Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

but arts isn't everything.

Indeed, a good example would be Netorarenai or Kedamono tachi: The graphics are glorious, but the story sucks so much it killed my boner LOL.

Good to know that when i'm just about to begin the second Komari Sou xD whatever i will play it anyway because i wanna see that retard mc destroyed for real this time.

Did somone mentioned "destroyed mc"??? Now I'm interested, any NTR game in which the husband/boyfriend gets destroyed is a must play in my book.

Besides, the art is not that bad, I like those panoramic views.

Could you make a quick summary or introduction to the story so I would know what to expect? Thank you in advance.
I'm into lots of various types, but I guess I have a weakness against stern teacher/OL types, be them in NTR or not :D


Hey guys. I have been away from this thread for a loooooooong time. I may not be all the way back yet either. Though don't get me wrong, I'm still into NTR. I just didn't have the time to check the thread and post as I used to and the longer I went without and the fact I'd feel the need to check all the posts I missed, keep making me put it off longer until this long went by. Plus this thread focuses a lot on eroge NTR, I just don't have the time to spend hours and hours going through a game with machine translation to finally get my fix, and most of the short ones aren't worth playing at all. The temptation of just checking the latest NTR work added to sadpanda and get right to it always wins out these days. Even though I agree you need a proper buildup for the best NTR, no matter how good it is at the end, 10+ hours before anything starts happening is just too much for me. There was also a spoiler posted the last time I checked the thread to considered posting which soured me against coming back for a while.
Well, you can assume I've given up checking every page I've missed, so if there's anything amazing that isn't from the usual suspects, let me know if you feel like it.

Well I did skim the last few pages and checked out of curiousity. The e-hentai page for Iroyoridori was tagged NTR a few hours ago, which is how I found out it had been released. But I went back now and it's gone. Which is bad enough. But when I tried to re-add it I was told the tag had been "vetoed" on that gallery. It seems it's not just random haters, but someone involved in the site is helping.
This has become a lot worse recently. Not just the tags, but NTR bashing in general. It seems that while once the big problem was that nobody knew what it was, so it was hard to find what had it. Now though, the problem is too many people know. Including a horde of haters who seem to think that if they refuse to recognise something as NTR on even the flimsiest pretext, then it doesn't count and it can't hurt them. Pussies can't take a little bit of jealousy. Thanks to that there could be plenty of good NTR being missed on sites like e-hentai simply because someone rejected the tag for dumb reasons.

I had done, but now they've gone and vetoed that one too. I just thought someone might know why it was happening. Is it that? That the don't care what the source material was about, but as long as the CGs themselves don't include an obvious NTR element then they won't class it as NTR? Is that why there are hardly any games showing up under the NTR tag these days?

Thanks for the reply. Anything that was on e-hentai though, I probably know about since I check stuff tagged NTR on there often. I was thinking more about stuff that didn't get a gallery or something on there, like that lilith game. Didn't know about that. Well, doesn't look like I've been missing much this last year. It's been a poor year for the genre until the new jinsei game. Having ntrpg3 promised then fail to materialise was the finisher. The complete silence from the author is the most painful, though I hear someone posted in the comments claiming to be him and saying he was still working on it and has lost some data. Of course there were others claiming to be him just to troll the comments so....?
Nice to see I haven't been left out though.

yeah... I would also say this later half of 2016 is a drought era for ntr genre, maybe because in 2015 we got so many of it that we got too spoiled...
yeah... I would also say this later half of 2016 is a drought era for ntr genre, maybe because in 2015 we got so many of it that we got too spoiled...

Does feel a bit like NTR went through a stage when it was novel and the fetish to do in eroge and such for a few years and now it seems to be turning to indifference. Now we only seem to get short a badly written nukige or full length games that just happen to contain an NTR scene or two. Since Elf went out of business not many people are willing to invest in a quality eroge dedicated to NTR. So most of the good ones come from doujin producers like Venus and Jinsei, and not every game they put out can be perfect. We need some fresh blood in the industry.
Of course, I haven't been playing many eroge lately so I might be missing something.
I agree. even though Kedamono is already translated into English, I can't seem finish it. the game felt like nukige as main with only a little of NTR.

