Ask a question and next person have to answer.

2 inches... i guess/ ~

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength? . . .
i think its show ur weakness but give u a strength to live..... thats mean u have a emotion........

what is healthy diet for u????????????
Ice cream - make me drive several miles just to buy one.

What is your darkest secret?
darkest secret ~ fuufuufuu ~ . .

i love to do heinous stuffs in the dark.. huehuehehue ~ . .

What and where is your comfort zone?
In my dark room, in front of my PC, with my M4A1 lying on my table next to me.

What is your biggest fear?
Does JMSDF female figurines count? Got 10 of them on top of my PC.

When was your first school fight, and what's the reason?
Kindergarden, Day-1, over a story book.
3rd day Kindergarten~ Toy car lol~~

what was the most ridiculous thing you believed as a kid?
Teacher: What would you want to be when you grow up?
Me: Ghost Buster!!

If you have a daughter, what name would you give to her?
i'll name it yuki....... mean snow or winter.........

how to erase tatto without went to tatto store or lost my pocket......
Burn it with red hot iron rod. Just kidding...DON'T DO IT!!!!

What colour do you hate the most?
My PC - all my H-game in there.

Do you have airsoft? If 'yes', name it.
nahh. love playing wargame, but never had my own gun.... have a wooden sword tho xD

would you ever break up with someone if you knew that your best friend liked them too?
Hell NO, finder's keeper, as they said. *Yes, I can be that evil with my friends*

If you given choice to rule a country, which country would that be?
rule a country ~... probably England or China ~ . ..

Which is your 'most recent' favorite song?
Joyce ~ when i was in first grade . . .

If alcohol were banned, what would your reaction be? . . .
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Nothing, coz I don't drink. :P

Do you still remember your 1st Grade/Year 1/Darjah 1 homeroom teacher?
for now its exciting since i m into school but for now ~ no classes due to flood scenery ..

Look behind you, what do you see? . . . .
Shadowy figure Servers - I'm in my company's server room. It's my office - dark, cold and cramp, just the way I like it.

If you look to your left, what do you see? :P
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passport, wallet, watch, phone, foreign cash... i wonder where this is leading.....

look to your right, what do you see?

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