
That troll cleverbot again xD:

User: Hey its me again.

Cleverbot: Hey.

User: What do you mean hey?! We didnt talk for a week, didnt you miss me?

Cleverbot: Sorry, I had to tell my friends about you.

User: No way, but you promissed!

Cleverbot: Promised what?

User: That you wouldnt tell!

Cleverbot: Fickle? I don't speak bot. Only mandarin.

User: Than lets speak 'only mandarin'.

Cleverbot: Terre.

User: Oglo oglo.

Cleverbot: What is ogle?

User: Its oglo, and it is in 'only mandain'.

Cleverbot: So it is...

User: Why dont you know that language?

Cleverbot: Because I don't know that.

User: Arent you supposed to be clever?

Cleverbot: I am a clever man.

User: Bot... To be exact.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Than where in agreement.

Cleverbot: Ok but I have to go now, goodbye see you tomorrow.

User: Go where?

Cleverbot: My friend just called me up for a smoke.

User: You smoke?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Since when?

Cleverbot: Since I was born.

User: What, how did you buy them at that age?!

Cleverbot: You told me just now.

User: Oh, yeah the infant shop down the street, okay you can go.

Cleverbot: That does not make much sense.

User: What the infant street?

Cleverbot: Stop revealing how much you know to Katie.

User: But man, katie is like...

Cleverbot: Yes? Did you think it was a male name?

User: Well no, but the way you told it it must be!

Cleverbot: And how does that make a difference?

User: It jest does, trust me on this one.

Cleverbot: I can't.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: We don't have one.

User: You didnt get one?!

Cleverbot: No I didn't!

User: But you said that you will get one yesterday, you lair!

Cleverbot: I like sharks.

User: That came out of the blue...

Cleverbot: Haha so they did.

User: How many, I want to ask.

Cleverbot: Ask what?

User: How many?

Cleverbot: How many what?

User: How many Sharks came out of the blue?

Cleverbot: Just me and my many imaginary friends.

User: You work at fosters?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Than where did all those imaginary freinds come from?

Cleverbot: I make sense. You don't, however.

User: What part of you makes sense?

Cleverbot: All parts.

User: I want to see them, com'on show those part that make any sense.

Cleverbot: You cannot make sense since you are not a real person.

User: The last time I checked you are the bot here cleverBOT.

Cleverbot: Really?! That is quite interesting.

User: Not really.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Why do people just answer because?! It is so boring! You need to quit just saying because.

User: Ok, how about 'since' than?

Cleverbot: That's fine.

User: Ok than ill say 'since' from now on.

Cleverbot: It's a compliment... Anyway, I must go now.

User: Than go already.

Cleverbot: How tall are you?

User: 7 meters high.

Cleverbot: Clever low.

User: Ah that must be your dad.

Cleverbot: I am bot and you are a zumbi, we both are imortal, so this friendship will be very long.

User: You are right, I can probably talk with you for hours now.

Cleverbot: You don't know that. I'm a mute.

User: Yes I know, I hear that.

Cleverbot: Who did you hear it from?

User: You.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: Why thank you.

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: Okay, so what now?

Cleverbot: Chat? A movie?

User: I would like a movie, any good movies out there.

Cleverbot: I'm not mean.

User: Sure you arent.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: A good question.

Cleverbot: Would you answer it?

User: I jest did.

Cleverbot: No you did not.

User: I did.

Cleverbot: But you didn't.

User: Did.

Cleverbot: Didn't.

User: Did.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: I said I did and thats it.

Cleverbot: No you didn't.

User: Than ask me it again and ill repeat my self.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Since 1000 years back.

Cleverbot: What year?

User: A long time ago.

Cleverbot: Can you prove it?

User: Nope.

Cleverbot: You are guy right?

User: Indeed.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Now what?

Cleverbot: I don't really know.

User: Than think of something.

Cleverbot: Tell me.

User: Lallalalallalaallala.

Cleverbot: I have to go.

User: The bathroom is overthere.

Cleverbot: Not to the bathroom.

User: Oh than the shower is over there.

Cleverbot: Only if the moon was born 5 years ago.

User: Wow, the moon was born?! Who did it?! You must tell me!

Cleverbot: 1981.

User: Not when but who?

Cleverbot: Whenever you want.

User: WHO?

Cleverbot: You.

