Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

@jasonfs way to go :)

That's something I'm unable to understand: why this virgin obsession...

I suppose you're right, but that's really... disturbing to see.

Virgin obsession goes back centuries millenniums, its nothing new, but I can see why it would be hard to understand in a NTR Thread :lmao:
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Virgin obsession goes back centuries millenniums, its nothing new, but I can see why it would be hard to understand in a NTR Thread :lmao:
Well, you're right on that. :P
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

3 parts actually, the 3rd was in an older post of mine...

well glad to hear that it works, just delete my old savedata before starting the game, but there isnt actually any choices in the game AT ALL so yeah

NTR gakuen was a letdown for some reason i cant bring myself to be interested in it.. hope february has better NTR releases, im not putting much hope in the Lune TB game, hopefully the new atelier sakura game is good, seems to have decent CG and somewhat interesting plot

Also did anyone know what the supposedly NTR game released by the NTR nurse circle is about? its listed as NTR in getchu and is already released but i think its hypnosis or something
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

This is false.......

Has been tested

G:\RJ107657\RJ107657.part4.rar is not RAR archive

No files to extract
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

About RJ107657, I found these links:


Could someone upload these one to other hosts ?

any site that only has premium links up is most likely a spam site

Edit: yea, i'm almost 100% sure it's a spam site. They have new dlsite material within hours of dlsite release, and that's impossible. And these spam sites are really common
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Anyway, sorry and thanks for warning me. I will be careful next time. :shocked:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=20066]jasonfs[/MENTION] Damn but rapidgator is slow. Finally got it all downloaded now though, and it's working great. So I've got something to keep me busy this weekend then. Thanks a million for this, we could use more like you. :cheering:

As for the virgin thing, I kind of get it. Especially when it comes to NTR. It's pretty much an ego thing for the guys obsessing over it like the idol-otakus in question. In most parts of the world and especially so in japan, a girl's 1st experiences with a member of the opposite sex are supposed to be special. Young girls are often told to be careful and to make sure the guy the kiss first and eventually go all the way with is a man she loves and won't regret it, since it'll remain a unforgettable memory for the rest of her life. It's a well known sentiment in japan, though naturally it's the opposite for men. Girls are supposed to protect their virtue for the sake of the man they'll fall in love with one day, while if a guy over a certain age is one, it must be because he can't find a girl willing to do it with him. Not all that different from in most parts of the world, only a bit more emphasized, though modern attitudes have loosened up a lot from how it used to be.

The point is that it makes a guy feel special, gives him a sense of superiority to know he's the one she chose to have her first experience with out of all the other guys who would have been only too happy to do the job (assuming she's halfway cute). I'm pretty sure there's some instinct at work too, natural selection having favoured males who targeted girls without previous experience, and who therefore were certain to not have been impregnated by anyone else and having less chance of carrying any STDs. In the case of women it might be more important for a guy to have previous experience to prove that he's virile and that she's not wasting her time trying to concieve a child with a sterile man. Hence why many women often end up falling for playboys who mess them around and older men who are already married and perhaps have kids as well. Though that's all purely my own logic there.

In the case of the hard-core otaku obsession with a girl's purity in japan, it's for the reasons I already mentioned, and likely because of their own feelings of inferiority and insecurity. Most of them have probably had experience of liking girls they actually knew only to see said girls fall for other guys who were better looking and had much better social skills. In the end they prefer to focus on some imaginary 2d character or as good as imaginary idol who is unattainable in real life, and embrace the fantasy that she might against all common sense and logic, recognise his devotion to her and secretly returns his feelings and is just waiting for the right moment to admit it and offer herself to him, having kept her purity just for his sake.
It's a lot easier to delude yourself than admit your own faults, accept that you're aiming for the unattainable and lower your standards to be a little more realistic, along with putting some actual efforts into improving your appearance and success in actually interacting with the opposite sex in the first place if you genuinely want a girlfriend in real life. Reality is pretty harsh after all. But not for me, since as long as I have my 2D waifus who even needs 3D girls anyway. Don't you dare judge me! :runaway:

As for the NTR angle, I works in reverse. Because she's supposed to be saving her firsts for the man she loves and that being the protag who she is in a relationship with and possesses a strong bond of love with that has not quite reached a physical stage yet for whatever reason, when she ends up being seduced by some other guy and gets her cherry popped by him after only pursuing her for only a short time (albeit much more aggressively and assertively than the protag ever did) after your guy spent so much time and devotion on her just to get close to finally going all the way, the sense of being deprived of something that you'll never get back is pretty strong. Even if the protag wins the girl back and even makes her his and marries her someday, he'll always know that the other guy had his way with her first and that whenever she remembers her first time, it won't be him she'll be thinking of. It's an irreversible loss no matter how you look at it, even if the protag loves her so much that he can overcome it. It'll always be there, squirming in his gut.

