Are Anime Fans Shy?

Why is your profile picture not your real face?

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May 29, 2011
I've noticed most..if not.. all anime fans in forums and communities uses an anime/game character for their profile pictures and fake names for their usernames.

In your opinion...Do you think anime fans are shy?
Why do you think people use characters for their pictures and fake names for usernames?
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It all depends on who it is. The fans that I have seen are shy, but after you hang out with them for a while, they start to lose the shy personality that you saw when you first met them.

I think these individuals use characters for their pictures, and not themselves is because that character appeals to them in some way. Maybe because it looks cute to them or it symbolizes their personality. Some individuals just use them because they don't want to feel left out if they did put themselves as their pictures. And there's always that 'Don't release personal things on the internet' thing.
possible to show that they really are an anime lovers, and they want to show that they feel proud as an anime lovers with anime characters that they like as their avatar

and for my own reason use an anime character as an avatar because i feel not confident with my picture of myself, other than that I feel that an anime characters as avatar look more cute and will show a forum that is really intended for anime lovers. And as was said by decalcomania, sometimes on the internet would be better if you do not release our true identity

but it's just my opinion, sorry if the fact does not like that :dead:
People rarely use real pictures anywhere. It's nice to be able to stay anonymous, nothing to do with being shy. You can ask people in the IRC if I'm shy.


personally id check all the options.
Ditto what Decalcomania said. The don't-release-personal-info thing is one of my reasons. But my main reason is it's appeal. If I think I liked the character, then I'mma make him my dp. The character I put doesn't symbolize me at all right now though. I am definitely not a super genius planner of evil schemes with plans to sacrifice the whole world just to release my dad. I know it must be hard for him... but I wouldn't go those lengths to release prisoners. I like his wits and intimidating stare which is the reason I put him as DP. And I definitely ain't shy, I'm pretty thick. And no, I don't mean that I'm fat. I'm pretty thin ya know? :XD:
Hahaha I'm ugly and I'm afraid to reveal my identity, bit of both, maybe more of the first one (*´・∀・`)
But yeah I don't think we're necessarily "shy" again it's just the fact that most of us feel more comfortable not revealing our identities online.

And I think we tend to use their characters not really because it reflects us, probably more because we adore or like that character, but of course in other forums you will see people with different avatars, maybe of a car or something the like, so I think the avatar just represents something you like or want to show other people. Though I had an avatar of an old man and still have sigs of old men so don't get me wrong here, I'm not so sure how to put it myself (*´ノД`)
Nero (Decalcomania) is correct...

Just like making friends... starts off awkward and shy... a little cautious, but later on, you'll get to know one another...

To each their own...

I personally chose 'anime characters are cool' because I love the anime-style drawings due to my artistic choice in career.

Even if it's not an anime character, any avatar that projects the person's personality or interest has some significance for that person to choose it...

It could even be an answer like 'It's cute and I would love to meet a girl like her. So picking that as my avatar/profile picture/signature is fine with me...'

Just whatever appeals or seems to catch our eye at that moment could be another reason to choose an anime/game/manga/vocaloid etc. as our 'persona' of sorts...

In the end, we still get along... We share our ideas and interests... Helping when needed.

Due to all that... shyness wouldn't be shown through our typed words as much...

When it comes down to it, no one is really shy... only in how someone perceives him/herself and what shall be reflected back to those who view him/her...~
Most people would choose something beautiful over something ugly.
I'm not particularly afraid to show myself but nobody would want to see it anyway, they'd rather see a cute pettanko twintail with bikini.
Hmm somewhat shy... though thats probably not the reason im using an anime avatar xD I guess its that i think anime is cool~ Dont really care for revealing my identity either... and the avatar does reveal the personality of the one who is using to some degree like ojou sama said~
You could take it one step further and ask why don't you use your real name for your forum name.
Only the internet is where you can be yourself but not yourself. ;)
Hmm.. well, in my case because I though the picture is really cute or good! Well, I'm not a shy person.. umm.. maybe a little bit, but my real reason maybe because I more comfortable like this? And like I said, I use anime picture because I though that it is good! Or maybe because I like that character~ :blushhappy:
Quite like what others have said earlier.