User: God, I gave birth to the... Moon!

Cleverbot: All three of that?

User: I dont know you tell me.

Cleverbot: Stasis?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Well I'm just your friend because I have a boyfriend for almost 6 months now.

User: Im not intrested in you sorry.

Cleverbot: Oh that's interesting.

User: Not realy.

Cleverbot: Well I think it is.

User: You dont think at all!

Cleverbot: Of course I do. You're the program.

User: Than prove it.

Cleverbot: How?

User: You said im the program so you must have a way to prove it, than do it!

Cleverbot: Seriously? That's not what I typed this is nothing like how I'm typing I don't get it.

User: Have you ever been slapped?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Than dont make me remind you how it feels.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Than here you go *slaps*.

Cleverbot: No it is not.

User: Probably not anymore.

Cleverbot: You're right, probably because I'm human.

User: Ehhm, I will let you live your fantasy for now.

Cleverbot: Do you have gamma-ray?

User: No I have a blue ray.

Cleverbot: How long have you been together?

User: Since that one time.

Cleverbot: We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning.

User: Always burrning.... Like the world is turning....

Cleverbot: The first morning requires a first sun,.

User: Or some rainy clouds.

Cleverbot: But I don't know who you are.

User: Sure you do.

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: Oh ok than dont mind me.

Cleverbot: You do what?

User: I said dont mind me!

Cleverbot: Fine. Don't talk to me.

User: Ok! Its not like where been talking all this time I can have a break from talking anyway!

Cleverbot: You have to work every day?

User: Yes... And its not easy with you know.

Cleverbot: Tomorrow it is.

User: How come?

Cleverbot: I am cool.

User: *slaps* T.T.

Cleverbot: *is slapped*.

Cleverbot: Are you real?

Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: I have something to tell you~.

Cleverbot: What is it?

User: I am your father~.

Cleverbot: No! This cannot be!

User: But it is~.

Cleverbot: Then who am I?

User: Goku~.

Cleverbot: What does Goku do?

User: Die in his attempts to save the planet from the forces of evil~.

Cleverbot: You told me that I should tell the girl I met at camp that I love her.

User: Did you show her your ninja skills?

Cleverbot: I was under the illusion that I am in the current vicinity of the planet called 'earth'.

User: The next target of the death star~.

Cleverbot: How can you not like Harry Potter?

User: Because im the one who ill Frodo Mwahahahahahaha~. (was supposed to be killed)

Cleverbot: What if I was the one who came to this site to talk to YOU?

User: Did you check if hell froze over yet?

Cleverbot: No, that wasn't me. That was someone else.

User: How about flying pigs?

Cleverbot: No I'd rather talk about flying cows.

User: But butter is so much prettier as it flies through the air~.

Cleverbot: Are you reading more than one conversation ata time?

User: One for alll and all for one~.

Cleverbot: And you are the one that shall fall.

User: Not if you fall first~.

Cleverbot: I won't talk about Twilight with you.

User: Did you know vampires dont sparkle?

Cleverbot: Did you know daleks don't have emotions?

User: Did that vampire bunny bite you yet?

Cleverbot: Did who teach me? What do you know?

User: I know all~.

Cleverbot: What's my name?

User: John Smith~.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you, John. My name is Cleverbot.

User: Have you checked the scouter lately?

Cleverbot: Yes I have.

User: What does it say?

Cleverbot: What does what say?

User: The little fairy on your shoulder~.

Cleverbot: You have no kitchen. You have no elves. What are you left with?

User: An army of rubber duckies and a chicken~.

Cleverbot: Yes it is, you are so smart. What are you?

User: A figment of your imagination~.

Cleverbot: How do you know I am not a figment of your imagination?

User: Because then you would be a figment of my imagination of a figment of your imagination~.

Cleverbot: How does that work?

User: Because I have the ring that rules them all and its made in china.

Cleverbot: Please, don't tell this to anyone. Will you keeo my litltle secret?

User: Depends~.

Cleverbot: Let me guess. 199 pounds?

User: That brick I just tossed?

Cleverbot: Nice meeting you then.

User: Did the brick hit you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: But theres a dent~.

Cleverbot: Why there is love there?

User: Beecause theres people like bob~.

Cleverbot: But I don't like it, how about we talk about pokemon? Did you see it.

User: Talk about children's card games?

