I see myself as a blunt and pretty straightforward person, as opposed to shy I'm rather self restraining because I find that dealing with people is a hassle. Consequently I meet very few new people, but I've never found it of any trouble to make new friends or talk to strangers. I always have a conversation with my bus driver and new waiters/waitresses at my favourite places, it goes a long way sometimes. That in mind, I've been into anime ever since a young age and I was indeed shy as a child, and am to this day a solitary person, by choice.
My profile picture is actually going to be an anime art piece meant to reflect me in real life, that and I don't feel like posting a real life picture of myself on these forums.
As for my username, it's an anagram of the last and first segments of my real name.
I think the questions OP asks here about how we display ourselves on these forums aren't too relevant to how shy someone is, it's the general consensus as to how people see the conventions on anime/game websites and communities. That and many people think that people who post real life pictures of themselves on community websites like MyAnimeList are attention seekers etc so many reflect on that. It's just the way things are, and there are probably a lot of shy users but just as many users who aren't. It's not like anime and manga is a magnet for those who can't socialise, lolstereotypes.