Anime Sharing - Netorare General Discussion Thread

So i found this anyone interested in translating? due to my shitty internet i still haven't finished "reading" ("" because i can't read raw for shit) but i found it because i was searching for anything done by Terasu, i think this is his only full on work, the rest are at most 5-6 pages comics on pixiv i think.
Regarding ugly netori guys:
I think that, in some cases, part of the netorare element is having the lover stolen by someone you hate and it's easier to hate an ugly guy.
For netori, the motive behind it can be a mix of "seeing a beutiful woman degraded by an ugly man" and "the useless fatso gets his revenge".
In netorase this definitely doesn't work as well unless "degradation" is part of the play.

anyone interested in translating?
Looks interesting but I have too much on my plate right now

Also, why so many people enjoy shota?
First of all I find them cute and having a very young male with an older woman makes for an interesting situation
Well...shit I just found a way to buy stuff from the dlsite Jap site. Thought it was not possible considering I don't live in Japan (well not even close) and they don't accept my card.

And with the currency conversion it actually works quite cheap for me. So any recommendations on some really good stuff to buy??

Can buy a few really good stuff that dont have DRM and is not uploaded here.


Oh to say this subtly, not interested in Girlfriend NTR not gonna buy those :punch:
So thisメモリーズ2-irreversible-[322m]-[rj225693]-701398/ is here, has someone tried to hook it? And has anyone played it? How is the ntr, A,B,C or more "complicated"?

I will try this game later, but speaking as someone who loved every other moirai NTR game so far, the first Reversible was pretty awful for being troublesome and inexistent. You had to figure out the girls schedule, then meet her at the right places at the right timings to set the flags, then DUMP her, and then figure the netori guy's schedule and engage him multiple times so that he would initiate contact with the girl and then he would brag about the girl you "lost". I will give my opinion on the new one when I'm finished.
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On the topic of ugly NTR guys, I think part of it also comes down to the fact that the lover is below "standards" for the kind of guy the women deserves or that he might be of the criminal element. Making the idea of the wife or love interest being stolen by the "ugly guy" more profound I guess? Like HOW did this guy get your girl?!

Now TeamNTR/Atelier def. focuses on making their men attractive I agree, but part of the problem with that is if you make them more attractive then the character your playing it creates the impression that your ugly. Which goes into the whole cuckold humiliation aspect that I don't think NTR needs that, where in cuckold is the idea that your not "worth" your wives/gf's attention so she shouldn't be with you. To me that dumbs down the idea of ntr to basic idea that your the "bad ugly" guy that doesn't deserve her aka common cuckold trope which feels cheap.

Also I recently played After Service Gangbang Addicts and damn the guy you play is ugly, to the point its a turn off to actually see him have sex and lets face it as human beings we don't want to watch ugly people, we just don't. If we did then porn would be filled with ugly people and anime characters would look totally different then they do.

So for NTR I think there needs to be a fine line, the character your playing needs to look average to above and the other guy should have some memorable look to him but that doesn't mean he needs to be a model or ugly as fuck.

Finally regarding that ANIM game about the black foreigner, he looks nothing like any black man (be it bi-racial or what have you) that I've ever seen. Honestly he looks like a white surfer dude from california with tan. It makes me wonder if they avoided actually drawing a black man as black, afro ect because of some racial bias that is well known to exist in asian countries - ie they didn't want him too look "too black".
I just believe that, specially, on mystery NTR, having the netori guy be a handsome man works nice, cause is that feeling of "She's working with that dude, but I should trust her" and then you notice somehow something is going on, but you start to think, maybe I'm paranoic. < this type of thing.
While ugly netori guy, you just get, 'maybe he will rape her' kinda of feeling.
I suppose in the end is everything about 'dosage'.
too much blackmail puts me off.
too much rape puts me way off.
incredible ugly guy is just "ugh....why?".
Is there a western patreon game (the typical 3D ones, you know) that is finished and free?

I think all of them are shit, but lately I'm feeling a little bit of curiosity, so I've been searching but all seems either cancelled or just keep releasing content.
Is there a western patreon game (the typical 3D ones, you know) that is finished and free?

I think all of them are shit, but lately I'm feeling a little bit of curiosity, so I've been searching but all seems either cancelled or just keep releasing content.