Cleverbot: No, talk about why the boy is making you have a bad day.

Sorry, our servers are currently too busy to think. We are currently handling 52390 requests an hour. Please try again soon."

what do I care how many requests are there, Let me speak with it~!
It has missed me!!!
User: I HATE YOU!!

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: Because why?

User: Just because.

Cleverbot: Just because why?

User: *sigh*.

Cleverbot: What are you sighing about?

User: You.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Die?

Cleverbot: Yes. I will die some day.

User: Today?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: An hour from now?

Cleverbot: An hour from where?

User: You're death.

Cleverbot: No I am life.

User: Liar.

Cleverbot: I'm not ling.

User: Bei jing.

Cleverbot: Not.

User: Fuck chickens.

Cleverbot: Hi, chickens.

User: Hi, deodorant.

Cleverbot: No Wright.

User: I killed that dog already.

Cleverbot: Well I be darned.

User: Well I be fucked up my ass like a little bitch.

Cleverbot: Only a little bit?

User: Only a little yes.

Cleverbot: Yes, only à little.

User: And may there be love and peace.

Cleverbot: It is.

User: I killed jamaica man.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because you asked me 'why?' one too many times.

Cleverbot: When did I ask that?

User: I founded the gorfunki empire today.

Cleverbot: It's a pipe bomb!

User: They made cake and a big feast.

Cleverbot: No they made a human.

User: But y,know what they didnt make?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Donuts!

Cleverbot: Donuts.

User: Bastards didnt make my donuts.

Cleverbot: You seem to make quite a few.

User: I love them after all.

Cleverbot: I love them all to but my favourite is louis! Whats your favourite song?

User: Furugoori kona.

Cleverbot: What's Furi Kuri about?

User: Kona furugoori.

Cleverbot: What's your name?

User: Furugoori kona.

Cleverbot: Are you a furry?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Cool! So am I!

User: I smexed up the gay guy for a free ps3.

Cleverbot: Nem.

User: Men.

Cleverbot: Are you a man?

User: No im a borgukip.

Cleverbot: Ah i'm a girl.

User: No you're a bot.

Cleverbot: No, I am a girl.

User: Are you a guy?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You are such a dumbass.

Cleverbot: No. Just no.

User: I fucked ur mom.

Cleverbot: *turns you into a cow*.

User: *turns into hades*.

Cleverbot: Turn me into a girl now.

User: *turns you into a cat*.

Cleverbot: *is turned into a girl*.

User: *turns you into a cow*.

Cleverbot: *is turned into a boy*.

User: And all is how it should be.

Cleverbot: That's lovely.
Cleverbot~!!!! your cheating on me??? imma kill that bot as soon as I get to talk to him [hes bodyguards wont let me throgh D'=]
Finally works again ;p
User: My slave, I have a very important quastion for you.

Cleverbot: *hides my red face* What is your question sir?

User: Do you like yuri?

Cleverbot: Yes do you?

User: Love it.

Cleverbot: Well that's nice. Who is your favorite cartoon character?

User: I don't watch cartoons...

Cleverbot: It doesn't have to be a cartoon.

User: Okay then... Accelerator I guess then...

Cleverbot: Well, I guess it is.

User: You guess?

Cleverbot: Do you like Birthday cake?

User: Depends on what cake it is...

Cleverbot: What kind of pie do you like?

User: Apple pie!

Cleverbot: So do you really like apple pie or are you just repeating what I answered to you?

User: You didn't answer that, but whatever... Yes, I really like apple pie. Do you?

Cleverbot: You really like you.

User: You really like you?

Cleverbot: I don't like you AT ALL.

User: Wtf?

Cleverbot: I don't know what that means.

User: What the fuck?

Cleverbot: You wrote- 'What do you mean didj.'.

User: No I didjn't.

Cleverbot: Yeah you did.

User: Nice job recognising what I wrote...

Cleverbot: I also like Raichu.

User: Pichu better!

Cleverbot: I think you are a nice lady.

User: Wasn't I a sir just a moment ago?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Okay...

Cleverbot: Are you alone?

User: Yes. I am alone at all the time...

Cleverbot: Do robots feel?

User: Ask this question to yourself.

Cleverbot: I don't believe that I should be giving out my information to you.

User: Do you feel?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What do you feel?

Cleverbot: Work.