I understand that a lot of you guys have a preference for NTRed wives, seeing a woman betrayed her husband who she married after years in a relationship and has been with as partners for whatever amount of time since, as a bigger loss than a virgin schoolgirl who's only been dating the protag for mere months and hasn't done more than kiss innocently with. I can see the appeal there, but for me the idea of marriage being sacred and inviolate isn't that strong an image. Since my own parents split in my early teens, it's felt kind of inevitable to me that couples will drift apart as enough time goes on and small grievances build up, and if they stay together for the sake of family and the responsibilities marrying has created for them, it seems to me like they'll be doing it out of duty and might almost certainly be seeing other people on the side to keep themselves going. I'm pretty cynical about that sort of thing I'm afraid, not that I'm trying convince anyone else of it.
Point is that for NTR, rather than married couples I get a lot more of a kick when the couples are experiencing first love. The innocence and idealism about it appeals to me a lot and gives me the feeling that at that age and level experiences, it really does seem like love will last forever and that you can handle anything as long as you have each other. The old childhood friends shtick you see all the time when they do NTR in this situation may be done to death, but it does help. Since it overcomes the sense that since they just started dating that it can't be that serious and that NTR isn't something you can't get over. In the childhood friends case, it feels more like they've always had feelings for each other since they were young, have just been waiting till they got old enough to actually get serious about them and finally enter a romantic relationship. All those years developing to that, all the experiences and feelings shared between them, only for some guy whose just entered there lives to steal her away, take the girl's virginity before the couple could get beyond holding hands and make all their time together seem like it means nothing with just a few thrusts of his magic dick? Well it's gets my NTR blood pumping. Though it might not be for everyone here, and might get a little repetitive with how many times it's been done before.

In conclusion, whether the girl is a virgin or not does make a difference in the end to a lot of guys, especially when it comes to fantasising. It may not be right or fair, and in real life no mature and decent man should ever look down on a woman simply because she has prior sexual experience. This we all know, but in a emotional level I don't think any guy is 100% happy with the idea that a woman he loves has had sex with other men, even if it was all before they even met. Even if he's mature enough not to let it bother him at all and treat like the tiny issue it should really be, the feeling is still there. Considering what the fetish in this thread is about, I'd say everyone here should understand those feelings pretty well.

I've rambled on a lot about something I felt like giving my thoughts on, so I'll leave it there. If you read everything I wrote, you have my praise. ;)
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

i agree with most of that.. i cant seem to get any kick out of wife NTR for some reason.. for me dating/almost dating is the kind of NTR i like, i also like to see a beta protag who takes his time only to see the girl being NTR-ed behind his back and him not realizing until its too late like the latest bbsacon work, or some kind of unrequited love and one day the protag had to watch the girl screwing someone else really makes me rage since it kindof makes the protag seems helpless and doomed from the start...

from the amount of idol scandals and how idol popularity in japan practically destroyed at the merest hint of her having male relations it is quite disturbing though, hell even voice actors for anime girls get their photos cut up for having a boyfriend, i read about how the otakus cut up figures of azusa from K-ON cuz her voice actor had a bf or something..

in fact im seeing something like this close to home.. AKB48 had just opened a branch in here in indonesia called jkt48 and there are already otaku fanclubs (local) who are mildly putting, rather obsessive, would be interesting to see what would happen if any of the idols were found to be a slut, which is likely considering the poor moral standards down here...

but you can understand some of the otaku rage... i read about one guy who bought like 1000 AKB48 CDs just so he can make sure he get 1000+ VOTING forms so he can vote 1000x for his favorite idol to make sure she wins... and then turns out she is a loose whore and not so innocent after all... i guess he would kinda feel NTR-ED after spending 1000s of $$ on her cds
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

So there's been a couple flash NTR games that don't work with ITH. I went and made a script to help me grab the text files and then auto translate it with google. Then I transfer the text back into the game. It works pretty well, and it translates most of it. Does anyone know of some really good flash games? I know of 煩悩本舗 ( ) but don't know a lot of others.

Here's chapter 3 of Toriko. There's 6 chapters altogether, but my connection sucks. If anyone wants me to upload the rest, then tell me.
[ゼロワン] 虜 TORIKO
chapter 3 download link:!gE0GSbxR!A0a1-xm1YBlT_4kyrIFb-0vTjRJNfbeMLqlCB7f9NtI
just copy/paste the file into /data/ directory. Or you can copy/paste it into the same folder as TK_start if you want to open chapter 3 directly.

Edit: chapter 4!EB1BgSqA!VzUvs1xQWHnwqmsi4Xwj1UPXu-pojlGK_QvLWMkKTzg

there's no animations/movies in this file, since the author keeps those in a different folder. As long as you put the files in the right place, you should be able to see the animations/movies.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

@DiabolicalGenius wow that was a long @ss post, i hope your experience hasn't destroyed all throughs about a happy marriage and getting old as a couple, i mean is REALLY difficult but nothing worth is easy, and about some of the things you said i just want to quote and saying in my country "cartera mata galan" wich roughly translate as "wallet kills looks/chivalry" xD

Oh just wanted to say that part of what you said about male and females choosing partners is mostly true, in history women had to be more selective when choosing a partners because, while men through only of having more descendants xD

and a little question bbsacon スマイル is the chapter of comic megastore called smile or what? if not could someone me to where i could download it or read it?

