Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

check out the GVG-410 近所の浪人生に寝取られたギャル嫁 AIKA
Yeah, netorase falls under the umbrella of NTR but for me it doesn't really register as netorare anymore. It was decent at first and marina is a great game with a great heroine, but after seeing a few of them I just stopped feeling any NTR backlash. I just can't sympathise with the protag once he tells his partner to do another guy himself, for the sake of his fetish. Or arranges for another man to seduce her without his knowledge. In that kind of situation there's no sense of loss or betrayal, and no matter what happens I feel the protag invited it on himself. If she leaves for the other guy or if it ruins their marriage and/or families a la netoraserare, he made that bed himself. That twisting in your gut when you see real NTR when a guy who's done nothing to deserve it is betrayed by the girl he loves, just isn't there. At least not for me. For me the protag has to be the victim, and anything he intentionally does to bring about the NTR lessens that. Not counts if he makes mistakes that end up with the girl getting stolen, or getting turned on when it happens. He has to deliberately mess things up for somer reason or other, or do something else that makes you lose sympathy for him. If he cheats first for example, that's a big minus. And in the case of the latest Venus games, when he fell for a married woman with a child and had a relationship with her, he lost all right to call himself a victim and can't say he was NTRed when some other guy does the same thing. It's the main reason I was disappointed in those games.
On the other hand I actually like it when the protag has the fetish himself. Just not when he makes it happen himself. I've been fantasising about a story for years where the guy has the fetish but is convinced it's not something he should do in real life and feels ashamed for even thinking it would be hot if his cute, devoted girlfriend did it with another guy. But it gets exposed to her and then she decides to make his fantasy come true. Not because she's a slut who just wants to cheat, but because she thinks it'll actually make him happy. Bonus points if her motives are pure at first, but after doing it she begins to get turned on by the situation and the idea of the man she loves seeing her cheat on him. That scenario would make my dick explode. Haven't seen anyone do it yet though.

Also, Karate musume was a good one. Type A done right. I hope venus does another like that one for their next game.

I agree completely, though you do know I was describing the plot of the game you were asking about, not just a random question right? According to the summary her husband his friend ran out on a loan where he was the guarantor and was left with a 10million yen debt and is killing himself trying to pay it off. So she decides to do whatever she has to to help him, and ends up disguising herself as a high school girl (she was married fresh out of school) and do school girl prostitution. At least, that's how I understand it. So I was wondering why you called it Type A.

I can totally believe that. Most companies will rather produce quick and easy nukige, rather than spend time, effort and funding to make a real game.
Nice to hear from you again Animefan. ;)

I have been commenting a lot the past few weeks xD, its just that when a conversation carries on for many pages and i am not in from the begining i tend to ignore it xD, too lazy to read it all.

BTW that scenario you described, is almost as if you wanted one of us to be the protagonists xD
I didn't like Marina series.


Just kidding. To everyone their own. I like all kind of NTR as long as it was executed nicely.
a NTR light novel popped on kickstarter I have no idea who the people involved are especially the writer, just wanted to give people a heads up
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Just kidding. To everyone their own. I like all kind of NTR as long as it was executed nicely.

Don't worry, more people in this thread love Marina than hating it, Lol. For me it's not just the netorase, Marina herself is such a great character. I've never played great NTR type C though, if you can even categorize it as NTR.
Don't worry, more people in this thread love Marina than hating it, Lol. For me it's not just the netorase, Marina herself is such a great character. I've never played great NTR type C though, if you can even categorize it as NTR.

Actually I was afraid to pen that since this is NTR specific thread but to be damn honest that is one of the biggest reasons I like Marina series. The heroine fits perfectly with the situation. I have seen a lot of AS NTR games and Marina is the first heroine that actually stood out and other heroines felt really generic compared to her. I felt the same playing x-change series as well. The heroine of the first 3 series really made me HER fan. Though not an NTR but it was a good example of a character standing out. Later on the x-change series really went downhill as far as heroine design became more in line with other side characters but that is another topic.

NTR-C... I am not sure how I feel about it. I mean I know I did say that I like all type of NTR but C category never stuck me as NTR either. More like borderline rape-the-living-daylights-out-of-her-until-she-breaks. Somehow feels really unsatisfying in my books. I mean I really tried barreling through Rinkan Kurabu but failed midway. Even couldn't bear to watch the anime. Somehow it turned me off big time. I am gonna give NTR-C another go with Shin Hoka No Otoko but not sure how far I'll get if the heroine keeps crying and then becomes a broken doll in the end... much of the reason I avoid reckless slavery games as well.
Be careful about kick starters, usually you should be able to watch/see what they're working as a preview of the investment you're going to pay for. You might get scammed if not.

