Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

I would absolutely be fine with donating if the problem with keeping it up was money- From rumors and things i've gathered from the owner(who I believe left.. and just staff revived it?..).. He was basically just afraid of a legislature change that wasn't related to loli or shota at all- just had a injury+couldn't put much effort into the site+ took that chance to shut down when new legislation came through even though it was very unlikely to harm the site at all.

It's mostly hearsay and it doesn't seem like anyone knows for sure because the owner disappeared after he made his statement. And now the sites base apparently moved to Moldova or something?.. It's a good site worth supporting but I don't agree with anything the owner is going to do simply because they're afraid. I've seen too many good sites shut down simply because of fear that they may be pressured later- and it's important to look after your legal status yes.. but law is going to ask you to shut down and burn everything instead of showing up at your door randomly and slapping you with a fine or imprisonment with a site like this and the owner failed to provide citations for any change that would threaten the website.
Moving servers(despite the need for modern hardware and software) and maintenance costs a lot, the bureaucracy behind is infuriating I do work at a Justice courts of my country and the reason why everything is so slow is bureaucracy and costs.
When they say you throw money at it until it works isn't an exaggeration it's just the sad reality.

I might elaborate about legislation issue later on so ill write this quickly, isn't just about porn but child porn or to be precise what this new legislative changes define as such, it submits the domain under the new laws to keep working but if they don't they have to be a closed server but it also has to pay maintenance which means it's "active" which throws us back to question if the server is still open and working. That's why the owner no doubt would rather choose the fast option than the probably complicated fight he has no knowledge about.
It's ok for me to add type D but I also understand that may have some conflicts.

A B C is base on girl consent which the girl know that she relates in NTR or have some concern about MC or have some romantic relationship with MC so that it may conflict with others if add to type D.
Since the girl not even know that she relates to NTR at all.

However, there are some tags that not in those type A B C and ignores the girl consent such as "Protagonist-organized Netorare", this tag is also can put together with A, B, C tag.

I suggest you may find some suitable word (such as "Protagonist one side love NTR" or something better) to add a new tag base on the case.
i see that custom order maid 2 us out for the US officially.

i also noticed it has NTR in the wikia. now, is this Netorase or can the girls be raped without your consent?
Nevermind then, this is un-important, disagreements or not carry on with the fapping.
The only images are expressions in small boxes when people speak. So you get pictures of them shocked,blushing,in pain etc. but that's it. The NTR is sound dialogue only and a black screen that flashes colors sometimes. This is the 5th game of theirs- but i'd recommend playing Spiral Legend 3, then 4, then 5. The dev always makes additions to the erotic part after release- I have already read a blogpost of his saying he plans to do the same with this. And the game is LONG... Easy to put 100+ hours in it- so if you want a definitive experience for erotic part I would wait until the final version to play it. No reason to start at 5.

1-2 are connected, 3 and 4 are a standalone but within the same universe. It requires a bit of japanese knowledge to really get but the writing is very strong. This guy knows how to many NTR stories and really makes you care about the characters. I won't spoil anything but every character has a really strong reason to care about the protagonist besides just being a childhood friend or simply a relative. All those stories are really fleshed out and the character personalities are very well done. For someone who has made 5 games focused around NTR that are 100+ hours long I guess that is to be expected.

There are many choices in the game- for instance there's an early choice in Spiral Legend III where a female swordsman asks you why you want to be trained by her- the decisions are like 1. So I can protect Emily 2. So I can protect everyone and 3. So I can be a world famous adventurer. The NTR system goes by points(though blog says the 5th game is handled differently in routes from the first 4 so I don't know if the same can be said for 5).. and in this scenario choice 1 would give you +2 points to Emilys route. Choice 2 would give you +1 and Choice 3 would give you NTR route points. There's multiple heroines(Kanna pretty much the best and you meet her a bit later) and each one has their true ends/bad ends/pure love ends. Even if you don't go down the NTR route- there is still NTR. It's part of the game. But the NTR route is a lot more heartwrenching. There's also GoR(game over rape)scene for pretty much every boss you lose to if a heroine is in your party. And they're also good but the game does not continue after the scene- it'll just put you back before the boss fully healed.

