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Depends on what kind of blackout you mean, the power outage or the amnesia? I have experienced the power outage but I never had amnesia.

What would you do if you had amnesia, in the sense that you know the basic stuff but nothing about yourself?
Become one of those odd characters in anime that turn out to be awesome later on and regain their memories at the most inopportune times or during epic moment :3

What if you were dragged into a book?
hmmm... if that is adventure book.. i wil rejoice it.. since i dreaming live in such dragon quest world.. artonelico world.. ehhe

so what if u do if dragged into horror book..??
I would haunt the ghost and be its worst nightmare.

What if you were dragged into a nightmare?
Take over and manipulate it as i wish. Have my army of slaves :p

What if you could live in dreams?
I'd live the weirdest life ever. 99% of my dreams..make no sense..AT ALL XD

If on a day your internet doesnt work, what do you do for amusement..?
Find my legos find the puzzles oh wait internet ohhh i have stuff prepared in case so ill just kill those games first

What if there was a world wide internet crash?
If it was permanently broken (perhaps a future we may have to look forward to), then I would start breaking open my impossibly large collection of things. From growing up and having that godawful internet speed (as I've mentioned in at least one other post), I've accidently conditioned myself to hoard anime for my breaks, so I have something fun to do...except that didn't stop when my internet speed increased 1200x from that time. So as of my calculation of 2 years ago (when my speed was only 300x growing up), I have enough anime that I haven't watched to watch continuously for over a year and a half 24/7. That doesn't include the plethora of games, nor the multitude of skill learning tutorials, nor my 3D/graphics imagination :3 Of course also not including the fact that my Dollfies keep me entertained for hours at a time, even more than hours if I'm making an outfit for one of them.

Temporary Internet crash would apply to the above too though. xD

Now what would you do if your Computers were all broken and didn't have the money to repair them to a functional state?
Rush to an internet café or move to my friends house xD

If you had to pay for ANY online streaming, would you do it?
Not at all, I'm far too used to having internet that I couldn't even stream youtube back in the day, so I'm preconditioned to dislike streaming stuff at all. I'd rather download a copy instead.

If you were picking a nice pair of headphones, what would they be?
Not sure but i really want ones that block out other noise (my roommate's music interferes with my anime watching and about everything eles)

What would you do if you made a time capsule?
I'd use it of course! Obviously to see the screwed up future that I wouldn't be around normally to live to see xD

What would your first instinct (not what you'd actually bother doing in the end) be with wallet (with ID) and money on the ground?
I would take both of course :p If i saw someone drop the money then return it but otherwise :ninja:

What if someone offered you money randomly?
Depends on what city and the kind of person offering, I'm more likely to refuse though, given anyone freely parting with money on the street either stole it, counterfeited it, or is performing some weird psychology experiment

What would be the first thing you do if you won the lottery?
12 according to my blog.

Who is your favorite doujinshi artist (or manga artist if you don't read doujins)?
Me thinks that terumi meant me :/ And i have no idea why but my current goal is to pass corocoro~
Because :p and that answers everything

What is the lowest you have ever been?
Wasting most of the day at work playing silly forum games to kill time from boredom at work :p

What is the best thing you have done as a human being?

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