Under the Dog was an example where a preview product was show in form of a PV and even then the project went through problems before the final product.
Actually I was afraid to pen that since this is NTR specific thread but to be damn honest that is one of the biggest reasons I like Marina series. The heroine fits perfectly with the situation. I have seen a lot of AS NTR games and Marina is the first heroine that actually stood out and other heroines felt really generic compared to her. I felt the same playing x-change series as well. The heroine of the first 3 series really made me HER fan. Though not an NTR but it was a good example of a character standing out. Later on the x-change series really went downhill as far as heroine design became more in line with other side characters but that is another topic.

NTR-C... I am not sure how I feel about it. I mean I know I did say that I like all type of NTR but C category never stuck me as NTR either. More like borderline rape-the-living-daylights-out-of-her-until-she-breaks. Somehow feels really unsatisfying in my books. I mean I really tried barreling through Rinkan Kurabu but failed midway. Even couldn't bear to watch the anime. Somehow it turned me off big time. I am gonna give NTR-C another go with Shin Hoka No Otoko but not sure how far I'll get if the heroine keeps crying and then becomes a broken doll in the end... much of the reason I avoid reckless slavery games as well.
I like NTR-C especially on M&M games and rpgs, to bad usually it's just a scene or two and it's over =/
Be careful about kick starters, usually you should be able to watch/see what they're working as a preview of the investment you're going to pay for. You might get scammed if not.

Under the Dog was an example where a preview product was show in form of a PV and even then the project went through problems before the final product.

Well i haven't even touched a porn related one, but overall i think they are worthy, gems like pillars of eternity and wasteland 2 came out thanks to them! of course there are the ones that offer a fun and perphaps worrying insight into human nature (like the one for the perfect mayoinesse).

PD: i hope this has an online or digital release, because if its only published physically then i am screwed :chuuni_reality: !
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My old NTR recomendation list:
-Aisai Nikki from Orcsoft
-All ntr eroge from Autobahn
-教育ママの鳴かせかた, 良妻賢母失格, and Emma milf warrior from Heisendou (Emma is RPG game, gladly ulmf users already translate it)

And, if you want to play NTR with unique mindbreak story, try ブラック企業 from Luna team bitters . At first i thought this is typical mind control NTR game, but actually Heroine doesn't get standard Hypnotize like in other MC Eroge. Heroine got stressed because her jobs in Black company, and secretly her boss and other subordinates giving her small sugestion and slowly break her minds untill completely became slave of company.
My old NTR recomendation list:
-Aisai Nikki from Orcsoft
-All ntr eroge from Autobahn
-教育ママの鳴かせかた, 良妻賢母失格, and Emma milf warrior from Heisendou (Emma is RPG game, gladly ulmf users already translate it)

Aisai Nikki! You must be my NTR soul brother. *No Homo Hug* I really hate Orcsoft for abandoning their approach to NTR after Aisai.

Interestingly enough I just finished Me Kurumeku Bu Ai no Utage. I was immediately interested as soon as I saw the heroine largely because she had an uncanny resemblance to the heroine of Musuko no Tomodachi's, Yoko. Sadly when it came to NTR content, it felt a bit light and unsatisfyingly little. Still a good read and nicely done art, something I didn't expect from Autobahn after I went through their dumpster porn titles like Greater Heal and Demiparadoxia. Will try other titles later on.

教育ママの鳴かせかた, 良妻賢母失格 was also on my list. But I am having a hard time finding a download source. Emma I have it downloaded so I am just waiting to clear some time to start it. I haven't even started on NTRPG yet which I hear a lot of great things about.

The only game I could finish from Lune was Kanojo ga Mimai ni Konai Wake. I am still in the middle of trying to finish Ore wa Kanojo o Shinjiteru! but Lune games are so long with so many trap choices that I am really struggling here. Gambare ore.
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Many questions and my boner is more of an intellectual type. Must research answers. I need a lab coat the size of my junior....

Do they make lab coats that sma......sorry I almost gave in to temptation, but I won't say it. I'm bigger than that. Ha! Bigger! I kill myself sometimes......