Some boss defeats are route branching though- it should be obvious which ones. But they would only branch depending on certain route points or else even if you lose you'll somehow be saved by something. If you're interested in the game even without any sex shown I would just play it and not worry too much about the choices- or choose what you would choose and see what happens. There's a lot of variety and it's something like 6-10 playthroughs minimal to see every scene be recorded in the recollection room. At least after an ending you get some choices about where to start- what to carry over and some hints and tips at other routes. For instance when you reach an end in III- you can restart from chapter 4 where a huge NTR route branch is and decide if you want the points to go down it or avoid it.

You also get many choices at the start of games. Mainly being
1. Do you want to play with clear mode y/n(clear mode gives you better items early in a chest to make game easier and some books with tips on route capture)
2. Do you want to play with NTR route in effect y/n(ntr will exist even if you say n, just the major route involving it will be unaccessable)
3. Do you want to play blindfold mode y/n (blindfold mode means you won't get heroines point of view during scenes- so it's the mystery viewpoint. When a girl comes out of an alleyway that's when you as protag will notice she's acting strange and the actual sex scene can be skipped. May also hear sounds through wall or something but won't see the viewpoint to know exactly what's going on)
4.a mode that makes rare mobs more common
and maybe 1 or 2 other options. Depending on game.

Final verdict being that- the games are very good as just games, there's rare monsters and tons of sidequests and the actual battle and level system isn't base RPGmaker. The sprites are custom and so are many of the attack effects. Effort is put into the game to be a game- more than just NTRsex.
If you just want the NTR then prepare for hours of build-up before it starts paying off. There's plenty earlier sex scenes that are not NTR related however. so the erotic scenes are balanced well as to not go too long without them. And if you're a completionist(making the best items, killing all the rare mobs/hunting for rare drops. doing optional quests) Expect to spend 200+ hours easily

And I do NOT recommend starting at 5.
Man thanks for the summary, I wanted to play these games since a long time ago... but I'm too lazy and I know the Japanese would give me headaches.

Anyway, loads of questions :
1- what kind of ntr is it? Type B with corruption or type C (meh) ?
2- is mc not seeing it until the end (my fav style)? Is he actually played with behind his back corrupted girls?
3- is ntr really depending on heroine route, or is it like "harem" ntr where each girl is slowly corrupted in a single route? Or maybe there are both?
4- when you say that even pure love routes have ntr, is it more light hearted? Does it still have an actual non ntr happy ending?
5- how is the Japanese? Difficult or simple enough to follow everything?
6- who is netori dude? enemies or fake friends?
7- which game has the best ntr corruption and mystery?
So i am just not active in this thread and we all know it. But every once in a while i actually check my Messages and see what sweet NTR there is lurking around, and maybe even do my job around here.

I had several messages from a couple different people about a type of NTR not addressed in the front page that has caught my attention. Apparently there is some debate as to its type and if its Type A at all. I went over it and have made an Addendum to The Very front of this Thread.

I have added a new Type of NTR: Type D to the list. This is type is loving from afar. The Protagonist feels the NTR feelings because she SHOULD love him and this is an issue with him emotionally and mentally. The jealously and helpless feeling of NTR is there, so it is a valid NTR, but they are self perpetuated and not based in Fact, her actual betrayal does not exist in her mind or heart, only his.

Type A is the actual and factual known betrayal by the girl against the protagonist. Even if he doesn't know it is. SHE DOES and feels it in her heart. And this is KEY. This is shown usually by inner monologues in games. This is the defining factor between the two types.

I hope you all understand my reasons behind this decision. As always you can send me personal messages if something needs doing, and theoretically i will eventually get to it.
Hey been a long time! :)
I disagree here: it being a flavor like mystery NTR is perfectly fine, but a type is weird, since basically this ntr type D can be A/B/C too since it can be a setting with consensual love with the netori dude ("DA"), girl being blackmailed then corrupted ("DB") or even just raped from afar ("DC"). If it can be mixed like that, then it's a not a type, it's a variation, a flavor, where the love is one sided and ntr girl is just a friend.
Like I said, it sure exists, but as a flavor of main ntr types: even the type VN can be imagined with mc organizing secretly ntr from a friend girl he a has a one sided crush.

