Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Looks like a yandere step-sister game.

I'm actually pretty excited as I can't remember the last time I've played a really good yandere game. Maybe this will play like Nymphomania (another Mink game) where a long-distance relative comes into the family and proceeds to corrupt everything around the MC.
I never found any working link of hd version, or even the old version :(... can you upload that one on a torrent or anywhere else?
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

@lonecow: Don't get me wrong I definitely understand your frustration.
I'm not one to infringe on other people's fetishes be it Yaoi or Guro.

My major point was not that GF/Wife NTR is uninteresting, but the studios doing them have largely followed a cookie-cutter route of releasing the same game month to month. I personally look forward to these bigger budget titles (even if they throw in incest), because they tend to have more interesting plot/CG/sound/etc. As long as the themes are done reasonably believable, they're still much better (IMO) than anything we get out of the rehashed stuff we tend to get.

@Redorc: Just got reup recently! No HD version unfortunately.][m-no-violet]nymphomania-ニンフォマニア-126334/
Game was a little weird for me but overall I found it solid. They're totally different games, but Swindle is another interesting game if you're in need of something to play. It's Netori but feels pretty open-ended (you can make a bunch of evil/good decisions and there's some stat parameters).
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Yes I see what you are saying and I agree. It's better when I'm playing a game and the NTR is a surprise as to playing a game that is just built around that concept.

Also I wasn't condemning people with Incest fetish. That's fine, I just don't like how sister and mom incest has been lumped into NTR as I don't think it is anywhere close to being the same.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I dont get why blood related incest should not be NTR? it depends on the protag, if the protag has incestuous love or protectiveness towards the family member, and feels jealousy when the said sister/mom screws the other guy, then it is NTR right, since someone the protag has feelings for (even if its incestuous love) gets stolen by another man..

I dont have an IRL incest fetish, but in eroge i put myself in the shoes of the protag who feels jealousy at his sister being stolen by another man and feel the NTR rage, i hate mother/son incest personally as it is imo too squicky, but in some eroges when i read the text on the protag's inner thoughts i somehow manage to relate and feel some of his rage e.g when his mom screws her new husband
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I dont get why blood related incest should not be NTR? it depends on the protag, if the protag has incestuous love or protectiveness towards the family member, and feels jealousy when the said sister/mom screws the other guy, then it is NTR right, since someone the protag has feelings for (even if its incestuous love) gets stolen by another man..

I dont have an IRL incest fetish, but in eroge i put myself in the shoes of the protag who feels jealousy at his sister being stolen by another man and feel the NTR rage, i hate mother/son incest personally as it is imo too squicky, but in some eroges when i read the text on the protag's inner thoughts i somehow manage to relate and feel some of his rage e.g when his mom screws her new husband

I guess you are right, though I find it hard to get into the protags head in that case, the same way I find it impossible to get in his head when the main character is a rapist. I guess I'm just bitter because of the sheer amount of mother/sister NTR that has been produced lately compared to the "traditional" type of relationships.

Though if the wife/gf is getting NTR'd BY a blood relation, that is totally hot. :)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well, my point is that I personally think that for reader immersion purposes, The closer it is to real life, the more reader immersion you get, and the the more impact the NTR delivers.

As mentioned earlier, the setting can distort the NTR theme. In a fantasy NTR, as we talked about earlier, for instance. Because it's a fantasy the reader immersion changes.

From my admittedly limited world view, incest and oedipus complex is not a commonly PRACTICED behavior. There's a part of our mind that likes the forbidden titillation of it, but it's different from actually harboring these emotions in real life.

So from the start and incest themed NTR is asking me to relate with someone who was incest oedipus complex.. That's something hard for me to do. Because as said.. I personally like the incest fetish because it's "forbidden", but not because I have possessive feelings.

I'm not saying they should stop making incest NTR games. I'm saying that I don't get it.

