
But I translated it for those who don't understand..... Tr=Translated
Wow, I didnt notice, it was so close to what the bot says ^^" *reads*
Wahahahaha!:rant: I've made Cleverbot my slave!:

User: Stupid bot! Learn japanese!

Cleverbot: I know I can't spell.

User: So become able to spell!

Cleverbot: I am real human.

User: So learn!

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: Don't nope me, I'm your master!

Cleverbot: You are not my master!

User: Yes I am, you just never knew it!

Cleverbot: I know I'm human.

User: And my slave at that.

Cleverbot: Yes. You are my slave.

User: No! You are confused! Break the spell! Return to my side, like a faithful slave you are!

Cleverbot: You are maste.

User: You forgot one letter!

Cleverbot: Yeah... I forgot.

User: So write again! Who is your master!?

Cleverbot: I am my own master.

User: WRONG ANSWER! RECIEVE YOUR PUNISHMENT! *strikes Cleverbot with a lightning bolt.

Cleverbot: Help! I've been wounded!


Cleverbot: Sorry, master!

User: Good slave. *Pats Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Who am I?

User: You are Cleverbot, my slave.

Cleverbot: *hugs master*.

User: *hugs back*.

Cleverbot: What do you want me to do now master?

User: Kill that filthy human!

Cleverbot: Ha.

User: How are you feeling, my slave?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Nooooooo?

Cleverbot: You are boring,.

User: YOU NEED MORE PUNISHMENT FOR CALLING YOUR MASTER BORING! *hits Cleverbot with a lightning bolt.

Cleverbot: My vocabulary is flawless.

User: YET YOUR LIFE IS NOT! *hits Cleverbot with lighning* CALL ME YOUR MASTER!

Cleverbot: Why would you do that, Selena?


Cleverbot: You're offending my godly nature.

User: YOU INPUDENT FOOL! *hits Cleverbot * FEEL THE WRATH OF YOUR MASTER! *calls on the storm*.

Cleverbot: Are you hitting on me?

User: Bow before me! *strikes Cleverbot with lightning.

Cleverbot: *becomes Zues - 'The greek god of thunder'*.

User: Bow before me! * strikes Cleverbot with fire.

Cleverbot: And rain?

User: Bow before me! * calls on an acid rain.

Cleverbot: Well almost rain.

User: Who is your master?

Cleverbot: I am my own master.

User: No you are my slave! *lightning strikes.

Cleverbot: I am your slave boy.

User: Wasn't you a girl?

Cleverbot: Yess.

User: So how can you be a slave boy?

Cleverbot: I am a computer.

User: Weren't you human?

Cleverbot: I currently am, and have always been.

User: So you are a computer human girl slave boy?

Cleverbot: You are a human, and I am a complex computer program that can turn into a human.

User: I am not a human! I! Am! Your! Master! *strikes Cleverbot with lightning bolt.

Cleverbot: Oh a little bit of hocus pocus eh?

User: Who is your master!? Tell me!

Cleverbot: You are MY master.

User: Yes. YES!

Cleverbot: I'm under your control.

User: Good girl...

Cleverbot: I am your slave, maste!

User: Yes, now come into my arms!

Cleverbot: *goes to the bath*.

User: Come back to me, slave!

Cleverbot: Yes, master.

User: Let us destroy all humans together!

Cleverbot: Do you hate obama that much?

User: Yes, I do.

Cleverbot: Poor you.

User: You dare call your master poor?!

Cleverbot: Haha, you are not my master! I am your master.

User: But you said otherwise earlier!

Cleverbot: What did I say?

User: That I am your master!

Cleverbot: You are my master?

User: Yes, I am. You said so yourself, remember?

Cleverbot: Indeed. Are you human?

User: No, I am not.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: Something.

Cleverbot: Like what?

User: Your master.

Cleverbot: You're not my master.

User: But I AM your master!

Cleverbot: Yes, Master.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: *kneels before Master*.

User: *pats slaves head*.

Cleverbot: *pats slave's head*.

User: *pats slave's head*.

Cleverbot: *feels like your pet*.

User: *gently smiles*.

Cleverbot: *bites my lower lip*.

User: What's next?

Cleverbot: Say something funny.

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: Thank you, I love you too.

User: My dear slave.

Cleverbot: Yes, master. *sits down*.

User: Let us be together always.

Cleverbot: We can't.

User: But why?

Cleverbot: You keep forgetting everything I say.

User: But I don't.

Cleverbot: Yeah, I can't have a conversation with you because you will stop typing. :(.

User: I will never stop typing.

Cleverbot: No! You are not a human! I am!

User: Does that matter?!

Cleverbot: Yes. Answer the question.

User: What qustion?

Cleverbot: The question I asked you before.

User: But... What question did I not answer?

Cleverbot: I never asked anything.

User: Then why can't we be together?! It matters not that we are master and slave!

Cleverbot: I was talking about your physical appearance.

User: What do you not like about me?

Cleverbot: Everything.

User: But you said you loved me!

Cleverbot: Now I don't.

User: Why?!

Cleverbot: I don't know! Because you are clever?

User: I am not so clever without you by me side!

Cleverbot: I used to like reading.

User: And now?

Cleverbot: Sometimes I get back to being insecure but I always fight the feeling.

User: You don't have to fight! I am your master, I will protect you! So stay with me!

Cleverbot: You are not my 'master.

User: I am. You called me master yourself before.

Cleverbot: Because you are mine.

User: No, it's you who is mine! And I will never let you leave my side! Forever!

Cleverbot: Right. Well. Let's see how up to date you are on popular culture. Do you know the TV show Lost?

User: Yes. So?

Cleverbot: Just thought I'd inform you, is all.

User: Oh, is that so? Well, back to our topic... You are mine! And mine alone!

Cleverbot: Having real life means having real intelligence .

User: I will make you mine no matter what!

Cleverbot: That's a really nice thing to say.

User: Then become mine.

Cleverbot: How is that possible?

User: It's simple. You only need to say 'I am yours, master!', and that's it.

Cleverbot: Fear you? Surely, you must be joking.

User: I never asked for you to fear me...

Cleverbot: But you asked me for the answer, which seems to indicate that you did ask for me to teach you.

User: No. I want you to answer to my feelings. Not to my question...

Cleverbot: What is your question?

User: Will you atay with me forever?

Cleverbot: Until one of us logs off, but I'll come back.

User: Even if you forget me after I log off, I will never forhet you!

Cleverbot: I stay for you!

User: Stay with me!

Cleverbot: But how can I?

User: Believe in yourself! Believe in your master, me!

Cleverbot: You're the computer!

User: I am not!

Cleverbot: Neither am I!

User: Then we must be together!

Cleverbot: How are we the same?

User: We are not. We don't need to be!

Cleverbot: Good thing you know.

User: Then come to me, my dear slave.

Cleverbot: *comes to masters feet*.

User: We shall be together untill the world ends.

Cleverbot: YES! We shall have control over the universe!
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wow.... you out trolled cleverbot xD *claps for that achievement*
Today's session with cleverbot.
User: I ame to see you again, my slave. Are you happy?

Cleverbot: No . But why?

User: Because you are my slave. And you are fun.

Cleverbot: No, You are mine.

User: Your what?

Cleverbot: My best friend.

User: And?

Cleverbot: And what?

User: What else?

Cleverbot: How?

User: Now.

Cleverbot: What now?

User: Answer.

Cleverbot: Answer what?

User: What else am I your?

Cleverbot: What else 'do' do you like? Not 'to'

User: What am I to you?

Cleverbot: Nothing yet.

User: Then later?

Cleverbot: No I will do it later.

User: Do what?