I have been commenting a lot the past few weeks xD, its just that when a conversation carries on for many pages and i am not in from the begining i tend to ignore it xD, too lazy to read it all.

BTW that scenario you described, is almost as if you wanted one of us to be the protagonists xD

I didn't mean you hadn't been I around. I meant that I and it was nice to hear from you after coming back. :rolleyes:

And yeah, the kind of scenario I like is one I can easily self-insert into, so a protag who is just like most of the posters in this thread (happy to fantasise but don't actually want it to happen IRL), then it appeals to me. IE, a protag I can self-insert with experiencing the kind of situation I'm fantasising about. Just fantasising though.

a NTR light novel popped on kickstarter I have no idea who the people involved are especially the writer, just wanted to give people a heads up

Interesting. I do a few things on patreon, but haven't used kickstarter before. If it's just $5 though I don't mind if it makes the project happen and I get the digital version when it's done. Not too bad.
BTW, I've signed up to m1zuki's patreon (the guy who translated the NTRPG series), has anyone else here done? Also is anyone else looking forward to his/her next translation, Amor Magic Academy? I haven't tried it in japanese, but seeing it has sprite sex scenes as well as CGs, and has you playing at the academy with the day divided into different times, the inspiration from NTRPG is obvious which makes me want to play it. Since it's being translated though, I'm waiting till it's done. Anyone else care?

And, if you want to play NTR with unique mindbreak story, try ブラック企業 from Luna team bitters . At first i thought this is typical mind control NTR game, but actually Heroine doesn't get standard Hypnotize like in other MC Eroge. Heroine got stressed because her jobs in Black company, and secretly her boss and other subordinates giving her small sugestion and slowly break her minds untill completely became slave of company.

Sound a little more interesting than the usual mind control, but I'm actually fantasising about the opposite situation. Anyone ever see a story where the protag is the one hypnotises instead? I'm thinking about a situation where they're playing around with amateur hypnotism, a guy, his girlfriend and another guy. Guy let's other guy try it on him (possibly because he doesn't want him trying on the girl instead) sure that it won't do anything. But it actually does, and other guy plants a suggestion for him to not believe his girlfriend is cheating on him no matter what. Even if he sees something happen with his own eyes, he'll be convinced he's suffering from paranoid delusions and was hallucinating. He then tells him to forget it, releases the hypno and lets him think it didn't work. Then the real twist starts, since it's not about being able to rape the girl without the guy being able to do anything. No, other guy just gropes her a bit to "prove it really worked", and then just leaves her with the knowledge that "you can cheat on him and definitely get away with it. Even if you bring another guy to his bedroom and bang right in front of him, he'll be convinced it was a bad dream". At first she's completely disgusted, but then it slow goes to work on her. Even though she never even considered cheating before, now that she knows that she can get away with it, suddenly she's strangely tempted. Kind of like how someone would never normally steal money from a bank, but if you gave them a way withdraw a fortune with the guarantee it was untraceable, they might suddenly start to think "well if it's just a little it won't hurt anyone". And once he's planted the idea in her mind, he comes around regularly to do stuff to her in front of her boyfriend while she sits there thinking "is my boyfriend really just going to sit and watch, then act like it never happened afterwards?" and ends up letting it happen. Of course, it would all be from the protag PoV, with him seeing all this stuff, and getting more and more unstable as he's convinced it's all a delusion and that he's losing his mind. He wonders why he's always imagining his girlfriend cheating on him "do I have that kind of fetish?" unaware it really is happening right in front of him. After a while girl slowly gets corrupted and starts enjoying it, saying and doing all sorts of things, then acting like normal afterwards and seeing he confused "why'd I imagine something like that" look on his face as she hides a smile of her own.
Sorry for going into detail randomly. I really need an outlet for this stuff. I'd write, but I'm too damned lazy.......
教育ママの鳴かせかた, 良妻賢母失格 was also on my list. But I am having a hard time finding a download source. Emma I have it downloaded so I am just waiting to clear some time to start it. I haven't even started on NTRPG yet which I hear a lot of great things about.

I have that game, if you want it, i can upload it via mega for you
Guys, you are experts, so I politely ask, if you can tell me:
animes, mangas, pc games with info translated or not
with following situations pictured:

Guy has a woman, she cheats on him (NTR or not) and get pregnant. She (preferably) don't tell him who is the real father and he thinks it is his. It may not be 100% NTR fetish, sorry, but SOME of the stories could have NTR things inside.

