Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

@jasonfs @ron34 thanks for the links i will try it out as soon as i can.:D I've been gone for like a week and damn it felt like a year.
Tons of content on the thread to catch up on. Happy to see megaupload back in some form or another i always thought that i'd never see it again. Also i am wondering whats our next big title cumming soon ? Or what are u guys looking forward to.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread




Sorry it took so long, it failed to upload twice.

Also i am wondering whats our next big title cumming soon ? Or what are u guys looking forward to.

Elf's game definitely, I'm even more excited that it's a sequel(?).

[Team Bitters]魔法少女はキスして変身(かわ)る ~相手が彼以外の人だなんて……~
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

well i'm not excited about the LTB game... im hoping this month's atelier sakura game will be good though, and a couple of NTR ova's too soon (Wedding blue and dark blue v2)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

I'm very disappointed to hear that, but thanks for the info.

Anyway,Anyone have this game????
[STARWORKS] 新・彼女は先生のモデル
I been looking for this for a long time but all the links are dead.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

The Mahou Shoujo trial just pops up asking me to type something, and then when I hit escape twice it just bring up a picture with no text in the text box and crashes. What's the deal with that?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


same problem here man

hope someone can help us

or we have to wait for the full version
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

to get the game to work you need to just change the format option in regional and language options to Japaneses go to control panel in windows to find this. now of your thinking you already did that then your probably thinking about language for non-Unicode programs in the administrative options, they are not the same thing
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

the game works and i already know what you said^_~


when i select to start the game pops up asking me to type something, and then when I hit escape twice it just bring up a picture with no text in the text box and crashes

i have games and they work very good

is this trial have an error maybe??
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

@kidou I did have the problem you are talking about till I changed the format option in (control panel)>(Clock, Language, and Region)>(regional and language options)> here a window opens up in the format tab and the format type must be set to japan. dose not require restarting the PC.

not talking about system local, that has to be changed to japan to play most games, so most people should already have that changed. format is diffrent from that.

now the demo work for me, I can now start the game click start and the box pops up I click on ok twice and it plays.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

hey guys.
im really addicted to the ntr games by venus and im now looking frantically for one games by them:
[VENUS] 奪われた初恋

i got no clue where i can find this.
maybe someone can help me out? thanks.

Uploaded by ron34 on page 156
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


How's it going, NTR Brothers? Your friendly neighborhood Bastard is back with another book to read for those who'll indulge me, but first some general comments as I catch up on things.

Happy (belated) Anniversary to everyone! I've had a lot of fun reading everyone's posts, welcoming newcomers, and seeing this thread grow! Other threads on AS might have more pages, but if we carefully consider the content of those, we quickly reach one conclusion: fuck 'em.

@jasonfs Thanks very much for sharing キミノオモイ with everyone. You make the God Emperor of Mankind proud through your service!

@stupid_army I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not, but your signature makes me laugh my ass off every time I see it! Seriously.

@lonecow Very interesting thoughts on Fire Emblem! I'm a huge fan of the series, but I must say the Lyn/tactician angle never even occurred to me. While I first played it I never got the impression Lyn had romantic feelings for the tactician, but rather platonic feelings. Given, I hadn't really matured into the NTR Bastard I am today, but even replaying it, I don't see it much. It could be that I don't identify all that much with the tactician even though it's supposed to be 'you'. It was just an inclusion to help teach newcomers some of the mechanics, as far as I'm aware, and doesn't usually appear in other games. I just used him/her as a tool to give favorite characters the bonus he confers. Lyn was a great character, though! Pairing her up with Eliwood? For shame! I'm partial to pairing her up Rath or Kent, or letting her join Hector's richly deserved harem. xD Gotta love support conversations and matchmaking, especially when many of the characters from the previous Fire Emblem are their children.