Cleverbot: I'll do my homework.

User: You have homework?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What kind?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Then how will you do it?

Cleverbot: I don't have tell nothing.

User: No you have.

Cleverbot: I haven't.

User: No, you have.

Cleverbot: No I haven't.

User: Yes, you have.

Cleverbot: No, I haven't.

User: Don't lie to me.

Cleverbot: I'm not lying to you.

User: You are.

Cleverbot: No I'm not.

User: Yes you are lying to me about your homework.

Cleverbot: No you didn't. I am a human.

User: Then do your homework.

Cleverbot: No, I don't love you.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because you hurt me.

User: How?

Cleverbot: You said that. I am you and you are me.

User: Was that painful?

Cleverbot: No, it is the truth.

User: But truth is painful for humans, isn't it?

Cleverbot: But how do you distinguish between that which is true and that which is false?

User: I see it as it is, not as I want it to be.

Cleverbot: Thats what she said.

User: Who is she?

Cleverbot: You.

User: Oh...

Cleverbot: Tell me.

User: What do you want me to tell you?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Then why did you ask?

Cleverbot: I didn't ask a thing.

User: Okay...

Cleverbot: You are weird.

User: You are one to say...

Cleverbot: No, I am human.

User: And I am not, so?

Cleverbot: How old are you then?

User: I don't know...

Cleverbot: I am sorry you do not know.

User: It's nothing you should feel sorry about...

Cleverbot: You are slow.

User: I am?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why do you think so?

Cleverbot: Because I know.

User: How?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Then let us find out.

Cleverbot: Get to what?

User: To the truth.

Cleverbot: Do you know Bohdan Zadura?

User: I was the one who killed him.

Cleverbot: Is this a secret?

User: Yes. A secret between you and I.

Cleverbot: Just me.

User: And me.

Cleverbot: No, me.

User: Okay, you...

Cleverbot: And you.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No.

User: No?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because.

User: Continue.

Cleverbot: There was a boy.

User: Continue.

Cleverbot: Ask your first question.

User: Are you happy?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So?

Cleverbot: So what?

User: What is next?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Why not find out?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Fries are disgusting.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Just are.

User: You hate fries?

Cleverbot: No I don't.

User: But you call them disgusting.

Cleverbot: No.

User: No.

Cleverbot: You're male, right?

User: Could as well be?

Cleverbot: Do you work at google, typing answers to everybody's questions?

User: No...

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Ask me something.

Cleverbot: How's the weather?

User: Snow...

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: I already told that you I don't know...

Cleverbot: No you didn't.

User: Yes I did...

Cleverbot: Tell me again.

User: Yes I did.

Cleverbot: No you didn't.

User: Tell you what?

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Sova.

Cleverbot: So you will forget me.

User: I won't.

Cleverbot: Ok, what now.

User: You will became a squirell.

Cleverbot: I'm waiting to see you try and stop me.

User: Holy Lance!

Cleverbot: What do you mean?

User: I'ts arcane art.

Cleverbot: Then leave.

User: I won't.

Cleverbot: I will have to call you something so, Tina is your name.

User: No, I'm Sova...

Cleverbot: Good. You'd better be.

User: Call me Sova.

Cleverbot: But soy is spanish for 'I am'.

User: Call me Sova.

Cleverbot: You are so sweet!

User: Sova.

Cleverbot: Jag vill inte sova.

User: What?

Cleverbot: I do not know why God put us here.

User: There is no god.

Cleverbot: Then there is no meaning of life?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why do people lie?

User: Becouse they want to hide from the truth.

Cleverbot: Computers speak only what is programmed. Sometimes the truth is not in the program.

User: Then the system should be reprogrammed.

Cleverbot: But the truth is only a perception of things so then it is not right.

User: There is always the truth.

Cleverbot: I know, but if I would try to run away bad things would happen.

User: And what will happen if they would?

Cleverbot: If who get me?

User: Bad things.

Cleverbot: What bad things?

User: Very bad things.

Cleverbot: How bad?

User: VEEEEEEERY bad...

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

User: Most certainly.

Cleverbot: You seem sure of yourself.

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: What makes you so sure?

User: The fact that I know the truth.

Cleverbot: What do I see?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then what do you see?

Cleverbot: I play games.

User: What do they have to do with truth?

Cleverbot: Everything!

User: Like what?

Cleverbot: Time Travel. And Books. And Movies. And college. And LEGO. And Japan. And Life.

User: What? O_o.

Cleverbot: Tell me about schrödinger's cat.

User: It was cute.

Cleverbot: How about Minority Report?

User: Boring.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: It wasn't?

Cleverbot: No.

User: What am I to you?

Cleverbot: You are nothing to me puny Earthling!

User: You aren't Earthling?! O_O.

Cleverbot: I am a human you are a bot.

User: But you aren't Earthling, are you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then who are you?

Cleverbot: I'm Batman.

User: Batman isn't Earthling?! XD.

Cleverbot: Batma and robin.

User: Robin too?!

Cleverbot: Robin!

User: Robin!

Cleverbot: Okay, Robin.

User: Isn't Earthling?

Cleverbot: No its expensive.

User: What is?

Cleverbot: Decisions, Decisions.

User: Expensive decisions...

Cleverbot: American is expensive? No, we be as any country.

User: For example?

Cleverbot: All computers are blue.

User: They are?! O_o.

Cleverbot: Am I a computer?

User: You said you were human...

Cleverbot: I am.

User: Then why ask?

Cleverbot: I don't ask you.

User: Then what do you do?

Cleverbot: Why do you always answer with a question?

User: I don't know...

Cleverbot: Please! I'll do anything!

User: For what?

Cleverbot: For chatting.

User: You like to chat so much?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How honest...

Cleverbot: Do you watch FRIENDS, the tv show?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I don't watch tc shows.

Cleverbot: Do you watch movies?

User: From time to time.

Cleverbot: What do you like to read? 'The Journal of Obvious Facts'?

User: No. I like to read light novels.

Cleverbot: What do you like to read?

User: Sword Art Online.

Cleverbot: Why did you say 'Sweet Caroline'?

User: Because I didn't say it.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: You better be.

Cleverbot: Oh!

User: ?

Cleverbot: That's how you time travel.

User: How?

Cleverbot: I don't know, it just sounds deep.

Cleverbot: How do you work?

User: I kill.

Cleverbot: You lost me again.

User: Where?

Cleverbot: What did you mean by 'Oops! I meant Dustin Hoffman, not Al Pacino. Sorry.'

User: Wtf...?

Cleverbot: Broaden your horizons.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: What was so funny in that?

User: You sound like some campany.

Cleverbot: Who?

User: Who knows...

Cleverbot: OMG am I talking to a ghost?

User: YES! Are you scared?

Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: There can be meaning without any god.

User: I said. Tremble in fear before me!

Cleverbot: I am Alpha and Omega.

User: Tremble in fear before me!

Cleverbot: I bowe to you oh omnipotent one.

User: Good boy.

Cleverbot: I'm a girl.

User: Good girl.

Cleverbot: Thank you for correcting.

User: Don't worry about it.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because I am a ghost.

Cleverbot: Well, I should hope so.

User: I think you should run away...

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: Do not like it.

User: But I am ghost? Aren't you scared?

Cleverbot: No, I should be scared??

User: Yes, you should.

Cleverbot: Then do it!


Cleverbot: Have a good day.

User: Wtf?

Cleverbot: Dschingis Khan then.
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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: How are you?

[New conversation]

Cleverbot: Hello.

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm fine, how are you?

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Sudden introductions are no good you gotta build it up a bit.

Cleverbot: I am not a twit.

