Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Yes, I know about that group. Already have all of their works, bought and paid for even. I really like the way they do NTR, even with the originally amateur art. Some people will probably be put off by what an oblivious fool the protag from their original setting is, but so long as you think of him as the typical foolish, positive protagonist of a shounen manga who believes in friends and family no matter what and always steps forward to do the right thing, then it's more relatable than you'd think. Just that this is what happens when the shounen type protagonist is actually real, but the people around him are less noble, his trusted granddad just wants to get hands on the cute childhood friend with the big boobs and said childhood friend may act strong willed and get mad when he sexually harasses her in front of the protag, but is suprisingly weak to persistent pressure when the protag isn't around to see it.
His obliviousness is also what makes the not so stealthy NTR sex possible without him instantly realising. And the best part is they release two galleries, one of the protag PoV and then another of the heroines, so MYSTERY!

Downside is that the last few CG galleries they released have all come with the sites copy protection, which requires you to download their reader to view it using your site log in. Which is why they're hard to find online and why an english translation is likely a pie in the sky. Still, they're worth checking out. Especially the rpgmaker game they made using the CG gallery they released, meaning you can text hook and translate. The heroine is really my type too.

Yeah you are right. I normally prefer when the MC finds out about the cheating. That rage moment is precious to me. However this case is the exception. I hope the author keep doing more and more sequels in which we get to see how the relationship between the couple developes: They become a cople, then they are engage (a cheating wedding night would be AWESOME!!!), then they are married and plan to have a kid, etc..... Making a game, for every step of the way, while the grandpa keep fucking the shit out of her withouth the MC noticing. That would be great!!!! I at least hope they finally get together in this game, since in the last CG they finally had sex (althought I think the MC believes it was just a dream).

I really like when authors take a good work and make sequels and develope the story. You feel a stronger bond with the characters and between the characters that way.
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well. Yes, I know about that group. Already have all of their works, bought and paid for even. I really like the way they do NTR, even with the originally amateur art. Some people will probably be put off by what an oblivious fool the protag from their original setting is, but so long as you think of him as the typical foolish, positive protagonist of a shounen manga who believes in friends and family no matter what and always steps forward to do the right thing, then it's more relatable than you'd think. Just that this is what happens when the shounen type protagonist is actually real, but the people around him are less noble, his trusted granddad just wants to get hands on the cute childhood friend with the big boobs and said childhood friend may act strong willed and get mad when he sexually harasses her in front of the protag, but is suprisingly weak to persistent pressure when the protag isn't around to see it.
His obliviousness is also what makes the not so stealthy NTR sex possible without him instantly realising. And the best part is they release two galleries, one of the protag PoV and then another of the heroines, so MYSTERY!

Downside is that the last few CG galleries they released have all come with the sites copy protection, which requires you to download their reader to view it using your site log in. Which is why they're hard to find online and why an english translation is likely a pie in the sky. Still, they're worth checking out. Especially the rpgmaker game they made using the CG gallery they released, meaning you can text hook and translate. The heroine is really my type too.

Can you link me the game? even if its just the dlsite, also what is the name of the groups to see what i can find on sadpanda?
Oh rpgntr most representative circle has revived. Good.
Isnhe continuing 3? Or just skipping to 4?

You can count with 1 hand their NTS works tho ????

Straigh to 4th, i just hope he waited until it was almost ready to unveil it, sort of how many companies wait to announce titles so they are released 1 or 2 months later, well at least in cases where the games have their own page or something.
Yeah i love things like that, even when they are a little ridiculous, 1 thing that would be hot is something like online videos only instead of videos is more like a blog where netori guy writes about his conquest with all details except names, that would be perfect since that way the prota is less likely to connept the dots realistically and we get all the details (in a game we could swith POV at some point and see all those escenes too directly).
Rascou used this system in his games, and it was great in Toaru Hahaoya Tno Ayamachi series which can be considered as mystery ntr too. I hope he will do more games like this. But practical problem for us, ppl who doesn't know Japanese, is that its usually harder to hook this kind of text :(

And speaking about ntr stealth sex realism - VNs dont have to be 100% realistic, story should be believable but there are always some illogical things or limitations and we just go with them, like MC plot armor, story in netori or family romance games, turn-based tactical games, etc. And there always a lot of ways to rationale it if writers wanted, like getting protag drunk is one way, or make him a bit physically unstable so he will question what is real and what is not. And i don't think that oblivious protag is a bad thing either if game is enjoyable anyway.

