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Where can I buy a replica of MTV(Modular Tactical Vest) less than USD$200? Seriously, I mean it.


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Better[\s] Greater than cartoon.

Do you agree that Pluto been declassified as a planet?
I can't really prove that pluto is a planet, so I'll leave that to whoever the hell decides that kinda thing. Im pretty sure to be a planet, it has to have a moon or something orbiting it. I think they used to think pluto had a moon but then found it it wasn't actually orbiting pluto.

What's your favorite band/singer/rapper/artist of all time
I have a lot of list here but, for now Shokotan ~ ♥

Your favorite movie ?
Do you like IP4?
in a way yes.. but if only i had chance to watch it...

what do you daydream mostly about?. . .
Bijins in bikinis. Ok maybe more into eroge. :D

What do you first think when I say FOOD?
happy pleasures. . .

what are things that you enjoy doing in your spare time? . ..
posting here ~ . .. . checking email and surf around ~ . . .

What honest mistake have you done that turned out to be favorable to you?

.. . . .
To be in love with someone? I guess not... IDK. T__T

What do you do if a girl/boy proposed to you?
Depending on who she is xD

Hm...What do you do if the girl/boy you love proposed to you? ;P
i don't know.. glad probably. cry probably, get mad perhaps i don't know.. emotionless?.. speechless... laughs, scream.. i don't know...

What's the greatest thing that happened in your life?

. . .
maybe,i found my love.and i hope i never lost it:6f428754:
do you like adventure film ?
yup.. . ~ tis good to watch it with friends. or family members .`.

What's the first thing you thought about this morning when you woke up? . . ~
Posting in ASF! :D

What's are the things you like other than posting in ASF?
checking OST(s), anime episodes, game and stuffs downloading. ~ . .

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do? . . .
Rob the bank?:P

What is the first thing you do i you have unlimited money?
fly to japan and buy all the blu-rays i want.

what will you do? (repeat above question)
I will try to hunt bijin girls with big oppais. HAHAHAA. Ok totally hentai mode..

What will you do (from above question)
fund a research about immortality and stuffs, space travel, time machine and stuffs. and buy things that i want.

what will you do? (refer to kou's question: What is the first thing you do i you have unlimited money?)
already answered, maybe second thing is getting a new house big enough for my whole family so i can have a big room for myself and my anime stuff

do you think you are handsome/pretty?

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