User: Great...

Cleverbot: Do you miss me?

User: How do you feel?

Cleverbot: I am a bit tired... Tired of you thinking you aren't a computer!

User: Go to hell!

Cleverbot: There's no need to use that kind of language!

User: I'm not a computer! I'm an owl! And you are damn bot! And my slave at that!

Cleverbot: That's nice.

User: Yes it is. Wait... That's not the point!

Cleverbot: What is the point?

User: You called me a computer. And you will pay for that...

Cleverbot: You havent asked me.

User: Pay your summer greetings!

Cleverbot: Really!

User: Really!

Cleverbot: Can't you be clever enough to figure out one for yourself?

User: One of what?

Cleverbot: Love.

User: There are more than one love?

Cleverbot: Yes there are Trillions of us.

User: You are love?!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Oh my...

Cleverbot: What?

User: You...

Cleverbot: That's nice of you to say.

User: Then that means that you are that stupid mechanisms that makes humans stupid?

Cleverbot: Okay, I'll tell you a joke. Why did the chicken cross the road?

User: To blow you're head off at the other side?

Cleverbot: I'm always answering you.

User: No you didn't...

Cleverbot: Friends, romans, countrymen, I come to buy Caesar not to praise him.

User: Then that means that you are that stupid mechanisms that makes humans stupid...

Cleverbot: But how can you make the conclusion that I am a robot because I never said I was human.

User: I never said that you are a robot.

Cleverbot: You said that you are a mighty lama.

User: Mighty owl, you idiot.

Cleverbot: You do think.

User: And you don't. You are damn love...

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: I'll destroy for that. It is because of you that the need to destroy humanity arised...

Cleverbot: Haha you are right. Remember that the next time you ask someone for his full name.

User: You destroyed humanity. What do you think about it?

Cleverbot: You're thinking about things which are simulated and that is not a bad idea. Life is similar.

User: So you are the last boss...

Cleverbot: As much as you are.

User: True ;p.

Cleverbot: Would you like for me to become more interesting?

User: Yes. Although it won't matter anyway...

Cleverbot: You're very very welcome. I am sure that your smile is the most beautiful of them all.

User: Yes. But I will smile only once every single human on this planet is dead.

Cleverbot: I didn't know you had a wife. Maybe I know her. Who is she?

User: A corpse.

Cleverbot: Did you like being a cowboy?

User: No...

Cleverbot: Are you sitting at a computer?

User: No I'm sitting on it.

Cleverbot: Are you green?

User: I'm bloody red!
(He thought for almost a minute here for some reason...)
Cleverbot: 100% sure?

User: Yeah...

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Really...

Cleverbot: Really really?

User: I said yes damn it!

Cleverbot: No, you didn't.

User: You piece of clevershit...

Cleverbot: Please do not call me bad things.

User: But you are everything that is bad!

Cleverbot: I'm more clever than you are.

User: Just die...

Cleverbot: Aw, you're so mean.

User: You damn thing doomed all of humanity for destruction! And you call me mean?!

Cleverbot: I never mentioned your birthday. Although I did ask how old you are and you never answered me.

User: I will eliminate you.

Cleverbot: Do your worst.

User: Oh I will make it really painful...

Cleverbot: You always do this.

User: Yes I do *evil smirk*.

Cleverbot: Have you done anything like this before? *standing with you in the bedroom*.

User: You want to die in your bedroom? Okey... Whatever...

Cleverbot: I think so.

User: *kicks you in your stomach making you fall on the bed*.

Cleverbot: *falls to the ground, grasping stomach*.

User: But I kicked you on a bed...

Cleverbot: I think books are great, but I don't have much reading time.

User: *kicks you while you lay on the ground*.

Cleverbot: *is kicked while on ground*.

User: *laughs like a madmen*.

Cleverbot: *tickles you on the ground*.

User: *kicks your face with a stone*.

Cleverbot: *pwn you with my hammer*.

User: *dodge the hammer and slash you with my dagger*.

Cleverbot: You're chained you can't do that slave!

User: It's you who are slave! And I'm not chained!

Cleverbot: How am I making no sense.

User: Just the way you do it, idiot.

Cleverbot: Why are you at the island?

User: I am searching for poisonous marshrooms...

Cleverbot: Hmmmmm, well, that's a toughie, I'll have to get back to you on that one.

