Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Damn she looks ugly. Downloading it now.
There's a blog out there with sample character designs that dates back to 2+ years.

The early or original design was really good, but the artist opted for a 'more realistic' look, which was generally panned.

I'll start it tonight or in the new few days anyway because I love Scale Garden, but the original aesthetics were definitely more appealing to me.
I'm planning to post some more tips and hints for Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ this week or the next, but I want to know first: Does any of you have problems with the first game?: Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~. If you do, I can post a quick guide to it. If not, then I'll just do the quick guide to the second game. I won't do a walkthrough tough, since it will take a lot of time plus, I'll have to erase my save file and start to play the game from the start (to check which combination of choices unlock which specific scene). If I do a walkthrough at some point, I would do so for the final version, but honestly I hope I don't have to do it. So let me know if you have problems with the first game or not.
A new version of 黒き胎動 should arrive very soon. The dev changed the balance to make it easier (enemies with less HP and reduced power for bosses ; less encounters). He's also working on some new scenes.

Of course I'll upload it when it's live on dlsite ;)
I'm planning to post some more tips and hints for Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Sono Kouhen~ this week or the next, but I want to know first: Does any of you have problems with the first game?: Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~. If you do, I can post a quick guide to it. If not, then I'll just do the quick guide to the second game. I won't do a walkthrough tough, since it will take a lot of time plus, I'll have to erase my save file and start to play the game from the start (to check which combination of choices unlock which specific scene). If I do a walkthrough at some point, I would do so for the final version, but honestly I hope I don't have to do it. So let me know if you have problems with the first game or not.

Me, more like i dont know what imust to do to unlock all h scenes on the first game :). So please help me
I updated the links for 黒き胎動 with the version 1.05 that just came out.

It changes the balance of combat and the encounters frequency to make it easier. rare kuripick update. Suddenly announcing a 2hour trial version sometime this week. Surprising news. Now if only we could get some news about the english TL project of his last game.

The only thing i know is that is almost ure to be ready around december, and that is almost finished. BTW is the new game a sequel from the previous? i think it was supposed to be
Info from TFGameSite, credits to user "Haunt". TFGameSite is very active and friendly site and community, focused on various forms of transformation (mainly gender bender). Text below is citation, stripped from already known games:

The Making of a Slut by austinhaney6969. After you promise to be faithful and then do the Bailey gets you drunk quest arc you get a chance to admit it to your girlfriend. Doing so then triggers a breakup, followed by an eventual return of the girlfriend where all is forgiven and you're both happy... when out of nowhere you catch her with a guy. She proceeds to say that it is the only way you can be together since she keeps remembering how you cheated on her. You are then forced to watch your girlfriend with that guy.

Queen of the Seas by Malhavok. This one happens in the prologue. You and your girl decide to elope together but you choose a ship sailed by pirates. You are drugged and proceed to wake up to the sounds of your girlfriend being ganged on by the pirates - only she does not sound like she is in agony. Of course then you too proceed to be ganged on along with her, but her continued sounds and actions happen even while you are set upon by the pirates. The prologue ends with her being sold to some whorehouse and you forced to become the cabin girl for the ship.

The Masculine Mystique by barabbas. This is a great game overall, but for NTR content the path you want is slightly hard to get but can happen two different ways. One path has you accepting the first "girl" you meet as your girlfriend but then proceeding to watch her suck a guy off in a bathroom at a party. Another path has you accepting "another" girl as your "lesbian" partner only to then watch as she gets fucked under orders by the queen of the high school. Sarcasm mode engaged, but on bright side you get fucked too, aren't you happy?

TSNTRTXTADV by plasticboy. This old text only RenPy game from 2014, despite its incredibly un-creative name (Seriously? TS NTR text adventure? ... At least it describes itself well I guess), is right up your alley. Many of the scenes and paths will have you getting NTRed while others or even that same one will have you getting changed and fucked as well or instead of her. Ignoring the name it was a remarkably well made game back in the day. You will not find any media in it though so be prepared to read. A lot.

Kelly by alburn. An incredibly old 2010 RAGS game, in this one you attempt to stop a mind control scheme where all the people in your life are being changed. If you do not figure out the secrets of what is going on fast enough then your girlfriend is not only permanently changed and controlled but you are forced to watch her think that someone else is who she is coupled with. And of course if you really fail you the main charater are also changed completely in ways that would not have been enjoyed prior to the changes.