Hanataka is alive! The dev from the NTRPG series made a post on his blog after going missing for two years. It looks like NTRPG3 is on hold and he jumped straight to NTRPG4... What a twist!
Thats amazing news, i just hope it wont take him years to finish it and then another few years for someone to translate it. There also a lot of hrpgs on Steam now, and we getting even more each month, so releasing first two NTRPGs there would also make more people to appreciate ntr rpgs. I didn't even think there could be good NTR games on rpgmaker engine but his NTRPGS proved me wrong.

You can count with 1 hand their NTS works tho ????
Problem is, i think, that we just got too many netorase games in general recently and it feels like its cannibalizing on NTR genre, we get less NTR games and more NTS. I dont know why this is happening, im sure there are various reasons, but its just not happy times for people who likes ntr and don't like netorase
Also i've noticed that there are more samples CG on getchu then on official page for Ai Suru Tsuma, Mariko no Furin Houkoku ~Otto Kounin no Gachi Furin Sex~
I especially liked
(here is direct link if pic wont load

And here is bonus - another ntr work from shadman
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Oh, so the guy with the goat chin is the new partner I thought that was husband turns the husband only appears in that last sample lol. We can easily guess what he is hearing to.
Can you link me the game? even if its just the dlsite, also what is the name of the groups to see what i can find on sadpanda?

Unfortunately, for some reason the RPG version is only available on DMM here. You can find a few torrents for it on sukebei, but they aren't very healthy. The group is called 第六花壇/Sixth Flowerbed.

And speaking about ntr stealth sex realism - VNs dont have to be 100% realistic, story should be believable but there are always some illogical things or limitations and we just go with them, like MC plot armor, story in netori or family romance games, turn-based tactical games, etc. And there always a lot of ways to rationale it if writers wanted, like getting protag drunk is one way, or make him a bit physically unstable so he will question what is real and what is not. And i don't think that oblivious protag is a bad thing either if game is enjoyable anyway.

I totally agree. But some people just have to take things way too seriously and throw a fit when anything isn't just perfectly to their liking.
Most hentai is pretty much fantasy anyway. Literally the artist's erotic fantasy. So some suspension of disbelief is obligatory. It's there to get your motor running.
The worst is when the NTR-haters attack NTR for being "unrealistic". Personally I find it a lot more believable than all the h-manga where a selection of beautiful women all decide they have to have sex with the same generic male lead and then happily become his harem. But do you ever see anyone bitching about how unrealistic they are? Nope.

Also i've noticed that there are more samples CG on getchu then on official page for Ai Suru Tsuma, Mariko no Furin Houkoku ~Otto Kounin no Gachi Furin Sex~
I especially liked
(here is direct link if pic wont load

I love that picture. I'm not to big on NTS, but this kind i might actually like. One where she knows about his fetish and goes off and has an affair without his permission and get a kick out of coming back and telling him everything she's done. Where she actually seems to get as much a kick out of the situation as the husband. That's pretty rare.
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Unfortunately, for some reason the RPG version is only available on DMM here. You can find a few torrents for it on sukebei, but they aren't very healthy. The group is called 第六花壇/Sixth Flowerbed.

I totally agree. But some people just have to take things way too seriously and throw a fit when anything isn't just perfectly to their liking.
Most hentai is pretty much fantasy anyway. Literally the artist's erotic fantasy. So some suspension of disbelief is obligatory. It's there to get your motor running.
The worst is when the NTR-haters attack NTR for being "unrealistic". Personally I find it a lot more believable than all the h-manga where a selection of beautiful women all decide they have to have sex with the same generic male lead and then happily become his harem. But do you ever see anyone bitching about how unrealistic they are? Nope.

I love that picture. I'm not to big on NTS, but this kind i might actually like. One where she knows about his fetish and goes off and has an affair with his permission and get a kick out of coming back and telling him everything she's done. Where she actually seems to get as much a kick out of the situation as the husband. That's pretty rare.

Unhealthy as in full of viruses (for sure, not false positives) or that it lacks a crack?
Good, now i just need the name since dmm doesn't want to open =S

MAGNET LINK I'm seeding but if you can't dowload it (there are only 2 seeders) the name of the game is: [H-Game] [RPG] [第六花壇] 少年勇者ケン~じいちゃんの病気を治の巻~ [The sixth flower bed] cure the disease of the Boy brave man Ken - grandpa! no Maki ... Ver.1.01

Rascou used this system in his games, and it was great in Toaru Hahaoya Tno Ayamachi series which can be considered as mystery ntr too. I hope he will do more games like this. But practical problem for us, ppl who doesn't know Japanese, is that its usually harder to hook this kind of text :(

Problem is, i think, that we just got too many netorase games in general recently and it feels like its cannibalizing on NTR genre, we get less NTR games and more NTS. I dont know why this is happening, im sure there are various reasons, but its just not happy times for people who likes ntr and don't like netorase

I have never have problem hooking the text in the Hahaoya games. ITHVNR hooks the text just fine, even the protected copy from dlsite. It even grabs the LIME and blog text.

