Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Please help me remember a manga about a girl that went to a all-boy's school disguised as a boy to protect his boyfriend/childhoodfriend and was discovered by some bullies and is blackmailed by them. Later the principal also joins and fuck the hell out of her while the MC is in a training camp away from the school. I can't remember the name of that manga and can't find it in exhentai.
Please help me remember a manga about a girl that went to a all-boy's school disguised as a boy to protect his boyfriend/childhoodfriend and was discovered by some bullies and is blackmailed by them. Later the principal also joins and fuck the hell out of her while the MC is in a training camp away from the school. I can't remember the name of that manga and can't find it in exhentai.

here it is i think
its a VN
its similiar plot :D
Please help me remember a manga about a girl that went to a all-boy's school disguised as a boy to protect his boyfriend/childhoodfriend and was discovered by some bullies and is blackmailed by them. Later the principal also joins and fuck the hell out of her while the MC is in a training camp away from the school. I can't remember the name of that manga and can't find it in exhentai.

[Nagare Ippon] I Will Protect You
maybe this one?
So guys, does anyone know Netori Anime?

I found this anime : Kichiku- Haha Shimai Choukyou Nikki
But I cant find another,

whenever I googled Netori Anime
The result is pretty much on manga, not the anime hentai.

A shame it didn't include the Ragfes41 booklet, there is a mother and shota scene in it. I bet we will only get the booklet content when the author releases a compilation after the series is over. This also happened with the Zero In and the Hime Kishi Tame series booklets.
So guys, does anyone know Netori Anime?

I found this anime : Kichiku- Haha Shimai Choukyou Nikki
But I cant find another,

whenever I googled Netori Anime
The result is pretty much on manga, not the anime hentai.
Try Rensa Byoutou, MC steals the other doc's wife.
Thanks for the heads up. I really dig mil's art, gotta love that bit of plump.
So it sounds like there's no corruption in the upcoming full-length Nomad title, which is disappointing. I don't know if I'm gonna like it if it's mostly type B and C.
So it sounds like there's no corruption in the upcoming full-length Nomad title, which is disappointing. I don't know if I'm gonna like it if it's mostly type B and C.

How do you know?, if is based on the part released so far there should be at least on some endings
Here is the info of what i believe is going to be the complete version of the new nomad games, most of the info is not in level of reading kanji is really low, so....... for those with better understanding of Japanese, we will appreciate your translations

Honestly the only insight i get is that the game will show more moments for the couple (probably) and at least one part where she is crying probably repentant after being confronted (this last may or may not appear this week)
Hello I am new to Atelier Sakura games... Already, I like the style of 他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…?3 / v5160. However, Visual Novel Reader is not text hooking it properly. It attaches to the process and I see the side panel appear onto the window, but it never manages to bring up a translation.

Is there a secret to it? I've tried running as administrator and adding it again through the game wizard. It says it syncs OK and finds the h-code, but it still does not translate. I've tried debugging the text settings and it looks like it is grabbing the text, but it is ignoring that ID? Also I notice that the name ID is constantly refreshing.

It would be a shame if i couldn't get a translation. I can get the jist of things from female voice (I know enough spoken Japanese to fill in blanks) but I feel like I'm missing out on any game experience.
Hello I am new to Atelier Sakura games... Already, I like the style of 他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…?3 / v5160. However, Visual Novel Reader is not text hooking it properly. It attaches to the process and I see the side panel appear onto the window, but it never manages to bring up a translation.

Is there a secret to it? I've tried running as administrator and adding it again through the game wizard. It says it syncs OK and finds the h-code, but it still does not translate. I've tried debugging the text settings and it looks like it is grabbing the text, but it is ignoring that ID? Also I notice that the name ID is constantly refreshing.

It would be a shame if i couldn't get a translation. I can get the jist of things from female voice (I know enough spoken Japanese to fill in blanks) but I feel like I'm missing out on any game experience.

Maybe try double-checking the h-code? I haven't used VNR before, but I know for agth/ITH this should be the correct h-code: /HB8:-14@594280

If that doesn't work I would try it with ITH along with translation aggregator. I remember those worked for me in the past.
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How do you know?, if is based on the part released so far there should be at least on some endings

A few lines:

Google translate-fu:
- There is no ahegao/double peace
- There is no development to which the husband is abused by the complete pleasure fall.