Has anyone been able to hook Aniyome Kyouka-san to Sono Haha Chikako-san I was able to play their previous game, usually I just need to change Windows to Japanese version via control panel. I can read the text in the game but somehow ITH repeat the words in the game. For example instead of 兄嫁京香さん, it became 兄兄兄兄嫁嫁嫁嫁京京京京香香香香さんさんさんさんさん. I've checked "auto suppres repetition" and try ITHVNR to no effect. In the case of ITHVNR, when I tried to attach to the game.exe, it can't even see the game. Any suggestion?
NTR wise milf are good is because they have an establish relationship with their husband so it adds far more to the thrill of they having their feelings swaying to the ntrguy. Platonic classmates/friends lack that so there is not much sense of accomplishment once the girl goes with the other guy.
They're more likely to wear nightgown and lingerie.
Well, classmates are another thrill for me ^^
All of these types have have their special thing that excites me anyway, and yeah OL/teacher have the sexy suits and lingerie that are so erotic :P.
The only problem I have with milf is the tendency to make them super curvy/fat, which isn't my cup of tea.

my man....patrician taste you got there..
Notice the cold look of the first one. I prefer the cold/independent/clever woman type to the passive type :)

[MENTION=96248]hgawa61[/MENTION]; Popular vote swings for Honto no Kimochi. I played shikiyoku a few years back. I don't remember it but my rating from back then was 5/10 so I guess it didn't make that much of an impression. Then again I can't read Japanese for damn so all my impression is graphic based.
I loved Honto no Kimochi, mainly for the lively female mc and the mystery !

[MENTION=96248]hgawa61[/MENTION]; To be very honest it is hard to recommend, mostly because I didn't get to play any of the Jinsei games. I have a bad habit of collecting the whole series first before playing so I can drown in agony in one straight go. Right now I am actually in the process of hunting down all 6 titles before I start playing. Gathered all but the first one which seems to have never been shared at all.

But since I am more of an art guy when it comes to Jinsei games, two of the titles caught my eye. Kimi no Tonari and Kimi no Omoi. Generally I play by instinct so I can't guarantee satisfaction per your taste but those two are my pick.
Beware of Jinsei first games, they were horrible.

yeah... I would also say this later half of 2016 is a drought era for ntr genre, maybe because in 2015 we got so many of it that we got too spoiled...
There were a lot of ntr tagged works in 2016, but too many of them were just bad imitation of ntr, because it's relatively popular.
Especially the big producers, didn't feel ntr at all. Amazing art though.
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Indeed, a good example would be Netorarenai or Kedamono tachi: The graphics are glorious, but the story sucks so much it killed my boner LOL.

Interesting you would rate Kedamono Tachi as a good example for good graphics. I went on vndb to check my rating back when I played it and it seems I gave it 3/10 xDD. I guess my definition of graphics is a bit different compared to others as I definitely disliked that title for both story and drawing but I suppose that is my personal taste as popular vote swinged for the title being good.

As for Netorarenai, I didn't touch it at all. But looking at the getchu's screenshots I can't help but feel a similarity with Kyonyuu Hitozuma or Bakunyuu Reijou. Guess that is the reason I ignored it? I am all for graphics but I if the VN turns out to be a straight dumpster porn without an interesting story development of some kind then it wont rise much in my books.

Beware of Jinsei first games, they were horrible.

Yea I got that feeling after seeing the screenshots of the sister NTR. I was apprehensive after seeing vndb ratings but my curiosity wanted to confirm it for myself, but I guess I can safely ignore the first game as hunting it down might not be worth it after your input.
I agree. even though Kedamono is already translated into English, I can't seem finish it. the game felt like nukige as main with only a little of NTR.

Has anyone been able to hook Aniyome Kyouka-san to Sono Haha Chikako-san I was able to play their previous game, usually I just need to change Windows to Japanese version via control panel. I can read the text in the game but somehow ITH repeat the words in the game. For example instead of 兄嫁京香さん, it became 兄兄兄兄嫁嫁嫁嫁京京京京香香香香さんさんさんさんさん. I've checked "auto suppres repetition" and try ITHVNR to no effect. In the case of ITHVNR, when I tried to attach to the game.exe, it can't even see the game. Any suggestion?

You have to give administrative rights to ITHVNR or to the game (I don't remember which) for it to be detected, if I'm not mistaken. You know, Right click, Run as Administrator.
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Am i the only one that liked Kedamono Tachi? T.T i know is not their best netorare but i felt it was good for a nukige (c'mon anyone who expected different from that studio obviously doesn't know it) plus for a short one.