Second situation, quite pure NTR (?) is where guy pursues relationship(s) with woman(en), but all these women have their plans - have relationships and sex with other guys. I'am quite relaxed about how to picture that, I mean pure text game is also ok. Guys suffering is not necessary (for example guy see that he can't win specific woman and pursues another, but WE see that this woman has a new guy and does with him a plenty of things).

For example. I liked Tsumamigui3 because of sprite sex. Excellent trade-off between showing explicit porn and leaving everything to our imagination. Oh, btw. I can't read nor understand Japanese.

Thanks! Much appreciated fellow NTR lover. I will take you up on your kind offer.
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Wow man, that scenario never crossed my mind. normally it's only the girl that is hypnotized to the point it's such a cliche in eroge. i hope someday that scenario can be realized. it's really such a shame NTR creator rarely make such a unique scenario, instead only use very common cliche.
Actually I could swear I saw an ova about that years ago except it was a married couple instead.
BTW, I've signed up to m1zuki's patreon (the guy who translated the NTRPG series), has anyone else here done? Also is anyone else looking forward to his/her next translation, Amor Magic Academy? I haven't tried it in japanese, but seeing it has sprite sex scenes as well as CGs, and has you playing at the academy with the day divided into different times, the inspiration from NTRPG is obvious which makes me want to play it. Since it's being translated though, I'm waiting till it's done. Anyone else care?
I support him too, though modestly, as it's a good patreon scheme (translation based and not monthly based). Note that I don't think Amor Magic Academy will be that ntr though.

Sound a little more interesting than the usual mind control, but I'm actually fantasising about the opposite situation. Anyone ever see a story where the protag is the one hypnotises instead? I'm thinking about a situation where they're playing around with amateur hypnotism, a guy, his girlfriend and another guy. ...
I like the idea!
Sound a little more interesting than the usual mind control, but I'm actually fantasising about the opposite situation. Anyone ever see a story where the protag is the one hypnotises instead? I'm thinking about a situation where they're playing around with amateur hypnotism, a guy, his girlfriend and another guy. Guy let's other guy try it on him (possibly because he doesn't want him trying on the girl instead) sure that it won't do anything. But it actually does, and other guy plants a suggestion for him to not believe his girlfriend is cheating on him no matter what. Even if he sees something happen with his own eyes, he'll be convinced he's suffering from paranoid delusions and was hallucinating. He then tells him to forget it, releases the hypno and lets him think it didn't work. Then the real twist starts, since it's not about being able to rape the girl without the guy being able to do anything. No, other guy just gropes her a bit to "prove it really worked", and then just leaves her with the knowledge that "you can cheat on him and definitely get away with it. Even if you bring another guy to his bedroom and bang right in front of him, he'll be convinced it was a bad dream". At first she's completely disgusted, but then it slow goes to work on her. Even though she never even considered cheating before, now that she knows that she can get away with it, suddenly she's strangely tempted. Kind of like how someone would never normally steal money from a bank, but if you gave them a way withdraw a fortune with the guarantee it was untraceable, they might suddenly start to think "well if it's just a little it won't hurt anyone". And once he's planted the idea in her mind, he comes around regularly to do stuff to her in front of her boyfriend while she sits there thinking "is my boyfriend really just going to sit and watch, then act like it never happened afterwards?" and ends up letting it happen. Of course, it would all be from the protag PoV, with him seeing all this stuff, and getting more and more unstable as he's convinced it's all a delusion and that he's losing his mind. He wonders why he's always imagining his girlfriend cheating on him "do I have that kind of fetish?" unaware it really is happening right in front of him. After a while girl slowly gets corrupted and starts enjoying it, saying and doing all sorts of things, then acting like normal afterwards and seeing he confused "why'd I imagine something like that" look on his face as she hides a smile of her own.
Sorry for going into detail randomly. I really need an outlet for this stuff. I'd write, but I'm too damned lazy.......

Wow, that sounds awesome, the closest i can think right now is one the saimin games from black rainbow
Wow, that sounds awesome, the closest i can think right now is one the saimin games from black rainbow

I might be, I haven't played those as much as other games. Since the problem there is they focus on hypnosis as the main theme and fetish, with NTR in some of the routes, so it not quite the same. Plus it's mostly the protag doing the hypnosis and NTRing.

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