And another portion:

Seems to roughly be:
On the contrary, the concept will be portrayed with dignity.
To a person who only wants a complete fall into pleasure, this game cannot be recommended.

Anyone who knows the language let me know otherwise, but from what I can tell from that, it seems like to won't be that hardcore. Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting it.
Help me please, give me tutorial for playing 妻の浮気を試す、"寝取らせ+盗撮ゲー" , i don't understand how to playing this game.

A few lines:

Google translate-fu:
- There is no ahegao/double peace
- There is no development to which the husband is abused by the complete pleasure fall.

And another portion:

Seems to roughly be:
On the contrary, the concept will be portrayed with dignity.
To a person who only wants a complete fall into pleasure, this game cannot be recommended.

Anyone who knows the language let me know otherwise, but from what I can tell from that, it seems like to won't be that hardcore. Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting it.

I don't know Japanese very well but I think just like you said it's not game about wife finding pleasure in cheating her husband but more like agony he will feel when he will find more information about his wife affair. This game is from husband POV so I guess it will have maybe many bad endings, like suicide or something like that.
So do you thing it might be mature ntr game?
Help me please, give me tutorial for playing 妻の浮気を試す、"寝取らせ+盗撮ゲー" , i don't understand how to playing this game.

I played this game extensively when it came out but only managed to finish one route.

Here's the overview for the menu's in the game:

会話する(20分) / Conversation (20 min)
小遣いをねだる(20分) / Tease the pocket money (20 min) = +Money (2,000 yen max.)
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

買い物に誘う(全時間) / Invite to shopping (full time) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+30, LUST Lv.-20
映画に誘う(全時間) / Invite to a movie (fulll time) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+20, LUST Lv.+10
プレゼントをあげる(30分) / Give a gift (30 min) = -Money, LOVE Lv.+10
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

ネトゲで遊ぶ(全時間) / Play net games (full time) = angry wife?
ネットビジネス(全時間) / Net business (full time) = +Money (10,000 yen max.)
寝る(全時間) / Take a nap (full time)
たちさる(10分) / Leave (10 min)

部屋をしらべる(20分) / 1. Examine the room (20 min)
アイテムをしかける(20分) / 2. Install an item (20 min)
監視器具をしかける(30分) / 3. Install a monitoring instrument (30 min)
たちさる(消費なし) / Leave (no consumption)

1. Examine the room (20 min)
妻のブラ / Saki's Bra
妻のショーツ / Saki's Pantsu
椿の盆栽 / Tsubaki's Bonsai
お宝雑誌初版本 / Treasure Magazine First Edition Book
伝説のスコップ / Shovel of Legend

2. Install an item (20 min)
Place and items:

Guest Room (客間)
ピンクローター / Pink rotor
バイブ / Vibe

Living Room (リビング)
アイマスク / Eye mask
電動マッサージ / Electric massage

Father's Room (舅の部屋)
アイマスク / Eye mask
ローション / Lotion
搾乳薬 / Breast medicine

Front Door (玄関)
ピンクローター / Pink rotor
バイブ / Vibe

Dining Room (ダイニング)
荒縄 / Roughness rope

Kitchen (キッチン)

Lavatory (洗面所)

Bathroom (浴室)
荒縄 / Roughness rope
ピンクローター / Pink rotor

1st Floor Toilet (1階トイレ)

2nd Floor Toilet (2階トイレ)

Bedroom (寝室)
電動マッサージ / Electric massager
アナルビーズ / Anal beads

Veranda (ベランダ)

3. Install a monitoring instrument (30 min)
設置状況: / Installation conditions:
盗聴器→設置済み / A. Wiretap → Installed
デジカメ→未設置 / B. Digital camera → Not installed
ビデオカメラ→未設置 / C. Video camera → Not installed
しかけない / Don't install

B. Digital camera → Not installed
月~水曜日 / Monday to Wednesday
火~木曜日 / Tuesday to Thursday
水~金曜日 / Wednesday to Friday
しかけない / Don't install