Indeed, a good example would be Netorarenai or Kedamono tachi: The graphics are glorious, but the story sucks so much it killed my boner LOL.

Did somone mentioned "destroyed mc"??? Now I'm interested, any NTR game in which the husband/boyfriend gets destroyed is a must play in my book.

Besides, the art is not that bad, I like those panoramic views.

Could you make a quick summary or introduction to the story so I would know what to expect? Thank you in advance.

I want to know too, i love hardcore ntr like those, like NTR nurse, triangle blue (some endings), gatenkei (same with some endings), and Thug Hero Party.
Does feel a bit like NTR went through a stage when it was novel and the fetish to do in eroge and such for a few years and now it seems to be turning to indifference. Now we only seem to get short a badly written nukige or full length games that just happen to contain an NTR scene or two. Since Elf went out of business not many people are willing to invest in a quality eroge dedicated to NTR. So most of the good ones come from doujin producers like Venus and Jinsei, and not every game they put out can be perfect. We need some fresh blood in the industry.
Of course, I haven't been playing many eroge lately so I might be missing something.

Yeah, I feel the same way. I'll go further and say I haven't played any decent NTR game since elf went out of business.

I didn't like any of Venus nor Jinsei's eroges.

LiLiM and Lune used to make decent NTR eroges in the past, but there's been a couple of years since they made a good one. The same thing can be said about Atelier Sakura, but it seems like they're focusing more into Netorase and Netori, which I don't enjoy either.

Oh, well, I guess I'll just re-read some past NTR works by elf, Lune and LiLiM. With that said, have any of guys cried reading a NTR VN? I have to say I cried a lot while reading Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei and that's the only NTR game that made me really feel sad for the MC.
Hello there. I lurk from time to time and wanted to ask, what are the must play Team NTR titles, besides the Marina series (which i totally loved). Do the have any "mystery NTR" titles? Because good lord, i'm digging this shit. Thank you very much for your time and your help.

Has anyone been able to hook Aniyome Kyouka-san to Sono Haha Chikako-san

Hmm. I ran it through my VNR and it seemed to have hooked in just fine so definitely not a compatibility issue.


Though I have to say, as far as machine translations go, I know they aren't that great but it was a lot of gibberish that VNR picked with this one. Actually it was my first title I came across that VNR messed up so badly.

LiLiM and Lune used to make decent NTR eroges in the past, but there's been a couple of years since they made a good one. The same thing can be said about Atelier Sakura, but it seems like they're focusing more into Netorase and Netori, which I don't enjoy either.
Oh, well, I guess I'll just re-read some past NTR works by elf, Lune and LiLiM. With that said, have any of guys cried reading a NTR VN? I have to say I cried a lot while reading Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei and that's the only NTR game that made me really feel sad for the MC.

I would also like to add "Orcsoft" and "Dieselmine" to that list. My favorite NTR of all times has been Aisai Nikki, but then I don't know what came over Orcsoft. Their latest releases have been watered down in quality and feels mostly fast forward fap oriented. Even with Dieselmine, they had good startups with titles like Reverse Side but then for some reason they really decided to swing their drawings in another direction. I am sure they have takers but I kinda miss the old days.
I don't remember crying during a NTR VN but back when I was active in SubDesu I did work on a hentai title called Otome Dori. I remember breaking my keyboard doing translation checks fighting the urge to cry and fap at the same time.

Hello there. I lurk from time to time and wanted to ask, what are the must play Team NTR titles, besides the Marina series (which i totally loved). Do the have any "mystery NTR" titles? Because good lord, i'm digging this shit. Thank you very much for your time and your help.

I don't know about mystery but I can recommend two series from Atelier Sakura. Be warned though, they are not like Marina series, which I dig as well. On a side note I would really like them to concentrate on her post marriage flings rather than younger days. There is something about a MILF that is exotic. Anyways you can go ahead and try Ai Suru Tsuma Series for starters. The third one in the series is already translated under the title "Please Bang My Wife". Sadly only a censored version was shared but it did end up breaking my boner as I generally do no get to read stuff and this one hit like a freight train.

