Ask a question and next person have to answer.

i would attempt to tame this creature, if i cannot i will banish it to a world of darkness and come back in a year to see if its willing to join me by then.

would u fall for the siren?
Ooh shiny~ Off to go fight impossible bosses and triumph xD
If the legendary weapon broke?
you wouldnt need to travel back for a blacksmith!
if ur power shut down and had absolutely nothing to do?
Use the battery and try to keep it alive as long as possible Depends if its day or night but theres stuff like toys or puzzles around the house somewhere xD
If your internet died?
I'll resurrect it, so that I can torture it again. Then get a new one and have the old one nearby as an example.

How many planets do we REALLY have? 1st they took out Pluto from the list, then they can't decide whether Titan should be call planet or not.
'Until a new, large object is discovered out beyond Pluto, there are only 8 planets, and 3 dwarf planets'
Is what I've heard.. I dont really know either..

What gives to the biggest adrenaline Rush? :D
Drug cartels become web moderators.

Suppose alien come and bring new technology for humankind, what would you like it to be?
virtual reality. uwhahaha

if you could go back in time what age would you live in?
I like this time fine~~ theres anime xD
If you could drag someone from the past into our time who would it be?
Leonardo da Vinci. show him all our inventions, send him back, and watch him go wild.

What would you do if mechs were real. Gundam fightan mode or IS harem mode?
Hmm didnt watch IS yet :/ Would be fun to run around in a mech though
If all cars were secretly transformers?
I'd hope mine would be bumblebee :3 Cuz talking with the radio is win!

What type of food do you hate most?

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