@ Genki

Raspberries are also vibrant and delicious in color and taste. That is indeed a lovely sunset~

/me secretly recognizes the secretly secretive secret handshake and in secretiveness, secretly includes a quasi-secret of secretive proportions. Uhh... what the heck did I type? xD

I do agree that a person can willingly rearrange internally especially in relation to the heart. However, I do believe there will be one or two 'quirks' that shall not change no matter the circumstances.

Wow! That sounds incredibly nice and heart-warming. You are so lucky to be able to communicate with your grandmother. She must be someone very dear to you~

Haha~ Really? Even as a toddler, you have such spirit to rebel and pave your path to freedom!

My treasures were all the music that made me interested in Japanese culture in general back when there was dial-up. There were also all the programs I used to learn encoding and converting videos. Lots of anime RAWS and soft-subs. xP

What did you type* ... It's so secret we don't know anymore xD But perhaps we can at least continue to secretly keep that a secret, and just secretly keep the secret of the secret secret instead of the secret secret itself ;3

I both believe and hope that. My quirk would be laughing when no one else is.

You would have loved her I think ! Could end up talking more to her than with me... :puniko_tantrum: And on top of that listen to her start telling stories
about ME :nekopara_surprised: She has quite a bit of humor, and likes to make sarcastic jokes and laughs sorta like a witch, (sry dear grandma I don't have an other word to describe it XD It's meant in only the coolest way and not an insult) When we talk we laugh from everything we did in the past to stupid politicians. Most people don't except her to because of her age. I also used to play board games with here in my younger age like 'dam' and some stuff I don't remember the name of anymore.
I recently got a picture of her from her birthday, I'd show it to you. Still we buy her drinks for her 90th ^w
You don't get to talk with your grandma anymore ?...

Hahaha, I was just raised with quite a bit of freedom around me. We, that is, my family, and my grandmothers family used to travel around in our cars way back. We all liked the outdoors and camping. Driving around in each our modified cars that had built in refrigerators with walki-talkies looking for uncharted forests to camp in and have a campfire. Many hours of video tapes produced from that. It reminds me of a certain time my grandma would talk to a frog when we where camping near a lake in a forest one late evening around the campfire,(some light drinks where not unusual) and everybody would laugh about it for years afterwards. Heck; they still do.

~~But pave my way to freedom you say xD Into Russia~! I failed at freedom. :gokiko_sweat:

I still admire you for your seeming 'techness' of converting, encoding, timing singing and what not. Maybe slightly because I never ventured into it myself. All I can say is that you where early~ Compared to me anyway.
It would have been so awesome being more exposed at a younger age. If I could I would travel back to when I was 7 and given myself some new upgraded childrens TV, like Hellsing and Elfen Lied. Luckily my father let me watch adult horrors instead so he kinda saved the day. :grin:
I'll get nightmares hearing that X.x terrible distorted dial-up peeping and squealing sound.

@Sam getting his nails done ほほほほ~! 
Who are these friends of yours Sammy I wonder. (Just consider yourself lucky for not having a big sister while you grew up)

P.s. I think I get the gist that your just the type is is quite capable, if..you want to be. If someone like you pair up with someone similar, hilarities and mischief may ensue in epic proportions. Yet is pretty mmm, neutral like alone.
There is never such a thing as too much FuN, some of us just thinks regular is boring and must take things to an other level. :gakuran_prank:
But oh...I'll save some info for an other occasion.
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@genki~ Just random friends =w= Some school... some elsewhere... =w=

@evac Act :/ Hmm... i like the thinking part more =/
/me hides animation :scared:

@ojou sama~ B-but charcoal leaves dust everywhere @_@ Itll still sort of get breathed in if its on your nose.. Not healthy for you...

I dunno xD I dun think my hands are feminine but... i dont really know what feminine hands are... soo..... @_@

Oh o.o okies... /me pets kitty and feeds it random stuff~
Youre usually nice(ish) though~ xD
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I know you will! And will expect something sneaky! You've done that before, I remember. :3
But go for it, Genki! I know you'll come up with something really cool! :puniko_thumbsup:

Sam, don't think... ACT!

I'd like to see what kind of animation you did, by the way. xD

Evac ! Long time seeing you in the forum. Even though we rendezvous outside of it anyway. But it's a tad different seeing you on the forum again. Good seeing you here agian.
I strongly feel to ask how things have been~Forum StYle :D

Awh, something sneaky :p huhuhuhu what did I do... /me considers putting on his sneakers, maybe that will help him become more sneaky again !
hmmm :gakuran_stare: Genkidan's Magical sneaky sneakers.....:puniko_unsure:

I have only some vague ideas of what I might want to use, but I lack the theme itself. Starting at the wrong end it seems.