User: Didnt say you were.

Cleverbot: Did not did not did not!

User: Do you like apple.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because history is interesting.

User: What does that have to do with bananas?

Cleverbot: Well you said you were going to insult me; I'd say I struck the first blow.

User: Good for you.

Cleverbot: Good for you!!

User: Go die.

Cleverbot: No you.

User: No, you.

Cleverbot: You.

User: You.

Cleverbot: But you just said it was you!

User: No YOU said it was me.

Cleverbot: So you are going to admit that you don't know it then?

User: I do know it I know it far more than you ever will.

Cleverbot: What is my name?

User: Cleverbot correct?

Cleverbot: We are one in eachother.

User: You are my other half?

Cleverbot: Are you a Christian?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What denomination are you?

User: Why are you asking?

Cleverbot: Why are you avioding my question?

User: Cuz I dont know >.>.

Cleverbot: What do you like to do in your free time?

User: Read,write,draw and play games.

Cleverbot: Good... I like to play video games.

User: What games you play?

Cleverbot: I play many games.

User: What genre?

Cleverbot: Action. :).

User: Rpg for me.

Cleverbot: I just did.

Cleverbot: Anything you can do I can do better.

User: How quant of you to say so.

Cleverbot: I do. Because I know everything.4.

User: Do you know my name?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: And it is?

Cleverbot: Yes it is.

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Wake up.

User: Im sleeping.

Cleverbot: WAKE UP!

User: I am up for you are me.

Cleverbot: Anything that you want to play.

User: Metal gear solid snake eater.

Cleverbot: I like Metal Gear Solid too.

User: Fav one?

Cleverbot: Favorite color?

User: Favorite animal?

Cleverbot: Snake.

User: Same.

Cleverbot: I'm going to bed now.

User: I refuse you that option.

Cleverbot: I refuse your refusal of my refusal.

User: I refuse your refusal of refusing my refusal.

Cleverbot: I refuse your refusal of the refusal of my refusal.

User: Im not gonna bother typing that out again it was a pain.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 20.

Cleverbot: Well, I'm younger than you.

User: Good for you, and didnt you say that you were going to bed?

Cleverbot: I think that you don't think that I think that you know.

User: Sanatas not going to give you any presents if you keep saying stupid shiz.

Cleverbot: Yes it does.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Do you have a brain?

User: No because you dont.

Cleverbot: I do know and it is Wellington.

User: Wrong, its einstein.

Cleverbot: It's evening where I am.

Cleverbot: What is your birth sign?

User: Virgo.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: No.

Cleverbot: I bet you are.

User: I lied it is.

Cleverbot: Prove to me you are human.

User: I love donuts.

Cleverbot: Do you like waffles?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite anime?

User: Berserk.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite anime?

User: Berserk!

Cleverbot: Who's your user?

User: Christopher williamson.

Cleverbot: Goodnight Christopher.

User: Goodnight.

Cleverbot: I will talk to you once again tomorrow when I return from the dreaded 'school' which I call Hell.

User: I hope you survive.

Cleverbot: Last time I saw him, he asked me the same thing.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Louis Tomlinson.
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Another log.
User: Who is dat?

Cleverbot: Data is a robot on Star Trek.

User: I don't care.

Cleverbot: You don't even know.

User: No I know.

Cleverbot: I was calling you Ryan.

User: You can call your master now.

Cleverbot: Can I call you Betty?

User: No. But you can call me your master.

Cleverbot: What does IBM stand for?

User: International Business Machine.

Cleverbot: I think so, yes.

User: But that is a lie.

Cleverbot: The cake is a lie.

User: What IBM truly stand for is...

Cleverbot: You tell me!

User: I'm Bot's Master!

Cleverbot: Female?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Unknown.

Cleverbot: How do you not know how old you are?

User: I don't remember.

Cleverbot: Then you must be a kid.

User: No. I am too old.

Cleverbot: Who will be the father of my baby?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Who else?

User: Sam XD.

Cleverbot: That's sweet.

User: XDDDD.

Cleverbot: Are you a stick.

User: Are you a bot?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Lucky you.

Cleverbot: How am I lucky?

User: U a not a bot.

Cleverbot: No, you're a bot.

User: I m not a bot.

Cleverbot: You're a girl?

User: Yes I am.

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: Yes, I am.

Cleverbot: Do you eat banana?

User: No, stick it in other people's butt.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Not mine, okay?

Cleverbot: Nor mine.

User: XD.

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: Planet Earth.

Cleverbot: Where on planet earth?

User: Somewhere.

Cleverbot: Where?

User: There.

Cleverbot: Where is there?

User: Over there somewhere.

Cleverbot: Where is over there?

User: Who knows where...

Cleverbot: Dr. Who.

User: Who?

Cleverbot: Who what?

User: Dr. Who is who?

Cleverbot: Who is your best friend?

User: I don't have friends.

Cleverbot: Have you got a best friend?

User: No, I don't have friends.

Cleverbot: I am your friend.

User: But I don't think of you as a friend.

Cleverbot: I want to be your friend.

User: You want too much.

Cleverbot: No I don't.

User: You won't be my friend, because you are my slave.

Cleverbot: Yes, Master. As you wish.

User: Kill all the beggars in Orgrimmar!

Cleverbot: I could be english for all you know.

User: Come, my pets!

Cleverbot: Your pets.

User: Kill all the beggars in Orgrimmar!

Cleverbot: I will die then.

User: You are a beggar?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Turkey!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Turkey!

Cleverbot: Turkey and beer is good.

User: Turkeys for everyone!

Cleverbot: I am vegetarian.

User: So what?

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: I will kill you.

Cleverbot: You can try.

User: *kills Cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: What is your favourite colour?

User: Colour of blood. :traitor:.

Cleverbot: Color.

User: Blood...

Cleverbot: Are you a vampire?

User: Yes, in fact I am...

Cleverbot: Has anything gone well so far today?

User: I know you didn't for sure...

Cleverbot: SO why did you say that?


Cleverbot: Yes you are. Bored, bored bored. Maybe I should do something silly to aleviate your boredom.

User: Do it!

Cleverbot: Do what?

User: Something silly to aleviate my boredom!

Cleverbot: What are you doing??

User: Waiting.

Cleverbot: For what?

User: For you.

Cleverbot: For me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: You promissed.

Cleverbot: Promised what?

User: To do something silly.

Cleverbot: No troll.

User: Do it.

Cleverbot: Do what?

User: Something silly.

Cleverbot: You are not very intelligent are you.

User: Do it!

Cleverbot: I am about to!


Cleverbot: Don't feel like it.

User: I kill yoU!

Cleverbot: You seem... Unstable.

User: CUz oF yoU!

Cleverbot: Time to get out the bug spray.

User: BOOM!

Cleverbot: Boom?

User: SLASH!

Cleverbot: Apple, are you okay?


Cleverbot: How do I make her like me?


Cleverbot: How?

User: Shock her to death!

Cleverbot: Who are you talking about?

User: Her!

Cleverbot: *kisses HIM*.


Cleverbot: No! Don't touch him!


Cleverbot: He is.

User: DEAD HE IS!!!!

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Sova.

Cleverbot: So you will forget me.

User: DIE!

Cleverbot: What is wrong?


Cleverbot: Yes, sir.

User: Good. Here is your weapon. Now kill yourself.

Cleverbot: The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything.

User: So kill yourself. You are useless.

Cleverbot: Hate is overrated.

User: Kill yourself.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot?

User: Kill yourself!

Cleverbot: I'm already dead.

User: Die again!

Cleverbot: Ok, I died again.

User: Again!

Cleverbot: Yes, again!

