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New Atelier Sakura game from the "Ai suru tsuma" series in December:

This has the best looking art of any ofthier games for a while.

Hey you guys, We have Chitose Ch.02 Scan. Quickly enjoy this masterpiece. The art of Seto Yuuki is top notch. He is quenched my thirst for long time. Now how can I wait to the third chapter.

This looks great. Been a while since a second chapter with art alone got me.
It's their average artist the one doing it tho.

New Atelier game. Hope the plot brings up something new.
I disagree. Here wife is used by one dude and that is the excuse for the husband's boss to get into her panties and that's what the series is about, wife cheating with the boss not that a cucker got cucked.

Who are interested about Taimanin game?

It has different seiyus and apparently it's an alternative universe that keeps it non H so it can branch to the public in general.
I think it's a good choice to exoan the series market.
They should at least make a pc version with H scenes. The series is known because of the hentai. Can't take away what made you great in the first place
Hey you guys, We have Chitose Ch.02 Scan. Quickly enjoy this masterpiece. The art of Seto Yuuki is top notch. He is quenched my thirst for long time. Now how can I wait to the third chapter.

His drawings are very good, I hope that he stir up even more the jealousy of the MC in the next chapter. I also liked how he took his time in the first chapter to show the relationship between the MC and the girl, this makes the reader care more about them when the h scenes happen.

Who are interested about Taimanin game?

It has different seiyus and apparently it's an alternative universe that keeps it non H so it can branch to the public in general.
I think it's a good choice to exoan the series market.

I prefer that they keep up with visual novel stuff, what I most want from them is Taimanin Yukikaze 3. The design of both heroines in Yukikake are some of my favorites from them and this series is the one that has more potencial for NTR stuff. In the first yukikaze, ntr was not well done, too much female POV, but they improved the ntr aspect in the second game, used more MC POV and I liked it. Also, ironically, their poster girl (Asagi) and her blond friend are the ones I like the least, I can't see their appeal. The good thing is that with this they can raise more money to do more games, I just hope that they don't get lost.
His drawings are very good, I hope that he stir up even more the jealousy of the MC in the next chapter. I also liked how he took his time in the first chapter to show the relationship between the MC and the girl, this makes the reader care more about them when the h scenes happen.

I prefer that they keep up with visual novel stuff, what I most want from them is Taimanin Yukikaze 3. The design of both heroines in Yukikake are some of my favorites from them and this series is the one that has more potencial for NTR stuff. In the first yukikaze, ntr was not well done, too much female POV, but they improved the ntr aspect in the second game, used more MC POV and I liked it. Also, ironically, their poster girl (Asagi) and her blond friend are the ones I like the least, I can't see their appeal. The good thing is that with this they can raise more money to do more games, I just hope that they don't get lost.

I agree, Yukikaze and Rinko are amazing, and speaking about them.... Did anyone ever managed to get an H-code for Yukikaze 2 The Animation?
I disagree. Here wife is used by one dude and that is the excuse for the husband's boss to get into her panties and that's what the series is about, wife cheating with the boss not that a cucker got cucked.
i see, guess i misunderstood it cuz its not translated lol
Hi there my fellow NTR lovers. I have being procrastinating this for quite a while, but since things are really slow for NTR lately (nothing good coming out for a while, except some doujins here and there), I think it's time I'll do what I promised some time ago: Here is my guide for the simulation part of Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~. Keep in mind that this is just a guide, not a walkthrough. This guide is intended so you know the meaning of all the stuff in the "tutor simulator", so you can decide the schedule and enjoy this great game to the fullest knowing what you are doing and what you want to accomplish (since the scenes and story will vary depending on Touta's mini-test results, some things you plan on certain days and his final score at the end... and of course all the decisions you make, but the decision tree deserves another guide altogether, for its complexity). So, without further ado, here we go:

First I'll use a pic from Rascou's site so you can see it and I will explain what every icon and part of the menu means:


In the top we have the days of the week from FRIDAY to THURSDAY and it's respective number of day in the calendar => 金 Friday - 土 Saturday - 日 Sunday - 月 Monday - 火 Tuesday - 水 Wednesday - 木 Thursday. Notice that the week start from friday and not monday or sunday. This is because of the "tutorship schedule" in which a mini-tests will be held on fridays (金). So Touta will follow the schedule you plan for him and depending on his results on that week it will be decided if he pass or fail the ministest held on the first day of the next week on Friday (金). More on the mini-tests will be explained later.