Edit :
And btw, I'd say the type VN also suffers from that, since basically it can also be mixed with A, B, C, which is confusing.

My view is :
- you have mainly netorare, netori and netorase as a big classes of "ntr"
- A, B, C are netorare types based on how the girl is ntred (from consensual love to corrupted to raped and actually never loving netori dude)
- mystery, one sided love (os?), protagonist hiddenly organized ntr (type vn) are flavors that can be added to netorare A, B and C.

Like, I play a "ntr type A with mystery and vn". Or "a type B ntr with os and vn".

What do you think?
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Man thanks for the summary, I wanted to play these games since a long time ago... but I'm too lazy and I know the Japanese would give me headaches.

Anyway, loads of questions :
1- what kind of ntr is it? Type B with corruption or type C (meh) ?
2- is mc not seeing it until the end (my fav style)? Is he actually played with behind his back corrupted girls?
3- is ntr really depending on heroine route, or is it like "harem" ntr where each girl is slowly corrupted in a single route? Or maybe there are both?
4- when you say that even pure love routes have ntr, is it more light hearted? Does it still have an actual non ntr happy ending?
5- how is the Japanese? Difficult or simple enough to follow everything?
6- who is netori dude? enemies or fake friends?
7- which game has the best ntr corruption and mystery?

1. Depends on the heroine or how far you go until you trigger an NTR event.. In the main NTR line I would say it's mostly type B- but some type A before the type B events. There's also some Type C I suppose. But mostly A into B.
2. At the start of the NTR route the heroines don't react too much because like above- it starts off a bit as type A.. Later when other netori types join in they start behaving strangely./disappearing at times. They try to keep it discreet from MC but don't do a very good job later>_>;..
3. Each heroine has their own route but the NTR route can include all heroines depending on choice. NTR route basically allows all heroines to be corrupted together. So I would say the main routes would be True route/Kanna route/Kanna pure love route/Emily route/Emily pure love route/NTR route. There's also Iris who has scenes depending on those 5 routes but I don't believe she's a main route the story can settle on.
4. This is a difficult question- It's been a while since I have played the game. But I believe the true ending isn't entirely happy non-NTR. Pure love routes are probably the most difficult to achieve and I also don't remember if every NTR in pure love is entirely avoidable. I think it may be. I also get confused if i'm thinking about the 3rd or 4th game at times >_>;...
5. Japanese is pretty simple but it's a very story driven game with tons of text. Helps to have a grasp on it but it's not complicated Japanese.
6. There is quite a lot of them. And they are enemies or friends depending on the path you choose. Emily sorta has the hots for Lambert- but depending on the route you will end up fighting him. And even if it starts with lambert- in the NTR route more people will always join in and also blackmail when possible. Most of the main netori chars have avatars but there's also some that don't in more minor scenes.
7. Hard to say. I would just go with the game that seems to have the characters you like most. In IIIs the Emily and Iris are sisters living with their father who adopted you when you were very young and you grew up with them. Kanna is... well. She use to be a puppy and through protags magic he got through contract with a genie god- was turned into a dog girl. Of course the dog girl didn't know human language or how to walk with human legs and the only way to infuse real magic into a girl(in this case, magic to give the girl human knowledge to be able to speak and walk) is through sex. So he ended up having sex with a girl with the mind of a puppy. Then after she gets that knowledge she keeps her dog instincts (sense of smell/hearing/overall keen senses and such)- a tail- and calls you Master and basically lives to make you happy and protect you.

Game might feel like a let down if you only play for the NTR scenes but the scenes and the game are well written enough- There is just lots of wait until you get into it. And you definitely want to play in clear mode so you can level with the free level up items- because the game is VERY DIFFICULT and will be incredibly grindy if you decide not to. level up items are in a chest in the recollection room when clear mode is on.