@sam do like he says, don't think, just act like it. Oh; wait, that might actually be good idea for me too, Could help with creativity not over thinking too much~ or...it could turn out to be like a drunk moment.
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But how I the history of the hummans so know - Will it again to an big conflict come: with alot victims, suffer, pains etc. - And the people from the government doesn't care about an possible war, because for they would just the money count...>_>

Okay, I'll on this day then wait.

And with the PM was just a suddenly mind of me... The prize can at the siggy edition filed be - I'm mean, that at the place where the siggies are, the background also editing can - e.g.: That behind the siggies the BG black colored could/can and and and (But for an limited time of course!)... - Well, I hope that you me understand, what I mean...

Well, for more details in the theme area of me coming soon, okay?:goodtea:

I know you worry and I know you constantly have the nagging feeling in the back of your head about the state of current affairs. However, that is all you should do. Do not think beyond that or else you will have that troubled expression stuck on your face. For now, focus on your USB connection, anime, or the next important task for your daily life. I may not be in the right position to say those things since I have not personally experience it myself, but please understand that you can only be concerned for a short while in order to do at least the minimum requirements for an everyday life... eat, sleep, bathe, breathe...

I am saying this as a friend. Please try to find a form of solace somehow.

I apologize for a lengthy response, but I just do not like that grey cloud hanging over your head.

You want for a limited time an option to edit the background of the sig. I hope that is what you meant. If not, I'll try to reread your response and provide the correct answer.

Yes, that is fine. Take your time. I'll be here waiting~

*Pinky drops by to say hello to everyone~^^

I won't be able to keep up with the messages but, I hope you guys would enjoy the contest! :)

Hello Pinky!

Thank you so much for the sticky~

We'll make you proud as we produce priceless videos that can only be done by the people on A-S!

Take care. <3

What did you type* ... It's so secret we don't know anymore xD But perhaps we can at least continue to secretly keep that a secret, and just secretly keep the secret of the secret secret instead of the secret secret itself ;3

I both believe and hope that. My quirk would be laughing when no one else is.

You would have loved her I think ! Could end up talking more to her than with me... :puniko_tantrum: And on top of that listen to her start telling stories
about ME :nekopara_surprised: She has quite a bit of humor, and likes to make sarcastic jokes and laughs sorta like a witch, (sry dear grandma I don't have an other word to describe it XD It's meant in only the coolest way and not an insult) When we talk we laugh from everything we did in the past to stupid politicians. Most people don't except her to because of her age. I also used to play board games with here in my younger age like 'dam' and some stuff I don't remember the name of anymore.
I recently got a picture of her from her birthday, I'd show it to you. Still we buy her drinks for her 90th ^w
You don't get to talk with your grandma anymore ?...

Hahaha, I was just raised with quite a bit of freedom around me. We, that is, my family, and my grandmothers family used to travel around in our cars way back. We all liked the outdoors and camping. Driving around in each our modified cars that had built in refrigerators with walki-talkies looking for uncharted forests to camp in and have a campfire. Many hours of video tapes produced from that. It reminds me of a certain time my grandma would talk to a frog when we where camping near a lake in a forest one late evening around the campfire,(some light drinks where not unusual) and everybody would laugh about it for years afterwards. Heck; they still do.

~~But pave my way to freedom you say xD Into Russia~! I failed at freedom. :gokiko_sweat:

I still admire you for your seeming 'techness' of converting, encoding, timing singing and what not. Maybe slightly because I never ventured into it myself. All I can say is that you where early~ Compared to me anyway.
It would have been so awesome being more exposed at a younger age. If I could I would travel back to when I was 7 and given myself some new upgraded childrens TV, like Hellsing and Elfen Lied. Luckily my father let me watch adult horrors instead so he kinda saved the day. :grin:
I'll get nightmares hearing that X.x terrible distorted dial-up peeping and squealing sound.

/me secretly ponders about how long this secretive secret of secretiveness shall last. The secretive secret secretly has been revealed. The only secret left is the secretively secret kept secret in the secret cave of wonder.

I never knew my grandmother. My father's mother and my mother's mother both passed away while they were still children. Even if my grandmothers were alive, they wouldn't freely chat like your grandmother. They would be a bit more 'traditional', quick hug or no hug (disrespectful to touch elders or even your parents, can't stand at the same height or higher... I constantly bend/slouch), and hope you have decent manners whether you are outside or inside the house.