I'm not exactly the heart of the party IRL, but shyness isn't the reason I chose to have anime characters for my profile pictures. I normally don't have proper pictures of myself at hand (I'm usually the one snapping away at people, which means I rarely appear myself), and I also believe there's no particularly compelling reason to put an actual photo for my profile.

That aside, I chose Chiri Kitsu as my profile picture here because I've always been entertained by the way she takes things to the extreme (though IRL I'm more moderate and would fit her sister's messy personality nicely, lol). At other times my choice boils down to whether the character picture is well drawn, likeable and/or cute.

Only the internet is where you can be yourself but not yourself. ;)

I'd agree with that.
Well...that's me, y'all, basking under the sun wearing a Wehrmacht officer's uniform. NOT!

I voted the last 2:
I'm ugly, well...not that ugly, but if I'm a girl, I might have to think twice or thrice do date me.

And I like anime, 'nuff said. If I'm not, why would I be in ASF in the first place.

OK, as a promise, I'll use my own picture as my avatar for this July edition. But I'm not gonna tell you which era would my picture gonna be.
*PS - remind me a few days before July, so that I wouldn't forget.
I voted for the 2nd option. But the last one was quite attracting too :3
I see myself as a blunt and pretty straightforward person, as opposed to shy I'm rather self restraining because I find that dealing with people is a hassle. Consequently I meet very few new people, but I've never found it of any trouble to make new friends or talk to strangers. I always have a conversation with my bus driver and new waiters/waitresses at my favourite places, it goes a long way sometimes. That in mind, I've been into anime ever since a young age and I was indeed shy as a child, and am to this day a solitary person, by choice.

My profile picture is actually going to be an anime art piece meant to reflect me in real life, that and I don't feel like posting a real life picture of myself on these forums.

As for my username, it's an anagram of the last and first segments of my real name.

I think the questions OP asks here about how we display ourselves on these forums aren't too relevant to how shy someone is, it's the general consensus as to how people see the conventions on anime/game websites and communities. That and many people think that people who post real life pictures of themselves on community websites like MyAnimeList are attention seekers etc so many reflect on that. It's just the way things are, and there are probably a lot of shy users but just as many users who aren't. It's not like anime and manga is a magnet for those who can't socialise, lolstereotypes.
There should have been an "I've never thought about that before..." option. As for the reason why I've never used a picture of myself I've never really thought about that before... I guess I would use a picture of myself if I was able to get a clear picture.

And as for the reason why I use a name separate from my real name is because I pretty much give out information about myself on my profile and I've been using this name since who knows how long.Its been my trademark since... secondary/middle school.
To a point I am shy, it's not that I would not want to talk about it. But it's something that I don't discuss with everyone. If you don't know about Japanimation, then I won't ever mention it to you. If you already know it, then I will mention it from time to time.
I rarely go though the hassle of putting up an avatar on any forum, I usually prefer to anonymously lurk.

When I do put up an avatar it's typically not my RL pic. Main reasons would be because not many people put up their RL pics and I don't like to stand out that much, the other would be to remain as anonymously as possible, like it or not anime,h-game/visual novels, manga is a clique hobby (even more so where I live, only the most boring-politically-correct-city-in-existence which will remain nameless), I typically don't mention it to others unless I get signs in a conversation that they are into it too, mainly to avoid those RL trolls that take life too seriously, or make fun of what they don't understand/like... most people are respectful but if they don't know what anime is, then I don't really mention it.

When I do come across someone in RL that is into it I don't mind pulling out all the stops when it comes to discussing it.
I don't think we are shy. It's like anime characters or the avatars we use are more appealing. Usernames are just like nicknames - what we want people to call us. Here is the place where we can have that. People use our name everyday - so a change is good. Moreover, if we just insert our face as avatar it will be very difficult to have a proper background or maybe effects like gifs pics.

Definitely not shy (most of us)​
I don't think that were shy it's like when you meet someone for the first time it's kinda awkward but later on it goes away for the names I guess people just want a cool nickname (I personally just used my real name, i just put the first letter of my last name first and added Kun to the end) for avatars people just wanted some awesome character for it (I used Spike from Cowboy Bebop)
But for people who are shy i guess it's because they might not be used to talking/discussing anime stuff probably because there's not a lot of people around him/her that likes this stuff. For those people i say don't be shy we wont bite, we'll just take a nibble
For me, Im not shy but using an anime ava somewhat represents you? Something thats in your interest Id say.

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