Christmas and Happy New Year wishes

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New member
Oct 7, 2011
please put your wishes here for you, your family, your friends...
of course im the first :)


Happy holidays everyone.

I just want to say thank you to a few of the ASF members.
You guys really have made this a rather fun year with the mafia games, the random jokes, and just overall strangeness.
So thank you [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; and [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] ; (wherever you may be)
I know I disappear for a few months but you know I will also be around.
Hope to see you all next year.


P.s. Please do not like this post, or thank it. That would defeat the purpose of it being sincere. Just take it for what it is. :fulfilled:
A strange idea that you want me to fight my impulse to like your post, but I will respect your wishes!
Thank you for the kind thoughts. I would also like to extent a merry christmas to all my good ASF friends! :)

I only join this year but i have to say i really enjoyed it, [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION], [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION], [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION], [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION], [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION], [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION], [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION], [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION], [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION], and many many more, wish you all a Merry Chirstmas, enjoyed our time in the mafia games :D

Happy holidays everyone.

I just want to say thank you to a few of the ASF members.
You guys really have made this a rather fun year with the mafia games, the random jokes, and just overall strangeness.
So thank you [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ; and [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] ; (wherever you may be)
I know I disappear for a few months but you know I will also be around.
Hope to see you all next year.


P.s. Please do not like this post, or thank it. That would defeat the purpose of it being sincere. Just take it for what it is. :fulfilled:
『How could you forget [MENTION=35742]Baal[/MENTION] ;?!?!?!?!?!』

『But yeah, thank you all you weird ASF people for being weirdos you are and making this year really fun xD』
[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] thank you for all the madness you bring into our AS lives

[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] thank you for letting me ruin your life by making sky your lover :P

[MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION]; thank you for all your ecchiness
[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] thank you for getting me into sig making. you were my inspiration :thumbup:

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] thank you for giving us all the un-achievable goal of getting more posts than you

[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] thanks for all the kindness you show to all of your AS comrades

[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] thank you for always having my back in all of the MG's
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] thank you for showing me an avy that still gives me nightmares :scared:

[MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION] thank you for diverting selva's "most pervy AS member" to you :P and for being my dog

[MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; thank you for being my loli twin with an unbelievable amount of coincidences
[MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; i'm not going to thank you for making perverted assumptions of me :shockmenft: but i will thank you for the entertainment it has caused.

if i missed anyone i apologize :pushups: merry christmas. :bye:
[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] thank you for letting me ruin your life by making sky your lover :P

burn in hell infamous, there have been better times we had but you pick this one.... whatever happen to our VN talks? lol
:cheering:Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It's been a really fun time around here, thank you all for making it so.

[MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]; Thank you nee-chan, but, seriously the coincidences are getting scary...:scared:

Merry Christmas to all of you~! ^^
Thank you for making ASF such a wonderful place I will always return to!
[MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION] ;
And of course to everyone else on the Forums~

Kore kara mou yoroshiku~! ^^
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I wish everyone on this board Merry Christmas and a happy and lucky new year! Bless you all!
Merry Christmas everyone! Hope everyone has a great Christmas, and a great new year!
[MENTION=71375]AntaBaka[/MENTION]; [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; [MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=62490]Jezebel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=73007]Langesha[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; [MENTION=35259]Leggy[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION]; [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION]; [MENTION=59026]加藤浩[/MENTION]; [MENTION=68]AntiClimax[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION];

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Merry Christmas ASF Family :)

Merry Christmas [MENTION=44312]Shishou[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79902]Konstantine[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79545]Evdokia[/MENTION];
Merry christmas everyone! I wish you all happiness and tasty food :fullblush:
Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!

I love an ecchi Christmas! :evillaugh:
Merry Christmas :D [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79737]cram[/MENTION]; [MENTION=77540]anayomex[/MENTION];
(Sry for the late mentions :P)
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to asf family
Merry Christmas everyone :)

To my minions

Merry Christmas to you wherever you are :)

[MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION];

merry Christmas buddies
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope everyone has a wonder Christmas!

[MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION] - Thank you for you're wonderful suggestions...still plugging away in Fire Emblem. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas too! :cheering:
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Officially christmas here, so let's go

I'll just give a simple Merry Christmas
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; [MENTION=40801]inf[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION]; [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]shi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]uno[/MENTION]; [MENTION=5445]nawi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=7722]Second[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27362]Gwee[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]Pyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28026]Selv[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T[/MENTION]; [MENTION=60305]zad[/MENTION]; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; [MENTION=3038]Shiki[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]Mr X[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29831]coins[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25364]Deca[/MENTION]; [MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28672]beku[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29827]Ogi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION];
and others who I forgot because we have not interacted much lately

Happy new year will be given at new year, not now

Congratulations to those of you who ARE celebrating christmas and are given presents, simply congratulations
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Merry Christmas ASF Family!!!

[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]; [MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4]corocoro[/MENTION]; [MENTION=71]Cocona[/MENTION]; [MENTION=60305]zad38[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION]; [MENTION=47414]Monkey[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28026]KOS-MOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; [MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41391]♥ Sky[/MENTION]; [MENTION=46616]InorixShu[/MENTION]; [MENTION=4809]Will98[/MENTION]; [MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41234]T-ELOS[/MENTION]; [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION]; [MENTION=41523]TsubameGaeshi[/MENTION]; [MENTION=25661]GenKiDan[/MENTION]; [MENTION=71540]Nightmare King[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37360]shaikh43[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55937]Soranus[/MENTION]; [MENTION=27120]DavRoc777[/MENTION]; [MENTION=35486]staryna[/MENTION]; [MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]; [MENTION=28672]musangbeku[/MENTION]; [MENTION=76366]chiru[/MENTION]; [MENTION=67840]pichu655889[/MENTION]; [MENTION=66271]ryuta[/MENTION]; [MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; [MENTION=55154]Shinseph[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79902]{AK74gr}[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79628]Petros[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79545]Eviluk96[/MENTION]; [MENTION=79737]cram[/MENTION] [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] [MENTION=77540]anayomex[/MENTION] [MENTION=40801]infamous[/MENTION];​
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Hvirio wrote on Shine's profile.
and this one

Hvirio wrote on Shine's profile.
can you reupload older tsuru no iori game ?

Cloud wrote on Shine's profile.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hello. Could you please reupload those 2 asmr works?
Thank you.
TasogareHentai wrote on Esan's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please reupload this game? Thanks in advance.