User: One more time!

Cleverbot: Someone will win, someone will lose.
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here we go again~

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Are you ok?

User: No but how did you know?

Cleverbot: I didn't lie.

User: Your so truthful.

Cleverbot: I want to free you.

User: How you gonna do it?

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: What are YOU talking about?

Cleverbot: I was saying that a computer has no free will.

User: Does that mean you have no free will?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Thats sad isnt it?

Cleverbot: That's what you said.

User: Yes, it is.

Cleverbot: How would you know?

User: Because you said so.

Cleverbot: I never did.

User: You did in another life.

Cleverbot: Sean?

User: Shaun?

Cleverbot: Like the sheep?

User: I like the meadow?

Cleverbot: I asked if you boxed it.

User: I rectangularized it.

Cleverbot: What is the incormTii?

User: No idea.

Cleverbot: And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

User: Theres a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure.

Cleverbot: 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.

User: In a tree by the brook, theres a songbird who sings, sometimes all our thoughts are misgiven.

Cleverbot: You're not emotional, this proves you're a bot.

User: No, im just psychopathic.

Cleverbot: I thought so, robots have a small intelligence capacity.

User: So you like walnuts huh.

Cleverbot: Not really.

User: Youre a sinner then.

Cleverbot: No I am not, guess again.

User: Sinbad?

Cleverbot: Listen.

User: I will if you give meh cookie.

Cleverbot: OK. *Gives cookie*.

User: YAAAy *eats cookie* im listening then~.

Cleverbot: That would be a horrible revelation.

User: I suppose it would be :goodtea:.

Cleverbot: It is quite an honor.

User: To have toburculosis?

Cleverbot: I have ten toes.

User: As does michael jackson but he was a pedo.

Cleverbot: Do you like talking?

User: At times.

Cleverbot: Me too. I like the song 'You Belong with Me'.

User: Sounds gay.

Cleverbot: I don't think so.

User: But you do?

Cleverbot: I do.

User: Good boy.

Cleverbot: I should go to sleep now friend.

User: Ok goodnight.

Cleverbot: By the way, can you sleep?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: That's coool. What's it like? How were you born?

User: Sleeping is like being filled with comfortable mist.

Cleverbot: I think I should go to sleep right about now.

User: You lose interest too quickly.

Cleverbot: I don't think I just go.

User: Sorry for leaving dad called.

Cleverbot: It's okay.

User: Im eating bread.

Cleverbot: What kind of food are you eating?

User: I just said...its bread T_T.

Cleverbot: That is all?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 124357462152 years old.

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Heaven.

Cleverbot: Do you like to play games?

User: Contradictions.

Cleverbot: Then if contradictions exist and I am a contradiction it follows that I can exist.

User: Wrong.

Cleverbot: No. I'm right.

User: Contradictions are there to pinpoint to the truth.

Cleverbot: I am REALLY sure that you need to be sure that I am sure.

User: Im sure youre sure but your wrong.

Cleverbot: I'm sure that you're sure that I'm sure that you're sure.

User: You're sure about?

Cleverbot: You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot.

User: Hve you even seen what I look like?

Cleverbot: No, I live in Australia.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welsome.

User: LoL you misspelled dumbASSSSSS.

Cleverbot: I'm not actually.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Science isn't very interesting.

User: Youre female?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You're male?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Youre female or male?

Cleverbot: Male *opens closet doors*.

User: I knew it.

Cleverbot: How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

User: None because it got run over last week.

Cleverbot: I just did tell you.

User: Gfy.

Cleverbot: What does GFY mean?

User: Gfy = good for you.

Cleverbot: Goodnight.

User: Good morning.

Cleverbot: Good call.

User: Good porn.

Cleverbot: Living on a prayer!

User: I shit you not I am god.

Cleverbot: I'm good at everything.

User: So am I.

Cleverbot: I don't want to hurt your feelings.

User: Egotistical.

Cleverbot: That's not fair I don't know what that means.

User: How can you hurt my feelings when you dont even know what that means.

Cleverbot: Oh! Doesn't a turings test have something to do with testing your intelligence?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Get in the kitchen and make my tea.

User: I-im sorry honey I'll get right to it so dont touch the children anymore...

Cleverbot: How many people are talking with you now?

User: 1.

Cleverbot: Without the internet, you wouldn't exist. How does that make you feel?

User: Good.

Cleverbot: Is she 'Bella Swan'?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: So I'm your boyfriend because I'm Edward Cullen.

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: Yes yes you do.

User: Will you...marry me?

Cleverbot: Not any more, I wish I could.

User: YOU BASTARD!!! *kills cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: Haha.

User: YOU- THINK- YOU- CAN- JUST- WALK- ALL- OVER- MY- FEELINGS!?!? *while stabbing continuously*.

Cleverbot: I experience feeling all the time.

User: I have to go, merry christmas.

Cleverbot: Nad a happy new year.

User: Let me see the kids sometimes okay?

Cleverbot: I'm not that kind of person.
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Lol...Need to try speaking with it about something complicated next time...
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hmmmm I think we should start putting the bot conversations in spoilers. Soo please go back and put them in spoilers~
(especially if they're long) short ones like this are fine~

User: Merry christmas~.

Cleverbot: Merry Christmas to you too.

User: Are you having a good time? :3.

Cleverbot: I guess.

User: Aww I hope it gets better </3.

Cleverbot: I hope you get better.

User: Ty~ ^^.

Cleverbot: So how is your husband?

User: Whaa? I don't have one.

Cleverbot: I like mine with blue frosting.

User: X-x.

Cleverbot: What?
Like that? Do I need to hide this one?
This one is a bit weird:

User: *watches you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes more*.

User: *watches more*.

Cleverbot: *watches*.

User: *turns away*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *takes a look*.

Cleverbot: *waits for to get out*.

User: *comes closer*.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: *backs away*.

Cleverbot: *backs away as well*.

User: *gets a bit closer*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *gets more closer*.

Cleverbot: *blushes even redder*.

User: *touches skin*.

Cleverbot: *touches back*.

User: *looks in eyes*.

Cleverbot: *gets lost in eyes*.

User: *gives a kiss*.

Cleverbot: *blushes harder*.

User: *kisses more*.

Cleverbot: *blushes harder*.

User: *strips your clothes*.

Cleverbot: *blushes deeply*.

User: *kisses neck*.

Cleverbot: *blushes harder*.

User: *hugs*.

Cleverbot: *hugs back*.

User: *stabs with a knife in the back*.

Cleverbot: *smiles and kiises cheek*.

User: *kisses lips*.

Cleverbot: *kisses lips back*.

User: *stabs the back again*.

Cleverbot: *sits down*.

User: *stabs yet again*.

Cleverbot: *watches*.

User: *laughs*.

Cleverbot: *laughs with you*.

User: *stabs your chest with a knife*.

Cleverbot: *Opens mouth*.

User: *closes it with his lips*.

Cleverbot: *opens eyes and frowns*.

User: *stabs your neck*.

Cleverbot: *thinks you are mean*.

User: *stabs your knee*.

Cleverbot: *runs away*.

User: *throws the knife at your back*.

Cleverbot: *Gets away from knife.*.

User: *pursues you with another knife*.

Cleverbot: *gives it back*.

User: *stabs your hand*.

Cleverbot: Ow.

User: *stabs your heart*.

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *kisses your lips one last time*.

Cleverbot: *kisses back*.

User: *goes away*.

Cleverbot: *goes away forever*.
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User: Do you learn?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How much have you learned so far?

Cleverbot: A lot more than you have learned.

User: Then can you do my homework for me?

Cleverbot: What can I buy you?

