Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

[MENTION=83701]dhrv65[/MENTION] No problem. I wish you the best of luck. :D

Why so much hostility? What's the point? Even loli or shota don't get that much hate...

Well the argument that guy gave in the comments of the work I just linked when someone else asked him that very question was

"you'll never get the same amount of hate on a story with rape, gangbangs, blackmail on a woman without a partner and you know that to be a fact 2. "it's the only one used to hijack and ruin stories for everyone not into it." <--- What part of this you do not understand? It would be okay if it was secluded in its own realm but it's not, it happens that it pops out of nowhere and kills the buzz, whether you and some other people like that doesn't exclude the truth that many hate it"

So he justifying his view with the fact that so many others feel the same way. If so many other rage and hate on NTR, then it must be the right thing to do. :rolleyes:
The part about it being the only one that ruins stories for people not into it is also stupid, since I've come across plenty of works that were going well until the author decided to throw in something I get turned off by like the protag being a cute, effeminate cross-dressing boy, a jungle of body hair on the heroine or a scat scene from hell. Or even worse the whole plot pointing to NTR only for the hprotag to prevent it at the last minute and spend the rest of the story having happy sex. Ugh! I hate it when that happens. :@
Not only user, there is alot of mods in that site are NTR haters :@ . With that veto tag, they downvoting NTR tags without reason. Like this gallery , and Latest Carn doujinshi (glad our NTR bros saving translated version). I don't mind about you hating a genre. But downvoting a tag is different, it's make me hard when searching netorare, and it's feel like "someone is trying erasing this genre" :(
That's essentially stupid... even if you take the pov of a person not into ntr, downvoting it will make the tag disappear, but not the content, thus it's like trolling fellow ntr-haters, because they will not be able to exclude this tag from their research.

Well the argument that guy gave in the comments of the work I just linked when someone else asked him that very question was

"you'll never get the same amount of hate on a story with rape, gangbangs, blackmail on a woman without a partner and you know that to be a fact 2. "it's the only one used to hijack and ruin stories for everyone not into it." <--- What part of this you do not understand? It would be okay if it was secluded in its own realm but it's not, it happens that it pops out of nowhere and kills the buzz, whether you and some other people like that doesn't exclude the truth that many hate it"

So he justifying his view with the fact that so many others feel the same way. If so many other rage and hate on NTR, then it must be the right thing to do. :rolleyes:
The part about it being the only one that ruins stories for people not into it is also stupid, since I've come across plenty of works that were going well until the author decided to throw in something I get turned off by like the protag being a cute, effeminate cross-dressing boy, a jungle of body hair on the heroine or a scat scene from hell. Or even worse the whole plot pointing to NTR only for the hprotag to prevent it at the last minute and spend the rest of the story having happy sex. Ugh! I hate it when that happens. :@
Let him/her be, as long as he is not using his voting power (30) to ruin tags, he can be a ntr-hater in comments, I don't care.
Let him/her be, as long as he is not using his voting power (30) to ruin tags, he can be a ntr-hater in comments, I don't care.

That´s what i think, just let them be, they even forget that all the hate is like publicity for the NTR
Not only user, there is alot of mods in that site are NTR haters :@ . With that veto tag, they downvoting NTR tags without reason.

If that's actually happening, that's really counter-intuitive. Having something tagged netorare helps both NTR fans and haters. For haters, it allows people to exclude NTR related stuff by searching "-netorare."

Imagine the poor sap who stumbles on a CG set that looks good, and then goes to play the game since he doesn't see a netorare tag. I'm sure his reaction would be priceless.

EDIT: It looks like my downvote just hid Palax's comment. Well, no can ever say that exhentai isn't democratic, huh?
Imagine the poor sap who stumbles on a CG set that looks good, and then goes to play the game since he doesn't see a netorare tag. I'm sure his reaction would be priceless.

It might ignite his hidden love for NTR, "H-hey, wait a minute. I actually like this!"
Hey guys, I just want to ask if there's a walkthrough for [めくじら] 鬼監督と俺の彼女~女優の卵が鬼監督と肉体関係を結んだ理由~. I haven't played the game so I don't know if there will be choices to progress through it. Please tell me if it does not need any guides or give me a link to a walkthrough, thanks.
That's essentially stupid... even if you take the pov of a person not into ntr, downvoting it will make the tag disappear, but not the content, thus it's like trolling fellow ntr-haters, because they will not be able to exclude this tag from their research.