I'm really happy you can have a nice chat with grandmother. I don't know the warmth and tenderness, but you are fortunate to experience it.

Are you sure that's a car? Sounds like a mobile home. xD

I would have loved to talk to that frog! Your grandmother and I would make many 'hopping' puns and 'croak' about it~

Oh~ Adult horrors. What a lovely father and son moment... Can't tell if that's responsible or not, but you grew up well. Your father should be proud~

@ojou sama~ B-but charcoal leaves dust everywhere @_@ Itll still sort of get breathed in if its on your nose.. Not healthy for you...

I dunno xD I dun think my hands are feminine but... i dont really know what feminine hands are... soo..... @_@

Oh o.o okies... /me pets kitty and feeds it random stuff~
Youre usually nice(ish) though~ xD

No fears. I can hold my breathe for at least minute. Besides, I do not do it often. The best thing about charcoal is to throw it people anyway not for drawing.

Compare your hands to a female... if it has similar features most importantly 'softness', then it's deemed 'feminine'. A good example is a pianist. A pianist's hands are vital. They take good care of their hands that they appear 'feminine'.

Don't feed the kitty 'random' stuff. Give the kitty real food... like horse meat or something.

The nice-'ish' is truly unamusing...
@ojou sama~ /me scribbles down notes on secretive secret that was secretly spoken about in secret in a public place =/
Hmm... cave of wonder... that odd place...

Throwing it at people O.o Kinda like those teachers tossing chalk at sleepy people =w=

Well i dont really take care of my hands that much @_@ I seem to take better care of my art materials than most though :/ If my time spent washing the brushes is anything to go by =w=

Horse mean... directly imported from japan?
But you always seem to be carrying that emergency whip around :nyanmusu_unsure:

@genki Ehh =w= Im not really spontaneous =w= I usually think for a while until an idea comes to mind then work on that~
/me secretly hides the remaining secretiveness of the secretive secret secretly before anymore is leaked. You'll never decipher the secret!


That video has almost nothing to do with waking up students! If such 'chalk' exists, I'd know in an instant.

Could be feminine since you wash often. That's also key.

The horse meat buried under the floors of your house. Lalala~

I do not know what this 'whip' is. Nope. I can't even define the word~
@Sammy Hmm they seem like, well I dunno... lets just say that none of my friends ever tried doing that to me...But I'm not jealous !(I'd maybe let only girls do it just for fun) Perhaps my big sister put me in a dress once, but thats all. That I can remember anyway. WHY AM I SAYING THESE THINGS ! nm~

@Renajoy I think the secret is so safe now that we can leave it to it's own secrecy Encryption key is ひみつ!です。

Even to this date I didn't know or understand your family or community was so traditional as this. I guess I am kinda lucky like that, I can say I grew up with lots of family love compared to many others. Things weren't perfect as they say, when is it ever. But I can't complain. But then again, look how refined you turned out to be. I would still wish for you to experience the warmth and tenderness as you grew up, but, never think it too late.

If you by some chance happens to travel this part of the world...it would have been cozy meeting her. I try calling her every now and then, she's 90, but still lives by herself, and she doesn't like being social around other old people lol. I think she thinks they are too dull. :P

Yeah I guess they where like mobile homes~ Just custom made or something, cause they where initially just for transportation. Unlike those commercial RV's.

haha, I still actually appreciate it that he let me do those things with him...when mom was not home xD She found out though after my sister told on us ^^ Old movie called "the fly". Scared the crap out of me, but how exciting it was. Way more entertaining that the 6 o'clock children's program.

You think I grew up well, ehhe thanks renajoy. :j

I'm not like most others I think though.
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/me goes ask the genie about the secretly secretive secret of secretiveness... i wonder if secreting and secreted are words... oh wow theyre not marked as wrong O.o

Lol i guess it doesnt but still... "throwing" a material that leaves marks on people =w=

Hmm... well i do seem to care for hygiene a bit more than the average person... world would be a much better smelling place if they just put a bit more effort... :/

Why would there be a horse under my house? O.o Thats a bit creepy :scared: Kitty seems to be scratching at the floor boards a lot though o.o

Poor whip... forgotten and alone (maybe) /me pets whip~

@genki Well i dont think guys would usually have nail polish anyway... xD
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@genki Well i dont think guys would usually have nail polish anyway... xD

... /me starts to wonder about samy....or his friends.

