Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

They took the quote directly from Nomad's blog. It seems to me like they're trying for a more dramatic sort of game rather than pure ero-fuel, which some of you might like. I tend to prefer the latter more, honestly. :whistle:

I tend to prefer whaever is in short order, so right i pretty much will appreciate anything remotely good xD, but i love anything where the girl gets, for lack of a better word, corrupted

pd: is out and now i remember why i through there would be corruption or at least a small change in her values, the change in hair color

pdd: am i the only one that find ironic that she goes from blue hair (wich in RL would be the rebel hair) to bronw wich is a more normal color?
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Does anyone here have [思考師団] ケダモノの嵐? Every links i found is dead :( , please share if you have it :)
Revenge Porn also comes out today, in addition to episode 4 of Miko NTR 2. I totally forgot about that. My expectations aren't very high, though.
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Boku Gatenkei visual book is realeased now! And DMM selling special edition with misaki OPPAD bonus :D.

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has anyone found this ntr game yet ?
code is RJ160051

Well....I don't really hopeful about the release of this game cuz usually when it comes to this company 'Willtame' ,seems nobody care/release their games . It's hard to find their rencently released games or even their older games since some trouble happened in Freakshare , filepost and Bitshare. :gokiko_white:
It's torturing to find old games this day while some seeds were dead and online site were downed
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Does anyone know how to make the axe in SURVIVE ~俺と彼女とアイツの無人島生活~? I found the big stone but can not seem to create it, dunno if i need some other wood.. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Also, does anyone know what i need to do to get Survive2~不思議な島で流されて~ to work? When I try to start it i just get a message about rgss200j.dll not being found. I did try to copy it from the first game and got survive 2 to start, but then it crashes when I try to start a new game at the main menu.
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Does anyone know how to make the axe in SURVIVE ~俺と彼女とアイツの無人島生活~? I found the big stone but can not seem to create it, dunno if i need some other wood.. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Also, does anyone know what i need to do to get Survive2~不思議な島で流されて~ to work? When I try to start it i just get a message about rgss200j.dll not being found. I did try to copy it from the first game and got survive 2 to start, but then it crashes when I try to start a new game at the main menu.

download or get off any of your others games rgss200j.dll and place it to same folder as others games.
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Reactions: trtlatstewa
Does anyone know how to make the axe in SURVIVE ~俺と彼女とアイツの無人島生活~? I found the big stone but can not seem to create it, dunno if i need some other wood.. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Also, does anyone know what i need to do to get Survive2~不思議な島で流されて~ to work? When I try to start it i just get a message about rgss200j.dll not being found. I did try to copy it from the first game and got survive 2 to start, but then it crashes when I try to start a new game at the main menu.

Just curious, did you download rpg maker rtp? Most rpgs were made under this system, maybe you should check out rpg maker VX/VX ACE.
Usually when I played rpg games(very few though), I just very lazy and I will copy all the files of RPG MAKER VX into those rpg games, It actually works, but this sounds stupid and waste the space of disk:whistle:
Does anyone know how to make the axe in SURVIVE ~俺と彼女とアイツの無人島生活~? I found the big stone but can not seem to create it, dunno if i need some other wood.. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Also, does anyone know what i need to do to get Survive2~不思議な島で流されて~ to work? When I try to start it i just get a message about rgss200j.dll not being found. I did try to copy it from the first game and got survive 2 to start, but then it crashes when I try to start a new game at the main menu.
I have found a 攻略(don't know how to translate in English:confused:) in this site, I found this very useful when I was playing SURVIVE ~俺と彼女とアイツの無人島生活 long long time ago.
What you need to crete a axe are 大きな鋭い石(big rock)×1と(and)太い木材(Big wood)×1, I guess all you left was the big wood, this can be found in 西の森A-2(according to the website), hope you have a good fapping day!:chuuni_salute:
Hey guys, Ive been out of the country for a while and I'm out of the loop. Is there any news on Marina 3? Is it at least in production right now?
Anyone here have sad panda account? I don't know why someone downvoting netorare tag in , please add netorare tag here. I don't kow why some netorare with loli always get netorare downvoted in sad panda, mayber there is a lolicon who hate netorare tag, haha.Oh, and i already check tagging thread in sad panda forum, and nobody complaint about netorare tag in that gallery Please help me, thanks :D.
Anyone here have sad panda account? I don't know why someone downvoting netorare tag in , please add netorare tag here. I don't kow why some netorare with loli always get netorare downvoted in sad panda, mayber there is a lolicon who hate netorare tag, haha.Oh, and i already check tagging thread in sad panda forum, and nobody complaint about netorare tag in that gallery Please help me, thanks :D.

