netoraserare 19 translated from 4chan

At this stage i'm guessing if thats attempted suicide it'll end with her staying with him due to feelings of guilt while still cheating with senpai behind his back, looking forward to seeing what actually happens.

Patch download Ver.

Here are some Hirugao no Kansatsu details. I hope it helps.

Father (Soichiro) talk
小遣いをねだる(20分) = Money

Wife (Saki) talk

MC (Yutaka) Room 2nd floor
ネットビジネス(全時間) = Money

1. 部屋をしらべる(20分)
2. アイテムをしかける(20分)
3. 監視器具をしかける(30分)
4. たちさる(消費なし)

2. アイテムをしかける(20分)

3. 監視器具をしかける(30分)
A. 盗聴器→未設置
B. デジカメ→設置済み
C. ビデオカメラ→未設置
D. しかけない

B. デジカメ→設置済み

C. ビデオカメラ→未設置

Married couple's time
さそう / Invite => Kissing
さそわない / No invite

おしたおす => Sex

柔らかくなってきた = Libido Lv.+

Company House

Phone Call

偽メール / Fake E-Mail
通販 / Mail Order
寝る / Sleep

Fake E-Mail
Wife's E-Mail Password: 自宅警備員

Mail Order
購入 / Buy
売却 / Sell
戻る / Return


BUY - Next Page


Thanks for that, a few things make sense now.

I tried playing through again leaving the correct items in the right rooms according to the CG with recording gear set up but I never get an item scene. Does anyone know how to get them working?

Edit: On another playthrough for some reason the next weeks scenes didn't even unlock, really odd
Patch download Ver.

Here are some Hirugao no Kansatsu details. I hope it helps.

I can't seem to get this game working. I'm on Ver. after downloading the patch and adding it to the game directory. Is there something else I'm supposed to be doing?

I still get "最新バージョンの取得に失敗しました。しばらく時間をおいてから、バージョン情報をご利用ください。" which says "It failed in the latest version of the acquisition. After a while, please use the version information."

Edit: nvm, got it to work by allowing the game through the firewall

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