Sweet Satisfaction by hemmel. Another incredibly old 2011 RAGS game, in this one you are supposed to get a present for your girlfriend, but depending on the choices you make you can really annoy her. This single incredibly hard to find (since every single choice needs to happen in an exact order - even choosing the same choices but in a different order will not give you this ending!) path results in her deliberately cheating on you with a guy and rubbing it in your face before leaving you to your fate that the magic has changed you into. Because the path is so hard to get I would normally give you a walk through but it has been too many years since I played it to do so myself - and apparently there are no walk through guides already available.

Through Sophie's Eyes by Emmeken. Actually this seemingly incredibly old 2012 TADS game is far older actually! It was originally created in 2005 by I think it was Alyssa S or something like that. So a 14 year old game, and in some ways it shows its age. This is a psychological / mystery / horror erotic game. You accidentally log in as your younger girlfriend's usual online avatar only to find out that when she logs in privately she is going to a sex game as a submissive slave slut toy - only now you are the one forced to play out her expected part due to the programming of her avatar. As you explore further you find out that maybe all is even darker than it first looks. Apparently Sophie used to be a male programmer and was changed into this by the vengeful guy you meet in this virtual sex world and it seems he is the reason she hooked up with you in first place.

I am sure that there are others on this site, but those are the only ones that jumped into my memory right away and I could refind quickly in some cases. I have hazy memories of a few other games, including one or two by Lily and Tina from way back when) but can not recall their names or how to find them off hand and did not want to recommend a game if I was not sure it actually contained the content. So for once I am posting a short list without deliberately holding any back, sorry about that.
There's a blog out there with sample character designs that dates back to 2+ years.

The early or original design was really good, but the artist opted for a 'more realistic' look, which was generally panned.

I'll start it tonight or in the new few days anyway because I love Scale Garden, but the original aesthetics were definitely more appealing to me.
The difference is incredible from the amazing early design and the bad released stuff.
I'm disappointed.

Wow, I remember TSNTRTXTADV. I really like text-only games anyway and it is a fun little story.
The NTR derives mostly from the choices you make as the player. Essentially the mansion requires a series of lewd tasks be carried out in order to progress, so either you take the hit yourself (having been transformed into a woman), or allow one of your companions to do so instead. Having the free will to decide that your girlfriend should be the one to suck your best friends cock, or to let him explore alone with your sister (only to realize later that they still aren’t back) is pretty erotic in its own way. It is very short though, and the NTR is very 'light' in feeling.
Wow, I remember TSNTRTXTADV. I really like text-only games anyway and it is a fun little story.
The NTR derives mostly from the choices you make as the player. Essentially the mansion requires a series of lewd tasks be carried out in order to progress, so either you take the hit yourself (having been transformed into a woman), or allow one of your companions to do so instead. Having the free will to decide that your girlfriend should be the one to suck your best friends cock, or to let him explore alone with your sister (only to realize later that they still aren’t back) is pretty erotic in its own way. It is very short though, and the NTR is very 'light' in feeling.

Tbh- not speaking for anyone else... but certain games on that are NTRbased are imo better than most of the games on that site. No one mentions it ever here- but plenty of NTR games on chyoa have been updated be numerous people over the years and are in the 100+ chapters category with multiple routes and such. Sadly- no real way to tell which of the many routes are finished unless you spoil yourself with the route map so running into dead ends and having to go back a choice is pretty common. It's also nice that many of the stories let you customize names and jobs/hobbies and such.
Tbh- not speaking for anyone else... but certain games on that are NTRbased are imo better than most of the games on that site. No one mentions it ever here- but plenty of NTR games on chyoa have been updated be numerous people over the years and are in the 100+ chapters category with multiple routes and such. Sadly- no real way to tell which of the many routes are finished unless you spoil yourself with the route map so running into dead ends and having to go back a choice is pretty common. It's also nice that many of the stories let you customize names and jobs/hobbies and such.

TFGames is for transformation fetish works after all, so no surprises there. I've read a number of stories on CHYOA as well, the problems with it are mostly (as always) poor tagging and that the majority of works are cuckold or hotwife, something I don't personally enjoy but others might. Sadly in my experience most of NTR content is either left unexplored or is only a minor aspect buried in some larger story. 'The Afterparty' is a great, well developed story with some solid NTR paths worked into it though. One part in particular where the protagonist's crush ends up inside a closet with the douchebag rival is incredibly hot. 'Favorable Odds' also had the beginnings of an amazing NTR path, where you can allow another guy to take liberties with your new girlfriend, but unfortunately hasn't been updated beyond you letting her become manager for the football team.
There's a blog out there with sample character designs that dates back to 2+ years.