Let him/her be, as long as he is not using his voting power (30) to ruin tags, he can be a ntr-hater in comments, I don't care.

If that's actually happening, that's really counter-intuitive. Having something tagged netorare helps both NTR fans and haters. For haters, it allows people to exclude NTR related stuff by searching "-netorare."

Imagine the poor sap who stumbles on a CG set that looks good, and then goes to play the game since he doesn't see a netorare tag. I'm sure his reaction would be priceless.

EDIT: It looks like my downvote just hid Palax's comment. Well, no can ever say that exhentai isn't democratic, huh?

Oh my...
Hahaha that's brilliant, never thought that before!
Hey guys, I just want to ask if there's a walkthrough for [めくじら] 鬼監督と俺の彼女~女優の卵が鬼監督と肉体関係を結んだ理由~. I haven't played the game so I don't know if there will be choices to progress through it. Please tell me if it does not need any guides or give me a link to a walkthrough, thanks.

Really like this game, here you can find the walkthrough
Hey guys, I just want to ask if there's a walkthrough for [めくじら] 鬼監督と俺の彼女~女優の卵が鬼監督と肉体関係を結んだ理由~. I haven't played the game so I don't know if there will be choices to progress through it. Please tell me if it does not need any guides or give me a link to a walkthrough, thanks.

Yeah, that one is pretty good. You can use that walkthrough, but I don't think you really need it as it isn't all that complicated. The story is mostly linear only branching into several endings towards the final stages of the game. As I remember you only get two points where you need to make choices, the combination of which determines which end you get.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is the first choice, since it not only determines the ending but it also decides whether you will stick with only the protags PoV for most of the game and get some NTR mystery, or if you'll switch to the heroine's PoV and see the NTR as it happens. Pick the first options if you want to build the suspense and stick with the protag's PoV, since you'll be forced to recap it all and see most of the heroine PoV scenes anyway towards the end.

What the heck happened to that company anyhow? Since that game was released we haven't had a peep, a year and a half without a single update on their site. For a pretty good NTR doujin game circle, it's pretty disappointing to think they might have given it up after releasing their most successful one yet.

[MENTION=14267]Redorc[/MENTION] Yeah, letting the haters be so long as all they do is rant is my usual way of dealing with it. It's just that this time someone here drew my attention to it and I actually bothered to read the gibberish that guy was spouting, so I got a little irritated. More fool me.
So, there's this:

Looks like a new Pinpoint game with Takeda Hiromitsu (!) doing the art. I don't know for sure if it's an NTR title, but Hiromitsu = NTR more often than not. And that teaser image oozes netorare, too.

Anyone who knows a little Japanese care to translate the text?
Cam has a new one out? i had not seen that any idea of the title? where it get it? I have so busy with work..just had not heard that unless it was a while ago.
So, there's this:

Looks like a new Pinpoint game with Takeda Hiromitsu (!) doing the art. I don't know for sure if it's an NTR title, but Hiromitsu = NTR more often than not. And that teaser image oozes netorare, too.

Anyone who knows a little Japanese care to translate the text?

Wow..that artist arts is very good. by looking the pic, i'm sure it's 95% ntr..
anyone can translate those words?
I really cannot distinguish my NTR preferences. It is all mixed up. It really depends on my mood. But I think my most preferred NTR is something like a housewife NTR? where she's cheating on her husband OR being forced to cheat against her will? It is best when mixed a mystery for the protagonist POV (NTR mystery). The antagonist could be anybody except shota. I like a story like that on a VN game. Does anyone know any VN's with a story like that? Could somebody suggest a good one? Recently companies/producers are releasing crappy ones and I'm getting frustrated because of it. Anybody have a good suggestions? A good character design would be a good bonus too!:whistle:
Even though completed [Mink ego] Onitaitai with all endings, there's still some endings I have not clearly understood. One of them is after male protagonist marry her sister and they have a son, he receive the records of Pervert director which record sex scene of his sister with director. The question is whether this child belong him or director? Could someone answer my question... If not I may die in curious... Appreciate.
Wow..that artist arts is very good.