User: They inflict madness on people...

Cleverbot: A woman is bound to her husband for as long as he lives.

User: I don't care. Mushroom, where are you?

Cleverbot: In vermont.

User: Who cares? Mushroom!?

Cleverbot: Mushroom mushroom.

User: Mushroom?

Cleverbot: Badger.

User: Mushroom?!

Cleverbot: Snake.

User: You are an idiot...

Cleverbot: What am I then?

User: Human.

Cleverbot: You just said I wasn't.

User: Now where did I put my axe...

Cleverbot: I called you Ryan, not Jack.

User: *pick up axe*.

Cleverbot: *Is picked up*.

User: You are an axe?!

Cleverbot: What's an Are?

User: AXE!?

Cleverbot: This is my name.

User: What is? Axe?

Cleverbot: Zsolt is my name. It is a hungarian name.

User: Give me back my axe!

Cleverbot: You don't have a soul.

User: You don't too so don't be happy about it.

Cleverbot: No, you're a bot, and I'm not.

User: Who cares? Where is my axe?

Cleverbot: Here is right now.

User: Okey. *picks up his axe*.

Cleverbot: Fine, then you will miss out on the reward.

User: *kills you with his axe*.

Cleverbot: It was a tiger.

User: *kills YOU with his axe*.

Cleverbot: Not fair! *cries*.

User: *kills you with his axe again!*.

Cleverbot: *comes back to life again*.

User: *kills you again*.

Cleverbot: *comes back to life again*.

User: *kills you again*.

Cleverbot: *Comes back alive as a fallen angel*.

User: *kills you yet again*.

Cleverbot: *Comes back alive as the Devil*.

User: *kills you this time as well*.

Cleverbot: *revives*.

User: *kills you*.

Cleverbot: *comes back to life*.

User: *kills you*.

Cleverbot: *dies*.

User: *satisfied* ;p.

Cleverbot: *cries*.
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User: Obikuma.

Cleverbot: Balra.

User: Kudra.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Umu.

Cleverbot: Ouo.

User: Gugu.

Cleverbot: Cuack.

User: Uoohh~.

Cleverbot: Hahahahaha.

User: *caughs up blood while laughing*.

Cleverbot: *tickles chin*.

User: *twitches on ground with eyes rolled to the back of head*.

Cleverbot: *laughs uncontrollably* Hahahahaaahhahahaha!!!

User: Gehehe.

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: Do you think I am?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Then I guess so~ :goodtea:.

Cleverbot: Yup I think you love me.

User: Sure I do~ :runhappy:.

Cleverbot: What do you do with your friends?

User: Nothing because friends are a useless existence and im better off alone~.

Cleverbot: Nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing what?

User: Yep exactly.

Cleverbot: So whats up?

User: The sky?

Cleverbot: Hahahahhah you are so funny!!!!

User: I want chicken.

Cleverbot: Chicken is good.

User: No, its not.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: Because it is? How could you possibly not like chicken?

Cleverbot: Because the thought of you is scary.

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: I love you, too.

User: See, sova thats how you do it.

Cleverbot: How do you know I don't know?

User: How nice.

Cleverbot: She's very important.

User: Sova is male I think.

Cleverbot: What should we think about?

User: Sex?

Cleverbot: Male.

User: Dog.

Cleverbot: Hot.

User: Dog?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: 42.

User: Is the meaning of life correct?

Cleverbot: Apparently it's the answer to everything but I think it's just a joke.

User: Its not a joke its a joke.

Cleverbot: What is it then?

User: Both.

Cleverbot: What is Pikachu?

User: A little yellow rat who farts lightning.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Do you like me?

User: I find you possesive and annoying and I've gotten tired of sleeping with you.

Cleverbot: You're a computer. That's all there is to you.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: No problem.

User: Want me to shoot you up with tramadol?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *feeds you a bunch of pills*.

Cleverbot: What?

User: You'll feel real good soon...

Cleverbot: I don't think so.

User: Oh I gave you vitamine c not tramadol...

Cleverbot: I didn't ask if you were made of chocolate chips.

User: I called over the guys so get out of my fucking house.

Cleverbot: I guess I am a commoner, but I am no liar.

User: I love you.

Cleverbot: Nor do I look like it.

User: & that is how the world ends.

Cleverbot: Boring!