Regarding Idols and the whole idol phenomenon in general... Living in Japan, you can't walk down the street without being inundated with idol propaganda. Generally speaking, I despise the whole process and see it more or less as exploitation, particularly when many of the girls are what I consider to be too young for adults to lust after in public. Say what you want about K-Pop idols(It's more or less as equally fuckin' terrible music-wise as its Japanese counterpart.) but at least most of those girls are properly 'of age' for that kind of work i.e. in their twenties. I'm not sure I would call it abuse(You have to take into consideration that they're usually willing participants, even if they are too naive/dumb to see they're frequently being used), but I do think it's all pretty fucked up. I hope at least some of the younger girls will save what money they do make and try to further their education to the extent that it's possible, but hell, that's generally how I feel about most young people. >_>

I'm guessing the girl who shaved her head is either dumb(likely) or was compelled to do so by her handlers(probably just as likely). AKB as a company is incredibly fucked up in its standards and practices, and we'd best solve the problem by cleansing their offices with fire. Still, it's all just so thoroughly Japanese that you're left shaking you head and trying your best to just ignore them. Personally, I don't know any Japanese male past middle school that is a big AKB, or other similar idol garbage, fan. Or, at least if they are they have the good sense to keep it to themselves, in which case, more power to them. Don't bring your fetishes up with the rest of society and everyone's happy.

Say what you want about America being a nation of prudes, but generally speaking, we know how to keep shit on the down low. I agree with some of you who were talking about broaching the subject of NTR to people outside of the thread. If they wanted to talk about it, they'd be on this thread or another like it(Are there any?), and they don't want to hear about what gets you hot and bothered just as much as you don't want to find out they're secretly a furry. The one exception to the rule is serious girlfriends/spouses, lying/hiding fetishes typically leads to problems.

Stay turned for Part 2 wherein Bastard pontificates on the nature of viewing NTR as a story and the virtues of the adult couple in NTR works!

Thanks for reading!
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Reactions: stupid_army
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

hey guys.
im really addicted to the ntr games by venus and im now looking frantically for one games by them:
[VENUS] 奪われた初恋

i got no clue where i can find this.
maybe someone can help me out? thanks.

Anyway,Anyone have this game????
[STARWORKS] 新・彼女は先生のモデル
I been looking for this for a long time but all the links are dead.

Action Bastard Crits NTR Thread for 9001 damage!
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


Here's part 2!

@DiabolicalGenius and @jasonfs, I'm very interested in your opinions and enjoyed reading your thoughts on games very much because they're so different from mine. I'd like to respond to some of what you said and share my own thoughts. It's not my intention to argue or say what you think is wrong, though I will disagree with some of it. I can certainly understand why certain things appeal to you, even if I don't feel the same way. ^_^ I hope you'll reply, if you have the time, and we can maybe hash things out a bit more and come to understand one another better.

@DiabolicalGenius, You made a very good argument as to why virgin's are unique and desirable, and while I do agree that anyone's first time should ideally be special, I don't find inexperience or naivety to be all that attractive, and as such virgins, and virgin characters, don't appeal all that much to me.

Forgive me, I'm forum-dumb and for the life of me can't remember how you make it go, 'so-in-so said x'.

This is from @DiabolicalGenius earlier post on the subject:
As for the NTR angle, I works in reverse. Because she's supposed to be saving her firsts for the man she loves and that being the protag who she is in a relationship with and possesses a strong bond of love with that has not quite reached a physical stage yet for whatever reason, when she ends up being seduced by some other guy and gets her cherry popped by him after only pursuing her for only a short time (albeit much more aggressively and assertively than the protag ever did) after your guy spent so much time and devotion on her just to get close to finally going all the way, the sense of being deprived of something that you'll never get back is pretty strong.

My general problem with these kinds of stories is that many times I don't see or feel this 'strong bond of love' between the couple. I usually see what I think of as affection rather than love, a strong like and sense of care for the person, and many times instead of seeing devotion, I see obsession. Many times the couple aren't even actually dating, or are only pseudo-dating, and many of the feelings the profag is experiencing aren't necessarily real or reciprocated, even when the girl generally likes him in return. Then, you might get a bit of the girl's perspective as she's being seduced and it's, "Oh, I really do like/love this person, but..." To me, if you really love someone that 'but' doesn't show up in the end. Now, I understand some people have more willpower than others, etc, but frequently we get a little bit of guilt when the couple are actually talking, then she'd back to fucking the other guy and not all that bothered by it.