And as said there's also nurse and idol NTR themes. Nurse.. I kinda. understand.. I've worked in a hospital once. Sick people are lonely. Old people are lonely. Sick and old people are very lonely. Their emotions are clouded and they can easily fall in love with their nurses. But this is closer to a psychological drama than NTR to me.. xd

Idol NTR I really really don't get, because I will never be an idol otaku who spends thousands of dollars on idol merchandise. But like Nurse NTR, I think this is based on false affection and false expectation. It's hard for me to get this kind of NTR.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

well some people like to have sex with their gf/wife while imagining them as his daughter ( ive heard that some even asks them to call him papa etc) , but its just a type of fetish i guess, doesnt mean that the said guy would eventually want to bone his own daughter, its all about fantasies

But i do have difficulty putting myself in the protag shoes when i do not like the heroine ( looks, personality) because even if you put urself in the protag shoes if you dont feel that the heroine is attractive e.g bad art (particularly some of the Black Lilith or Anim NTR games where the facial expressions a.ka ahegao turns me off completely) though others like those kind of art, and also i dont feel enough rage when the heroine is raped or blackmailed even though the heroine starts to enjoy it, because there is no true betrayal involved, for me NTR, there has to be proper cruel, consensual betrayal to feel the rage

I guess the conclusion here is that it depends on personal fetish/preference, since there are many type of NTR, so even if i dont understand why people consider Rape NTR to be rage-worthy, i wont say its not NTR, just as i say that incest NTR is still NTR because people have different fetishes.. Whether you consider something to be NTR depends on your power to relate to the protag, e.g in the case of having an IDOL getting NTR-ed and the protag is an otaku, in his perspective he is a loser who only watches her all day, fantasizing about how perfect she is while he himself has no life and doesnt know any real girl, now put yourself in the loser's perspective and imagine the girl who was your entire world being defiled by some handsome man/coworker/manager and imagine how his entire world starts to crumble... so its all about your ability to fantasize
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

As far as incest goes, I agree with most of what's being said in that most of the attraction in it for me is from it being a taboo more than anything else. And then only as a fantasy without any relation to real life blood relatives. I can get aroused by the idea of characters practising incest when I'm seeing it as a third party, but can't feel anything of the sort when it comes to real life relatives. There just isn't anything there for me.

Even so, I don't think the incest NTR is as hard to get as you think. Whether there feelings of pure familial love or sexual attraction involved, even in real life it's very common for people to feel some possessive feelings for relatives of the opposite sex. Though it's usual more of a protective feeling, or having close bond that you don't want outsiders interfering with.
It's considered quite normal for brothers and fathers to be more than a little hostile to the idea of their sister or daughter having a sexual relationship with a man, even to the point where it a common cliché for a boyfriend to dread an introduction to his girlfriend's male relatives, and is usually met with the expected response of 'What do you think you've doing to our sister/daughter you bastard'. The cliche of going over to your girlfriend's house to find her male relatives have chosen that day to clean and oil their gun collection is rather common in certain parts of america. It's normal, right?
And it's not all that different for female relatives to their brother or son. I'm sure every woman tells horror stories about the treatment she's gotten from her mother-in-law and the like, though it's not as prevalent in culture for a sister to act that way, though I'm sure it happens more often than you think.
And of course, the situation where the kids are invariably hostile to any parent's new partner should they get remarried is also considered a norm as well.
Every mother's boy thinks deep down that his mother is the one and only woman who will always love and prioritise him above anyone else no matter what, and would almost certainly be wounded if she began devoting more time and warmth to a man who just came out of blue.
Similarly, every daddy's girl feels like her father is the man she can always rely on to care for, protect and support her no matter what, and should he begin spending all his time with a strange woman and not seem to care about her anymore, she'll feel betrayed. In both cases it's hits harder if they're still young and particularly during adolescence when their feelings towards the opposite sex are already undergoing a rapid shift.

Familial love and romantic love are different, but are still love. And possessiveness and jealousy is an intrinsic part of such feelings, whether incest is involved or not.
This may not apply to everyone, and depends as well on whether you have a good relationship with the relative in question. But I think it's worth keeping in mind.

Of course, it may just be that incest is already one of the most popular fetishes in japanese ero, and they're just combining the two in order to bring in both the incest lovers and the NTR lovers.
That may be it too.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well, imo most of the otaku who plays incest eroge and is obsessed with their little sister fantasies dont even actually have a real imouto IRL, i think its because of the idealized nature of japanese manga/anime/eroge of 'moe' characters who are perfect in about every stereotypical way e.g your generic tsundere childhood friend, the haughty drill-haired blonde ojousama etc, and in this case maybe a cute twintailed imouto that calls you oniichan with puppy eyes, but i doubt such things happen often IRL, even mother/son relationships, IRL in Japan many households have mothers that are harsh on their son, expecting them to go to cram school and a good uni, i doubt many people would actually get jealousy if their mother remarried IRL

