Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

Hope so as well. Recently even Team NTR has been mediocre at best. *Looks at the sequel to Hoka no Otoko* Artilier Sakura, Orcsoft and Anim are supposed to be the front runners in the NTR eroge scene but right now they are being outperformed by amateur/smaller groups like VENUS,Mekujira, Sarobetsu Ginga, Jinsei Tsuukoudome etc. I do hope they find their groove soon enough.
the only hope left is NTR team, we are losing hope for those other, new game orc shop, don't like the art so i'll skip, but still i hope NTR RPG will revive
I don't know about the hype, but i'd say it's an alright game

Summary of it please

the only hope left is NTR team, we are losing hope for those other, new game orc shop, don't like the art so i'll skip, but still i hope NTR RPG will revive

I hope more ntr games are officially released in english. When will mangagamer license more of Team NTR. works.
RanneRo is another dev to look out for. Earlier this month he announced the development of an RPG Maker game. He's got minimal coding experience so it'll be rough times in the beginning. Hopefully he gets over that hump and releases the game. I wish him luck.

I occasionally check Hanataka's blog for signs of life... and nothing. Call me deluded but I believe we'll see NTRPG3 in all its glory someday.
bad news is: human are more and more stupid, so don't have high hope for new good things, very clear example: look at the art of new product from beelzebub and the previous product art (sportlight stages) , worse and worse, elf disbanded, some other also, i lose my hope long time ago, nothing can revive it unless something very special appear, still lilim darkness can revive my hope, and also NTR team, but they are old company, old employees, old artists, so, one day, when all of them are replaced, will they still shine like today

i'm a type of depressed person, always think about the worst case. So, don't blame me when my words become true
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I don't know about the hype, but i'd say it's an alright game

The secret to enjoy games in this age: CRUSH YOUR EXPECTATIONS, honestly there are many ok games being released (i am talking all kind of games) but people sometimes not only build them up in their heads so much that the end result looks bland, but in many cases we get stuck in the pass and how something feel at the time, not realizing that just by doing that even if we see something on par with it then it will feel weaker because we keep comparing it, i try to avoid that but i must confess i did almost exactly that when lilith released Yukikaze 2.
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The secret to enjoy games in this age: CRUSH YOUR EXPECTATIONS, honestly there are many ok games being released (i am talking all kind of games) but people sometimes not only build them up in their heads so much that the end result looks bland, but in many cases we get stuck in the pass and how something feel at the time, not realizing that just by doing that even if we see something on par with it then it will feel weaker because we keep comparing it, i try to avoid that but i must confess i did almost exactly that when lilith released Yukikaze 2.

all kind of game, yeah, not only NTR, i love loli, rape, gangbang, impregnant also blackmailing (not NTR) and Sadist (male), tinkerbell and lilith still good for me

but this is forum for NTR only so we don't talk about those stuff here unless we have permission
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[MENTION=14089]Animefan_09[/MENTION]; You have my respect dude. For me it is impossible to lower my expectations. Thanks to the perfectionist nature I have, I tend to go the opposite direction and expect studios to get better. No wonder I wade in the pool of disappointment way too much.
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all kind of game, yeah, not only NTR, i love loli, rape, gangbang, impregnant also blackmailing (not NTR) and Sadist (male), tinkerbell and lilith still good for me

but this is forum for NTR only so we don't talk about those stuff here unless we have permission

I'm the same i like all kinds of game except for the ones with yaoi and traps, lately i'm droping halfway through almost all the VN's that i play.
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I feel like people on forums sometimes like being a bit too negative =)

Only when they have been genuinely dissapointed, yours truly included. There was a time I felt I would never stop playing my collection of eroges. Now, I have a full log of new games that are just sitting on my disks collecting virtual dust. I am actually going back and playing vintage titles instead. I don't know what happened but somehow I have lost a good chunk of connection with the new games all together.
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i'm different, or maybe some others like me, finished a game, if RPG (no voice) download or try decrypt CG pack, put some where else and delete the main game, if voice RPG, still keep it in some other place, if VN no voice download CG pack, delete the game, if voiced VN still keep and divide it into genres.

only if they are good to keep, sometime i downloaded and after play it, i feel like i was wasted my time to read a trash book => delete

sometime, i take those played games and replay it, after 2nd time i remember everything => delete it too :)
Only when they have been genuinely dissapointed, yours truly included. There was a time I felt I would never stop playing my collection of eroges. Now, I have a full log of new games that are just sitting on my disks collecting virtual dust. I am actually going back and playing vintage titles instead. I don't know what happened but somehow I have lost a good chunk of connection with the new games all together.