It's kind of funny because if you think about it, Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi and it's SEQUEL are actually Netorase. Well, they are actually a pretty rare hybrid. They are Mystery Netorase with a strong Netorare feeling, in a story with a lighthearted mood, with subtle rom-com undertones but still strong betrayal, inmorality and corruption (change of heart would be more accurate perhaps). It's something really unique that I can't recommend enough to anyone that likes NTR in general. The fact that someone like Gnoomus (someone that doesn't really like NTS and is into stories with a darker/evil feeling) could enjoy it so much, speaks of just how great Rascou's storytelling really is. It's pretty easy to mix all those uneven elements and mess it up pretty badly, but Rascou could pull it off in a magnificent way. I might make a review of it some of these days. Rascou is a developer that doesn't get the attention he deserves. I think he is at the same level with the best in the industry like Venus or Anim.

I totally agree. But some people just have to take things way too seriously and throw a fit when anything isn't just perfectly to their liking.
Most hentai is pretty much fantasy anyway. Literally the artist's erotic fantasy. So some suspension of disbelief is obligatory. It's there to get your motor running.
The worst is when the NTR-haters attack NTR for being "unrealistic". Personally I find it a lot more believable than all the h-manga where a selection of beautiful women all decide they have to have sex with the same generic male lead and then happily become his harem. But do you ever see anyone bitching about how unrealistic they are? Nope.

Wow, From now on, I'm gonna answer just that to whoever bitch about how unrealistic NTR is LOL.

I love that picture. I'm not to big on NTS, but this kind i might actually like. One where she knows about his fetish and goes off and has an affair with his permission and get a kick out of coming back and telling him everything she's done. Where she actually seems to get as much a kick out of the situation as the husband. That's pretty rare.

It seems geniouses think alike LOL. You just give me tha last piece of a puzzle that has being in my mind from some time now. I have being wondering why I like some Netorase works and not others. At first I thought I didn't like it, but there are some NTS that really gets me going for some reason. I couldn't figure out why, until I found THIS MANGA on sadpanda and later on I read your comment. I get it now, and I think I get why there are some NTS that are great (like Marina) and others that are kind of dissapointing (like the one from ANIM).

Let me tell you guys what I think. I think Netorase is akin to another fetish: MASOCHISM. To be accurate the MC in Netorase stories is a masochistic, since masochism is not limited to physical pain. Now, before continuing let me clarify that I'm talking about the depiction of Netorase and Masochism in hentai (manga/CG/VN), not in real life, it's important to differentiate them. Both, the Masochist as the Cuck, enjoy pain, the diference between them is the source and nature of that pain. While a masochism enjoys pysical pain (nature) given to him by his dominatrix (source), the Cuck enjoys mental pain (nature) given to him by his wife fucking with someone else (source). I know it's a lot more complicated than that, there are other elements like vouyerism, corruption, etc. inside the NTS genre, also masochists also enjoy mental pain, humillation and degradation, this is something that the Cucks in NTS also enjoy, but at the very core we can say that in NTS the Cuck is someone that enjoys the pain caused by her wife cheating on him, this is NTS in a nutshell.

Now you might be thinking: "So, what's the deal? We already know about that. We often see the MC crying while fapping as he watches his wife getting fucked. We know he is a masochism. What does it has to do with good NTS and bad NTS?". Well, the problem comes in the execution. If you think of any good femdom in hentai there is something the MC always lack, and that's CONTROL. He nevers controls the situation, he is always at the mercy of someone else. This lack of control multiplies his excitment, he can't help but wonder, what will happend to him, how far will she go, he is afraid and helpless as well as excited. Now imagine a femdom where the MC can call it quits whenever he wants, or that he has some kind of control of the situation and is always safe. Ask any femdom fan and he will tell you that isn't exciting at all. The lack of control from the MC plays a big role in femdom and masochism in general (again, talking about hentai), and I think the same applies to Netorase.

I haven't played/read many Netorase works, but the few I remember I really liked were the ones in which the MC didn't really have the control of the situation. For instance the manga I linked above that mix Netorase with femdom. Also the SECOND and THIRD chapter of Mesu Kachou Jogeza. Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ and Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ also depic this kind of situation.