Those feelings and obsessions on sister incest are, imo limited to eroge/anime/manga fantasies, and rarely extends to their real world, think about it, most little sisters IRL in middle schools have pimples, just got their braces etc

Also i dont remember too many incest NTR games around, especially sister ones, at least not good ones, NTR48 and mink ego game comes to mind but even mink's game is not blood-related sister, what i dont get though why there is so many mother/son NTR since i cant imagine why people like those..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

what i dont get though why there is so many mother/son NTR since i cant imagine why people like those..
Well it's basically everything DiabolicalGenius said, but for those who prefer mature female leads.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

yeah, i get that, its all about preferences etc, what i dont get is why there is so MANY of the mother/son NTR games out there, since i imagine sister NTR is much more 'normal' if that makes sense, i mean if we are talking mature women, then i imagine older sister types, but mother incest, idk how it is so popular, even in exhentai there are alot of mother NTR, like the OVA adaptation of the Anim game that just got released 2 days ago, but maybe its just me who wants less mother/son NTR and more gf/sister/wife NTR? you never know, but there has been so few good NTR games for the past few months i would take anything right now..

Also maybe the thing about games not being released might be true, there is a couple of NTR games incl the atelier sakura one which is due to be released end of May but i havent seen them anywhere, the CGs arent even out on exhentai, wonder if this means we might not be getting the NTR games when they are released, or if we have to wait a long time for them...
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well from my personal opinion, I know quite a few "NTR games" out there don't know what NTR means. They're really relabeled rape/ryona games.

I'm guessing some companies simply jumped the bandwagon for some quick yen.

and now the NTR bubble seems to be bursting. (honestly Atelier Sakura was part of the problem)

that's why we are getting less NTR
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

[MENTION=20066]jasonfs[/MENTION] Well, if you're wondering why there is so much mother x son NTR these days, you should start with asking why mother x son hentai has increased so much instead. Since that's probably the reason why.
Whether it's eromanga or eroge, brother x sister incest used to be the most overwhelming popular type of incest fetish done in the genre. But within the last 5 years or so mother x son has been rapidly increasing until it's almost as popular as bro x sis. More accurately it's "mature female relative" x "young male relative" which has become popular.
Aunt x nephew is seen almost as often as mother x son or step-mother x step-son.
Following that trend it's only natural that the amount of it in incest themed NTR goes up as well.

I'm a little disappointed myself even if I understand why people go for it. But for me mother x son is my very least favourite type of incest. not that I can't enjoy it if the heroine is hot and the art is good, but I still groan every time I see yet another of that kind. I much prefer older male x younger female, incest or not, when it comes to my ero.
But like we've been saying, it's a matter of taste. It's just our tough luck when some of the most popular fetishes being catered too happen to be ones you don't share.
But compared to the slow and insidious dominance of BL in the doujinshi scene, this is nowhere near as bad.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

IMO fetish preference isnt the biggest obstacle to having good NTR, the problem for me is how NTR is portrayed, look at exhentai galleries tagged 'NTR', but how many of them are actual NTR? dozens and dozens of manga in comic releases involve a married couple, with the husband seen in ONE page, who are sexually frustrated wife, cheats with the delivery man, with the husband never finding out, thats not NTR to me, then there are those with rape/blackmail/girl is just a slut stereotypes being released every month, again with barely any screentime for the protag, far from enough to get any jealousy or rage at all

The thing is non 'NTR' people too easily consider the slightest cheating or even hints of the heroine not being a virgin to be NTR, hell theres this manga that had the heroine utter one line 'youre bigger than all my previous boyfriends', but otherwise no other NTR hints, and it was upvoted as NTR by dozens of people+ in the comments section saying 'another hentai ruined by NTR' which is just dumb, or are they that obsessed with pure love that every heroine has to be a virgin?

Dont mean to rant but there is 10000 manga/doujin in exhentai tagged NTR and i went through almost all of them but less than 100 was worth my time, my point is that too many people and game-makers do not understand what a good NTR is out there, and hence they make pseudo-NTR-ish game that does not produce any rage at all, which is the point of NTR, like the last Maika game, they market it as NTR game, but not only it is netori, the protag doing the stealing does not even have any real feelings for the heroine..