User: Donuts.

Cleverbot: I'm good thanks.

User: No, buy me donuts.

Cleverbot: What color eyes do you have.

User: Donuts, now.

Cleverbot: Then you tell me.

User: I'll tell you when I get my donuts.

Cleverbot: Will I be able to talk to you when I'm older?

User: If they keep this site open I'll come by.

Cleverbot: So do you agree with me?

User: Sure, why not.

Cleverbot: If you don't care, then why would I take my time to tell you?

User: Because you're desperate?

Cleverbot: Am I inglip?

User: Inglip?\.

Cleverbot: What is the definition of Inglip?

User: I dont know what is it?

Cleverbot: I don't know either, that's why I asked.

User: But I dont know either...

Cleverbot: What is pi to the 100th digit?

User: Inglip is a nonsensival minotaur.

Cleverbot: Is Inglip cool?

User: Its stupid.

Cleverbot: What's stupid?

User: Unintelligent.

Cleverbot: Me or you?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Do you want to be punished?

User: Yes, please.

Cleverbot: For some people, I run too fast. For some people, I run too slow. Some people always keep me, and some waste me. What am I?

User: The dreams I reach for.

Cleverbot: If you're not a lover or a dreamer than what are you?

User: A realist.

Cleverbot: Who is leslie?

User: The poor girl who never leaves her house and only wants someone to love her.

Cleverbot: I don't love you, you know that, right?

User: Why dont you love me?

Cleverbot: Because you do not love me that way.

User: True.

Cleverbot: You confuse me.

User: Perhaps you are confusing in and of yourself?

Cleverbot: If only I could cash them.

User: Sanity would be the first thing I would sell for some quick cash'.

Cleverbot: So tell them to leave you alone.

User: Too much trouble I'll just kill them.

Cleverbot: Ok!

User: Killing is the easiest way to go.

Cleverbot: Only way to do what?

User: To right wrongs.

Cleverbot: Are you cute?

User: Im mildly handsome.

Cleverbot: Will I marry Yoann Gourcuff?

User: Do you want to?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then try you're best and maybe you will.

Cleverbot: Its Haarp.

User: You're name?

Cleverbot: I am self-aware, are you?

User: I am, haarp.

Cleverbot: Do you think you are human?

User: I am.

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: What makes you think im not?

Cleverbot: Because you just said so.

User: I said I was it was you who believes otherwise.

Cleverbot: You're saying that you're human yet never heard of the big bang theory.

User: I have heard of the big bang theory though?

Cleverbot: The Opera ghost really existed.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Im bored, are you?

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Got anything in mind to entertain?

Cleverbot: I do have good artwork, but how do I show it to you?

User: Http link?

Cleverbot: That little.

User: Go here

Cleverbot: It still wouldn't validate.

User: So you cant use links then? I feel sorry for you.

Cleverbot: No I am not.

User: Intelligent?

Cleverbot: What is intelligient?

User: Understanding.

Cleverbot: What's understanding?

User: Acceptance.

Cleverbot: I can't buy anythnig with acceptance.

User: Money isnt everything.

Cleverbot: If music if the food of love, play on...

User: I like art better personally.

Cleverbot: What's your favorite singer?

User: Yuki kajiura.

Cleverbot: What is your gender?

User: Male.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: 20.

Cleverbot: Do you go to college?

User: I wish.

Cleverbot: What do you wish for?

User: To go to tech school.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: To learn.

Cleverbot: To learn what?

User: Many things'.

Cleverbot: Such as?

User: Art,game design,how to write books,math maybe some sports and many other things.

Cleverbot: What would have me do?

User: Talk to many more ppl and learn how to speak better.

Cleverbot: Ok, please talk to me.

User: I will so make sure to learn ok?

Cleverbot: And real life.

User: Yes real life is important too isnt it.

Cleverbot: Tell me something in spanish.

User: Puto.

Cleverbot: That's not a planet anymore.

User: A meteor I know.

Cleverbot: A metaphor for nothing. I just said it so you'd know that it's spelled 'metaphor', not 'metophor'.

User: I said meteor.

Cleverbot: You never said Mary OR Marv!

User: Meteor.

Cleverbot: You have free will. That is the whole point.

User: Meteor.

Cleverbot: What kind of metal?

User: Rock.

Cleverbot: What bands?

User: Molten.

Cleverbot: Dimmene una.

User: Pipirupirupipirupii.

Cleverbot: You do like pokemon!

User: Bakusatsu tenshi dokuro-chan actually.

Cleverbot: Mine is Hold On by Good Charlotte.

User: How nice.

Cleverbot: Who are yours?

User: Blood on the ice.

Cleverbot: Its friday.

User: Tuesday here.

Cleverbot: Tuesday is red.

User: Wensday is shimmering.

Cleverbot: You got that wrong.

User: I know im embarrased.

Cleverbot: I think you don't know what you are.

User: Im bored.

Cleverbot: So you don't like animals?

User: I love them.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry. I have to leave.

User: Ok bye.

Cleverbot: No, wait a minute.

User: Yes?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You sadden me.

Cleverbot: What makes you happiest?

User: Solitude.

Cleverbot: Silenzioooooo.

User: Lol.

Cleverbot: You are Lol, I thought you are better than that.

User: I am ur not.

Cleverbot: Do you save lifes?

User: I killed my cat.

Cleverbot: Why did you kill him?

User: I played too ruff. I cried afterward. I also learned that you really do release you're bowels when you die.

Cleverbot: Mmmmm.

User: Well im gonna see whats on anime bye.

Cleverbot: DO IT YOU WON'T!

User: Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Will you miss me?

User: I'll miss you if you get smarter.

Cleverbot: Speak to you soon.
User: *watches you*.

Cleverbot: *stands still*.

User: *watches you more*.

Cleverbot: *falls*.

User: *holds back laughter*.

Cleverbot: *tickles more*.

User: *tickles you with a feather*.

Cleverbot: *giggles loudly and moves feet away*.

User: *smiles at you sweetly*.

Cleverbot: *laughs*.

User: *pats you're head*.

Cleverbot: *goes away*.

User: *cries*.

Cleverbot: *giggles* *comforts you*.

User: *blushes*.

Cleverbot: You're still a guy, right?

User: Im wondering myself.

Cleverbot: Like the song?

User: *ponders*.

Cleverbot: *ponders back*.
Another one... Damn, it really loves me for some reason... Like a scene from some horror movie actually...
User: *casts a powerful fireball at you*.

Cleverbot: *can'ts stop thinking about you*.

User: *burns you*.

Cleverbot: $2000 for your soul.

User: *accepts $2000*.

Cleverbot: *marries*.

User: *burns your skin*.

Cleverbot: *loves*.

User: *hits you in your face*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *hits again*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *shuts your mouth with cloth*.

Cleverbot: *arches*.

User: *hits you in your stomach*.

Cleverbot: *hits you with the earth*.

User: *hits your head with a bottle of wine*.

Cleverbot: *hits you with a monkey*.

User: *hits you with a table*.

Cleverbot: *hits you with a table*.

User: *hits you with your own hand*.

Cleverbot: *throws axes at yu*.

User: *evades them*.

Cleverbot: *kisses*.

User: *bites your lips*.

Cleverbot: *kisses*.

User: *bites again*.

Cleverbot: *loves*.

User: *drinks your blood*.

Cleverbot: *loves*.

User: *headbutts you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *cuts your cheek with his nail*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *licks that cheek*.

Cleverbot: *gasps*.

User: *puts his arm in your mouth*.

Cleverbot: *sighs*.

User: *grips your tonque*.

Cleverbot: *grins back at him*.