PD: rapidgathor doesn't seen to be working well could someone upload jasonfs links on another server? like mega xD
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


Holly!! New Amazoness CG!

This CG awesome is guys, hope someone will translate this CG like his previous works.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

@DiabolicalGenius wow that was a long @ss post, i hope your experience hasn't destroyed all throughs about a happy marriage and getting old as a couple, i mean is REALLY difficult but nothing worth is easy, and about some of the things you said i just want to quote and saying in my country "cartera mata galan" wich roughly translate as "wallet kills looks/chivalry" xD

Oh just wanted to say that part of what you said about male and females choosing partners is mostly true, in history women had to be more selective when choosing a partners because, while men through only of having more descendants xD

and a little question bbsacon スマイル is the chapter of comic megastore called smile or what? if not could someone me to where i could download it or read it?

PD: rapidgathor doesn't seen to be working well could someone upload jasonfs links on another server? like mega xD

Destroyed is a strong word, though I'll say dealing with that along with my own less than successful experiences of love has left me thoughts on such things rather sceptical and admittedly negative. I could push myself to have a more positive outlook and try not assume it's doomed from the start, but a part of me would still be convinced I'd just be refusing to face reality. But then, I'm kind of cynical and negative about things in general, so people would probably be justified that it's my own issues that are the problem. So we'll just see how I deal with them. If I meet a girl who can convince me that it's too early to give up, then maybe I'll start to see things differently. Maybe.

And that's exactly what I was talking about, that men a geared to to spread their genes as wide as they can while women have to be selective since they have no choice but to invest all their resources into the offspring they give birth to. It's natural selection. I was just commenting on how such behaviour might have added to the emphasis on virginity and purity in human culture throughout the ages.

And yeah, the bbsacon manga they were talking about was the one you're thinking about. Which we probably won't see in english unless someone finds some better scans.

BTW, are you seriously asking someone to upload it on megaupload? Cause I don't even know how to answer that one.....
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

BTW, are you seriously asking someone to upload it on megaupload? Cause I don't even know how to answer that one.....

the new one, a not so crazy i have seen 18+ thing there already xD, let see i didn't have too much trouble (except speed) with part 1, only now can i download part 2 (i am using jdownloader), because i got like to 70mb and stopped and every time i told me to wait for one or other reason

PD: FINALLY PART 1&2, but now i can't download part 3, T.T
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

the new hitou meguri ova is out! seems nice though i cant wait for the dark blue vol 2
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Do you mind posting instructions on how to grab text? I don't really play Flash games because of the ITH issue but that script thing seems really useful. The rest of Toriko would be pretty awesome however I can't even dl the parts you have uploaded =\... This new megaupload seems to be really buggy for me. My dl reaches 100%, but I'll get "Decryption error" once finish so I can't get anything off the site (tried FF/Chrome/IE).
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

the new one, a not so crazy i have seen 18+ thing there already xD, let see i didn't have too much trouble (except speed) with part 1, only now can i download part 2 (i am using jdownloader), because i got like to 70mb and stopped and every time i told me to wait for one or other reason

PD: FINALLY PART 1&2, but now i can't download part 3, T.T



I'll re-upload part 2 tmrr, since you have it already.
Thx again jasonfs.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Hi guys i have a question.
This game is netorare Ryoujoku Famiresu Choukyou Menu????
I know the ovas are netorare, but i don't know what expect about the game.
By the way thanks @jasonfs and @ron34 for キミノオモイ_2
I love you guys, nothing homo XD...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] Oh, right then. Didn't know there was a new mega upload site. Anyone know if it's just an imitator, or if the same people have set a new site up themselves?

Hi guys i have a question.
This game is netorare Ryoujoku Famiresu Choukyou Menu????
I know the ovas are netorare, but i don't know what expect about the game.

Yeah, I liked the ovas too, but when I heard it was based on an eroge and looked into it, everything I hear tells me it's non-netorare so I never tried it.
From what I can tell the game is similar in characters and plot, but the whole part with the man in a relationship with the main heroine and his brother doing her behind his back, is completely absent. The game just contains the part about the girl who was from a rich family only for them to be ruined and forced into debt, leaving her to take care it. She starts working at this family restaurant in a vain effort to begin repaying it, only for the manager to offer her more lucrative work by putting herself on the menu for special customers he has thanks to his old connections to the underworld before he went straight. It's your typical rape and sex training from there. Nothing original to speak of, the guys from the ova aren't there and the main character is the manager of the restaurant who's training her and her little sister to be his sex toys.
Doesn't look terrible, but I've seen it a hundred times before and if it was the NTR from the ova that grabbed you, it's probably not worth your time.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION] Oh, right then. Didn't know there was a new mega upload site. Anyone know if it's just an imitator, or if the same people have set a new site up themselves?

Its the same people, It just launched like 2 weeks ago. how ever this time they will be purging copy infringement files or so they say.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

Its the same people, It just launched like 2 weeks ago. how ever this time they will be purging copy infringement files or so they say.

i read they will only purge thing that are already accessible, for example they shouldn't purge the lates volumes of one piece at least in my subcontinent (latinamerica) i mean it will take years to reach that point

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