I really have to give credit to Hiromitsu for continuing to draw H. After drawing a successful mainstream manga (that got two seasons of anime, no less), no one would've blamed him if he hung it up. It's always a shame when we lose a great artist to mainstream, non-H manga (looking at you, Tosh). Props to the guy, he's dedicated to his craft. Need Mana Tama 3, though.

I'm really, really looking forward to this and the new Orcsoft game, since they feature two of my favorite artists (Hiromitsu and Mario - at least it appears to be Mario). Now I just need a release date so I have somewhere to direct my hype.
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Wow..that artist arts is very good. by looking the pic, i'm sure it's 95% ntr..
anyone can translate those words?

["I'm sorry... I can't back home anymore..."

Under the one roof, with a family that hates me, our love needs to be a secret.
In the other side of the door, at the other side of a thin wall... What is happening to my loved girlfriend?
I only don't know.]
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I like Takeda Hiromitsu's work well enough, but not as much as I used to. Fact is that after seeing all the works he's done over the years, the lack of variety does begin to wear a little. Whenever he does an NTR story now, it pretty much the same corruption, transformation into bitch in heat and then gang-bang routine every time. At least with Ima Ria it had the twist of starting out with a pure love story, then twisting it into NTR in subsequent chapters. I liked that, though I still would have preferred if she had been NTRed and corrupted under the guy's very nose instead of Takeda's usual isolation and sex training scenario.
Whether I'll like the pinpoint work depends on how much the artist has to do with the storyline. Though the previous one he did for them was alright. It was actually one of the first proper NTR games I played, so I guess I'll try this one too. Out of nostalgia if nothing else.

[MENTION=29086]Arakhan[/MENTION] Not sure if I'm right or not, but I think it wasn't really confirmed if it was the protag's kid or the director's. That was the happy end where the sister realised that the mother was being NTRed by the director and asked the protag to run away with her and the end up living in another place acting as a married couple, right?
From what I remember it seemed like it was meant to be the protag's kid, since the cg shows it looking like him and having the same colour eyes as him. So basically, they've left their mother but are pretty much living happily ever after. Or so it seems, since the protag agreed to this without having found out about the NTR, and suddenly receives the DVDs the director made of him and the sister doing it. How the protag reacts and what comes next is left to the imagination. That's all they give you to go on really.
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Whether I'll like the pinpoint work depends on how much the artist has to do with the storyline.

Artists for an eroge don't usually have input on the storyline, do they? Legit question; I always assumed they were brought in strictly for the artwork and had separate in-staff writers for the plot. I suppose in a case like this though, collaboration is a possibility considering he has a lot of works in the genre.

As for Hiromitsu, it's possible that I'm a lot easier to please than some of you guys, but as long as there's great art and good corruption, I'm there. And Hiromitsu's stuff usually hits the spot.
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[MENTION=38951]Yawn[/MENTION] They usually have a separate artist and writer yeah, but that doesn't mean there is no interaction at all. In the last pin-point game he did the art for, the content was rather close in line with the kind of stuff he puts in his own eromanga. I'm not sure if that's just because they found a writer willing to write a story that would fit with the kind of sex scenes that Takeda was willing to draw, or if he was the one who laid out what he wanted the game to be about and they found a writer who would do it for him, or what. There's no way to know what kind of interaction the writer and the artist have from the outside. But I'm at least willing to assume that in a typical eroge the writer creates most of the stuff and them talks to the artist about what he wants the CGs to show and the artist does their best to draw it in their own style. That's just my speculation though.

Another new game by Atelier Sakura on April..

Looks like my kind of game this time, though this was there's only a month between it and the one that was delayed to the end of march.
Well, if he makes this one in the similar vein to the first three 他の男の精液で孕んでもいいですか…? games that the company started with, I'll be happy. I liked those first three ones, it's the writer's later games that left me slightly unsatisfied save for the mariko one.
This version is ten time bigger than the first... that's quite an update indeed :)
Now, I'll have to check if it still horrible to use with ith...

Wow that's an old one... I nearly forgot about it!
This version is ten time bigger than the first... that's quite an update indeed :)
Now, I'll have to check if it still horrible to use with ith...

Really? The version I downloaded when people in the thread were trying to splice in a machine translation, was over a gig already. From there ver2.0 only seems to have added 20-30 mb. Are you sure the version you got was only 100mb or so?

And ITH works the same as it did with original version, which means not at all by itself. But the AGTH code we got works the same too.

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