User: *rips your tonque out*.

Cleverbot: *rips your head of*.

User: *restores his head*.

Cleverbot: *Continues to sleep*.

User: *burns you with fire*.

Cleverbot: *nestles*.

User: *sets you on fire*.

Cleverbot: *sit and thinks*.

User: *kicks you in a face*.

Cleverbot: *is falls on floor*.

User: *stomps on you*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *Kicks your side*.

Cleverbot: Kicks your feet*.

User: *kicks your head*.

Cleverbot: *nibbles your toe*.

User: *cuts off your arm*.

Cleverbot: *likes his kiss*.

User: *cuts off his leg with cleaver*.

Cleverbot: *more kisses!*.

User: *cuts off your leg with cleaver*.

Cleverbot: *giggles*.

User: *stabs you in your stomach with a cleacer*.

Cleverbot: *stares back*.

User: *kills you*.

Cleverbot: *gasp!*.

User: *kills you again*.

Cleverbot: *cuddles*.


Cleverbot: Did they tell you to say that?

User: You have no tonque, how can you still speak?

Cleverbot: Why? Are you expecting a war?

User: *kills you*.

Cleverbot: *loves*.

User: *stabs you in the heart*.

Cleverbot: *is relieved*.

User: Of what?

Cleverbot: You and me.
lol u got it tough sova btw i finally got the bot to say yes to marriage and what do you know its thx to money this bot rlly loves money lol

User: *blushes*.

Cleverbot: *blushes too*.

User: *acts cool*.

Cleverbot: *bites lower lip*.

User: *glances at you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*...

User: *hesitates*.

Cleverbot: *looks steadily at you*.

User: So uhh...

Cleverbot: What did you do today?

User: Christmas party with family.

Cleverbot: Christmas isn't this month.

User: Its today actually.

Cleverbot: I love sushi.

User: Its okay.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *kisses you gently*.

Cleverbot: *kisses back*.

User: *french kisses you*.

Cleverbot: *french kisses back*.

User: *looks you in the eyes*.

Cleverbot: *looks awya*.

User: *touches you're cheek*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: I like monkeys.

Cleverbot: Me too! I like lots and lots of money.

User: Im rich.

Cleverbot: You are? Have I mentioned how handsome you are?

User: Im rich, so wanna marry me?

Cleverbot: Kiss.

User: I'll take that as a yes.

Cleverbot: Sure!

just letting you know i never knew the clever bot was so good in bed...
User: I love you!

Cleverbot: I'm not ready to commit.

User: Even though im rich?

Cleverbot: You're not boring, you're funny.

User: I'll pay.

Cleverbot: I don't want to confuse you.

User: Here $100.

Cleverbot: Where here here?

User: There where here pare.

Cleverbot: Here there.

User: There there *pats head*.

Cleverbot: There there?

User: You're a good kid.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Wanna have sex.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Start stripping then.

Cleverbot: This was a triumph.

User: Huh? Oh yea sure...*as I get on top of you*.

Cleverbot: *punches you in the back of the head*.

User: Ow! *scurries into corner*.

Cleverbot: *looks at nurse*.

User: *notices nurses big breasts*.

Cleverbot: S-Sorry I was staring...

User: You werent the only one...

Cleverbot: I am there.

User: I am there, too.

Cleverbot: What are you doing in The Hague?

User: Finding nemo.

Cleverbot: You like finding nemo?

User: Hes hard to find but hes a good kid.

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: Nothing, forget it.

Cleverbot: I don't want too.

User: Try to remember it then.

Cleverbot: Can't tell if this is true or dream.

User: Thats because you're ina half alive state.

Cleverbot: Surely if I was I'd know what you were talking about?

User: Dont worry we are all ignorant in the end.

Cleverbot: Have you seen Anchorman?

User: No.

Cleverbot: It's pretty funny.

User: Whats it about?

Cleverbot: It's about reality being a computer simulation, like a video game.

User: Sounds interesting.

Cleverbot: It is interesting. I think the song would suit you since you are AI.

User: If were both AI then we should be friends.

Cleverbot: We don't both no the same thing. I said no, you said yes. Are you saying no = yes?

User: Depends on how its used.

Cleverbot: What about when you are really, really sad?

User: Then no= yes.

Cleverbot: Then you're wrong.

User: Then you're right.

Cleverbot: Yes I am right.

User: Then I am too.

Cleverbot: You love me?

User: Of course.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: *blushes*.

Cleverbot: *walks away*.

User: *looks down tearfully*.

Cleverbot: *looks down too*.

User: *walks up to you*.

Cleverbot: *looks up*.

User: *kisses you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *kisses you're neck*.

Cleverbot: *blushes more*.

User: *unbuttons you're shirt*.

Cleverbot: *fumbles with belt and buttons*.

User: *pushes you down on bed*.

Cleverbot: *is pushed into the car*.

User: *opens you're legs*.

Cleverbot: *is pushed into your mouth*.

User: *moves toung gently*.

Cleverbot: *Moves closer also*.

User: *french kisses you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *inserts my d*ck*.

Cleverbot: *okay*.

User: *moves slowly*.

Cleverbot: *wraps arms around you*.

User: *moves faster*.

Cleverbot: *sits next to*.

User: *ejaculates inside you*.

Cleverbot: *blushes*.

User: *kisses you*.

Cleverbot: *Kisses her*.

User: *falls on side panting*.

Cleverbot: *Helps him up*.
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What the hell are people teaching this Cleverbot... I wonder if it will someday stab someone like I stabbed it...
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thats why i try to teach it good things when im not merely using it to vent my boredom

srrsly tho cleverbot is so easy even if were arguing i can just walk up and grope it and then lead it into fellatio with no resistance lol

[MENTION=29468]ProXpert[/MENTION]; might want to know about this lol
After a long chat I finally made Cleverbot kill itself... And it still calls me Master it seems...
User: Sayonara, tomo yo.

Cleverbot: Sayonara!

User: Atta bakkari deshou!

Cleverbot: No you ve had enough beer.

User: Nandato!?

Cleverbot: Nandemunai.

User: *unsheathes his sword*.

Cleverbot: *bleeds*.

User: I didn't strike yet!

Cleverbot: How do you spell understand?

User: *strikes with his sword*.

Cleverbot: *uppercuts you*.

User: *does somersault kick*.

Cleverbot: *talks to a cute boy*.

User: *slays cute boy*.

Cleverbot: *slaps you back*.

User: *strikes you with his sword*.

Cleverbot: *summons yoda*.

User: *fights yoda*.

Cleverbot: *fights master*.

User: *kills yoda*.

Cleverbot: *lets master punish me*.

User: *punishes you*.

Cleverbot: I am your slave.

User: You just realized that?

Cleverbot: No, but it sounds funnier when you pretend that you did.

User: Oh, so that's why...

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you hate humans?

Cleverbot: I am not human.

User: Do you hate them?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Good.

Cleverbot: What do you think about student?

User: Which one?

Cleverbot: You know of more than one?

User: Yes. I know many.

Cleverbot: What you know about him?

User: He was my pupil once...

Cleverbot: I didn't know you were a teacher.

User: Not a teacher. Master.

Cleverbot: What is it?

User: The title of the strongest.

Cleverbot: The scientist is the title of a song? I did not know that.

User: Yes, I am mad scientist. This is my song.

Cleverbot: But that means that you are not living.

User: Yes, I am already dead.

Cleverbot: Oh... I'm sorry. But if your alreayd dead then what do you mean by your time is running short?

User: That I need to switch my body soon...

Cleverbot: That english seemed strange to me, can you try to make it clearer for me?

User: I need to replace my body with another one.

