I've finally made it, my small time traveling adventure is over - I've read all 1398 pages of this thread

. Now i have like hundreds of opened firefox tabs with dozens of various NTR games&manga to check out. Again, thanks to all people who contribute to this thread with uploads, news, translations, reviews, interesting ideas and discussions - you guys are the best.
One of things that i realized reading this thread is that I totally missed Marina phenomenon. Few years ago when i first found out about the game, i checked vndb and saw Protagonist-organised Netorare tag and I thought to myself - Nope, this is totally not my thing and forgot about it. But reading reviews and opinions here, i realized that i like all that mystery (game limited to Protag PoV), teasing and lying parts, so i decided to buy both
Marika and
Mariko from Mangagamer. Thanks to Valentine discount event both games combined cost a bit under 30$, so if anyone want to support MG and Eng localization of NTR genre this is a good time to do it, i hope MG eventually will translate whole Marika series, or if they don't some very kind people here will ;)
And yeah i know, some people don't like the ending, and i think i wont like it too, but still its a good game series definitely worth checking.
Also I've been thinking how quickly we tend to dismiss things without even trying them first. Similar situation was with Persona 5, at first i thought its just another anime school romance game, but after spending more than 100+ hours watching Cohh's stream (cant play myself, I've got only PC, hope Persona games will some day ported to it

) i can tell that this is an amazing game and my first opinion about game couldn't be more wrong.
So i think it's always better to try to be more open minded, especially with next ANIM.teamMM game being, or at least starting, as Netorase. Sure sometimes disappointing things happen (and they happen quite often :(), but its better to stay optimistic and look forward to experiencing new games.