Every day it's also divided into MORNING (昼) and NIGHT (夜). You can see those characters on the left part of the colored squares. So everyday Touta will take 2 actions.

The colored squares are the actions you decide for Touta on a given day. As you probably know they change by clicking on them and they come in 3 kinds:

RED - SELF-STUDY: Touta will study (memorize) by himself. This will raise Touta's FOUNDATION by 1 and will also raise his FATIGUE by 30.
GREEN - TUTORSHIP: Yukari will tutor Touta herself. This will raise Touta's APPLICATION by 2 and will also raise his FATIGUE by 10. This action can only be schedule on the MORNING (it can't be schedule on the NIGHT).
BLUE - REST: Touta will rest. This will decrease Touta's FATIGUE by 60.
GRAY: The squares that are grayed out are fixed actions we can't change. They change from week to week according to things happening in the story part of the game. For instance FRIDAY -MORNING and MONDAY-MORNING will always being gray-out with TUTORSHIP, because those days are the fixed tutorship that Yukari has with Touta. You can see which days will be gray-out with a fixed action HERE.

In the lower part of the interface we have some stats. This is probably the part which most people don't understand and are having problems with, so I'll try to explain as better as I can:

Under the Blue Text on the left side of "Chibi-Yukari" we have these:


As you can see these are the three stats we have seeing in the "colored squares" explanation. So this stats (FOUNDATION, APPLICATION, FATIGUE) will raise or decrease (only FATIGUE decreases after Touta has REST, FOUNDATION and APPLICATION will never decrease) depending on the actions we have decided. However there is a little trick to it, that is very important and is what makes this simulation mini-game fun (or maybe frustrating for some people): APPLICATION will never rise above FOUNDATION. This is logical if you think about it, after all, you have to to learn the basics first, memorize the theory (FOUNDATION) to later apply that theory to problems (APPLICATION). So, let's say on a given day Touta has 10 FOUNDATION and 10 APPLICATION and he has TUTORSHIP schedule on the MORNING of the next day. According to what I explained above (the TUTORSHIP description), Touta's APPLICATION should raise 2 points and his fatigue should raise 10 points after the TUTORSHIP, however since his FOUNDATION is 10, his APPLICATION won't raise and will be still be 10 after the TUTORSHIP, only his FATIGUE will raise by 10. So in order to raise Touta's APPLICATION to 12 the next day, he will have to have at least 12 FOUNDATION. Also if Touta's FATIGUE reaches 80 or above he won't learn anything in the next action (his stats won't raise except for fatigue unless you scheduled REST).

Under the red text, on the right side of "Chibi-Yukari" we have the condition to pass the mini-test that week. In the picture we see:

基礎 (FOUNDATION): 0/6

This means that Touta has to raise 6 points on FOUNDATION on that week. Let's go with the example on the picture. Touta starts with 5 FOUNDATION on that week, so in order to pass the mini-test next friday, he will have to end the week with at least 11 FOUNDATION. The conditions to pass the mini-test change from week to week. Here are the conditions for every week:

1st week:
2nd week:
3th week:
4th week:
5th week:

Don't worry too much about making Touta pass the mini-test every week, since you have to make him both, pass and fail, to unlock scenes. It's not as if you don't pass you won't get a H-scene, you will get a different one. In fact, it's way more complicated than that, since to unlock many scenes you will have to make a combination of decisions in story-mode, passing/failing mini-tests and scheduling a certain action for Touta on a given day. On top of that, there are some scenes (not H-scenes) that are unlocked by following certain actions/decisions and some chained events, that may or may not have an H-Scene (for instance the "dream sequences" between Yukari and Touta or the "Whisky Bombom" events, to name a couple). I know it sounds complicated, but believe me it's not that hard to unlock everything by yourself, and doing it by yourself is actually great part of the fun of this great game. The recollection menu have hints to unlock a given scene, some of them are not that clear, but most of them helps a lot to know what to do to unlock that scene. The hints in the recollection menu are unlocked after clearing 2 endings (I think, I don't remember very well).