On the other hand we have Anim Netorase VN, where the husband has the control of the situation at all times. Even if her wife creates the illusion of losing that control, it was just that, and illusion, a magic trick pulled by her. So there were really no risk at all, the MC had the control of the situation at all times. So, at first you think it's Netorase turning in to Netorare, but at the end you not only realize there is no Netorare, but you also learn that the husband actually had control at all times, so it's a double let down (an anticlimax if you would call it). I think that's one of the reasons why it was a let down for a lot of people including me (I think it's good, but it was a let down nonetheless). I think that's also why most people prefer organized Netorase turn into Netorare, or Swapping going wrong. The lack of control from the MC multiplies the excitement by a lot. Even if by the end the couple ends up happy together or if the husband is happy and acceptant of her wife getting fucked by other men, the point is that he didn't have control over it or that he loses the control at some point. Even subtleties like THESE can make a whole difference.

And now we get to the quote of DiabolicalGenius above. I think that the mentallity of the wife is key in Netorase. Artists and developers focus too much into breaking the wife, however I think that the wife must be corrupted not broken. So instead of focusing to much into making the wife/girlfriend go from: "Not please I don't want to betray my husband, please forgive me" to "Darling, gomennasai!!! I'm comming!!! Iku, Iku Ikuuuuuuu!!!!" they should focus more into making her go from "Darling, I love you, so I will never cheat on you" to "Darling, I love you, so I will make you suffer". The wife will learn to get a kick out of making his husband dispair and suffer, just like a dominatrix gets a kick out of punishing his "pet", but she will never go too far, before the thread breaks, she will stop. That's probably why works like Marina are so popular.

I still have some toughts on the matter that I would like to discuss, but this post it's already too long, so let's stop here. I would love to hear your opinions, whetter you agree or not.
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Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi is something really unique that I can't recommend enough to anyone that likes NTR in general.
Reading the comments here about it I decided to give it a whirl despite not liking shota at all. And boy I'm glad I did, the blog format is something I really like and only wish was in more games; really loving it so far.
Does anyone know what the latest version of the game is? The best I could find to download is 1.44 but I think it might be out of date?
How's the new Atelier Sakura game?

Can anyone who finished playing give a breakdown?
More stuff added for the next ANIM game:
character voices:

I must have had a misunderstanding the whole time, mainly because I am using Google translate for the Japanese text. I was under the impression that the younger brown hair wife (Mayumi) was the mother of the innocent dude (Takumi). However with the latest update she's doing it with him, and one of the voice samples has her moaning his name. Can someone help clarify? I thought the whole thing was about challenging each other to get their rivals' mother. Maybe someone can clarify? Or we will just wait until we can play. Here's a copy and paste of what google translate tells me from the story premise, and what I am understanding now is Eita (mischievous one) is related to Mayumi, maybe she's an mom/step-mom or aunt, since it translates to t hem being "physically related". Sorry visual novels are tough from me, I end up have to piecing together myself lol.
Source -, for anyone who can clarify the japanese.

"One day, the main character " Takumi " will be seen.
My mother ' Mayumi ' and a friend ' Eita ' are physically related. Taku I met a friend 's mother' Ayako '

at the place that jumped out with momentum and become a relationship between men and women. It was Takumi who is addicted to the relationship with Ayako who was a longing woman, but this time he is known to Eita. Eita's provocation, and from the opposition, to compete to prove which one really loves the opponent ! What? "
How's the new Atelier Sakura game?

Can anyone who finished playing give a breakdown?

For a netorase game by Atelier Sakura, it's not good.

The game is too short. I mean, the wife goes from a timid young woman to an open minded who accepts to try almost everything without any resistance (except to watch her husband with another woman...) after maybe 30 minutes. Marina and Mariko are a lot better. Mariko was short too, but since the wife was already cheating on her husband, most of the game was about the story she tells to her husband and his feelings about it. In this new game, it's just the husband who talks with his colleague about sex and then asks his wife if she wants to try X or Y and she always answers "Ehh? Well, ok" until the last part where you have a bit of NTR (and a "bad" end if you want).

You can try, but I won't recommend it.
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Pin point game is out.

Hope someone will post a breakdown/summary once they finished it. Thanks as always and sorry troubling people with this.

For a netorase game by Atelier Sakura, it's not good.

The game is too short. I mean, the wife goes from a timid young woman to an open minded who accepts to try almost everything without any resistance (except to watch her husband with another woman...) after maybe 30 minutes. Marina and Mariko are a lot better. Mariko was short too, but since the wife was already cheating on her husband, most of the game was about the story she tells to her husband and his feelings about it. In this new game, it's just the husband who talks with his colleague about sex and then asks his wife if she wants to try X or Y and she always answers "Ehh? Well, ok" until the last part where you have a bit of NTR (and a "bad" end if you want).

You can try, but I won't recommend it.

Well that is underwhelming.

Hope Mariko 2 lives up to its hype and that mangagamers will eventually release it soon along with Marina 2! Seriously, i thought Marina 2 would have been released by now!
It seems geniouses think alike LOL. You just give me tha last piece of a puzzle that has being in my mind from some time now. I have being wondering why I like some Netorase works and not others. At first I thought I didn't like it, but there are some NTS that really gets me going for some reason. I couldn't figure out why, until I found THIS MANGA on sadpanda and later on I read your comment. I get it now, and I think I get why there are some NTS that are great (like Marina) and others that are kind of dissapointing (like the one from ANIM).

Let me tell you guys what I think. I think Netorase is akin to another fetish: MASOCHISM. To be accurate the MC in Netorase stories is a masochistic, since masochism is not limited to physical pain. Now, before continuing let me clarify that I'm talking about the depiction of Netorase and Masochism in hentai (manga/CG/VN), not in real life, it's important to differentiate them. Both, the Masochist as the Cuck, enjoy pain, the diference between them is the source and nature of that pain. While a masochism enjoys pysical pain (nature) given to him by his dominatrix (source), the Cuck enjoys mental pain (nature) given to him by his wife fucking with someone else (source). I know it's a lot more complicated than that, there are other elements like vouyerism, corruption, etc. inside the NTS genre, also masochists also enjoy mental pain, humillation and degradation, this is something that the Cucks in NTS also enjoy, but at the very core we can say that in NTS the Cuck is someone that enjoys the pain caused by her wife cheating on him, this is NTS in a nutshell.

Now you might be thinking: "So, what's the deal? We already know about that. We often see the MC crying while fapping as he watches his wife getting fucked. We know he is a masochism. What does it has to do with good NTS and bad NTS?". Well, the problem comes in the execution. If you think of any good femdom in hentai there is something the MC always lack, and that's CONTROL. He nevers controls the situation, he is always at the mercy of someone else. This lack of control multiplies his excitment, he can't help but wonder, what will happend to him, how far will she go, he is afraid and helpless as well as excited. Now imagine a femdom where the MC can call it quits whenever he wants, or that he has some kind of control of the situation and is always safe. Ask any femdom fan and he will tell you that isn't exciting at all. The lack of control from the MC plays a big role in femdom and masochism in general (again, talking about hentai), and I think the same applies to Netorase.

I haven't played/read many Netorase works, but the few I remember I really liked were the ones in which the MC didn't really have the control of the situation. For instance the manga I linked above that mix Netorase with femdom. Also the SECOND and THIRD chapter of Mesu Kachou Jogeza. Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ and Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ also depic this kind of situation.

On the other hand we have Anim Netorase VN, where the husband has the control of the situation at all times. Even if her wife creates the illusion of losing that control, it was just that, and illusion, a magic trick pulled by her. So there were really no risk at all, the MC had the control of the situation at all times. So, at first you think it's Netorase turning in to Netorare, but at the end you not only realize there is no Netorare, but you also learn that the husband actually had control at all times, so it's a double let down (an anticlimax if you would call it). I think that's one of the reasons why it was a let down for a lot of people including me (I think it's good, but it was a let down nonetheless). I think that's also why most people prefer organized Netorase turn into Netorare, or Swapping going wrong. The lack of control from the MC multiplies the excitement by a lot. Even if by the end the couple ends up happy together or if the husband is happy and acceptant of her wife getting fucked by other men, the point is that he didn't have control over it or that he loses the control at some point. Even subtleties like THESE can make a whole difference.

And now we get to the quote of DiabolicalGenius above. I think that the mentallity of the wife is key in Netorase. Artists and developers focus too much into breaking the wife, however I think that the wife must be corrupted not broken. So instead of focusing to much into making the wife/girlfriend go from: "Not please I don't want to betray my husband, please forgive me" to "Darling, gomennasai!!! I'm comming!!! Iku, Iku Ikuuuuuuu!!!!" they should focus more into making her go from "Darling, I love you, so I will never cheat on you" to "Darling, I love you, so I will make you suffer". The wife will learn to get a kick out of making his husband dispair and suffer, just like a dominatrix gets a kick out of punishing his "pet", but she will never go too far, before the thread breaks, she will stop. That's probably why works like Marina are so popular.

I still have some toughts on the matter that I would like to discuss, but this post it's already too long, so let's stop here. I would love to hear your opinions, whetter you agree or not.

That's pretty much how I feel about netorase, mainly the part about the protag NOT being in control. I've mentioned numerous times in this thread before in fact. Yeah, the only things I didn't like about the Marina series was that the protag was in complete control of the netorase, even if it does get a little hazy in the 3rd one, and that the heroine herself wasn't personally into it. Oh sure, she felt good having sex and everything, but she always goes out of her way to make sure you know she doesn't want to cheat and that she's only doing it for your benefit. Sure, there's some good moments when she's confessing and starts teasing the protag, but before long you're sure that it's all an act she's putting on for your benefit. The VA even made sure to put on an affected tone of voice during the NTR confession that wasn't like her usual tone, so that after a few scenes like that you can tell the character is supposed to be acting and those aren't her true feelings. She's just saying things she knows will turn her husband on. Heck, she all but states it right out that it was an act she puts on, when she does the same thing to the guy from the first game to make him give up on her during that scene from one of the sequels. So even when they let things get out of control a little in the third one, I didn't really feel the danger since it'd been so set in stone that the wife was 100% loyal to her husband and family and never once truly betrayed him or got corrupted past the surface. So no matter how good her ex was making her feel, I knew from the start she'd stay loyal. In other words, it was way too safe.
That's why Mariko 2 has my interest, since this time it looks like the wife is in control, even to the point of going out and starting an affair with intent of confessing it to her husband without telling him beforehand, just because their sex life had gotten boring since her affair with her boss ended. That makes it much more interesting. Her expression showing her much she's enjoying the confession and seeing his anguished but aroused state is perfect. In fact, the confession scene from the first game is one of my fave NTR confession scenes of all time.

The way it starts out as a guilty admission with the husband having the high ground, only for her to notice his arousal halfway through and suddenly get that smile on her face and start teasing him and jerking him off while telling him the rest in a more detailed manner than before. It was almost perfect. Only let down by the fact that the husband jumped headfirst into netorase as soon as she finished and asked to see her do it with the other guy. It would have been so much better if he went into denial instead. Tried to pretend him cumming during her confession never happened and go back to the wronged husband, but failing since she is looking at him with those knowing eyes. He tells her to end the affair and tries to forget it, only for her to disobey him, do it again and then come back with a video or something. While protag is feeling torn and conflicted, he finally comes home with no sign of his wife, but then hears the sound of the bed rocking in their bedroom upstairs. Can't help but go up filled with both anguish and excitement and then peeps through the door.......
It could have been so perfect. But since the husband took control of the NTS after the confession, it wasn't as hot for me anymore.

So yeah, netorase would be so much better with the protag out of control. But is also hard to find since the main reason they release so much NTS these days is because it's safer and less distressing for the more sensitive buyers and the reason it's safer is because, protag is in control. So we won't see much of it.

The link between netorare and masochism is fairly complicated and would take a while to get into, but I'd agree that a lot of netorare fetishists probably have masochist tendencies (I personally can go either way, S or M). Part of the thrill of having NTR in a pure love setting is the idea of something precious to you being stained and broken by someone else, kind of a masochistic self-destructive tendency. Naturally, NTS is when the protag has the fetish himself (since that isn't a requirement in netorare) and is deliberately indulging in it.

I will say though, that there may be exceptions to the masochist part. Mainly on the basis of netorare also being linked to jealousy. The idea that people can get turned on by jealousy. It's a pretty common response for a man or woman who gets jealous of their partner to suddenly feel the need to get them away from the rival and do something sexual with them to affirm their possession of the other person. Probably rooted in biological natural selection. Mammals that felt the need to have sex when jealous were more likely to pass on their genes, ergo it became a common response. To impregnate a female before a rival male can. To get pregnant with a male's offspring before other females and bind him to caring for his young. It's makes a lot of sense.
So it can be argued that a netorare fetish comes about when this instinct gets it's wired crossed with psychology and the person in question starts to associate arousal with being cheated on. The may also get a masochistic thrill out of it and it's common for those fetishes to cross over, since one can easily develop from the other. But masochism isn't necessarily a requirement for a netorare fetish.
I'm pretty sure the root of netorare being jealousy has been asserted since the start of the original thread.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on it. If you like femdom x netorare then i recommend this work by Mame. It's the first series of chapters, "Double S side" that has the NTR. Just keep in mind that Mame was a hard core femdom artist, and when i say Hardcore I mean it. If pegging disgusts you or CBT frightens you, then be careful. That story isn't that bad aside from some pegging, but the later chapters can get pretty brutal. But the femdom NTR is so good that it's worth overlooking a few things. And it's great if you love femdom. netorase from a western artist. It's just sketched up in a short amount of time and doesn't follow usual outline of a comic of course.. but I think it's cute and a good example of netorase still having surprises for the guy. Though for me I want the surprises in VNs and the subtle hints. I like games where you can play from entirely the guys POV even if there's no sex scenes from his POV- at least for a first playthrough. -then trying to fit things chronologically when playing other POVs. But experience the gradual change of the heroine or their nervousness in clearly hiding something and dramatic internal thoughts of MC is often more interesting to craft theories around than just going straight to sex. So I guess just male POV NTR is my favorite.. just not the kind where mc is forced to watch because that's almost always lazily done and generic.
Well netorase is about having the control or sharing it with the partner, once it's lost it becomes netorare IMO. That's like playing netorare only for it to turn vanilla, ie not the intended audience.
More stuff added for the next ANIM game:
character voices:

I must have had a misunderstanding the whole time, mainly because I am using Google translate for the Japanese text. I was under the impression that the younger brown hair wife (Mayumi) was the mother of the innocent dude (Takumi). However with the latest update she's doing it with him, and one of the voice samples has her moaning his name. Can someone help clarify? I thought the whole thing was about challenging each other to get their rivals' mother. Maybe someone can clarify? Or we will just wait until we can play. Here's a copy and paste of what google translate tells me from the story premise, and what I am understanding now is Eita (mischievous one) is related to Mayumi, maybe she's an mom/step-mom or aunt, since it translates to t hem being "physically related". Sorry visual novels are tough from me, I end up have to piecing together myself lol.
Source -, for anyone who can clarify the japanese.

"One day, the main character " Takumi " will be seen.
My mother ' Mayumi ' and a friend ' Eita ' are physically related. Taku I met a friend 's mother' Ayako '

at the place that jumped out with momentum and become a relationship between men and women. It was Takumi who is addicted to the relationship with Ayako who was a longing woman, but this time he is known to Eita. Eita's provocation, and from the opposition, to compete to prove which one really loves the opponent ! What? "

The translator mess up, that's why you missunderstood. The part which says "physically related" means they have a "physical relation", in other words a "sexual relation", they fuck.

That's pretty much how I feel about netorase, mainly the part about the protag NOT being in control. I've mentioned numerous times in this thread before in fact. Yeah, the only things I didn't like about the Marina series was that the protag was in complete control of the netorase, even if it does get a little hazy in the 3rd one, and that the heroine herself wasn't personally into it. Oh sure, she felt good having sex and everything, but she always goes out of her way to make sure you know she doesn't want to cheat and that she's only doing it for your benefit. Sure, there's some good moments when she's confessing and starts teasing the protag, but before long you're sure that it's all an act she's putting on for your benefit. The VA even made sure to put on an affected tone of voice during the NTR confession that wasn't like her usual tone, so that after a few scenes like that you can tell the character is supposed to be acting and those aren't her true feelings. She's just saying things she knows will turn her husband on. Heck, she all but states it right out that it was an act she puts on, when she does the same thing to the guy from the first game to make him give up on her during that scene from one of the sequels. So even when they let things get out of control a little in the third one, I didn't really feel the danger since it'd been so set in stone that the wife was 100% loyal to her husband and family and never once truly betrayed him or got corrupted past the surface. So no matter how good her ex was making her feel, I knew from the start she'd stay loyal. In other words, it was way too safe.
That's why Mariko 2 has my interest, since this time it looks like the wife is in control, even to the point of going out and starting an affair with intent of confessing it to her husband without telling him beforehand, just because their sex life had gotten boring since her affair with her boss ended. That makes it much more interesting. Her expression showing her much she's enjoying the confession and seeing his anguished but aroused state is perfect. In fact, the confession scene from the first game is one of my fave NTR confession scenes of all time.

The way it starts out as a guilty admission with the husband having the high ground, only for her to notice his arousal halfway through and suddenly get that smile on her face and start teasing him and jerking him off while telling him the rest in a more detailed manner than before. It was almost perfect. Only let down by the fact that the husband jumped headfirst into netorase as soon as she finished and asked to see her do it with the other guy. It would have been so much better if he went into denial instead. Tried to pretend him cumming during her confession never happened and go back to the wronged husband, but failing since she is looking at him with those knowing eyes. He tells her to end the affair and tries to forget it, only for her to disobey him, do it again and then come back with a video or something. While protag is feeling torn and conflicted, he finally comes home with no sign of his wife, but then hears the sound of the bed rocking in their bedroom upstairs. Can't help but go up filled with both anguish and excitement and then peeps through the door.......
It could have been so perfect. But since the husband took control of the NTS after the confession, it wasn't as hot for me anymore.

So yeah, netorase would be so much better with the protag out of control. But is also hard to find since the main reason they release so much NTS these days is because it's safer and less distressing for the more sensitive buyers and the reason it's safer is because, protag is in control. So we won't see much of it.

The link between netorare and masochism is fairly complicated and would take a while to get into, but I'd agree that a lot of netorare fetishists probably have masochist tendencies (I personally can go either way, S or M). Part of the thrill of having NTR in a pure love setting is the idea of something precious to you being stained and broken by someone else, kind of a masochistic self-destructive tendency. Naturally, NTS is when the protag has the fetish himself (since that isn't a requirement in netorare) and is deliberately indulging in it.

I will say though, that there may be exceptions to the masochist part. Mainly on the basis of netorare also being linked to jealousy. The idea that people can get turned on by jealousy. It's a pretty common response for a man or woman who gets jealous of their partner to suddenly feel the need to get them away from the rival and do something sexual with them to affirm their possession of the other person. Probably rooted in biological natural selection. Mammals that felt the need to have sex when jealous were more likely to pass on their genes, ergo it became a common response. To impregnate a female before a rival male can. To get pregnant with a male's offspring before other females and bind him to caring for his young. It's makes a lot of sense.
So it can be argued that a netorare fetish comes about when this instinct gets it's wired crossed with psychology and the person in question starts to associate arousal with being cheated on. The may also get a masochistic thrill out of it and it's common for those fetishes to cross over, since one can easily develop from the other. But masochism isn't necessarily a requirement for a netorare fetish.
I'm pretty sure the root of netorare being jealousy has been asserted since the start of the original thread.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on it. If you like femdom x netorare then i recommend this work by Mame. It's the first series of chapters, "Double S side" that has the NTR. Just keep in mind that Mame was a hard core femdom artist, and when i say Hardcore I mean it. If pegging disgusts you or CBT frightens you, then be careful. That story isn't that bad aside from some pegging, but the later chapters can get pretty brutal. But the femdom NTR is so good that it's worth overlooking a few things. And it's great if you love femdom.

It seems I was missunderstood. When I was talking about masochism, I only meant it for NETORASE not for NETORARE. The MC in Netorare is definetly not a masochist. He doesn't gets off by the pain caused by being cheated on, he just suffers. That's the main difference between the two:

NETORARE: The MC is not a masochist. He feels pain from the cheating and suffer.
NETORASE: The MC is a masochist. He feels pain from the cheating and enjoys it.

What you say about instict is very interesting. I think in NETORARE the MC has a strong need to demostrate he is a superior male than his rival, thus the arousal. In NETORASE however is the exact oposite, the MC knows he can't compete, thus the arousal. Even though they overlap at some points, NETORARE and NETORASE are two very different and polar (but nos opposite) genres.

What you say about S&M is also interesting. In real life people is not just one thing, we are a mix of everything so most people is both S&M. You can gravitate to one side more than the other, or be in the middle. In fact I don't think is normal when someone is just one of them, if that's the case then it might be a mental problem. That's why I said in my last post, that I was talking merely about hentai, not real life. In real life we can't categoriza people in archetypes that easily as we do in fiction. In fact NTR (Netorare/Netorase) can stimulated both sides (S&M) at the same time. Reading the husband's mixed feelings in a scene can stimulate my masochist side, at the same time watching the other guy pounding the wife into submission while knowing the husband is watching can stimulate my sadistic side.

More than femdom, I like sadistic-proud-selfish bitches. I like it either if they get out with it or if they are kicked out of their pedestal. I like to see both sides of them for diferent reasons. It gets me really aroused to see that kind of girl get away with anything, trampling whoever is before her, specially if a strong man (both willingly and physically) is oposing her. Watching her crushing that man gives me a rush (I guess that's why I like gyaku-ryona, however not the too hardcore type, I don't like guro). On the other hand, It really melts me watching that same girl falling for a guy far inferior (in theory) to her. Watching her progresively and slowly change her attitude to him, turning from her proud and selfish being into a mess of nervoussness and blushing when she is with him is just soooo cute to watch. Of course I like it when is well done, sadly there are not many cases of that, specially in the second case (I hate harem-anime in which that kind of girl falls for the generic clueless guy). Examples of the first case would be Sakaguchi Kyoko, Inui Azusa, or Sara. Examples of the second case would be Anko Uehara.
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