I love mystery pov too- It's by far my favorite. Which is why I am keeping close tabs on this game. He is making a mystery type dungeon to build hype for the main game but he is releasing them close together(maybe even together at this point because of delays) and has already fleshed out relationships with comics. And protag is a shota-type which is extra perfect. Shota + tanned tomboy shorthair girl NTR is as good as it gets. They make a cute couple but--

Also found this if anyone is playing III and needs some help. There's also an item ingame that lets you talk to the God you're contracted to- who usually reminds you if your current main quest. Also all quests appear in your inventory and the main quests will have [M] next to them. [R] is a repeatable quest and is just a sidequest- optional quests usually give you a reward other than just money- gear and equips. But that walkthrough will just tell you choices to help with route pathing. And maybe help with where you need to actually be.
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Thanks for all the answers, I'll motivate myself to play the third one later then :)
And yeah mystery are very rare, so I follow them all, including this one, I think you talked about it earlier.
Anyone know why on some computers I get a 503 service unavailable error whenever I try to access sadpanda?

Edit: nm... had to change dns settings. All good.
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Want some kind like this.
MC/support character loves the girl very much and the girl also knows he love her, but the girl chooses another bad guy(s)/MC that treat the girl like a sex toy or sex slave or even order the girl to have sex with other or sell herself.

Any recommend?
i see that custom order maid 2 us out for the US officially.

i also noticed it has NTR in the wikia. now, is this Netorase or can the girls be raped without your consent?

I've played a partially translated version. It is pure type B ntr, the girls are stolen without your consent (though you can avoid ntr depending on your choices) and then they even openly betray you at the end of ntr route. There are 6 separated ntr-routes for each of heroine's personalities with different story and scenes. Also, of course, there a lot of other ntr-scenes, including netorase ones. It is one of the best ntr games imho, considering that you can replay it over and over again with different heroines.

p.s. I checked out reviews, it seems translation in the English version is garbage, worse than fun translation. Also, it doesn't include a bunch of DLC content.
I play JP ver with all DLC.

COM3D2 should cover all kind of NTR including Cuckold, swinging, swapping because if you sum up all NTR event there more than 50+ NTR different events and still have some more update.

Most of them should be a type B (around 60-80% I think).

For ENG ver I think it just a basic version with a few NTR event still needs more update.
ボクを×××するおねえさま’s Has anyone seen the third volume?

In volume two, there was a ntr at the end.

Does the third volume also have an Ntr?
ボクを×××するおねえさま’s Has anyone seen the third volume?

In volume two, there was a ntr at the end.

Does the third volume also have an Ntr?

sad to say bruh im searching also for that for a year now still no luck...
Natsukis game finally coming out next week.. 2 1/2 years in development. Shame it's female pov- should still be a sizable game with lots of content.

Also Spiral Legend V starting to get reviews from the Japanese dlsite playing the game. Someone said it was the best in the series and a masterpiece. High praise- It also has some darker tags than the other games so I am not expecting anything close to Type A in it. I was going to wait until the inevitable big patch comes out but I know it still has an NTR route from launch so maybe i'll look into it. And if it's actually better than the other games i'll possibly write a review or a sort of choice walkthrough. Don't expect it though.
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Nenmaku Jun'ai ~Kiss x 900 Kanrinin-san no Ponytail wa, Kyou mo Kurokatta
粘膜純愛 ~ KISS×900 管理人さんのポニーテールは、今日も黒かった

Need walkthrough, Thank you
There are spoilers in that trailer lol

They show the last scene of the game (one of the endings) where she is already pregnant.
And they also show Daniel letting the son fuck her, so incest confirmed, at least one scene.

LoL looks great, I wish games like these got translated. I do think its a bit silly to bring 'Daniel' back. I mean do people really play because they like the bull? (I guess some do). For me its like having Donny Bohgan in all three Prison Battleship games and then only having Naomi cameo.
Hey guys i was bored and decided to check some of my favorite doujins, while doing that i noticed this and this were lacking the hidden sex tag, can you upvote it just in case also check your favorites and see if there are some that coluld use that tag but because of how new it is lack it. (and add it of course, or just post link here and i will)

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