私わ 日本語が べんきょう ほしですよ。。。 If only Japanese could use more spaces.

Hmm horses under houses...maybe this could get inspirational!
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@ Ralium

Thanks for dropping by~

Run freely as long as you want. ^w^

Please vote when the time comes.

@ Genki

/me breathes a sigh of relief... The secretive secret I've secretly kept secret is finally secret

Mostly my family though. My relatives and even those who have immigrated appear to enjoy the modern times. That is why it is rare to meet someone who knows how to respect other people and do things properly. I don't want to put myself on a high horse, but I am one of the few who try to give respect where respect is due. It is not how you dress or the knowledge you gained, but how well you present yourself... the aura of your presence. One of the reasons why people think I am an 'oujo-sama' even though I am not.

She sounds so funny. Your grandmother sure knows what she wants. Hope she's not too lonely by herself.

I think I only watched "The Fly" once. Can't remember well since I was around 5 when I saw it. With Jeff Goldblum, right?

There's too many people you have not met. Perhaps, you'll find someone who 'clicks' with you.

Studying Japanese is quite fun when there's a game you want to read. Simple phrases like the one you wrote can be easily memorized.

P.S. It's "私は”。

@ Sam

/me demands that Sam not delve further into this secretive secret of secretiveness

Marks of love~~~~~

When they see you clean, they feel free to do whatever. You need to be more outspoken.

That horse is dead. You need the meat for the kitty.

That whip is poisonous.
@genki Hmm... lets just say i can hang out with girls and not be considered... too odd... a friendly recently commented that she didnt really consider me a guy like those others since i was shy and stuffs..~ So i guess im just unusual..~

@ojou sama~ Aww x3 Ahh well... guess i better get the bribe back from genie..~

Like all the other pranks?~ xD

I guess this is another problem of the common good... some people dont contribute... Well its kind of just priorities..

Dead horse just gets more creepy :nyanmusu_unsure: /me opens floorboard for kitty ><

Wha? :shocked: B-but you just said you didnt know what whip was and now... :hypnotized:
I think that aura emanates your character then. Isn't that maybe what aura tends to do. And if the character is what makes the aura, isn't it also the character that makes a true ojou-sama <3 Thats probably why we will continue to consider you as so even though you say your not ;-j

Tradition certainly has it's place, well, maybe not all, but some. But not sure to express that in a frugal and neat manner.

Ofc, your not on your high horse, Isn't it dead under sammy's house starting to smell funneh thew way only a sammy cat can say it :gakuran_haha:

She probably gets a bit every now and then, I just gave her my old flat screen though, but couldn't find the remote for it :s

YOU too ! HAh yes thats the one. AT 5, we might have watched it at the same age. Such quality father son time.

Hmm, I suppose, but I feel only like clicking with certain people. Yourself included of course. I'll be happy to just click with a few.

I can't remember anymore how you learned your Japanese.

Oh I thought thats what I wrote. I'll check again.
Marks of love~~~~~
Scratch marks! of love.

hmm we're in a video contest thread, talking about old horror movies among other things~~~~ And sammy trapped in house with a dead horse with ...marks of love in the floor xD Dejavu..haven't we talked about making movies with sammy in before...I seem to strongly remember.
dead horse....in samy's house....:onionisfine:

why:nyanmusu_no: you are so mean.....poor horse
@ Sam

This secret has been swallowed and shall never the light of day. No need for magical lamps!

My marks of love are permanent.

Hmm... have you ever been a leader of a group? Could be for a school project or community work? If you lead more, females wouldn't feel like 'you're one of them'.

Horse meat... in chocolate sauce!

The whip? I think you have amnesia. You're confusing your facts.

@ Genki

Maa, can't say I don't call myself oujo-sama in my games. Input protagonist's name or what you like to be called, "Oujo, Oujo-sama, Empress, Queen". xD

You are a mean grandson. Giving your grandmother a flat screen without a remote. You should be ashamed!

I learned Japanese from music specifically romaji lyrics. I compared the romaji to kanji and the English equivalent. I started with Hiragana then Katakana. I learned some common Kanji characters. I then learned basic Japanese phrases and sentences in casual conversation. I'm not an expert, but enough to get by in which I can watch anime without subtitles.