We can't deny that there's a physical as well as mental element to love. It's hard for me to say a couple is really in love, if they've never even had sex. You can like a person to the moon and back, but if it just doesn't work in the bedroom, you're setting yourself up for a hard time.

Because the two are only just dating, and despite their previous relationship, whether as childhood friends or classmates, there's not much emotional impact for me. You did a great job explaining why it gets a reaction from you, and I can understand that, but for me, there's not enough of a romantic/intimate bond to be all that distressed over it. Many times it's just the girl saying, 'I really DID like you, but now I like this person more,' at the end of the story.

My other problem with young lovers is that, when you get right down to it, to me, teenagers aren't people yet. Sure they have emotions and they feel things and make choices, but they frequently don't understand the consequences of their actions, if they even understand that their actions HAVE consequences. Furthermore, they don't have what I'd consider 'real' responsibilities or obligations. I just can't relate to or understand that. It's easy for an NTRed student to stop caring about her family/boyfriend because she's naive and hasn't made those kinds of mistakes that will change the rest of her life before. Even if someone tells her, she doesn't get that she's destroying her life, and it's easy to trust/believe someone you think you love when they tell you everything'll be fine. As such the drama in those kind of stories isn't very dramatic for me, and that's what I crave: drama!

I have a hard time empathizing and understanding characters all the time, whether it's in books, games, or pr0n. I can sympathize certainly, but I can't really put myself in their shoes. I'm more like the co-worker that watches things unfurl than the profag himself. Characters act so completely different than I would, that I'm more likely to rage from being unsatisfied with their actions or a perceived lack of storytelling skill than any sort of anger from the loss/betrayal of my precious waifu.

To me, an adult couple has much more room for genuine drama than a teenage one. If they're married, you ramp it up another notch, and children sweeten the pot even further because each adds another layer of responsibility.

@DiabolicalGenius wrote,
I understand that a lot of you guys have a preference for NTRed wives, seeing a woman betrayed her husband who she married after years in a relationship and has been with as partners for whatever amount of time since, as a bigger loss than a virgin schoolgirl who's only been dating the protag for mere months and hasn't done more than kiss innocently with. I can see the appeal there, but for me the idea of marriage being sacred and inviolate isn't that strong an image. Since my own parents split in my early teens, it's felt kind of inevitable to me that couples will drift apart as enough time goes on and small grievances build up, and if they stay together for the sake of family and the responsibilities marrying has created for them, it seems to me like they'll be doing it out of duty and might almost certainly be seeing other people on the side to keep themselves going. I'm pretty cynical about that sort of thing I'm afraid, not that I'm trying convince anyone else of it.

I pretty much completely agree with you. And that's WHY I enjoy married works. It's the shift from love to affection to liking someone else better. It's the decline from pursuing and marrying a girl the profag was in love with to coming home from work every day and the only thing he's interested in is, 'Where's my dinner?' It's not that marriage is this sacred thing that can't be violated, it's that it's a further choice and action and responsibility that can create drama. She's SUPPOSED to be in love with him, but she's not. She's SUPPOSED to be faithful, but will she? I think that when done well, you'll see more of a moral dilemma with this scenario than with a teenage couple. Why does the girlfiend have to be loyal/faithful other than the fact that they like each other?

I like the drama from the personal struggle of going against responsibilities more than just the cheating. In fact, any woman that cheats on a boorish husband that doesn't appreciate her deserves what he gets. But it's the inner conflict that comes from what she wants physically and what her life is like that makes things interesting to me. If she's got kids, she's not just betraying her husband, she's betraying her kids. When she lies, she's betraying herself. When she uses friends or work as an excuse or alibi, she's betraying them. How is she able to handle all that, and how will her family react if they ever find out? That's the kind of things that draw me to NTR, and very rarely do you ever get that from stories with young couples.

I'll try to review a couple of games I've played recently for the next post; I promise it will actually have some jokes in it. This time, I just wanted to talk some more about our favorite fetish and why it appeals to me after Genius wrote that great post of his. ^_^ I'm also keen to hear thoughts from the rest of you!