Ya there is so much "3d" artwork games out there on patreon and they always look so good until you play them and realize how empty the feel. I'll say this, as a visual novel 2D artwork feels a lot more immersive then 3D sometimes. Overall I haven't found anything worth investing in...
I will try this game later, but speaking as someone who loved every other moirai NTR game so far, the first Reversible was pretty awful for being troublesome and inexistent. You had to figure out the girls schedule, then meet her at the right places at the right timings to set the flags, then DUMP her, and then figure the netori guy's schedule and engage him multiple times so that he would initiate contact with the girl and then he would brag about the girl you "lost". I will give my opinion on the new one when I'm finished.

Thanks, but even before that......can it be hooked? and when you do could you explain the map? i mean what each button does, unless that can also be hooked then i can find it own my own.

Oh and where does you avatar image come from? i like scenes like that (both when MC notices it, notices it but managaes to convince himself is something inocuous/innocent, or when he failsto notice it xD).

As for the uglyguys talk, i think is something to do with humilliation and degradation, because lets face it most hentai are the kind feminazies would rightly rage about xD
This game so good I recommended! but bewarned half of girls are lolis.
Sadly no tags ntr in DL and no info on sadpanda so not much ppl know about it but thanks to ntrblog I decided to pick it up.

[L☆B Friends] くすあは~女の子に嘲笑され搾られたひと夏~


There are ntr mystery hiding in here and you will get a hints in some dialog.
Male MC POV and voyeurism plays an important part in this.
This game don't have any cg, only animation.

One of ending the girl(you pick to be with) show you her secret DVD as a reward for pick her. lol
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Anim's netori characters are not exactly a prize though, I think it's even uglier or at least in the same level of ugliness :lol
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Elf Gatenkei's
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WTF? Those guys from anim games in no way ugly, they are normal masculine guys. Guys from Gatenkei isn't ugly as well, they are rather plain looking, but not ugly. It is as if you all never seen really ugly people in visual novels, lol. For example how about this guy, hmm?? or this one how about this ? THOSE ARE HOW UGLY PEOPLE LOOK.

All those guys from anim and elf are rather handsome and could be considered hot in woman perspective. Most of them prefer to be banged by masculine guy rather than Justin Bieber. xD

I found western guys think what looks matter for women as much as for men. But actually think about it - why prostitution exist? Because woman could be wet for any random guy. Physiology of sexual excitement is different in men and in women. Guy couldn't have erection on woman who is considered ugly by him. But anyone can make woman wet as long as circumstances are right. Actually there are researches which found out what most heterosexual women could become wet even by watching lesbian porn, lol.
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WTF? Those guys from anim games in no way ugly, they are normal masculine guys. Guys from Gatenkei isn't ugly as well, they are rather plain looking, but not ugly. It is as if you all never seen really ugly people in visual novels, lol. For example how about this guy, hmm?? or this one how about this ? THOSE ARE HOW UGLY PEOPLE LOOK.

All those guys from anim and elf are rather handsome and could be considered hot in woman perspective. Most of them prefer to be banged by masculine guy rather than Justin Bieber. xD

I found western guys think what looks matter for women as much as for men. But actually think about it - why prostitution exist? Because woman could be wet for any random guy. Physiology of sexual excitement is different in men and in women. Guy couldn't have erection on woman who is considered ugly by him. But anyone can make woman wet as long as circumstances are right. Actually there are researches which found out what most heterosexual women could become wet even by watching lesbian porn, lol.

First we were talking about "just ugly" not "oh my god my eyes!!!!!" or "AHHHHHH!! I can't unsee this!!"""" xD

Second, i think is a matter of taste and context, someofthem are only uglyby comparision, Aida being a prime example since he is uglier than a car seen from below compared to Maa-kun XD
chapter 3 of when days rewind is out. any one know if any site is hosting volume 3? bought first two volumes when it was pay upfront, but i don't support this patreon method. it comes out more expensive by a long shot having to pay every month for a chapter.
chapter 3 of when days rewind is out. any one know if any site is hosting volume 3? bought first two volumes when it was pay upfront, but i don't support this patreon method. it comes out more expensive by a long shot having to pay every month for a chapter.

Wait what? here i was waiting to see if it appeared on dlsite liek the other 2.......
oh interesting, i didn't know they had a dlsite release. i bought mine from the pushpublications website.

but yeah, no more buy it all at once, you have to pay per chapter, per month now.

side note. looking to stir up my ntr collection. have 3 request and 1 will be a really hard one i presume.

1. any one know of any doujins / VN where the MC's girl of interest, is taken by invaders? as in, orcs from another world, giant insects that were never discovered, aliens from other space or some time traveler. just anything that "didn't exist" up until that point.

