Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Yondemasuyo Azazel-san 12 (S2) has a comical take on NTR. It was pretty amusing because it actually manages to hit a lot of the classic NTR cliches, like a competent, NTR'ing bastard in sheep's clothing (quite literally), childhood friend who has a crush on MC, mother, suspicious clues. You normally don't see something like that in non-H shows. :D
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)


Custom Maid 3D summer 2013 plugin new feature:

-Double Footjobs
-NTR reporting sex
-NTR anal reporting sex

Haha! Yes!! Yes! Yes!

Yondemasuyo Azazel-san 12 (S2) has a comical take on NTR. It was pretty amusing because it actually manages to hit a lot of the classic NTR cliches, like a competent, NTR'ing bastard in sheep's clothing (quite literally), childhood friend who has a crush on MC, mother, suspicious clues. You normally don't see something like that in non-H shows. :D

This scene really make laugh alot!! :D

First, Incubus steal his jobs, have sex with his mom, and then have sex with his girlfriend in front of him!! LOL poor Azazel
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Episode 10 had some NTR as well, with Azazel pimping the masked pervert's girl. So episode 12 can be considered as karmic retribution.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well, there seems to be some promising NTR games coming up, but i am very worried as some of the recent NTR games arent even uploaded yet... while i am willing to pay for the games, only getchu dlsite (and its very incomplete) and dlsite english accept non-japanese CCs, which i fear might make us wait a very long time for NTR releases... lets see how long the Mink game takes to be released..

But damn, 8 August cant come soon enough... This is my DREAM NTR game, or at least it looks that way
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well, there seems to be some promising NTR games coming up, but i am very worried as some of the recent NTR games arent even uploaded yet... while i am willing to pay for the games, only getchu dlsite (and its very incomplete) and dlsite english accept non-japanese CCs, which i fear might make us wait a very long time for NTR releases... lets see how long the Mink game takes to be released..

But damn, 8 August cant come soon enough... This is my DREAM NTR game, or at least it looks that way

Dark times ahead for ntr eroge lovers.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Is there a reason Getchu websites don't work for me?
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Is there a reason Getchu websites don't work for me?
Manually copy and paste the Getchu link in a new tab/window. They just love to block white devils referers.
That game looks good but I think the golden rule of JAV (the quality of the content is inversely proportional to the cover image hotness) usually applies to eroge as well :ninja:
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Lol, that's some good definition for Netorare xD I enjoy this stuff
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Ah, thanks! I can see it now.

The CG's indeed look very nice.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Awesome NTR game (とある人妻のネトラレ事情) least according to the ratings and number of downloads so far. Doesn't look like the rest of us will ever know though....

Can only look at sample CGs in envy....
So yeah i bought this game but haven't play it yet. It's 1.1GB in size.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

So yeah i bought this game but haven't play it yet. It's 1.1GB in size.

You go through the Japanese dlsite?

New Mink EGO game released...finally some good news...though it doesn't look like NTR....
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

You go through the Japanese dlsite?

New Mink EGO game released...finally some good news...though it doesn't look like NTR....

Yeah, i had to buy the electric money thing first to buy it.
If anyone can tell me how to get rid anykind of protection that game has i would upload em (slowly...slow upload here )
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

dont think japanese dlsite games have protection? getchu ones do though.. i remember uploading a game i bought from eng dlsite once.. by the way if i may ask did you buy bitcash EX to pay? and where did you buy it? would be nice if i can buy stuff from dmm or gyutto to complete my missing NTR games T_T
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

wow thats awesome... hopefully it will be good... damn but the promising NTR stuff are still so far away.. the only future release to immediately look forward to is the loli atelier sakura game, and even that may not be uploaded for a long time..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Back after having my PC out of commission for awhile. One of the first things I did was finish Maro. Seems the reception here was lukewarm, but man I loved the shit out of it, especially the lategame development. It's a very different beast from Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei, though. Full thoughts here for anyone who cares.