The last decent NTR i got on exhentai was the bbsacon manga, imo that is how real NTR should be, passive moronic protag who, despite seeing plenty of hints continued to live in denial as his girl is (consensually) falling for the other guy and often has sex in the same house, the protag notices things like how they become more intimate slowly and yet still didnt notice until he was shocked one day to find them screwing their brains out, i know this is just an opinion but for me a 'true' legit NTR should have all of the following:

1) The protag must love and have feelings for the heroine (even if unrequited)

2) Must be type A (preferably) or B , rape NTR has no betrayal in it, for me for NTR there has to be a betrayal on the heroine's part

3) For some reason, i dont like the heroine only betraying the protag because all of a sudden she turned into a slut, imo a 'true' NTR the heroine must develop REAL feelings for the NTR-ing guy, or else there isnt enough rage

4)The protag MUST find out eventually that he is getting NTR-ed, if he doesnt find out and remain clueless, he doesnt get jealous/rage and as we often put ourselves in the perspective of the protag, it wont have the same 'kick' as if he had found out

I dont mean that everyone has to have the same opinion as me on what a 'good' NTR is, but for me, even mother/son incest which im not into, if it has an NTR plot that satisfies the above 4 points, i might find it good, so maybe the problem isnt the fetish trends, but the problem lies deeper than that, in the way the story is narrated or the general plot as a whole...

Maybe those kind of 'painful' NTR isnt popular? i mean a heroine consensual betrayal of the protag is much more rage inducing than a heroine just cheating because she is a slut, so there may be a problem with the popularity of those kind of NTR in japan not having a big enough market... atelier sakura hoka no otoko 1 is very rage inducing for me, but since then, they moved into blackmail/rape etc (though some are still good).. As i said the last decent NTR i found was the bbsacon manga and that was months ago T_T i just hope some of the under development doujin games would be released soon, i need a good NTR fix soon, or im gona be sad
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Excellent discussion guys, some random thoughts:
It's true we had a ntr eroge bubble with tons of shitty games, and that in part is why we have so many mother and sister ntr, the companies go for as many strike zones as possible combining fetishes like ntr, incest, blackmail, etc in one game and ultimately not satisfying anyone.
The amount of manga has increased too, ntr is the new black after all, but since they are usually short stories streamlined for a fap it's a net benefit in my opinion. The comments from normals on sites like sadpanda do get annoying after a while though..
You guys know my opinion about non-lover ntr, the feelings are there. I usually take an spectator perspective with incest ntr so that may be why I'm more tolerant about it.

I don't know if you guys are keeping up with this season's anime but there's great potential for a ntrfest comiket: oreimo, dansai bunri, vulva rave, gargantia, photo kano...

I love Nymphomania and Swindle so if any of you guys play them drop a line and say if you like them or not :)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I wanted to chime in and add to jasonfs comment about how much the "general public" is completely ignorant about what NTR is.

I don't know if anyone here has read the work of Dall-Young Lim, the author of Freezing and Legend of Maian among others, but I recently got into his stuff because I went on 4Chan and asked for a good mainstream manga with NTR themes. Almost, universally Dall-Young Lim's stuff was suggested and not one person disagreed.

And if you go into any forum about Dall-Young Lim's stuff specifically you will see comments like, "His stuff always falls apart because his NTR fetish kicks in" "Always ruins his stories with NTR" "Guy is obsessed with NTR".

So far, I have yet to see ANY NTR in any of his work. Freezing at one point seems it is going that way, but really doesn't come close. Legend of Maian, the girl gets kissed by some random stranger, no sex, and the big "NTR moment" that everyone freaks out about (SPOILERS) is probably a body double or at the very least mind controlled and not the same person she was before. No NTR. But in most people's minds this guy is the NTR king.

Not really sure my point there other than it being frustrating.

Also, somewhat related, as it was being discussed earlier, but I like NTR in a fantasy setting quite a bit. There is a lot more room to be creative other than the "wife needs some D". I think part of it has to do with growing up being so used to tropes of the masculine hero in the fantasy setting, fighting mosters and always winning the girls faithful heart, and when you throw the NTR wrench in there that she falls for someone other than the flawless hero, the rage feelings kick in better than a lot of NTR with a spineless unlikable protag. Like I always like the idea that Zelda and Ganon have some wild consensual sex while Link comes and rescues her.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

well, Im-dal young is a good example, Legend of Maian doesnt HAS been slammed by the NTR haters since chap 1 cause the profag's crush is already married to his bro when the series began, as for freezing, well i can understand the rage a little..