2. request that's a bit simpler. NTR where the girl is "assigned" some one that isn't her boyfriend. i remember a doujin where the BF and GF were finally going to fuck, but a dude comes in and shows a license that made "that specific girl" his. he had the rights to impregnate her by law and she wasn't allowed to say no. even until the last page, she didn't enjoy it so it wasn't a mind break situation.

3. a ntr where the girl is not into the NTR guy and even at the end, she has feelings for the MC, but is pretty much in a situation where she has to keep having sex with the NTR guy. maybe for the MC's sake. like in NNN where all 3 girls are pregnant, but are still waiting for the MC that never comes. they didn't leave because the MC's job was at stake.

bit of a long request, but i take breaks from hentai because when i get into it, i can go all day and it's really unhealthy XD.
oh interesting, i didn't know they had a dlsite release. i bought mine from the pushpublications website.

but yeah, no more buy it all at once, you have to pay per chapter, per month now.

side note. looking to stir up my ntr collection. have 3 request and 1 will be a really hard one i presume.

1. any one know of any doujins / VN where the MC's girl of interest, is taken by invaders? as in, orcs from another world, giant insects that were never discovered, aliens from other space or some time traveler. just anything that "didn't exist" up until that point.

2. request that's a bit simpler. NTR where the girl is "assigned" some one that isn't her boyfriend. i remember a doujin where the BF and GF were finally going to fuck, but a dude comes in and shows a license that made "that specific girl" his. he had the rights to impregnate her by law and she wasn't allowed to say no. even until the last page, she didn't enjoy it so it wasn't a mind break situation.

3. a ntr where the girl is not into the NTR guy and even at the end, she has feelings for the MC, but is pretty much in a situation where she has to keep having sex with the NTR guy. maybe for the MC's sake. like in NNN where all 3 girls are pregnant, but are still waiting for the MC that never comes. they didn't leave because the MC's job was at stake.

bit of a long request, but i take breaks from hentai because when i get into it, i can go all day and it's really unhealthy XD.

Well in that case i am fucked, i bought book 2 to show my support after i saw the article of why they released volume 1 for free, but i can't use patreon in any way T.T
2. request that's a bit simpler. NTR where the girl is "assigned" some one that isn't her boyfriend. i remember a doujin where the BF and GF were finally going to fuck, but a dude comes in and shows a license that made "that specific girl" his. he had the rights to impregnate her by law and she wasn't allowed to say no. even until the last page, she didn't enjoy it so it wasn't a mind break situation.

Well all I can say is that Mekujira titles are almost explicitly this type of NTR.
Anyone find ママンズクエスト anywhere? Came out a couple days before irreversible but haven't seen it around.


Hm. It appears when you search the ntr tag on dlsite but doesn't show it on its page. but sounds like it has a choosable POV.

i've tried this one. it's not bad, but the sex scene with the little brat it's too chaotic imho.
i've liked the option to see the same scene with different POV (son or mother).
the scene is always mother with other shota, there is no male adult in the game.

btw, the game is short. 1 or 2 hour and u have completed all the content.
This game so good I recommended! but bewarned half of girls are lolis.
Sadly no tags ntr in DL and no info on sadpanda so not much ppl know about it but thanks to ntrblog I decided to pick it up.

[L☆B Friends] くすあは~女の子に嘲笑され搾られたひと夏~

View attachment 19347

There are ntr mystery hiding in here and you will get a hints in some dialog.
Male MC POV and voyeurism plays an important part in this.
This game don't have any cg, only animation.

One of ending the girl(you pick to be with) show you her secret DVD as a reward for pick her. lol
The synopsis is very intriguing. It's too bad its loli and the character designs also leaves something to be desired with only different hair colors and sleepy eyes as distinguishable physical trait.

2. request that's a bit simpler. NTR where the girl is "assigned" some one that isn't her boyfriend. i remember a doujin where the BF and GF were finally going to fuck, but a dude comes in and shows a license that made "that specific girl" his. he had the rights to impregnate her by law and she wasn't allowed to say no. even until the last page, she didn't enjoy it so it wasn't a mind break situation.

bit of a long request, but i take breaks from hentai because when i get into it, i can go all day and it's really unhealthy XD.
The Consequence of the Birthrate Solution Law
there is law to force woman to have sex with fertile man due to low birthrate. too bad it's housewife and partner is her kid's bully. I'm sorry there's more but i can't remember.
The synopsis is very intriguing. It's too bad its loli and the character designs also leaves something to be desired with only different hair colors and sleepy eyes as distinguishable physical trait.

You're right about character designs :( body models mostly look the same especially lolis.
The flowchart setup are genius we don't have to backtrack our save to go to different route. :)

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Could you please re-upload;

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