C. Video camera → Not installed
月曜日 / Monday
火曜日 / Tuesday
水曜日 / Wednesday
木曜日 / Thursday
金曜日 / Friday
しかけない / Don't install


さそう / Invite => Kissing
さそわない / No invite = LOVE Lv.-10, LUST Lv.-10

おしたおす / Push down => Sex
キスまで / Keep kissing = LOVE Lv.+20, LUST Lv.+10

固くなってきた / It has become hard = LOVE Lv.+30, LUST Lv.-30
柔らかくなってきた / Has become soft = LOVE Lv.-20, LUST Lv.+20


SAKI'S PHONE CALL #1 - Massage
肩もみを頼む / Allow shoulder massage
断れ / Refuse

SAKI'S PHONE CALL #2 - Man at the door
訪問販売を追い返さない / Not reject the door-to-door salesman
訪問販売を追い返す / Reject the door-to-door salesman

偽メール / Fake E-Mail
通販 / Mail Order
寝る / Sleep

Wife's E-Mail Password: 自宅警備員 (You can copy-paste the password, just not from a .txt file)
1. 舅 / Father
2. 上司 / Boss
3. チャラ男 / Salesman
やめておく / Stop

3. Salesman
キミに、触れて欲しいかも…。 / Hey, you might want to touch...
相手を再選択する / Choose another person

購入 / Buy
売却 / Sell
戻る / Return

盗聴器 / Wiretap : 12,500 yen
デジカメ / Digital camera : 25,000 yen
ビデオカメラ / Video camera : 50,000 yen
防水ビデオカメラ / Waterproof video camera : 80,000 yen
アイマスク / Eye mask : 1,050 yen
ローション / Lotion : 880 yen
搾乳薬 / Milking drugs : 7,280 yen
次のページ / Next page
購入しない / Don't buy

BUY (Next page)
荒縄 / Roughness rope : 880 yen
ピンクローター / Pink rotor : 1,050 yen
バイブ / Vibe : 3,200 yen
電動マッサージ / Electric massager : 1,800 yen
アナルビーズ / Anal beads : 840 yen
前のページ / Previous page
購入しない / Don't buy

盗聴器 / Wiretap
デジカメ / Digital camera
ビデオカメラ / Video camera
次のページ / Next page
売却しない / Don't sell

SELL (Next page)
妻のブラ / Saki's Bra : 3,000 yen
妻のショーツ / Saki's Pantsu : 5,000 yen
椿の盆栽 / Tsubaki's Bonsai : 3,000 yen
MyPhone : 4,000 yen
お宝雑誌初版本 / Treasure Magazine First Edition Book : 10,000 yen
伝説のスコップ / Shovel of Legend


The game is based on trial and error, in a frustrating way rather than a fun way.

I think you should just get a save. If you do want to attempt one route though (the one I managed to figure out) you need to play net games on the weekends and have sex but don't ejaculate on saturday nights. It's really advised to look at the CG to find out what rooms to record but the first two weeks once the salesman appears is by the front door, followed by two weeks in the lounge room near the kitchen, two (or maybe it was one) in the bath, and two in your bedroom.

I heard for the fathers route you need to raise love but lower libido. I never unlocked the 3rd/4th week worth of scenes doing that though.
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A few lines:

Google translate-fu:
- There is no ahegao/double peace
- There is no development to which the husband is abused by the complete pleasure fall.

And another portion:

Seems to roughly be:
On the contrary, the concept will be portrayed with dignity.
To a person who only wants a complete fall into pleasure, this game cannot be recommended.

Anyone who knows the language let me know otherwise, but from what I can tell from that, it seems like to won't be that hardcore. Hopefully I'm just misinterpreting it.

Yeah and at least one of the images on the page (the wife crying) point out to the fact that she regrets it, but again maybe that is only the canon ending, and in one or 2 of the others she will fall completely, i hope

PD: is that a comment from the creators or one in ntr blog?
PD: is that a comment from the creators or one in ntr blog?

They took the quote directly from Nomad's blog. It seems to me like they're trying for a more dramatic sort of game rather than pure ero-fuel, which some of you might like. I tend to prefer the latter more, honestly. :whistle:

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]

ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
Sk0rlupka wrote on Shine's profile.
Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: