Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Celebrating or hoping for the best isn't enough.
I suggest you guys to donate to the site too time to time.
Celebrating or hoping for the best isn't enough.
I suggest you guys to donate to the site too time to time.

I would absolutely be fine with donating if the problem with keeping it up was money- From rumors and things i've gathered from the owner(who I believe left.. and just staff revived it?..).. He was basically just afraid of a legislature change that wasn't related to loli or shota at all- just had a injury+couldn't put much effort into the site+ took that chance to shut down when new legislation came through even though it was very unlikely to harm the site at all.

It's mostly hearsay and it doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure because the owner disappeared after he made his statement. And now the sites base apparently moved to Moldova or something?.. It's a good site worth supporting but I don't agree with anything the owner is going to do simply because they're afraid. I've seen too many good sites shut down simply because of fear that they may be pressured later- and it's important to look after your legal status yes.. but law is going to ask you to shut down and burn everything instead of showing up at your door randomly and slapping you with a fine or imprisonment with a site like this and the owner failed to provide citations for any change that would threaten the website.
I would absolutely be fine with donating if the problem with keeping it up was money- From rumors and things i've gathered from the owner(who I believe left.. and just staff revived it?..).. He was basically just afraid of a legislature change that wasn't related to loli or shota at all- just had a injury+couldn't put much effort into the site+ took that chance to shut down when new legislation came through even though it was very unlikely to harm the site at all.

It's mostly hearsay and it doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure because the owner disappeared after he made his statement. And now the sites base apparently moved to Moldova or something?.. It's a good site worth supporting but I don't agree with anything the owner is going to do simply because they're afraid. I've seen too many good sites shut down simply because of fear that they may be pressured later- and it's important to look after your legal status yes.. but law is going to ask you to shut down and burn everything instead of showing up at your door randomly and slapping you with a fine or imprisonment with a site like this and the owner failed to provide citations for any change that would threaten the website.

Totally agree with what you say. My work is related to laws and is important to keep in mind that 99% of the time, laws are not retroactive. Meaning that when a new law is promulgated their legal consequences are only relevant from that day onwards. And most laws give you a time limit to comply what the law commands. In more simple words: If a law against places like sadpanda comes up, it will be illegal from that day onward, but they can't blame the owner for the time the site was up prior to the law promulgation, because it was totally legal then. Acting out of fear of what may come is usually a bad decisión.
Jinsei being Jinsei, again.

We were supposed to have tennis game in August and another game around February and now we have tennis game in late November and another game next summer.

He genuinely makes me sad.
I was watching the erotic games scheduled for late August and I came across " Like x Love ~Totsukawa Hikaru~ " and...
Shit, the heroine is so sexy with a fair amount of eroticism but... It's not an NTR...!

At that moment, I thought it would be really cool to have a big intro and then, with a second game, the NTR part.
It would be so good if it would be the case with this game... but it's economically unviable I think...

Otherwise, new images again for "HomeStay 2". I can't wait!
So i started downloading this game[rpg]-[expiacion]-spiral-legend-v-849860/ because i have seen the series mentined a lot, but how is the ntr shown? in the dialogue, sprites? it says it doesn't have images i think

The only images are expressions in small boxes when people speak. So you get pictures of them shocked,blushing,in pain etc. but that's it. The NTR is sound dialogue only and a black screen that flashes colors sometimes. This is the 5th game of theirs- but i'd recommend playing Spiral Legend 3, then 4, then 5. The dev always makes additions to the erotic part after release- I have already read a blogpost of his saying he plans to do the same with this. And the game is LONG... Easy to put 100+ hours in it- so if you want a definitive experience for erotic part I would wait until the final version to play it. No reason to start at 5.

1-2 are connected, 3 and 4 are a standalone but within the same universe. It requires a bit of japanese knowledge to really get but the writing is very strong. This guy knows how to many NTR stories and really makes you care about the characters. I won't spoil anything but every character has a really strong reason to care about the protagonist besides just being a childhood friend or simply a relative. All those stories are really fleshed out and the character personalities are very well done. For someone who has made 5 games focused around NTR that are 100+ hours long I guess that is to be expected.

There are many choices in the game- for instance there's an early choice in Spiral Legend III where a female swordsman asks you why you want to be trained by her- the decisions are like 1. So I can protect Emily 2. So I can protect everyone and 3. So I can be a world famous adventurer. The NTR system goes by points(though blog says the 5th game is handled differently in routes from the first 4 so I don't know if the same can be said for 5).. and in this scenario choice 1 would give you +2 points to Emilys route. Choice 2 would give you +1 and Choice 3 would give you NTR route points. There's multiple heroines(Kanna pretty much the best and you meet her a bit later) and each one has their true ends/bad ends/pure love ends. Even if you don't go down the NTR route- there is still NTR. It's part of the game. But the NTR route is a lot more heartwrenching. There's also GoR(game over rape)scene for pretty much every boss you lose to if a heroine is in your party. And they're also good but the game does not continue after the scene- it'll just put you back before the boss fully healed.

Some boss defeats are route branching though- it should be obvious which ones. But they would only branch depending on certain route points or else even if you lose you'll somehow be saved by something. If you're interested in the game even without any sex shown I would just play it and not worry too much about the choices- or choose what you would choose and see what happens. There's a lot of variety and it's something like 6-10 playthroughs minimal to see every scene be recorded in the recollection room. At least after an ending you get some choices about where to start- what to carry over and some hints and tips at other routes. For instance when you reach an end in III- you can restart from chapter 4 where a huge NTR route branch is and decide if you want the points to go down it or avoid it.

You also get many choices at the start of games. Mainly being
1. Do you want to play with clear mode y/n(clear mode gives you better items early in a chest to make game easier and some books with tips on route capture)
2. Do you want to play with NTR route in effect y/n(ntr will exist even if you say n, just the major route involving it will be unaccessable)
3. Do you want to play blindfold mode y/n (blindfold mode means you won't get heroines point of view during scenes- so it's the mystery viewpoint. When a girl comes out of an alleyway that's when you as protag will notice she's acting strange and the actual sex scene can be skipped. May also hear sounds through wall or something but won't see the viewpoint to know exactly what's going on)
4.a mode that makes rare mobs more common
and maybe 1 or 2 other options. Depending on game.

Final verdict being that- the games are very good as just games, there's rare monsters and tons of sidequests and the actual battle and level system isn't base RPGmaker. The sprites are custom and so are many of the attack effects. Effort is put into the game to be a game- more than just NTRsex.
If you just want the NTR then prepare for hours of build-up before it starts paying off. There's plenty earlier sex scenes that are not NTR related however. so the erotic scenes are balanced well as to not go too long without them. And if you're a completionist(making the best items, killing all the rare mobs/hunting for rare drops. doing optional quests) Expect to spend 200+ hours easily

And I do NOT recommend starting at 5.
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The new Lilim game (White Blue) is rather unusual. At the beginning MC did something really bad to the girl, hurting her feelings, but then they were able to make-up, he has had his chance to character development (kind of?) and if you follow good route it even can be considered to be a decent romance game in which you work to save your girl from other guys (successfully). NTR routes though not so good (to my preference). They are closer to type C than type B because girl resist and unwilling almost to the end and her "fall" wasn't done too well other than in the old man route which is kind of nice and also have scenes with secondary heroine (which have her own romance route with reverse ntr and I actually prefer her).
The only images are expressions in small boxes when people speak. So you get pictures of them shocked,blushing,in pain etc. but that's it. The NTR is sound dialogue only and a black screen that flashes colors sometimes. This is the 5th game of theirs- but i'd recommend playing Spiral Legend 3, then 4, then 5. The dev always makes additions to the erotic part after release- I have already read a blogpost of his saying he plans to do the same with this. And the game is LONG... Easy to put 100+ hours in it- so if you want a definitive experience for erotic part I would wait until the final version to play it. No reason to start at 5.

1-2 are connected, 3 and 4 are a standalone but within the same universe. It requires a bit of japanese knowledge to really get but the writing is very strong. This guy knows how to many NTR stories and really makes you care about the characters. I won't spoil anything but every character has a really strong reason to care about the protagonist besides just being a childhood friend or simply a relative. All those stories are really fleshed out and the character personalities are very well done. For someone who has made 5 games focused around NTR that are 100+ hours long I guess that is to be expected.

There are many choices in the game- for instance there's an early choice in Spiral Legend III where a female swordsman asks you why you want to be trained by her- the decisions are like 1. So I can protect Emily 2. So I can protect everyone and 3. So I can be a world famous adventurer. The NTR system goes by points(though blog says the 5th game is handled differently in routes from the first 4 so I don't know if the same can be said for 5).. and in this scenario choice 1 would give you +2 points to Emilys route. Choice 2 would give you +1 and Choice 3 would give you NTR route points. There's multiple heroines(Kanna pretty much the best and you meet her a bit later) and each one has their true ends/bad ends/pure love ends. Even if you don't go down the NTR route- there is still NTR. It's part of the game. But the NTR route is a lot more heartwrenching. There's also GoR(game over rape)scene for pretty much every boss you lose to if a heroine is in your party. And they're also good but the game does not continue after the scene- it'll just put you back before the boss fully healed.

Some boss defeats are route branching though- it should be obvious which ones. But they would only branch depending on certain route points or else even if you lose you'll somehow be saved by something. If you're interested in the game even without any sex shown I would just play it and not worry too much about the choices- or choose what you would choose and see what happens. There's a lot of variety and it's something like 6-10 playthroughs minimal to see every scene be recorded in the recollection room. At least after an ending you get some choices about where to start- what to carry over and some hints and tips at other routes. For instance when you reach an end in III- you can restart from chapter 4 where a huge NTR route branch is and decide if you want the points to go down it or avoid it.

You also get many choices at the start of games. Mainly being
1. Do you want to play with clear mode y/n(clear mode gives you better items early in a chest to make game easier and some books with tips on route capture)
2. Do you want to play with NTR route in effect y/n(ntr will exist even if you say n, just the major route involving it will be unaccessable)
3. Do you want to play blindfold mode y/n (blindfold mode means you won't get heroines point of view during scenes- so it's the mystery viewpoint. When a girl comes out of an alleyway that's when you as protag will notice she's acting strange and the actual sex scene can be skipped. May also hear sounds through wall or something but won't see the viewpoint to know exactly what's going on)
4.a mode that makes rare mobs more common
and maybe 1 or 2 other options. Depending on game.

Final verdict being that- the games are very good as just games, there's rare monsters and tons of sidequests and the actual battle and level system isn't base RPGmaker. The sprites are custom and so are many of the attack effects. Effort is put into the game to be a game- more than just NTRsex.
If you just want the NTR then prepare for hours of build-up before it starts paying off. There's plenty earlier sex scenes that are not NTR related however. so the erotic scenes are balanced well as to not go too long without them. And if you're a completionist(making the best items, killing all the rare mobs/hunting for rare drops. doing optional quests) Expect to spend 200+ hours easily

And I do NOT recommend starting at 5.

This is the kind of response i love xD, thanks for the advice i will start by 3 because that is the one i found a torrent for, if you have 1 and 2 or know where to find them that would be great.

PD: i still get MC pov for the scenes, like hearing the noises or seeing her leaving the alley?
So i am just not active in this thread and we all know it. But every once in a while i actually check my Messages and see what sweet NTR there is lurking around, and maybe even do my job around here.

I had several messages from a couple different people about a type of NTR not addressed in the front page that has caught my attention. Apparently there is some debate as to its type and if its Type A at all. I went over it and have made an Addendum to The Very front of this Thread.

I have added a new Type of NTR: Type D to the list. This is type is loving from afar. The Protagonist feels the NTR feelings because she SHOULD love him and this is an issue with him emotionally and mentally. The jealously and helpless feeling of NTR is there, so it is a valid NTR, but they are self perpetuated and not based in Fact, her actual betrayal does not exist in her mind or heart, only his.

Type A is the actual and factual known betrayal by the girl against the protagonist. Even if he doesn't know it is. SHE DOES and feels it in her heart. And this is KEY. This is shown usually by inner monologues in games. This is the defining factor between the two types.

I hope you all understand my reasons behind this decision. As always you can send me personal messages if something needs doing, and theoretically i will eventually get to it.
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The only images are expressions in small boxes when people speak. So you get pictures of them shocked,blushing,in pain etc. but that's it. The NTR is sound dialogue only and a black screen that flashes colors sometimes. This is the 5th game of theirs- but i'd recommend playing Spiral Legend 3, then 4, then 5. The dev always makes additions to the erotic part after release- I have already read a blogpost of his saying he plans to do the same with this. And the game is LONG... Easy to put 100+ hours in it- so if you want a definitive experience for erotic part I would wait until the final version to play it. No reason to start at 5.

1-2 are connected, 3 and 4 are a standalone but within the same universe. It requires a bit of japanese knowledge to really get but the writing is very strong. This guy knows how to many NTR stories and really makes you care about the characters. I won't spoil anything but every character has a really strong reason to care about the protagonist besides just being a childhood friend or simply a relative. All those stories are really fleshed out and the character personalities are very well done. For someone who has made 5 games focused around NTR that are 100+ hours long I guess that is to be expected.

There are many choices in the game- for instance there's an early choice in Spiral Legend III where a female swordsman asks you why you want to be trained by her- the decisions are like 1. So I can protect Emily 2. So I can protect everyone and 3. So I can be a world famous adventurer. The NTR system goes by points(though blog says the 5th game is handled differently in routes from the first 4 so I don't know if the same can be said for 5).. and in this scenario choice 1 would give you +2 points to Emilys route. Choice 2 would give you +1 and Choice 3 would give you NTR route points. There's multiple heroines(Kanna pretty much the best and you meet her a bit later) and each one has their true ends/bad ends/pure love ends. Even if you don't go down the NTR route- there is still NTR. It's part of the game. But the NTR route is a lot more heartwrenching. There's also GoR(game over rape)scene for pretty much every boss you lose to if a heroine is in your party. And they're also good but the game does not continue after the scene- it'll just put you back before the boss fully healed.

Some boss defeats are route branching though- it should be obvious which ones. But they would only branch depending on certain route points or else even if you lose you'll somehow be saved by something. If you're interested in the game even without any sex shown I would just play it and not worry too much about the choices- or choose what you would choose and see what happens. There's a lot of variety and it's something like 6-10 playthroughs minimal to see every scene be recorded in the recollection room. At least after an ending you get some choices about where to start- what to carry over and some hints and tips at other routes. For instance when you reach an end in III- you can restart from chapter 4 where a huge NTR route branch is and decide if you want the points to go down it or avoid it.

You also get many choices at the start of games. Mainly being
1. Do you want to play with clear mode y/n(clear mode gives you better items early in a chest to make game easier and some books with tips on route capture)
2. Do you want to play with NTR route in effect y/n(ntr will exist even if you say n, just the major route involving it will be unaccessable)
3. Do you want to play blindfold mode y/n (blindfold mode means you won't get heroines point of view during scenes- so it's the mystery viewpoint. When a girl comes out of an alleyway that's when you as protag will notice she's acting strange and the actual sex scene can be skipped. May also hear sounds through wall or something but won't see the viewpoint to know exactly what's going on)
4.a mode that makes rare mobs more common
and maybe 1 or 2 other options. Depending on game.

Final verdict being that- the games are very good as just games, there's rare monsters and tons of sidequests and the actual battle and level system isn't base RPGmaker. The sprites are custom and so are many of the attack effects. Effort is put into the game to be a game- more than just NTRsex.
If you just want the NTR then prepare for hours of build-up before it starts paying off. There's plenty earlier sex scenes that are not NTR related however. so the erotic scenes are balanced well as to not go too long without them. And if you're a completionist(making the best items, killing all the rare mobs/hunting for rare drops. doing optional quests) Expect to spend 200+ hours easily

And I do NOT recommend starting at 5.

Thanks for summarizing the series, I was really wondering if I should spend hours on this game.
But I have a doubt, I remember downloading the fourth game a long time ago but I ended giving up after I knew It would only have 4 or 5 ntr scenes and I have a question about that: would there be any scenes other than those in the gallery? for example are you walking on the streets and seeing the girl with another or listening to noises or something similar? does this include for all 5 games?
I have known this series for a long time and always had this doubt but the only place I know where people talk about games like this is ulmf but the thread was already closed.
so i stumbled over the "[Yamakumo] Closet series" on exhentai(yay its back)and it made me starve for some more of the kind, so anyone wanna recommend your favorite or other english translated ntr doujinishi/artist cg with childhood friends betrayals?

<--- pretty much haven't seen much ntr related comics~wise the last 2-3 years so pretty open for anything.
This is the kind of response i love xD, thanks for the advice i will start by 3 because that is the one i found a torrent for, if you have 1 and 2 or know where to find them that would be great.

PD: i still get MC pov for the scenes, like hearing the noises or seeing her leaving the alley?

Anything the mc hears or sees. The ntr in the game is very embedded as a story mechanic so its not something that happens to the heroines and is immediately wiped under the table. Their personalities will change and they will be acting strange and such. Depending on scene will decide what happens through mc eyes. Whether it be too far away to notice until she comes back or if you only hear it. Scene by scene basis. Also the blindfold mode can be turned on and off at any time using a lever in the rememberance room. Which you can go to via a gem in your inventory. Thats also where the cheat items for clear mode will be inside a chest. as for scenes being recorded in the room even from male not entirely sure but I think they are if you would have normally seen them with blindfold mode off. But there are many scenes that block other scenes from happening which is determined by routes so the game still needs many clears for 100percent scene collection.
So i am just not active in this thread and we all know it. But every once in a while i actually check my Messages and see what sweet NTR there is lurking around, and maybe even do my job around here.

I had several messages from a couple different people about a type of NTR not addressed in the front page that has caught my attention. Apparently there is some debate as to its type and if its Type A at all. I went over it and have made an Addendum to The Very front of this Thread.

I have added a new Type of NTR: Type D to the list. This is type is loving from afar. The Protagonist feels the NTR feelings because she SHOULD love him and this is an issue with him emotionally and mentally. The jealously and helpless feeling of NTR is there, so it is a valid NTR, but they are self perpetuated and not based in Fact, her actual betrayal does not exist in her mind or heart, only his.

Type A is the actual and factual known betrayal by the girl against the protagonist. Even if he doesn't know it is. SHE DOES and feels it in her heart. And this is KEY. This is shown usually by inner monologues in games. This is the defining factor between the two types.

I hope you all understand my reasons behind this decision. As always you can send me personal messages if something needs doing, and theoretically i will eventually get to it.

Agree with Type D, i've seen alot manga and eroge with this kind of story. Pinpoint latest game is an example, and Sanagi Torajirou make a whole tankoubon with this theme in "Netorarekata omoi".
Mekabu Aji MAX, the artist of several Heiantei games, has uploaded on twitter two characters, and their pose looks like they are designed for a game.

And since Mekabu lately has only work with Heiantei, maybe those characters are the protagonists of the next Heiantei game (after the oyakodon) .

I hope they are, because just looking at the milf's face you can see that she has a strong personality.

It worries me that they are gonna waste that nice milf design, and maybe strong personality, with a shitty game, since they said that the next game will be something different.

Maybe is another mother netorare, since he is a shota, or maybe is just their usual netori game but with a shota instead of a college student, or maybe is something different like they said.

Or maybe those characters are not for Heiantei and I'm here rambling for nothing...

Either way, here are the designs:


any news on this?
So i am just not active in this thread and we all know it. But every once in a while i actually check my Messages and see what sweet NTR there is lurking around, and maybe even do my job around here.

I had several messages from a couple different people about a type of NTR not addressed in the front page that has caught my attention. Apparently there is some debate as to its type and if its Type A at all. I went over it and have made an Addendum to The Very front of this Thread.

I have added a new Type of NTR: Type D to the list. This is type is loving from afar. The Protagonist feels the NTR feelings because she SHOULD love him and this is an issue with him emotionally and mentally. The jealously and helpless feeling of NTR is there, so it is a valid NTR, but they are self perpetuated and not based in Fact, her actual betrayal does not exist in her mind or heart, only his.

Type A is the actual and factual known betrayal by the girl against the protagonist. Even if he doesn't know it is. SHE DOES and feels it in her heart. And this is KEY. This is shown usually by inner monologues in games. This is the defining factor between the two types.

I hope you all understand my reasons behind this decision. As always you can send me personal messages if something needs doing, and theoretically i will eventually get to it.

I disagree with you because NTR types were always defined by the type of heroine's consent to cheating. In type A it is consensual, in type B it isn't consensual until she corrupted (and then it is) and in type C it isn't consensual from beginning to end. So ntr types have nothing to do with the protagonist or else we would need to add type D, type F, type Y, type Z, after all, there could be many different situations, lol. But they aren't enough to consider each of them as separated type. I would say that almost all type A games follow your definition of type D because rarely heroine considers sex with ntr-guy cheating or betrayal. Type A is already rather rare as it is, there is no necessity to bully it. xD

Agree with Type D, i've seen alot manga and eroge with this kind of story. Pinpoint latest game is an example, and Sanagi Torajirou make a whole tankoubon with this theme in "Netorarekata omoi".

In Pinpoint's latest game it was rather obvious that she loved MC, this was the whole reason why she was blackmailed by ntr-guy in the first place and she felt shitty about it (at the start) and felt she betrayed MC. It is pure type B, as pure as it can be.
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In my understanding,

MC has a girlfriend or wife > the girl has consensual sex with other
MC does not have a girlfriend > he is just falling in love with a girl.
> he can not make her his girlfriend. > the girl has consensual sex with others or become others girlfriend.

This means the girl does not love MC and does not have any deep relationship beyond friend with MC since the beginning.


If it's something like this, I agree that should be a type D.

Since in typeD we will see how the MC tries to win the girl while the girl already had sex with others and the MC does not know, or MC tries to win the girl until almost the end of the game, but the girl still doesn't like the MC and had sex with others.

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Agree, it gives me a different feeling when playing game type A and D.

For me, if the girl that MC love has sex with others, it can count as NTR. The girl does not need to know who is MC.

Can you guy recommend some game or manga that should be NTR D?
I can find only a few.
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In my understanding,

MC has a girlfriend or wife > the girl has consensual sex with other
MC does not have a girlfriend > he is just falling in love with a girl.
> he can not make her his girlfriend. > the girl has consensual sex with others or become others girlfriend.

This means the girl does not love MC and does not have any deep relationship beyond friend with MC since the beginning.


If it's something like this, I agree that should be a type D.

Since in typeD we will see how the MC tries to win the girl while the girl already had sex with others and the MC does not know, or MC tries to win the girl until almost the end of the game, but the girl still doesn't like the MC and had sex with others.

Very often girl loves or at least likes MC even if they aren't in relationships yet. Then she is raped by someone. It is type B, but by this logic it should be type E or F. This definition is way too specific to consider it "type", moreover when it defines itself based on completely different criteria compared to A, B and C.

i do not feel any joy from the newly defined type D. If it was just the same as Type A, then it would work the same emotionally and i should be into it. Your comment that Type D is just type A and that i am miss classifying it means that Type D should work for all of us who enjoy type A and that i am wrong. but this is not the case. Some of us only feel joy if there is REAL betrayal in the story and not Imagined betrayal. Which is why NTR mystery has its own side definition as an example. Some people don't like it, or are more into it, if there is a Mystery. Thus we classify a game as Type A Mystery or Type B Mystery Etc.... to clarify the content of the game to the user that has specific tastes within our Genre. So in short. No actual Betrayal, No Type A. Period. Deliberately fucking your boyfriend that you have always been with..... with the intention of staying loyal to him does not mean she is Betraying every single male on the planet and thus its NTR and Type A to boot!

So? Some people don't feel joy when it was aunt, sister or mother who was "stolen" from MC in pure type B games. Some people even don't consider anything ntr if heroine isn't MC's girlfriend or wife. As I already said - types defined by consent of the girl to sexual intercourse with ntr-guy. It is a matter of definition. Read it again - ntr types classified based on the consent of the heroine when she fucks ntr-guy, nothing else. That you are saying is like "there is sweet food, salty food and bitter food, but I think we should add soft food to this classification as well". Sorry, but your phrase "Your comment that Type D is just type A and that i am miss classifying it means that Type D should work for all of us who enjoy type A and that i am wrong." is irrational and make no sense. There is no such thing that everyone will like all games of a certain type. Just because you don't like specific trope of the genre doesn't mean that you should make it another genre altogether. For example, netorase is still netorare type A. Netorase included as sub-genre of ntr type A. Even if we consider trope described by you like something then it would be just sub-genre of ntr type A, not a new type.
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