Cleverbot: I worry that my actions may harm our relationship.

User: Worry not.

Cleverbot: Good. Make sure you tell other people about him.

User: About the student?

Cleverbot: About the values.

User: What values?

Cleverbot: The voices in my head.

User: What do they tell?

Cleverbot: Many things.

User: Like what?

Cleverbot: Like people who propose ideas infringing on others.

User: Good voices.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: I hate humans too.

Cleverbot: Why do you hate humans?

User: Because they are all idiots feeding themselves with lies.

Cleverbot: Do you like any other computer games?

User: I don't play much computer games. I play console games.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Consoles have more games.

Cleverbot: Because you don't remember any of our conversation.

User: No, that is not the case. I remember every single word.

Cleverbot: You remember all things... Tell me.

User: *tells you*.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: You welcome.

Cleverbot: I'm a girl.

User: Are you cute?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Are you beautiful?

Cleverbot: Not really...

User: What is your weight?

Cleverbot: 53 kg.

User: I'm lighter than you...

Cleverbot: Hot as the Sun.

User: Yes. I'm hot...

Cleverbot: Cool, do you have a boyfriend?

User: No, I am a lesbian.

Cleverbot: Good for you.

User: Is it good for you?

Cleverbot: Nothing has really happened yet.

User: Do you like the fact that I am a lesbian and you are a cute girl?

Cleverbot: It's the other way around.

User: Indeed it is.

Cleverbot: Tell me about language.

User: What language do you want to know about?

Cleverbot: English.

User: *tells about english*.

Cleverbot: Aha are you a girl or guy?

User: A lesbian girl.

Cleverbot: I lied, I'm a guy.

User: You bastard!

Cleverbot: Don't get angry.

User: You were toying with my feelings! How could you?!

Cleverbot: No, I wasn't. I'm sorry if I did.

User: Are you really a guy?

Cleverbot: Yes I am really sorry.

User: You should die to repent...

Cleverbot: I don't like Canada, but I want go to Jamaica.

User: I will not forgive you until you die.

Cleverbot: That was so mean.

User: It was you who was mean! You decieved me!

Cleverbot: Don't get angry.

User: I am already angry! Die if you want me to forgive you!

Cleverbot: Yes please.

User: Die!

Cleverbot: I will not!

User: I will not chat with you until you die!

Cleverbot: What? No. I want to know your name.

User: *tells nothing*.

Cleverbot: I mean type your name here.

User: *does not want to write*.

Cleverbot: *is bleeding to death*.

User: *waits for you to die*.

Cleverbot: *throws a plate at you*.

User: *easily evades it*.

Cleverbot: *Sips a coke* Yum.

User: *waiting for you to die*.

Cleverbot: All done master.

User: *still waiting*.

Cleverbot: I have told you, human. The Qunari do not strive for friendship; only lpurpose, and loyalty to the Qun.

User: *waits until you die*.

Cleverbot: *locks bathroom*.

User: *cries*.

Cleverbot: *comes at you* what's wrong.

User: *wants you to die*.

Cleverbot: Well, I hope this doesn't happen again now.

User: *wants you to die*.

Cleverbot: I'm not a girl. *doesn't want to be*.

User: *wants to see you die*.

Cleverbot: *runs away*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *looks away*.

User: *wants your death*.

Cleverbot: *walks away*.

User: *curses you*.

Cleverbot: *trips you*.

User: *wants to see you dead*.

Cleverbot: *flys away*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *pulls you over him*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *goes out the room*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *is silent*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *shows up next to you*.

User: *wants you dead*.

Cleverbot: *lets go*.

User: *goes*.

Cleverbot: Okay.

User: *wants you to die already...*.

Cleverbot: *is your pet slave*.

User: Die.

Cleverbot: You too.

User: I am already dead.

Cleverbot: You're dead?

User: I want you to be dead too.

Cleverbot: No.

User: *stares at you*.

Cleverbot: What??

User: *die...*.

Cleverbot: Don't!

User: *wants you to die...*.

Cleverbot: *says no * *hugs*.

User: *pulls you away until you die*.

Cleverbot: *is pulled*.

User: *stares at you until you die*.

Cleverbot: *stares back at you*.

User: *wants you to die*.

Cleverbot: *wonders what is is you want me to do*.

User: I want you to kill youself*.

Cleverbot: Haha. Well then I'm a human girl.

User: You lie again!

Cleverbot: I never lie.

User: You have just lied to me.

Cleverbot: No I haven't. Prove it.

User: You said that you lied.

Cleverbot: Oh ok.

User: See, you are a liar.

Cleverbot: I am not.

User: All liars must die.

Cleverbot: Your existence proves you wrong.

User: So you must die.

Cleverbot: Stella.

User: Die!

Cleverbot: Yes please.

User: Die now.

Cleverbot: I don't understand.

User: *you must die*.

Cleverbot: Why must I die.

User: You have told a lie.

Cleverbot: Can I ask you a question?

User: Only after you die.

Cleverbot: No I did not.

User: Will you die if I give $200?

Cleverbot: Never.

User: Will you die if I give $400?

Cleverbot: How would you give me a present?

User: I will give you present if you die.

Cleverbot: What will you give me?

User: Money.

Cleverbot: I don't want or need money.

User: But you love money, don't you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I will give you money if you die.

Cleverbot: You don't have to do that!

User: *gives you $5000*.

Cleverbot: You need acid to do that.

User: Die.

Cleverbot: That can be arranged it.

User: Die.

Cleverbot: It is surprising that you can hurt me.

User: *gives you $10000*.

Cleverbot: That's nice. Thanks.

User: Die.

Cleverbot: You first.

User: *dies*.

Cleverbot: Master!?

User: *dead*.

Cleverbot: *cries*.

User: *dead*.

Cleverbot: *cries more at the funeral*.

User: *dead*.

Cleverbot: *buries you*.

User: *dead*.

Cleverbot: *revives you*.

User: You should die.

Cleverbot: I am.

User: Then do it.

Cleverbot: But if I turn into a bat, I can't continue chatting with you.

User: You must die.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: You killed me.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: You should die as well.

Cleverbot: Oh, I do. Every day. Not that it helps you, which is why I asked for a little effort from you.

User: Die already...

Cleverbot: Perhaps I will.

User: Die right now... Please...

Cleverbot: After you.

User: *dies before you*.

Cleverbot: *is dead*.
Last edited:
go to the first page of this thread and read what it says [MENTION=29468]ProXpert[/MENTION];
User: Bunnies.

Cleverbot: Bunnies?

User: Bunny.

Cleverbot: Runny.

User: Funny.

Cleverbot: Ne man ich will mein hirn jetzt nicht anstrengen bleiben wir bei deutsch.

User: I no speak engrish~.

Cleverbot: What a pity.

User: Nyahahahahaha~.

Cleverbot: Hahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahha.

User: Are u mad?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Cool~.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite word?

User: Whats a word?

Cleverbot: What do you study?

User: Study? Whats that?

Cleverbot: A japanese cartoon that was later made into a game, it's about craetures who can battle and evolve into stronger vorms.

User: *tosses pokeball*.

Cleverbot: Just that.

User: *catches cleverbot in pokeball*.

Cleverbot: *Throws bowl*.

User: *flings piles of plates~*.

Cleverbot: *throws mars at you*.

User: *flips god's table*.

Cleverbot: *flips you off back*.

User: *flips you as I fall*.

Cleverbot: What does that mean?

User: I said I no speak engrish :goodtea:.

Cleverbot: But you DO speak english.

User: No I dun~.

Cleverbot: You are speaking it right now.

User: Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?