That is kinda what i mean, you have found some games you really enjoy, to the point that you still like replaying themafter numerous times, but at the same time you can't find the same feelings in new games. There can be a number of reasons why that happens, maybe having already seen many other games the new ones don't feel new and original, maybe they are objectively not as good as those you played in the past, maybe you don't have the same patience and open mind you did in the past when you learned to love those old titles.
My suggestion is to focus a bit less on scanning all new stuff in the genre to find something that reaches or even beats your all time favorites because 99% of what's out there, won't.
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be demeaning or that you should stop complaining etc. just maybe try to have a different perspective.

i'm different, or maybe some others like me, finished a game, if RPG (no voice) download or try decrypt CG pack, put some where else and delete the main game, if voice RPG, still keep it in some other place, if VN no voice download CG pack, delete the game, if voiced VN still keep and divide it into genres.

only if they are good to keep, sometime i downloaded and after play it, i feel like i was wasted my time to read a trash book => delete

sometime, i take those played games and replay it, after 2nd time i remember everything => delete it too

for me the comobination of reading+voice+CG+sounds played in the right order is so much better than just looking at CG, especially if the game is well done and replaying a whole section instead of just the scene adds to the enjoyment. I can see prefering just the CG only if the game is incredibly dull and the VA sucks or is absent and it's in general a pain to play it normally.
Thanks for your insight progste. As such what you say is quite correct but it is a bit off the mark in my case. Apologies, I should have worded my opinion better as well. When I said I am going back to vintage titles, I didn't mean "replaying" them. I meant literally going back and playing older titles that I have never played before instead of the new ones. And not just NTR genre only. Almost all genres that I really liked have started to feel bland to me in lot of the newer games. Of-course as you pointed out, it might be me losing my patience or that sense of originality has been sated so everything feels "old".

But here is the thing. When I play older titles like for example Eve, I don't see them as great masterpieces but for some reason it feels that the creators back then were really trying hard to make something original. The art, the story, the twist they all felt that they were individually attended to with the sole goal of trying to impress the reader as story was the main focal point. A prime example studio for such a case is Crowd. Their older titles would give you the vibe of an average yet well rounded games all together. In comparison, their newer titles focus more on eye candy and less on story which leaves you with a incomplete taste in the mouth or at least that is how it felt to me.

Of-course not all new games are outright disasters. If it would have been I wouldn't have appreciated games like Kashidashi, Tsumamigui 3, Heartful Maman, Iro Yoridori etc. and those are just from NTR genre. I apologies once more if I only come off as a whiner but I really do enjoy playing eroge and just like how excessive fan servicing is destroying the potential of anime, I am afraid that dulled out story lines will initially kill off the potential of eroge as well.
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Consider this is a thread focusing on a fetish that usually involved being vicariously betrayed and hurt by someone you love and getting turned on by it, a tendency towards negativity and pessimism is probably to be expected from users posting here. Though in my case I'm just already negative!!!!
And that's all I actually have to contribute to the discussion. Pretty useless right? Pointless right? Why did I even bother posting? Why did I even get up this morning? Why am I even alive? orz
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The problem I see derives more into a mentality known as "if it works, why change it?" Sadly, JPN companies hardly will cater to what non-japanese want to see.

There have been eroges that I've enjoyed a lot (Shukubo no Uzuki 1 and 2 being my top favorites), but for example, but some companies hardly will move from their comfort zone, like Bishop (I'm waiting for them making their evil protagonists suffer bad endings), since their "storyline" structure has worked so far.

As a personal opinion, the artist in charge of the VN also matters for me. I don't care if your story is top notch, if your artist is someone like n.o. chachamaru or the artist from Orcsoft's most recent game, I will see it unappealing.