Second series is Hoka No Otoko. Sadly I never got around to playing this even though I have all of the titles sitting in my drive. Either way, it is AS so I am hoping it isn't bad. You can give it a spin if you like.
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Am i the only one that liked Kedamono Tachi? T.T i know is not their best netorare but i felt it was good for a nukige (c'mon anyone who expected different from that studio obviously doesn't know it) plus for a short one.
You are not only one who like Kedamono Tachi. The art is really amazing, good for nikige. The story is just so so plus I don't like orgy. I though it was top seller list of this year.

I want to know too, i love hardcore ntr like those, like NTR nurse, triangle blue (some endings), gatenkei (same with some endings), and Thug Hero Party.
Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei is last masterpiece of Elf... I am still missing them...
Men, Thug Hero Party is quite hard core. I also recommend it for anyone who have not played it yet. Just careful because it's really hard core with "happy endings"... Yeahh, I love it. I also got 6 endings of it and none of them is good for weakling vanilla...

Note, I already share English part of Thug Hero Party in old post. If you need any information send me message.

Excuse my ignorance but what is a "happy ending"? I have seeing the term before, but didn't really understand what it means.

It is allude to "pregnant ending".
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You have to give administrative rights to ITHVNR or to the game (I don't remember which) for it to be detected, if I'm not mistaken. You know, Right click, Run as Administrator.
I think i always run it as Administrator.. Hmm.. i'll check it again, thx..

Hmm. I ran it through my VNR and it seemed to have hooked in just fine so definitely not a compatibility issue.


Though I have to say, as far as machine translations go, I know they aren't that great but it was a lot of gibberish that VNR picked with this one. Actually it was my first title I came across that VNR messed up so badly.

It seems you can hook it perfectly, definitely problems on my end. It messed up because you have to change your windows display to Japanese via control panel. Region and Language - keyboard and languages - choose a display language - choose 日本語 (Japanese). If Japanese isn't available you have to install it first. Games from that circle can't be displayed properly just by AppLocale.

Actually my whole OS is tuned for Japanese VN to the point that even my dates are displayed in Japanese so that issue is definitely not the culprit. Plus all other VN I am playing with are being translated fine... at least as fine as machine translations go.


Thanks to the inbuilt VNR voice feature and what little Japanese knowledge I have I can actually make sense out of all that. But in case of Aniyome Kyouka-san to Sono Haha Chikako-san the text is all scattered. Even the VNR narrator feels like it is reading the text in alphabets. I have tried VNR with a few other old and new titles but this is the first VN that is not playing nice at all. /hmm
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More or less finished everything on Iro Yoridori

A great premise and set up to the NTR.

Disappointed that it went from Type B to Type A within the same first scene for Mizuki. Though that's personal opinion. I can't enjoy A anywhere near as much as I enjoy B. That being said, story and development between the h-scenes was still very good.
You are not only one who like Kedamono Tachi. The art is really amazing, good for nikige. The story is just so so plus I don't like orgy. I though it was top seller list of this year.

Maro no Kanja wa Gatenkei is last masterpiece of Elf... I am still missing them...
Men, Thug Hero Party is quite hard core. I also recommend it for anyone who have not played it yet. Just careful because it's really hard core with "happy endings"... Yeahh, I love it. I also got 6 endings of it and none of them is good for weakling vanilla...

Note, I already share English part of Thug Hero Party in old post. If you need any information send me message.

It is allude to "pregnant ending".

Yeah Thug Hero Party is hardcore, even the "good" ending is depressing, and i loved it! it could only be better if the girls got corrupted and evil in one ending (apart from the sister, that one DID go evil bitch, again LOVED IT)
More or less finished everything on Iro Yoridori

A great premise and set up to the NTR.

Disappointed that it went from Type B to Type A within the same first scene for Mizuki. Though that's personal opinion. I can't enjoy A anywhere near as much as I enjoy B. That being said, story and development between the h-scenes was still very good.

Mmmm, i like B more than a too, but i will still give it a try, if there is a guy out there that deserves my faith is Jinsei, plus i think is good that he decided to try something different instead of just do the same thing again and again staying safe until we lose interest in it (that is what happened to carn and other writters T.T), although his next game looks more "classic" wich i know i will like, specially the moral degeneration and gyarufication xD
More or less finished everything on Iro Yoridori

A great premise and set up to the NTR.

Disappointed that it went from Type B to Type A within the same first scene for Mizuki. Though that's personal opinion. I can't enjoy A anywhere near as much as I enjoy B. That being said, story and development between the h-scenes was still very good.
As other user and myself said, it's because the capture is too easy for the NTRguy.