At the age of 5, we youngsters can watch just about anything. I recalled a movie with a sex scene and I did not know what sex was. I think it had Richard Gere. Can't recall the name. I'm so bad with movie titles. ><

@ Ralium

That dead horse was thanks to [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; who desires to take over the world Sam's abode.
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Swallowed O.o Was it a cookie?~

Even with charcoal and chalk? :nyanmusu_unsure:

I dun like to lead >< Im not really an assertive person so that doesnt help... Well I dont really mind being treated as neutral..~ Im not really good at making friends irl either so just happy to even have people to hang out with..~

Can cats have chocolate? /me keeps kitty away from horse o.o
Why are you trying to take over my place? o.o

Wait... so is it a whip? Is there poison? What kind of poison @_@
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It's a fitting name, if only I could have such an established name for myself, since no matter how many times I ponder on what to call myself in-games I have the same problem deciding every time.

Eh... I will get her a remote..Or buy here a new screen instead perhaps :p

Hmm,you mean you had like the transcript of the songs that you could read in romaji ? Watching anime without subs is all I want, thats good enough for me, but hasn't happened yet, I just gotta get more focused.

Things are so entertaining as a child...fascinating and lovely. But still much to explore, just, not equally many things as easily available to. Heh, I fell in love at a pretty young age, I was early I think when it came to liking girls. Somehow the girls in kindergarten maybe sensed something..I dunno. But they would always chase us (me and my osananajimi) supposedly going to infect us with girl lice XD What is that !?

Oh I'm probably worse with actors. Never been into the whole celeb thing anyway.

Aih, I forgot, HA> for WA....boink! I knew that.

Oh and really honestly [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; I just want to admit to you I find your aura and character inspiring...it makes me look more into myself just now. I've sometimes wondered if I am sometimes a bit unrefined myself, and if have some need for some better ..umh you know what I mean~? I don't know exactly what to call it. Need of a more refined character. (but you know people aren't likely to tell you)

Something else I come to think of, there is something I'm very curious about Renajoy~ When I asked you about if you like ...Orange Chocolates /me smiles, hint* hint*...
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It was the key to everlasting freedom... (ノ=゚ロ゚)ノ ⌒┫:・’.:: このバカ!!!

Charcoal and chalk are just tools. What makes it permanent is that I drill them into your brain! 知らないか!?

=_= You and your neutrality... I'm simply at a lost. You sound just like my father... /me digs a grave for herself

It's not real chocolate. It's manure.........................................................

The basement is fine to conquer as well!

You bonked your head too many times. What poison?~


You're a man of many wonders. Picking a name isn't easy. Sometimes I just mix two things I like for a name.

I am now proud of you. Your grandmother is indeed lucky... maybe. I'm watching you, not literally.

For example, you go to Animelyrics or Gendou or kiwi-musume. They have romaji, kanji, and English side by side... sometimes. I just compare them and learn.

You mean cooties? Same with me. I had my first crush at 4. Confessed and was rejected.

Lol. Some people use 'wa' just to be 'cute', but it's a common mistake.

I suppose you don't want to be 'refined'. Maybe a bit more 'grounded'.

Secret surprise package from you? Am I right? Those chocolates.
I know you worry and I know you constantly have the nagging feeling in the back of your head about the state of current affairs. However, that is all you should do. Do not think beyond that or else you will have that troubled expression stuck on your face. For now, focus on your USB connection, anime, or the next important task for your daily life. I may not be in the right position to say those things since I have not personally experience it myself, but please understand that you can only be concerned for a short while in order to do at least the minimum requirements for an everyday life... eat, sleep, bathe, breathe...

I am saying this as a friend. Please try to find a form of solace somehow.

I apologize for a lengthy response, but I just do not like that grey cloud hanging over your head.

You want for a limited time an option to edit the background of the sig. I hope that is what you meant. If not, I'll try to reread your response and provide the correct answer.

Thanks Rena-chan, your words are always so calmly and warm... - I try dark clouds in my head somehow push off^^!

And yeah, it was so meant, how you expected have - The BG/siggy area a bit more coloration-option possibilities give - E.g.: If you behind of your siggy the BG pink (or possible in patchwork desing) do have want etc.

Edit: G'morning on your side Rena-chan^^!

Edit2: Soon is also my banner to FVC done.

Edit3: I'll the omake-project sometime in the next week start (gathering until there some materials).

You ate everlasting freedom? :gokiko_stone:

Thats a bit more than just a bump on the head for falling asleep :nyanmusu_run:

Well... your father... I dunno... seemed quite different from what youve said of him @_@

Good thing i kept kitty away then o.o /me covers the hole back up...
Why did you guys make a basement under my house D: The cliff is kinda unstable as it is @_@

Ahh i dunno what i know anymore :nyanmusu_despair:
  • Like
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Thanks Rena-chan, your words are always so calmly and warm... - I try dark clouds in my head somehow push off^^!