The early or original design was really good, but the artist opted for a 'more realistic' look, which was generally panned.

I'll start it tonight or in the new few days anyway because I love Scale Garden, but the original aesthetics were definitely more appealing to me.

Played the new Scale Garden game. Not as good as the old games sadly. Disappointed.
Played the new Scale Garden game. Not as good as the old games sadly. Disappointed.
Yeah, same. I don't hate it overall, but it didn't live up to the hype/wait.

- Elements of interaction
- Pixel (non-CG) art
- Zoom in/out feature

- Artwork, namely female character's face
- Music selection
- Plot
- Simulation rather than a game

- Wrestling game, maybe due to language barrier
(Wrestling does have a fairly prominent part, so not fully understanding it may lend to a more negative review than the title warrants.)

It's over 5.5 years since the last game was released, so this is quite frustrating, especially since so much work was clearly put into the technical parts.

Overall, their older games were just that -- games. Some people didn't like Rhode's Fortress, but it's one of my favorite RPG Maker games and the combat system was classic, but I also liked the titles before it.

This one is just a go-there, do-that type of simulation with the wrestling segments falling flat compared to, in past games, the combat being a reprise from linearity.

There are definitely interactive elements, and some being relatively clever at that, but it's still lacking in engagement/enjoyment. I did enjoy the pixel art quite a bit, I wish there had been more of it...costumes, groping, posing, whatever, to discover and use.

Silver lining may be that given the new RPG Maker MV framework established, that future games can have a shorter turn-around time and more effort spent on the aesthetics/fun appeal itself. (And story.)
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Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ QUICK GUIDE

At request of our friend stupid_army I'll make a quick guide for the first game from the Toaru Hahaoya series (Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~). However, rather than a guide or walkthrough it's actually guidelines to unlock everything from the game. This will also be useful for other Rascou games and VN in general. Let's start with some things you have to take care of first:

Enable the "hint option" in the Options Menu (the 3th option):


In case you wonder: The 1st option is to enable/disable pubic hair, the 2nd option is to enable/disable cross-section view, the 3th option is to enable/disable hints when a decision pops up and the 4th option is to enable/disable voice playback continuation (the voice will not be cutted when you click, but when the next voice it's spoken... something like that).

When the 3th option is enable it will show a hint every time there is a decision. They come in two kinds:

(ルート差分) Route Branch: This hint means that the choice won't affect the ending, but the story will branch briefly. This is usually for rasbook pictures and sex scenes, meaning that your choice will decide which picture or H-Scene (of generally 2 options) you will be watching/unlocking.

(①②③④⑤⑥) Ending Numbers: This game has 6 endings. In some choices you will see this numbers. This means that that choice will lead you to that ending. Most choices have various numbers on it. For instance:


So if you choose the first choice you will be heading to one of the ④⑤⑥ endings, but if you choose the second choice you will be heading to one of the ①③ endings. To get to an ending, you will have to choose that number's ending every time. So if you want for instance to unlock ending ①, every time you see a ① as a hint, you will have to choose that choice.

To unlock everything from the game you will have to do two things: Reach every ending and see every branch. This can be achieve in a practical and fast way by following the guidelines I'm gonna give you, but before that there is a couple of things that will be useful:

Text Color: As you probably know the already readed text is marked in blue, while the text you see for the first time is marked in black.
Skip Button: The skip button will skip all the blue text (already readed) and will stop at new text (in black), a decision or when Kento (Yukari's son) is checking rasbook. Keep in mind that the Ctrl key will skip everything, so use the skip button instead. (of course you can re-read all the text if you want, it's your choice).

So in order to unlock everything, follow the next steps (I'll assume you are playing for the first time):

IMPORTANT: We will be using the color of the text to know if you have seeing that part of the game or not, so after a choice is made, if you see black text DON'T GO BACK OR RELOAD TO CHOOSE THE OTHER CHOICE OUT OF CURIOSITY. There are some people that after choosing a choice in VN go back and reload to choose the other option to see a little bit of what would have happened if they chose that instead. DON'T DO THAT IF YOU ARE FOLLOWING THIS GUIDE. You take the risk to miss one scene later on and not knowing where you missed it. The only time you are allowed to reload is after you reached one of the endings, then you can reload your last choice, and that's it. If you see blue text you can reload if you want (actually you will have to, in order to check if the other choice has black text).