Took some time off NTR to play some other types of nukige but yesterday restarted Oyako Rankan after not getting very far into it the first time. Only hit a couple NTR scenes so far but it seems real promising. One of my favorite things about it is that all the heroines are ojou characters, makes the NTR really hot. And of course the gameplay makes you naturally more invested since its your failure that results in the heroines getting fucked my various undesirables. Oh, and cool and timely news about the anime.
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Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

awesome review kenosha kid as always... a review/synopsis of oyako rankan would be awesome, i cant understand the 'deeper' plot of the story T_T, imo Oyako rankan is far too complex, and its hard to get all the relevant dialogues and details about the characters and their past and its too time consuming for me, though im really looking forward to some Preview images of the anime, hopefully it will explain the plot in detail..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Hmm there is a protection from the JP site
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

awesome review kenosha kid as always... a review/synopsis of oyako rankan would be awesome, i cant understand the 'deeper' plot of the story T_T, imo Oyako rankan is far too complex, and its hard to get all the relevant dialogues and details about the characters and their past and its too time consuming for me, though im really looking forward to some Preview images of the anime, hopefully it will explain the plot in detail..

Yeah I think the plot's hard to follow too. Especially since I can't remember much of the backstory, given that I read it when I first started the game back when it came out and didn't reread it. The general premise I get but I haven't been following the intrigue all that well, partially because I've skimmed some of that stuff since it's not what I'm in the mood to read when I'm trying to fap to some netorare. The way they introduce plot-relevant text is definitely less than ideal.

I may write out some extended impressions on the game, depending on how much of the overall picture I can remember by the time I finish it.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Looks like LiLiM Darkness is putting out a new game.
What do you think? Good news? Or did Wedding Blue ruin everything for you?
New writer, so maybe we can be a little optimistic? Artist is a good one too.

Better late response then never. While Prettz is shattered from the failed game that wedding blue was, i am still optimistic. I like all the blues, but wedding, so they only messed up once in my mind. And since They are my favorite company next to Alicesoft i have to give them a chance at redemption. However, if they fail twice in a row i am done. Any screen caps or hints as to the art style of the new game? wedding blue was also my favorite art of theirs.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well Wedding blue may not be that good, but its still OK-ish and maybe worth quite a few decent faps, well, a wise man once said that the value of an eroge is measured in the number of faps so i guess in that way, it wasnt that bad.. anyway with how things are id take just about anything right now,.. gona start the Mink game soon, looks to have SOME NTR

Id be more concerned with the lack of release for lower budget games e.g atelier sakura, im even thinking of buying some webmoney to buy stuff off dmm, gyutto, and jap dlsite, i guess ill buy some just in case..
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

new blue game, if it was an old writter i would be less optimistic, but since he is new i will be hopefull, at least if its bad i won't take it so hard

PD: am i the only one that sees new writters as a good sign? i mean many companys have been doing horrible in the story deparment (specially ntr) so maybe they are proactively searching for new talents.

PDD: in the hongfire thread for ith there are a lot of archives to download (haven't check if all still work) could someone tell me wich one is do i download to update my ith to the 3.0 version or the latest if there is one new (i am not sure if i have the latest version)
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

Well it depends on how I feel about the old writers, lol. I'd take a game from an old writer I know I like over a game from a new writer any day. When it comes to NTR though the only writer I can think of that I really like is Douten Meikai, though Onborutsuki is pretty good too. They're the only NTR writers I have any attachment to so new writers are welcome.

More than writers though these days I look for new NTR premises that offer something a little different from the really standard stuff we're seeing so often in this stagnant genre. I thought this new game just posted about on ntrblog, 姉さんのカレシ, might have potential. The protagonist's blood-related older sister starts dating his best friend. The potential here comes from the fact that it's normal for your sister to get a boyfriend, so it's actually less NTR than other NTR games (there's an argument in the ntrblog comments about whether it's even NTR) but it makes for a fresh dynamic. Unfortunately looking at the plot summary it seems likely that the sister has romantic feelings for her brother, so in the end it'll probably be no different from girlfriend/wife NTR (basically what always happens with family member NTR).

In terms of the new Blue game specifically, I'm holding out hope since the premise sounds similar to True Blue, still the best Blue game. I haven't even played Wedding Blue yet though.
Re: Anime Sharing - Netorare Thread (Discussion thread predating the section)

anybody see 兄貴のお嫁さんとちゅっちゅしたんだけど何か質問ある? anywhere around ?

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