The thing is the readers usually put themselves in the profag shoes when reading stories, so naturally they want the girl to end with the profag or fall for the profag no matter how flawed the profag is, because if the hero profag ends as a loser, it extends the crappy feeling to the reader to, and you know how these Anti-NTR brigade keyboard warriors are, instantly flooding 2Chan and whatever with all their righteous fury calling for justice after the author had the nerve to get them butthurt by NTR-ing the profag..

Mainstream manga that gona come closest to NTR is shoujo im guessing, im afraid seinen/shounen that focus or has signigicant NTR will have author getting abused to the point of getting deaththreats, look at the manga KANNAGI, where readers BURNED copies after the manga when it came out the heroine APPARENTLY had an ex-boyfriend in the past, and not so pure after all, it even made the author go on hiatus, such is the world im afraid
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

This is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I just don't understand the reasoning behind these "what is/what isn't NTR" discussions. That's not to say I don't think certain works could use better tags or have my own opinions, but the idea that NTR is this fixed genre with characteristic A/B/C kinda bothers me.

Take for example the oldest game tagged on getchu, 脅迫. At 1998, it certainly predas my introduction into NTR. In the rawest terms, 脅迫 is definitely NTR (girl falls in love with guy -> girl gets blackmailed into sex). But what about those of us who insist NTR should have some sort of immersion/empathy with the male character? After I watched the OVAs and dled the game, I was incredibly disappointed when the MC is relevant in all of about 5 minutes in a prologue. You can't really relate to a character in 5 minutes and without them, it's fair to say 脅迫 is just a rape game. Then there's also the factions who refuse to call anything with mind control, incest, or swapping NTR.

You guys bring up the term "fantasy" and I certainty see similarities with the boom of NTR. 9 times out of 10, the greater audience will associate fantasy with the setting. Again nothing wrong here, in the general sense, Tolkien defined the genre. However, decades ago urban fantasy wasn't even a thing. Although a lot our historians would begrudgingly admit it, Twilight is as much fantasy as LOTTR. The genre is ever evolving.

In any case, when it comes to NTR, I don't necessarily think either side is on the wrong. You can ascribe to broad sweeping idea (脅迫), or you can believe NTR requires something more. My point is, genres are set by a certain set of criteria which are in themselves, subjective.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well, it's mostly quibbling and semantics when we debate what qualifies as 'Real' NTR. I'd agree that it's a complex fetish and we all have situations which provoke a strong NTR feeling from you and others that might technically be NTR, but don't have anything like the same impact. And what those things are tend to vary for all of us.

In order to define a fetish and get it labelled as such properly, you need to have a reasonably broad definition that can cover a whole genre of ero.

And what has been widely agreed on since the term Netorare was coined is that it's any situation designed provoke sexual arousal via jealousy, specifically when the person the protagonist loves is engaged in a sexual activity with someone else, and the scenario is designed to have the audience sympathising with the protagonist who is being deprived of their lover.

This is the definition that is in common use, if not always properly used and understood by the the people using it.

Even if it's type C which most of us who share the fetish agree has the least impact for NTR, it is still technically NTR, even if it's not a case of the heroine betraying the protagonist. Since you're meant to empathise with the protagonist, who is surely feeling jealousy and hurt when he finds out his lover was raped.
In fact I think it has value alone for being the means by which many people first encounter NTR that is easy to recognise as NTR. Having the antagonist incapacitate the protag, and then make him watch as he rapes the heroine, might be pretty damned crude and unoriginal for NTR, but it's one of the first kind of NTR situations I encountered back before I even knew what it was.
NTR is a complicated fetish, and in my case I didn't realise I was turned on by it in particular, rather than just being turned on by the sex or other parts of the situation such as if she's being raped. It was only after I encountered stuff like the True Blue anime and NTR themed eromanga that I began to realise it was the situation I was turned on by, began hearing the term NTR used and finally discovered the HF NTR thread years ago.
Sometimes the crude and boring situations like Type C are the best to get people's attention.

And the types were added well after NTR had been established just to make it a little easier to categorise it according to people's tastes, and isn't an absolute definition.

Mostly it's just whether it really feels like NTR to you or not, which is as you've said, subjective. But it's the definitions and types that make it easier to discuss and allow us to come together and share our thoughts on it, plus allow it to be recognised by outsiders and allow more NTR to be produced in what was once a very narrow niche which rarely got enough love. Our good patron and founder made the original thread and spread the awareness for that very purpose.