0. SAVE BEFORE EVERY CHOICE IN A DIFFERENT SLOT. I also advice to use an empty Save Page in every playthrough, to keep things in order.

1. Play the game however is more enjoyable to you and choose whatever you want. You will unlock a bunch of H-scenes and one of the endings. Take note on which ending you reach so you won't forget in the future.

2. Load the last choice you made in your first playthrough and choose the other choice instead. This will hopefully allow you to reach 2 endings in 1 playthrough. You will be doing this EVERY TIME YOU REACH AN ENDING.

3. From this point onward the skip function becomes very handy. Play from the beginning but this time choose every choice you didn't on your first playthrough. You should see black text after a choice every time. If you see blut text, then you probably already made that choice, so reload and choose the other choice (if you see blue text in both choices, then choose whichever you want). Reach the ending and take note of the number, then reload from your last choice and choose the other choice (just like you did on your first playthrough). This time however, it will be quite probable that you won't reach a new ending by reloading your last choice (you will probably reach one of the endings you have already saw on your first playthrough). Don't worry about it.

4. From this point onward you will have to decide which ending you want to unlock before you start your next playthrough.

5. Start your next playthrough, but this time you will have to follow this 2 rules:

Rule 1: Whenever you see a choice with the number of the ending you are going for, choose that! For example, let's say for that in your first two playthroughs you reached endings ①, ② and ③; and you decide to go for the ending ④ in your next playthrough. Then in this playthrough, whenever you see a ④ in one of the choices, click it. It doesn't matter if you already have seeing that part in previous playthroughs (blue text).
Rule 2: Whenever you see "ルート差分" (Route Branch) instead of a number OR whenever you don't see the number of the ending you are going for in this playthrough, choose the option that show you black text (unread text... remember the IMPORTANT NOTE in the beginning: if you see black text, continue, don't go back or reload your choice). If both options show you blue text then choose whatever you want.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining endings. After reaching all the 6 endings doing this you should have unlocked everything in the game. If you still have some scene missing, then you will have to check every choice you made (that's why you should save in every decision) to see if there is black text at some point. However, I doubt you would have to do that, since I'm almost sure you will already have everything unlocked already (H-Scenes, Yukari dress room and rasbook pictures).

That's it, corrections and questions are welcome. I hope this helps you out.

Edit: I said "quick guide" but I think it was longer than my previous one LOL.
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Re: Toaru Hahaoya no Ayamachi ~Yukari Hen~ QUICK GUIDE

Thank you for the guide. I'm kinda new to NTR, this game made me love it. However you mentioned 6 endings and the latest version i was able to find has only 3. I guess there there were a lot of updates. Probably you have an updated version. Would it be possible to share it? It will be much appreciated.
Anyone got any eroge recomendations similar to this Kaya-Nee chapter. Essentialy female tutor with male student. Doesnt have to be NTR but would preferably be.

Is 黒き胎動 in the same settin as the previous ame? also if so then is it a prequel? (i doubt its a sequel because i think the endin made it imposible), i say because i think there is blonde adventurer that looks like a nun in both games, plus the priest
Is 黒き胎動 in the same settin as the previous ame? also if so then is it a prequel? (i doubt its a sequel because i think the endin made it imposible), i say because i think there is blonde adventurer that looks like a nun in both games, plus the priest

You meet the girl and the MC (not the priest) of D.P., his previous game. This new one is the sequel.
You meet the girl and the MC (not the priest) of D.P., his previous game. This new one is the sequel.

lol i think i only ot the bad ntr ending in the prequel xD, never bothered wih the happy ending xD

BTW terasu released third árt of his ntr mini series(?) this time with the mom, is hot and i like the extra bit of evil that is the irlfriend helping set it up (or so i think, i could only read about half with capture text) anyway i can wait for more muahahahaha

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marulove wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi Ryzen, Could you please reup these?Thank you.

Pachmiito wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hello bro cloud you uploaded new updated SHRIFTII for 03.08.2025 is seems already new updated for bug fixed thx.
Agent_Smith wrote on Shine's profile.
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i searched the entire internet but nobody has this game beside you
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if you still have it, please reupload it, nobody else has it
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