I bet it's their admin whose name I never remember..he really hate NTR..
I bet it's their admin whose name I never remember..he really hate NTR..
I don't know, but it's really stupid if he does that.
BTW, the game doesn't have mystery, too bad :(
But it has gorgeous art!
I don't know, but it's really stupid if he does that.
BTW, the game doesn't have mystery, too bad :(
But it has gorgeous art!

yes, it's indeed a beautiful art, although loli things are not to my liking..

Hey guys, Ive been out of the country for a while and I'm out of the loop. Is there any news on Marina 3? Is it at least in production right now?

this one i will anticipate the most (if there's any news) >..>
hello guys a question, someone would accept steam games as payment to buy (ntr) for me in sites like dlsite?
Recently i finished NTRPG2 in one sitting. I thought there was no way i can be excited from RPG maker game with no CG, no voice, only simple background H voice, oh boy i can't be more wrong. Once i played it, i can't get away from it until i finished to the ending. All thanks to translation from m1zuki make all easier to play. After finished it, i felt a bit regret i didn't play the 1st game first since there was a bit cameo from 1st game (make it a bit spoiler-ish). Till now i still don't quite get what makes it so great, maybe the unusual story? illusion of freedom? show more by show it less? I am impressed especially in phase 2, i think the game top the previous phase.
I think the game can be even more amazing if they add heroine voice, HCG, but that's only if the voice, HCG is great itself. If not or the cost would be too high, maybe it's better off without them. And too bad there is no proper good ending, it's too sad and miserable i can't even fapped to it :D.
If you want different NTR experience, i think its a must play.
Now since i opened my eyes I must wonder, is there any other great NTR RPG Maker game? Any other NTR RPG Maker game that can top NTRPG2?
Recently i finished NTRPG2 in one sitting. I thought there was no way i can be excited from RPG maker game with no CG, no voice, only simple background H voice, oh boy i can't be more wrong. Once i played it, i can't get away from it until i finished to the ending. All thanks to translation from m1zuki make all easier to play. After finished it, i felt a bit regret i didn't play the 1st game first since there was a bit cameo from 1st game (make it a bit spoiler-ish). Till now i still don't quite get what makes it so great, maybe the unusual story? illusion of freedom? show more by show it less? I am impressed especially in phase 2, i think the game top the previous phase.
I think the game can be even more amazing if they add heroine voice, HCG, but that's only if the voice, HCG is great itself. If not or the cost would be too high, maybe it's better off without them. And too bad there is no proper good ending, it's too sad and miserable i can't even fapped to it :D.
If you want different NTR experience, i think its a must play.
Now since i opened my eyes I must wonder, is there any other great NTR RPG Maker game? Any other NTR RPG Maker game that can top NTRPG2?
Yup, this is a masterpiece, not only because the NTR feeling is actually here, but also because there is a case of mass-NTR, which isn't something I saw in a game until that one ^^
NTRPG1 is a little bit less impressive technically speaking, but the story is also awesome, especially the beginning. Apart from those 2, I can't think of something as well done as NTRPG. A lot of these kind of games are using the female pov, which is OK as a normal corruption rpg game, but isn't good ntr-wise.
Yeah, the mass-NTR makes it so sad.. It feels like everyone but MC is having a great time, i rage super hard on that, lol..
But the lack of connection with other women soften the blow a bit.
I think there was only 1 woman, Nami aside from main heroines who has "a bit" of connection with MC. She is the first woman introduced in phase 2.
Yeah, the mass-NTR makes it so sad.. It feels like everyone but MC is having a great time, i rage super hard on that, lol..
But the lack of connection with other women soften the blow a bit.
I think there was only 1 woman, Nami aside from main heroines who has "a bit" of connection with MC. She is the first woman introduced in phase 2.
Yup, I think that some more normal life (their childhood for ex) was shown.
I loved how much a strong woman like Kaede was defiled, and I wish I could see more of it. There was some weird feeling watching her ^^
Yup, this is a masterpiece, not only because the NTR feeling is actually here, but also because there is a case of mass-NTR, which isn't something I saw in a game until that one ^^
NTRPG1 is a little bit less impressive technically speaking, but the story is also awesome, especially the beginning. Apart from those 2, I can't think of something as well done as NTRPG. A lot of these kind of games are using the female pov, which is OK as a normal corruption rpg game, but isn't good ntr-wise.

Mass-ntr? could you explain that?

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