ASF Family Tree

so sunday it will be done.

something tells me it going to be me versus the forums again O_O
Woot, excuse me, I'm still busy saying "Woot!'

It's gonna end up like these things would and will always end up with a group of ppl like us here. It will start out nice and categorized, then before you know it, it's a total mess, with every family line combining into one collective incestious orgy where everyone is eventually related, and everyone is everybody else's cousin, kohai or imouto xD And no one is safe ! :o, I mean... 8j !

The 2 good things to this however is probably: 1=there is no bad things. And 2= We will all be One, One big happy familiy in the end. whii!

I wonder how I would fit in...Oh this reminded me of 'prism'
/me wreak some minor havoc

am K-kun's illicit child, taken away by S-kun. But S-kun treated me badly. That is why A-kun took me in. :3
Lol hmm... i do think you would be quite difficult to fit into one tree x3

How so?

Do I need to ask permission from someone to be part of a family?

It's a really neat premise otherwise. A work in progress, but I feel the love and dedication.
Well dunno... youre sort of connected to everyone @_@ Though i guess king isnt allowing friendship or any other bonds like that...~
Lol yeah xD But i think that would be mostly friend wise~ So more of a relationship chart~
Hmm... all I know is that I have many suitors, but no real lovers. Unless you count Kotoura and me doing all that lovey-dovey stuff.
Hmm dunno since he tries to do that with quite a few =w= But i guess your knights wouldnt really count as family xD
Haha~ I do see him be that way with all the ladies.

Should start my own little 'family'~
Hmm... should makes a relationship chart if you are since this is sort of just family xD Unless... well dunno~ Maybe a rogue family tree would work too xD
Its seems my sinister side has prevented me from having a family O_O

well I guess I can mope around til my sinister side returns..
It's a 'mafia' family of course... or some sort of pseudo-family that possesses awesome powers. :smug:

We have each other's backs.

Right-hand man Sam, you are definitely first in my family.
@weib So you dont want a family? xD

@ojou sama Lol mafia family xD Yay first though i wonder what that would mean for meh @_@

Hmm and of course youre the head~
its not that I don't want one, it the fact the forum doesn't approve of how I operate

too many people are against my moon's eye plan


crap I shouldn't have said I feel the sinister one approaching...
Your power benefits us KOS-MOS~

We will overthrow everything and everyone that stands in our way to victory!

We are all family in way or another. No need permission to be in one just as long as you respect, help one another, and spam as usual... but with flair~

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