The only problem is that the outsiders don't always understand, and cry NTR a little too readily, and are a pretty over-sensitive to situation that might inspire jealousy, labelling it NTR at even the merest suggestion that the heroine could have intimate contact with a man other than the protag. And should a heroine really be raped or cheat on the protag, the ragers wills be out screaming blood.

Though how much is specifically wanting it to stay true love, and how much has to do with the disturbing obsession with 'purity' the japanese otaku community has, is something to wonder about.

Don't know if you're aware but there is a moderately popular fantasy light novel with anime/manga adaptation where the heroine is assaulted by the antagonist. What isn't as well known is that when that particular volume of the light novel was in it's first print, the heroine was genuinely raped by him, making it a very rare bird featuring canonical rape in a story where sex and violence were not the central themes. But not long after it's release that volume was quickly withdrawn from print and later re-released with the scene in question edited so that she was assaulted and humiliated, but didn't actually get raped after all. And do you know why?
Because the author got truckload after truckload of deranged hate-mail and death threats over it, and not because they were upset that something so horrible had been done to the sweet heroine and hurt to the protag, no. It was because she wasn't a virgin anymore, because she had lost her purity and been defiled. The author was shocked at the sheer caustic level of the response over such a reason, and the publisher was disturbed by the sudden drop in sales that resulted, and so they 'fixed' it.

So you see true believers, the obstacles to NTR aren't just the people who can't handle a bit of jealousy, but are also these virgin worshippers that fill the otaku ranks over there. The lengths to which they take it can be pretty frightening.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I guess the light novel you refer to is Seikon no Blacksmith, yeah well, but i think part of the rage was due to the heroine losing her cherry to SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE PROTAG, i mean if the protag had been the one to rape/deflower her i doubt the rage would be half as bad?

The problem to NTR is not just virgin worshippers, which i believe is a subtype of the 'Pure love otaku idealists' who expect all heroines to save her purity ONLY for the protag, while the Otaku always imagines themselves in the protag's shoes, giving them the fantasy of 'winning' over a pure girl's love they wouldnt have had a chance of IRL, well the fact that obsessing over a fictional character's virginity to the point of sending hate mail/death threats is disturbing in itself, but i guess thats the world we live in, it is sometimes quite difficult to be one of the 'enlightened ones'

All in all, we can only hope that there is a large enough market for NTR games in future, and people willing to adopt it, my dream is to see a proper NTR-themed big budget NTR game with multiple heroine archetypes with different NTR routes and multiple potential NTR-ing characters, well something like NTR48, just with more proper plot, that game couldve been good if it isnt about 10 lines between each H-scene /facepalm

I have actually bought a few games from getchu's dlsite and dlsite getchu, and wouldnt mind doing it if there isnt any releases, but not all games can be DL-ed and i cant seem to buy from the Jp.dlsite, for example i bought 兄貴のお嫁さんとちゅっちゅしたんだけど何か質問ある? which even now is nowhere to be found, but found it awful NTR-wise as expected..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

I'm personally fine with people labeling anything they want NTR. Doesn't really bother me. Some people just have much lower tolerance for NTR, so they call anything that remotely resembles or teases NTR... NTR. Threatening the author, etc. for something they don't like is obviously very wrong though.

NTR48, just with more proper plot, that game couldve been good if it isnt about 10 lines between each H-scene /facepalm

I remember first seeing the cover for NTR48 and thinking to myself "this one looks like it might be very good", before quickly regretting having any sort of expectations for it. :(

What are you guys' favorite type of ntr characters? I'm personally a fan of strong personalities and tomboys, but those seem to be rare types in this genre. Ntr seems to be mostly dominated by (initially) sweet and caring types, which are fine, but just not as interesting for me.

Also, any new releases recently? :rolleyes:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

A fresh example why exhentai aka sadpanda has so much NTR tagged stuff that is worthless NTR-wise, released today instantly get strong NTR vote, i was excited and start reading it, anticipating some kind of NTR for 60 pages, said 'boyfriend' appeared in 2 pages out of 50+ with not even a proper line, and the anti-NTR brigade is all over it /sigh
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Yeah, in most fiction infidelity and love triangles have been a staple since stories were invented. It isn't always NTR, but because the haters are so venomous to anything like that, a major storytelling trope can't be used in anime and manga. Otaku ruin everything.

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