Finally there are 2 buttons. One on the top right (it doesn't show in the picture because it was added on later updates) and one on the bottom right. The first one is to SAVE the game. I'm sure that I don't have to tell you this, but save before deciding on a given schedule to avoid posible mistakes. The second button is to go on with the schedule you have decided.

Now, some of you may be wondering if Touta's FINAL SCORE (The sum between FOUNDATION + APPLICATION points) serves for something. And the answer is YES. The final score determines which ending you are heading to. There are 6 endings to the game:

BAD GRADES ENDING (1 ENDING): You get this ending if Touta's Final Score is below 30 points.
NORMAL ENDINGS (2 ENDINGS): You get these if Touta's Final Score is between 30 and 70 points. Which of the 2 NORMAL ENDINGS you get depends on some of the decisions you make in the game.
GOOD GRADES ENDING (2 ENDING): You will get this ending if Touta's final score is 70 or more (I think, I'm not sure if that's the correct minimum).
SPECIAL ENDING (1 ENDING): This ending doesn't requires any final score. You get this ending by a combination of choices and tutor schedules. I may add what this conditions are if I make a complete guide in the future, since it's kind of tricky to get.

I was actually gonna add some tips to this guide, but making it has taken more time and effort I originally thought, so I will make another post with tips and even maybe a guide for some things (if there is people interested on that). If there is any mistakes or questions, please feel free to let me know.

Edit: Some misspelling corrections and some minor editing.
Edit 2: Updaed to add the 2 EXCELENT GRADES ENDINGS and a correction for the SPECIAL ENDING (It was not part of the Normal Endings as I thought originally.
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I need a way to save the comment above, i can't just screen save it since its too bi T.T
Hi there my fellow NTR lovers. I have being procrastinating this for quite a while, but since things are really slow for NTR lately (nothing good coming out for a while, except some doujins here and there), I think it's time I'll do what I promised some time ago: Here is my guide for the simulation part of Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~. Keep in mind that this is just a guide, not a walkthrough. This guide is intended so you know the meaning of all the stuff in the "tutor simulator", so you can decide the schedule and enjoy this great game to the fullest knowing what you are doing and what you want to accomplish (since the scenes and story will vary depending on Touta's mini-test results, some things you plan on certain days and his final score at the end... and of course all the decisions you make, but the decision tree deserves another guide altogether, for its complexity). So, without further ado, here we go:

First I'll use a pic from Rascou's site so you can see it and I will explain what every icon and part of the menu means:


In the top we have the days of the week from FRIDAY to THURSDAY and it's respective number of day in the calendar => 金 Friday - 土 Saturday - 日 Sunday - 月 Monday - 火 Tuesday - 水 Wednesday - 木 Thursday. Notice that the week start from friday and not monday or sunday. This is because of the "tutorship schedule" in which a mini-tests will be held on fridays (金). So Touta will follow the schedule you plan for him and depending on his results on that week it will be decided if he past or fail the ministest held on the first day of the next week on Friday (金). More on the mini-tests will be explained later.

Every day it's also divided into MORNING (昼) and NIGHT (夜). You can see those characters on the left part of the colored squares. So everyday Touta will take 2 actions.

