Ask a question and next person have to answer.

hmm.. if there would be classes tomorrow or none ~ ..

What is your relationship status? ~
Single and damn proud of it. *It's a lie - the 'proud' part*

If you can adopt a loli anime character, who would that be?
Chiyo Mihama - she's a child prodigy & she got cute voice too. Thanks to Tomoko Kaneda-san(seiyuu)
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Victorique de Blois ~ from Gosick..

If you were invisible, where would you go?
Girls' Dormitory

If you could own a fighter plane, what would it be?
F/A-18C Hornet
ah eh .... Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor or VF -25 of Macross..

Your plans for today ~ ?
Sleep, download anime & play game. But then again, I'm working. :(

What is the 1st PC game that you ever bought?
Top Gun: Fire at Will (1996)
doing assignments and rewrite some lectures . . .

What movie do you never get tired of watching? ~ .. . .
The Longest Day - Just can't beat old movies, with their large scale of actors, extras and props. Nowadays, the filmmakers just rely on CGI to make the movie grand.

Have you ever upload video in Youtube? If 'yes', give us link so we can comment it. *evil grin*
it was a project on how to register a business thing own by a single person.. forgot the link was ~ it was a crappy animation slides in sticks.. . i ll try to look for it and post the link once i found it out. we should make an actual video but budget wise. no video camera, well resulted on a less than one dollar video crap.

What do you spend most of your money on ? ~ . . .
Now, I focus on my airsoft sport - buy new gun, accessories, BDU & ammo.
Before I knew airsoft, most of my spending centered around my PC upgrades.

The furthers place you ever travel to by yourself?
just a nearby city ~ attending anime conventions ~ ...

Which is your colour that best describes you or stands for your personality?
Black - fit for any occasion, wedding, funeral, graduation days, interview(yes, I did went for interview dressed in black) and many more. Also blood not visible on black suit when you do some assassin job.

What type of clothing make you feel comfortable and secure?
*Dark clothing and jacket*
hmm... loose fit jeans, a long sleeves t-shirt with a t-shirt on top of it,

What sports did you or do you play? . . . ~
School - football (it's soccer for you Americans ;) )
Now - Paintball & Airsoft

Do you have childhood friend(s) of opposite sex?
Half cook - mix with pepper and soy sauce, and eat with bread. Nice.

How do you like your steak? Well done, medium or raw?
Top Shot season 2 - few days ago.

Last movie you've been to?
*Battle of Los Angeles*
movie ~ ... summer wars...~ ..

would you consider yourself a morning person or a night person and why? . . .
Night person - coz I got insomnia

How much do you got in your wallet/purse right now?

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