As for NTR, I'm quite ambivalent, mainly because NTR is 99% of the time "The bad guy wins", and I feel NTR could still work but making the story have different twists (hence why I prefer Netori, because most of Netori protagonists are better guys, with emphasis on Heiantei eroges).
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Some years are just like that... Mediocre games or movies, manga etc... What really bothers me is at this moment there is almost nothing to look forward to.
I hope summer comiket brings something to the table.
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You said you like Tinkerbell, right? A new Inyouchuu is coming out next month, it's remake of the first one (sorry for the OT)

I feel like people on forums sometimes like being a bit too negative =)

REMAKE? i actually like that more than a new game, for starters that had NTR, and really good plot/story (the netorare was a plus basically), and wasn't totally focused on creeping out the player with guro and weird shit, sorry but the latest games from that company have been too grotesque for me, that and that they don't make sense! is like they cut 1 arm and the next scene it has grown back!
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Consider this is a thread focusing on a fetish that usually involved being vicariously betrayed and hurt by someone you love and getting turned on by it, a tendency towards negativity and pessimism is probably to be expected from users posting here. Though in my case I'm just already negative!!!!
And that's all I actually have to contribute to the discussion. Pretty useless right? Pointless right? Why did I even bother posting? Why did I even get up this morning? Why am I even alive? orz

I also find twisted sense of humour to be common here xD
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Just finished orcsoft game... it betrayed my expectation :@

its just about average in everything, first time i hated the background h voice in orcsoft game, NUOOHOO, OOHHO, OHHOOO, HUOOO, ewh hahaha

but yea story was just so-so, none of the sex scene stands out (though if i have to pick, i will pick the sex scene in kuroda hiroshi kun apartment.)

cant believe misako's va is the same on as fumiko in kabe no mukou 2, her acting in this game.. is well, too much

6.5/10 for me.. sigh

i believe the main reason why it didnt satisfy me, is because the initial downfall happened offscreen, well before the game starts really, what you see is what happen after your wife fallen (well the wife did go through several more mindbreak, but it feels flat).
Compare it to kabe no mukou 2.. it did the whole netorase way better, we see the moment the wife gets seduced, when she breaks and the aftermath, imo the hottest part of netorase is when your wife breaks with other male the first time..and you are there knowing you cause that shit to happen, and oh boy did kabe no mukou 2 display that really fucking goodd. (just for reference, i really liked kabe no mukou 2, dont really understand the hate of that game.. easy 8.5/10 for me).

And next ntr game is what? anim's and waffle right? i bet anim will take months before we can play that, i hope waffle delivers arghh
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Just finished orcsoft game... it betrayed my expectation :@

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Just finished orcsoft game... it betrayed my expectation :@

its just about average in everything, first time i hated the background h voice in orcsoft game, NUOOHOO, OOHHO, OHHOOO, HUOOO, ewh hahaha

but yea story was just so-so, none of the sex scene stands out (though if i have to pick, i will pick the sex scene in kuroda hiroshi kun apartment.)

cant believe misako's va is the same on as fumiko in kabe no mukou 2, her acting in this game.. is well, too much

6.5/10 for me.. sigh

i believe the main reason why it didnt satisfy me, is because the initial downfall happened offscreen, well before the game starts really

I agree with most of this. I was looking forward to this one because I really liked the heroine's character design (dat delicious brown), but I was a little taken aback at how Orcsoft just opens up the game with: "hey ur wife is cheating on u and ur a cuckold, lol." There wasn't any build-up at all, and this is coming from someone who usually enjoys the instant gratification from nukige more than most of us here. I also second the background H-voice complaint, I had to turn that shit way down. I generally like Orcsoft's voice direction, usually they do those breathy, sultry moans really well, but a lot of this was just shrill nonsense that really missed the mark.

And another thing, why does it seem that Orcsoft is always ignoring impregnation? As soon as it gets to the raw action, it's always "it's okay lol i'm on the pill." My interest plummets as soon as I hear that. The threat of impregnation is like 80% of the arousal factor there (for me anyway), and it's part of the reason why I love AliceSoft's games so much, so it's annoying that Orcsoft continue to do that. They did it in their interracial NTR game too, which would have been a 9/10 for me if it had any impregnation fetish-fuel (and that game was ripe for it, too).

As far as upcoming releases, I'm cautiously looking forward to both those games. Not thrilled with the Anim heroine's design, but I do like the homestay premise. As for the Waffle game, I'm blown away by how great the art is, although the samples make me a little worried it's going to be all rapey, Type-C NTR with the heroine not ever enjoying it. And I think Waffle's only done mostly netori games in the past, so I'm not sure how it's going to stand out as a true NTR game.
Hey guys, remember that movie that had NTR with clones?

(just trying to lighten the mood here)

I'm in that spot where no NTR game feels amazing anymore either and I mostly stop playing them midway when I have a clear understanding of where it is going towards, but I think there is a difference between a disappointing/unimpressive VN and a bad one that we often miss b/c we are too busy looking for that crushing NTR feeling. We unadvertently anchor effect ourselves I guess.

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