Type B on the other hand gives the sense of accomplishment that the stealing actually needed effort from the NTRguy and that the heroine's love wasn't shallow to begin with. It's progressive.

I think we can agree Type B is our favorite type of ntr.
I think we can agree Type B is our favorite type of ntr.

Here here. *claps desk*

I doubt Aisai Nikki qualifies as hardcore but it felt damn satisfying watching that ever changing look on the heroine's face taking her from guilty sex in the first part of the game to her looking forward to the trysts in the rest. The fact that the changes were depicted in the same CG situations reinforced that notion on the player as well. I wish I could play more games like those.
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Yeah Thug Hero Party is hardcore, even the "good" ending is depressing, and i loved it! it could only be better if the girls got corrupted and evil in one ending (apart from the sister, that one DID go evil bitch, again LOVED IT)

As other user and myself said, it's because the capture is too easy for the NTRguy.

Type B on the other hand gives the sense of accomplishment that the stealing actually needed effort from the NTRguy and that the heroine's love wasn't shallow to begin with. It's progressive.

I think we can agree Type B is our favorite type of ntr.

Here here. *claps desk*

I doubt Aisai Nikki qualifies as hardcore but it felt damn satisfying watching that ever changing look on the heroine's face taking her from guilty sex in the first part of the game to her looking forward to the trysts in the rest. The fact that the changes were depicted in the same CG situations reinforced that notion on the player as well. I wish I could play more games like those.

seconded, god damn thug hero party and ntrpg/ntrpg2 is perfection for the setup, and it's already translated to english to boot, are there any game that came close to these 2 games in your opinion?
seconded, god damn thug hero party and ntrpg/ntrpg2 is perfection for the setup, and it's already translated to english to boot, are there any game that came close to these 2 games in your opinion?

Triangle Blue, but is really long, like it took me MONTHS to play it all xD, netorare nurse (all 3) are really good, and i know there are others out there, but i have them all mixed in my head.

I can't remember well but either 1 of these 2 and or both are like what you are asking for.
seconded, god damn thug hero party and ntrpg/ntrpg2 is perfection for the setup, and it's already translated to english to boot, are there any game that came close to these 2 games in your opinion?

Triangle Blue, but is really long, like it took me MONTHS to play it all xD, netorare nurse (all 3) are really good, and i know there are others out there, but i have them all mixed in my head.

I can't remember well but either 1 of these 2 and or both are like what you are asking for.

Netorare Jukubo Natsuko reminded me of two other titles. One is kinda hardcore and other one might be a bit light weight. It has been a while since I played them. Try Furyou ni and Kaa-san no Otoko.

On a totally unrelated side note, I really got hooked to the Menu music of Netorare Jukubo Natsuko for some reason to the point that I used to run the game minimized while doing house work... I hope I am not the only one that finds likeable music in weirdly random places.
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Actually my whole OS is tuned for Japanese VN to the point that even my dates are displayed in Japanese so that issue is definitely not the culprit. Plus all other VN I am playing with are being translated fine... at least as fine as machine translations go.


Thanks to the inbuilt VNR voice feature and what little Japanese knowledge I have I can actually make sense out of all that. But in case of Aniyome Kyouka-san to Sono Haha Chikako-san the text is all scattered. Even the VNR narrator feels like it is reading the text in alphabets. I have tried VNR with a few other old and new titles but this is the first VN that is not playing nice at all. /hmm

Is it game from the same circle though? because from my experience and from i read from others, for this specific circle the solution is to change Windows display language to Japanese. I've tried it and it works fine if i change to Japanese aside from hooking problem. Oh well, that's just my exp from this circle, I'm probably wrong. Another game with this problem is Kanojo no Okaa-san wa Suki Desu ka?, also from the same creator.
Netorare Jukubo Natsuko reminded me of two other titles. One is kinda hardcore and other one might be a bit light weight. It has been a while since I played them. Try Furyou ni and Kaa-san no Otoko.

On a totally unrelated side note, I really got hooked to the Menu music of Netorare Jukubo Natsuko for some reason to the point that I used to run the game minimized while doing house work... I hope I am not the only one that finds likeable music in weirdly random places.

I've never get to play that "Kaa-san no Otoko" game from Eroitto, when I opened the file, it was a virus, I know you can disable the false virus, but I can never solve it, it happened with a few other games too...

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