Ask a question and next person have to answer.

Tasteless one.

If you were reincarnated as a Pokemon, which one would you like to be?
Hmm mew~ Lol that is if i can learn celebi's time traveling (considering how it can learn everything) :3
What pokemon would you want to be?
Mew - cute yet powerful.

Who would you like to be your Pokemon master, if you're a Pokemon?
Hmm someone that i can betray and no one would miss :evillaugh: unless theyre actually a good trainer in which ill just follow for a while~
What if ash was your trainer? xD
I'd go on a strike, he's too stupid D:

If you could pick one pokemon to become real, which would it be? :o
Hmm... thats a tough one... maybe... Pluzzle hes cute
If you would get the chance to become a mystical dragon?
only if all the rest of the dragons can transform into cute bishoujo~~

are you the type of person who will confess to someone even though it might break your current relationship?
No im such a coward... ;P
Are you one who someone who likes Tsundere?
In anime's yea, its hella funny :3
In real be abused to no end since I have some sadistic female friends o.o'

Do you have a high pain tolerance level?
not at all... the thought of pain makes me.... ughuu

if you were only allowed to eat one type of food, what would it be?
I would continue doing it and maybe earn some money on it
If you were rich?
Since I dont know Yuno, at this point I wouldnt mind :3

If you had paparrazi following you everyday? :o
i would not accept it...
if samy followed you to bed? ( ̄~ ̄;)ウーン・・・
no one else enters MY bed except the Gf. Basic Rule no. 24

A girl in a pretty short skirt walks up some stairs. You are a little behind her.
Would you peek? :P
*me coughts a little awkwardly* yes...
A guy in a pretty short skirt walks up some stairs. You are a little behind him.
Would you peek?
Ye-...I mean Hell no! Id walk down the stairs again and wait till coast is clear...

Is your room always messy or tidy?
its often messy! :p
with eroges... xD
Are you into lolies?
depends if they fill the criteria? curious about criteria? just ask.
what are your criteria s?

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