The colored squares are the actions you decide for Touta on a given day. As you probably know they change by clicking on them and they come in 3 kinds:

RED - SELF-STUDY: Touta will study (memorize) by himself. This will raise Touta's FOUNDATION by 1 and will also raise his FATIGUE by 30.
GREEN - TUTORSHIP: Yukari will tutor Touta herself. This will raise Touta's APPLICATION by 2 and will also raise his FATIGUE by 10. This action can only be schedule on the MORNING (it can't be schedule on the NIGHT).
BLUE - REST: Touta will rest. This will decrease Touta's FATIGUE by 60.
GRAY: The squares that are grayed out are fixed actions we can't change. They change from week to week according to things happening in the story part of the game. For instance FRIDAY -MORNING and MONDAY-MORNING will always being gray-out with TUTORSHIP, because those days are the fixed tutorship that Yukari has with Touta. You can see which days will be gray-out with a fixed action HERE.

In the lower part of the interface we have some stats. This is probably the part which most people don't understand and are having problems with, so I'll try to explain as better as I can:

Under the Blue Text on the left side of "Chibi-Yukari" we have these:


As you can see these are the three stats we have seeing in the "colored squares" explanation. So this stats (FOUNDATION, APPLICATION, FATIGUE) will raise or decrease (only FATIGUE decreases after Touta has REST, FOUNDATION and APPLICATION will never decrease) depending on the actions we have decided. However there is a little trick to it, that is very important and is what makes this simulation mini-game fun (or maybe frustrating for some people): APPLICATION will never rise above FOUNDATION. This is logical if you think about it, after all, you have to to learn the basics first, memorize the theory (FOUNDATION) to later apply that theory to problems (APPLICATION). So, let's say on a given day Touta has 10 FOUNDATION and 10 APPLICATION and he has TUTORSHIP schedule on the MORNING of the next day. According to what I explained above (the TUTORSHIP description), Touta's APPLICATION should raise 2 points and his fatigue should raise 10 points after the TUTORSHIP, however since his FOUNDATION is 10, his APPLICATION won't raise and will be still be 10 after the TUTORSHIP, only his FATIGUE will raise by 10. So in order to raise Touta's APPLICATION to 12 the next day, he will have to have at least 12 FOUNDATION. Also if Touta's FATIGUE is 100 he won't learn anything (his stats won't raise).

Under the red text, on the right side of "Chibi-Yukari" we have the condition to pass the mini-test that week. In the picture we see:

基礎 (FOUNDATION): 0/6

This means that Touta has to raise 6 points on FOUNDATION on that week. Let's go with the example on the picture. Touta starts with 5 FOUNDATION on that week, so in order to past the mini-test next friday, he will have to end the week with at least 11 FOUNDATION. The conditions to pass the mini-test change from week to week. Here are the conditions for every week:

1st week:
2nd week:
3th week:
4th week:
5th week:

Don't worry too much about making Touta past the mini-test every week, since you have to make him both, pass and fail, to unlock scenes. It's not as if you don't pass you won't get a H-scene, you will get a different one. In fact, it's way more complicated than that, since to unlock many scenes you will have to make a combination of decisions in story-mode, passing/failing mini-tests and scheduling a certain action for Touta on a given day. On top of that, there are some scenes (not H-scenes) that are unlocked by following certain actions/decisions and some chained events, that may or may not have an H-Scene (for instance the "dream sequences" between Yukari and Touta or the "Whisky Bombom" events, to name a couple). I know it sounds complicated, but believe me it's not that hard to unlock everything by yourself, and doing it by yourself is actually great part of the fun of this great game.

Finally there are 2 buttons. One on the top right (it doesn't show in the picture because it was added on later updates) and one on the bottom right. The first one is to SAVE the game. I'm sure that I don't have to tell you this, but save before deciding on a given schedule to avoid posible mistakes. The second button is to go on with the schedule you have decided.