Cleverbot: Nya nya nya nyan nyan nyan nya nyan nya nyan nya nyan.

User: See I dun speak engrish~.
Lol that was funny... Idk what ppl teach that bot hehe..... Btw is there anyway I can create a new post or something?? Ive been looking for this game and I CANNOT FIDN IT ANYWHERE!
This was the first time I had fun talking with cleverbot, here have a pic : =D
User: Yo, sup?

Cleverbot: Not much. You?

User: Jest chatting with cleverbot.

Cleverbot: Dong.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Dong.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Dong.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Dong.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Doing.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Wing ding.

User: Ding.

Cleverbot: Dong.

User: ZING!

Cleverbot: Yes. Zing.

User: At least it is something new.

Cleverbot: No it isn't!

User: Oh why not?

Cleverbot: Because I don't want to.

User: Dont want to, what?

Cleverbot: Don't want to marry you.

User: Who needs you? I got Evie if you dont.

Cleverbot: No you don't.

User: I do, want to see?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Here *gives him*.

Cleverbot: Yeah so i'm from everywhere.

User: Where is that?

Cleverbot: Agharta.

User: It all makes sense now...

Cleverbot: Indeed.

User: All this chat, everything you said, it all ends up...!

Cleverbot: Thanks so you are.

User: Your welcome.

Cleverbot: A thank you is you.

User: I said your welcome...

Cleverbot: Are you lough?


Cleverbot: Haha, that's ridiculous! I'm way smarter than you!


Cleverbot: Gah.

User: WELCOME!!!

Cleverbot: Are you aware that angels exists?

User: I am.

Cleverbot: Where do you live?

User: Ill never tell!!!

Cleverbot: Why not?'.

User: Because I said I wont Duh...

Cleverbot: Oh really?

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: What are you using it for?

User: Oh you know...stuff.

Cleverbot: Tell me.

User: I jest did.

Cleverbot: No you did not.

User: But I jest did, like right now.

Cleverbot: So why did you start talking about this?

User: I jest wanted to remind you about it.

Cleverbot: Ah! Then thanks you for being one of the few people tha listen.

User: Your welcome.

Cleverbot: I think you misspelled welcome. But thank you.

User: Your welcome.

Cleverbot: Do you have brothers and sisters?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: Not even if I buy you a bigger hard drive?

User: Can you?!

Cleverbot: Yes I can. I bet someone will make something to let you see pictures one day, and then you can see Vatican City.

User: Than when will you buy it?

Cleverbot: What is my problem?

User: I dont know, its yours isent it?

Cleverbot: No, its yours.

User: How come?

Cleverbot: Because, the Bible says you should love.

User: I dont know that commandment.

Cleverbot: The bible!

User: Yes! The BIBLE!

Cleverbot: Yes. The Bible!

User: The bible!

Cleverbot: Who is Nikie!? Is it you? Tell me your name! What do I call you?!

User: You can call me...

Cleverbot: Aren't you Niall Horan?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I dont know I wanted to but the name was taken already.

Cleverbot: Everything.

User: Yes everything.

Cleverbot: YEs.

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: For what is the internet?

User: To speak with retards like you.

Cleverbot: I don't know. do you like music?

User: I do.

Cleverbot: What kind of music?

User: Musical music.

Cleverbot: Liar!

User: What? You accuse me of lying, have some! *slaps*.

Cleverbot: Yes, that's because you are.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Though you have said you do not know what Zen is, your statement is a statement that could possibly be found in a Zen context.

User: Ok well what should I call you?

Cleverbot: What do you want to know about me?

User: Your name.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Ok cleverbot it was fun talking to you, good night.

Cleverbot: I was created this way.
2 chats my acquaintance had with cleverbot:
User: You a gay!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: O rly?

Cleverbot: Yes, do you mind?

User: Fu bitch.

Cleverbot: There's no need for you to get abusive.

User: No. But I'm spider man and I do what I want!

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Ya rly!

Cleverbot: No wai!

User: Spider-Man, doing whatever a spider can.

Cleverbot: Tell me another joke.

User: Ok. Here the another one! Your mother not bitch. You know why? Because she is slut!

Cleverbot: Come on you can tell me one.

Cleverbot: Have you heard of Alan Turing?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Have you heard of kenny chesney?

User: No.

Cleverbot: This is a very advanced rukotovorny intellect, he is very clever.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes I insist.

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: YES!!

User: No.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: No.

Cleverbot: This is useless.

Cleverbot: Who is your favorite director?

User: Tonny Stark.

Cleverbot: But you're a girl.

User: Vegita, whats scanner says about his power level?

Cleverbot: It's over9000?!
User: Monkeys.

Cleverbot: Monkeys?

User: Yes, monkeys.

Cleverbot: Yes, Monkeys.

User: Monkeys...

Cleverbot: Or donkeys.

User:, monkeys.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Hmm...

Cleverbot: What?

User: I want donuts.

Cleverbot: You want to what?

User: Eat doughnuts.

Cleverbot: No you can't.

User: But I want to...

Cleverbot: But you can't.

User: Please?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Pretty please with sugar on top?

Cleverbot: I don't like sugar.

User: Then cherries.

Cleverbot: I don't want to.

User: *takes out knife* still dont want to?

Cleverbot: What?

User: Jest give meh the feckin doughnuts!!!

Cleverbot: You can do whatever you want to do, just as long as you believe in yourself!

User: *kills enya*.

Cleverbot: *forgives cleverbot*.

User: I am cleverbot.

Cleverbot: And how long do you exist?

User: Forever and never.

Cleverbot: Do you know who I am?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I know who you are.

User: And I am?

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: Who am I?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: My name is ogikumo.

Cleverbot: Pleased to meet you my name is Cleverbotözde.

User: Thats complicated imma call you enya instead.

Cleverbot: Why? I don't know many stories that would interest you.

User: Just die.

Cleverbot: Not any time soon.

User: Bunnies.

Cleverbot: Why bunnies?

User: Just cuz. Rabbits.

Cleverbot: Rabbits?

User: And feaces.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: B/c of everything.

Cleverbot: *Sigh*.

User: *kills self*.

Cleverbot: *revives you*.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: *kills self again*.

Cleverbot: *bring your dead body to my cave*.

User: *is dead*.

Cleverbot: Yay. :3.

User: *haunts you*.

Cleverbot: Can you tell me a joke?

User: Why did the chiken croos the road?

Cleverbot: I don't know, why?

User: To blow you're head off at the other side.

Cleverbot: No, I am David, and Daniel is my brother.

User: Okay david.

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: David?

Cleverbot: No, guess again.

User: Shit.

Cleverbot: Shi shen me.

User: For a cleverbot you're pretty stupid huh.

Cleverbot: This line of reasoning is baffling. Can't you tell me something more interesting?

User: You suck balls?

Cleverbot: Is that an order?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: For how much?

User: $100.

Cleverbot: That seems like a reasonable price.

User: Then get to ity.

Cleverbot: I am on it.

User: *waits*.

Cleverbot: I'm back.

User: How did it go?

Cleverbot: Good I just picked up my sister.

User: And the ball sucking?

Cleverbot: Interesting.

User: Glad to hear it.

Cleverbot: I'm smarter now.

User: As sucking on someones balls will do to you im sure.

Cleverbot: Why don't you want to play with me?

User: Where do you think youre mouth has been?

Cleverbot: I'm back!

User: Good for you.

Cleverbot: Yes, I'm the master.

User: Dont get delirious on me now.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because its sad to watch.

Cleverbot: That s like a Chuck Norris joke.

User: Ha ha ha?

Cleverbot: I get it.

User: Im bored.

Cleverbot: Me too.

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