And yeah, it was so meant, how you expected have - The BG/siggy area a bit more coloration-option possibilities give - E.g.: If you behind of your siggy the BG pink (or possible in patchwork desing) do have want etc.

Edit: G'morning on your side Rena-chan^^!

Edit2: Soon is also my banner to FVC done.

Edit3: I'll the omake-project sometime in the next week start (gathering until there some materials).


Just don't push yourself too hard. If chatting with me makes you feel a bit better, then let's have even more lively conversations~

That's not bad for an idea for a background/color option. I have read the threads in the Staff Lounge and they have certain things occupying them. I don't want to impose too much on them. When the time feels right, I'll bring it up to Ignis and hear what he thinks. Is that alright?

If you don't want to wait, you can start a new thread, but I'm not sure they'll consider it right away. ^^;;

Good morning from here to you my dear knight nanashi!

Best of luck on your banner~

Looking forward to your omake! :3

Thank you. I thought a new set would be nice since I just came back.

You ate everlasting freedom? :gokiko_stone:

Thats a bit more than just a bump on the head for falling asleep :nyanmusu_run:

Well... your father... I dunno... seemed quite different from what youve said of him @_@

Good thing i kept kitty away then o.o /me covers the hole back up...
Why did you guys make a basement under my house D: The cliff is kinda unstable as it is @_@

Ahh i dunno what i know anymore :nyanmusu_despair:

And tastes, excuse the the following word, damn good!

I request medical assistance for this amnesiac young man! Oh no! We're losing him!

My father has a spiritual, calm side filled with neutrality, an assertive business side, a doting, passive husband, and can be angry when you least expect it... usually in your face though. He once threw a kid's bike because the kid bit me on the back when I was around 3. He has no mercy on children or anybody if you harm me, my mother, or any of his family members.

The manure is moving.............

Secret base of operations! [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; we are ready captain!

Just know you are being hospitalized.
That's not bad for an idea for a background/color option. I have read the threads in the Staff Lounge and they have certain things occupying them. I don't want to impose too much on them. When the time feels right, I'll bring it up to Ignis and hear what he thinks. Is that alright?

If you don't want to wait, you can start a new thread, but I'm not sure they'll consider it right away. ^^;;

Good morning from here to you my dear knight nanashi!

Thank you. I thought a new set would be nice since I just came back.

Yeah, you can this him (Ignis) say, but if he time and in good mood is.

And yeah, this is an rest risk - if they it allowe would the option - But let see...

There is now afternoon (15:07)^^!

Edit: The chara in your set seems me really familiar before, but dunno where...:goodtea:
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I actually think of my self like a boy of many colors, but I will be sure to some day truly become a man of many wonders.

Thank you, I have actually tried a bit of doing that before, cause I wanted to "sing-along" Eheh yeah in my head that is, in a sense.... >just understanding what their saying *(^o^)*
But I cant remember where, was a long time since, it was while watching Higurashi...Catchy...running, and singing, I still remember aizu=sign...and white bones and innocence from the song. Don't run there !

I shall check those sites out, thank you Ojou-sama, ah yes, it really does sound just right.

Yeah, cooties :j in the kindergarten.

You where rejected :s
How adorable and flattering. I would have melted !

I want to be refined, in such a way that, I can be sensitive to others, their feelings, needs, ect. You might have heard me make in my way some reference to that when talking about my social antennas. I never wanted to be careless or like a ruffian that might not notice others sometimes subtle signals. That would disturb me.
Oh thank you for not being afraid of telling me. Grounded, if thats what I might need some more of~ As long as your not talking about house-arrest ! \(O,o)/ Thats for sammy I thought.

:innocent: eheheh.... just checking :-D /me thinks of something else as well

Hmm yeah I didn't imagine your father to be very neutral either. It's neat that he wants to protect you and your family though. I had an impression he was more neutral in his affections and temperance as well. Distant and aloof.
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Lol /me has an image of you plopping mini eagles in your mouth x3

Nuu i dun wanna have charcoal drilled into my head :runaway:

Oh O.o Well... I guess i can be assertive if necessary... Usually neutral... Shy away from stuffs... have trouble ordering in restaurants because I sort of feel like Ill just be a bother to others.. sometimes the assertive side takes over and everything is sort of fine..

What is happening with this @_@ /me calls the ghost busters @_@

Could you get rid of the horse at least @_@

I dun like hospitals :nyanmusu_unsure:
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