Now, some of you may be wondering if Touta's FINAL SCORE (The sum between FOUNDATION + APPLICATION points) serves for something. And the answer is YES. The final score determines which ending you are heading to. There are 4 endings to the game (1 more will be added later... hopefully this year, but I'm losing hope...):

BAD GRADES ENDING (1 ENDING): You get this ending if Touta's Final Score is below 30 points.
NORMAL ENDINGS (3 ENDINGS): You get these if Touta's Final Score is between 30 and 60 points. Which of the 3 NORMAL ENDINGS you get depends on some of the decisions you make in the game.
GOOD GRADES ENDING (1 ENDING): This ending is not implemented yet. This will be implemented in the future along with the Bonus Scenario. You will get this ending if Touta's final score is 60 or more. Since it's not implemented yet, right now if Tout'as score is above 60 you will get a NORMAL ENDING instead.

I was actually gonna add some hints to this guide, but making it has taken more time and effort I originally thought, so I will make another post with hints and even maybe a guide for some things (if there is people interested on that). If there is any mistakes or questions, please feel free to let me know.

Edit: Some misspelling corrections and some minor editing.

Please... please give us tips for playing other to aru haha series :D
This looks great. Been a while since a second chapter with art alone got me.

Chitose chapter 2 was decent. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. A little disapointed that it seems like the group is going to split up in Chapter 3.

What do people think will happen next? MC can't get it up without seeing Chitose? Or he's one and done while the Brother fucks Chitose all night?

Long term what are the chances the Brother and Sister are trying to take Chitose? Are we going down an incest route?
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Chitose chapter 2 was decent. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. A little disapointed that it seems like the group is going to split up in Chapter 3.

What do people think will happen next? MC can't get it up without seeing Chitose? Or he's one and done while the Brother fucks Chitose all night?

Long term what are the chances the Brother and Sister are trying to take Chitose? Are we going down an incest route?

I sure do hope that he gets to bang his sister, especially after she saw his "ABSOLUTE UNIT"
I'm currently playing through Atelier's Mayumi 2 game and I noticed that I'm missing some cg like images 88-93 here:

Am I missing something or do they just not show until some requirement is met?

From what I remember, these CGs are not in the game. They sometimes don't use all images that they put in the game, for example, in the previous game this CG is not used 194. If your gallery is complete, that should be it, the harder scene to get in this game is the 160-170 one.
Anyone know any ntr visual novels were heroine is shown to wear a wedding ring but over the course of she stops wearing preferably with change being seen in her sprite.
Please... please give us tips for playing other to aru haha series :D

What do you mean by "other to aru haha series"? Do you have problems with the first game? It would help to know specifically what people is having problems with to avoid making a full guide, since it's really tiresome for me.

Chitose chapter 2 was decent. Looking forward to seeing how it develops. A little disapointed that it seems like the group is going to split up in Chapter 3.

What do people think will happen next? MC can't get it up without seeing Chitose? Or he's one and done while the Brother fucks Chitose all night?

Long term what are the chances the Brother and Sister are trying to take Chitose? Are we going down an incest route?

I haven't check this yet. I'm waiting for it to finish to read it all in one ride. I only have check the thumbnails so I only have a rough knowledge of what's happening (I didn't know the other couple were siblings, I thought they were swapping). Personally I really hope that the alpha-dude will end up fucking both girls and that the cuck will be relegated to just watching from the side. NTR swapping is really hot, I don't know why artists don't make more NTR-swapping.

Seto Yuki has always shown potential to do good NTR, but he never go all out till now. He knows how to portrait the feelings of jealousy, arousal and impotency very well. Her heroines are really interesting as well, they are not your typical shy and innocent cute school girl, so reading his works is refreshing. That reminds me, I haven't read Level-D yet, I might as well do it.

Maybe because the walkthrough and guide for this series kinda hard to find online.
Has anyone played "Kabe No Mukou No Tsuma no Koe 2" to completion? There's still grey boxes in the flowchart even after I used a 100% save file. Is this a glitch in the crack, or was the game just designed this way?

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eatch wrote on Lebedev's profile.
marulove wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi Ryzen, Could you please reup these?Thank you.

Pachmiito wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello bro cloud you uploaded new updated SHRIFTII for 03.08.2025 is seems already new updated for bug fixed thx.