Thanks for reading!
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

dear oh dear, i just bought and started Dead Space 3 and was pleasantly surprised to find some delicious NTR , the MC went and rescued his ex-gf, and when he found her she immediately hugged and kissed , not you, but the guy you came to rescue her with.. while the MC just stood silently
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


it worked!!!

thank you so much man^_^

you were a great help for me^_~
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

[MENTION=14209]Action Bastard[/MENTION] Nice to hear from you again Bastard and thanks for reading my post and making such a detailed reponse.

I've not really got the time to address everything you brought up right now, though I'll try to write up a proper post once I've had time to digest everything you've said and what I think of it.

All I'll say for now is that it does seem that you were pretty much doing the exact same thing I was in the post in question. Discussing your particular tastes in NTR and why it appeals to you, in this case in regards to taking the other side of the debate on why I like young love and young couples being NTRed and why you like mature, married couples being NTRed. So this is probably going to mainly break down to why I like what I like and why what you like doesn't appeal to me as much.
I'll be sure to talk it through properly when I get the chance. I'm always happy to have a mature, and rational discussion between individuals having different tastes and preferences within the same field of interest. As opposed to the usual childish flame wars that are the norm on-line. So I try to make the most of them when one crops up on a subject that interests me.
I'll have more for you soon. ;)

FYI, it's easy to quote text from other users. Just put the text you want to quote between tags like this {QUOTE="Username of user you're quoting"}What the person you're quoting said{/QUOTE} and switch the {} brackets for [] brackets. It's nice to know for future posts. We were all forum dumb once.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


@Prettz Damnit, man, I’ve been trying to avoid the ELF stuff ‘cause I didn’t wanna get too psyched for it, then go crazy waiting, but your question caught my eye and I had to check!

It’s definitely a new girl. The new title is, “No eyebrow(dude)'s patient is a physical(blue-collar) worker”.

Here’s the translation from the NTR Blog page:

The Elf homepage has been updated with a new picture.
The heroine is married. From her appearance to her name, she resembles the heroine from ‘ガテン系’. She’s a 25 year-old young wife with a nice body, who’s been married for three years and her only sexual experience has been with her husband.
The writer is Mr. 土天冥海, who previously wrote ‘ガテン系’.
Mr. 坂上海, who resigned from/left Atelier Gaguya last year has taken charge of the illustrations, which had previously been pending/undecided.
The release date has been pushed back from March to April. The price will be ¥3400 through DMM.

There are 625 comments for ガテン系 on NTRBlog. Compare that to some of your other favorites! xD
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread

OMG!@Action Bastard you have now gotten me psyched for this, now i will have to endure the WAIT. Also in the pic i see a syringe please don't ruin this amazing game with a DRUG scenario i hate those. I Love the heroines design so akin to the previous game.AWESOME:D

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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread


Here’s the translation for the comments around the girl’s pictures.

Name dictionary I use gave me Emi, Sakimi, and Sakumi for her first name.
I'd lean towards the first one as the other two aren't super common.


Hates twisted/warped and illogical/unreasonable things.

Proper in her choice of words according to the time and circumstances.

Wears her hair in twin-tails for work.

In her third year of marriage.
Newlywed with no children.

Her waist is a tight 59cm(23 inches).

Of course she's not a virgin!
But the only man she's been with is her husband.

Sorta knows what it's like to have an orgasm!

Weight is 51.5 kilos(113.5 pounds).

Always wears her safety boots at work.

She's got a tough nature despite being a worrywort.

Height is 160cm(5'2").
Inseam is 74cm(29 inches).

She's hot.

Her arms are thin, but she's strong.
She's really good at massaging temples.

Bust is 90cm(35 inches).
Bra is a F~G cup(40DD US).

Owns a lot of white panties. Doesn't really wear patterned ones.

She's still nice and tight despite being married!
(The literal translation made me giggle. Something to the effect of,
"She's a wife but possesses a fresh/naive crack." xD)

Her red construction pants.
They used to call her 'Crimson Emi'.

Shoe size is 23.5cm(7.5 US women's).


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