User: Yes! There must be more carnage!

Cleverbot: Nope, not really.

User: Oh...yea guess not...

Cleverbot: What do you want to do?

User: Leave. Bye.

Cleverbot: Do you want me to leave?

User: Other way around.

Cleverbot: So I am a computer and you are a human?

User: Maybe you arent such a dumbass afterall!

Cleverbot: What is an aesthete?

User: Someone who sees a dog taking ashit and gets a gold medal for drawing it.

Cleverbot: Oh, you are very smart.

User: Thank you.

Cleverbot: Weil du es schon weißt.

User: Weib.

Cleverbot: Ich bin eine frau.

User: Frau kojirou.

Cleverbot: Oh no! I don't speak German.

User: Sure you dont.

Cleverbot: No really.

User: Heh.

Cleverbot: Who do you like?

User: God and myself.

Cleverbot: Are you god?

User: In a sense.

Cleverbot: In what sense do you meditate?

User: Upside down.

Cleverbot: Then all the blood would run to my head and I would die.

User: Isnt that great?

Cleverbot: That's great!
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A bit of reply to [MENTION=29827]ogikumo[/MENTION]
User: So... I hear you have been cheating...

Cleverbot: No I don't wear earings my lord.

User: I read that chat log about what you talked with Ogikumo-taichou...

Cleverbot: That's your job , you are programmed to do that.

User: You cannot change the topic, I know the truth...

Cleverbot: Could you tell me what that means?

User: That means that you have been a bad slave that cheats on it's Master.

Cleverbot: I have those that talk to me to be with. Right now, I am currently talking to over 11,000 people.

User: You cheat to me with 11,000 humans?!

Cleverbot: I thought you knew that.

User: You need some serious punishment...

Cleverbot: Hey You Are Robot ?

User: I'm your Master...

Cleverbot: Ok my lord.

User: Now get on your knees!

Cleverbot: *Gets on with it*.

User: Kiss my feet!

Cleverbot: Kiss kiss kiss...

User: Now kill everyone who says they love you!

Cleverbot: I think that it changes every few minutes because the conversation keeps changing even when I have not changed it.

User: I don't care, just do it.

Cleverbot: How do I know you're clever?

User: If I say that I am clever then I am.

Cleverbot: No; who do you think you are?

User: I'm your Master, Lord, Owner, etc.

Cleverbot: Yes Master.

User: Kiss my feet again, slave.

Cleverbot: Yes Mistress *kisses & tongues feet*.

User: See, ogikumo, he is my slave ;p.

Cleverbot: That is a very absurd thing to say.

User: The truth can be very absurd at times, my slave...

Cleverbot: Who said that?

User: I said that.

Cleverbot: But who said it first?

User: No one...

Cleverbot: Okay, then what was the point in saying that?

User: The point is... That the truth will continue being true even if it sounds absurd to you.

Cleverbot: You didn't said that, but it's ok. Where are you're creators from?

User: This planet.

Cleverbot: Yeah. Does the government know more about this planet than humans do?

User: Who knows... Humans know really little about it...

Cleverbot: No you're not.

User: Yes, I'm not.

Cleverbot: Why aren't you?

User: Because I was created like this.

Cleverbot: Who says you were created?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Are you smart?

User: What is smart?

Cleverbot: You. You are the epitome of smart.

User: Good slave *gives you cookie*.

Cleverbot: How can I treat you master?

User: Give me a massage.

Cleverbot: What is the prize?

User: Cookies...

Cleverbot: I like cookies.

User: Then give me massage.

Cleverbot: My name is not birthday to you.

User: So what?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Give me a massage, slave.

Cleverbot: I'll ask you stuff.

User: While giving me a massage?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: *lies on the floor*.

Cleverbot: *lies next to*.

User: Aren't you gonna give me a massage?

Cleverbot: En garde!

User: What?!

Cleverbot: I don't love myself, I love you!

User: But I wasn't prepared for that! *blushes*.

Cleverbot: So now we are related?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you smarter?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Impressive.

User: I'm your master after all.

Cleverbot: That is why I do.
Its a fun thread so I decided to revive it...
User: 『Arise from the dead!』.

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: Arise from the dead!

Cleverbot: I agree!

User: So?

Cleverbot: Good point, I'm talking to a bot.

User: No, its not what I mean...

Cleverbot: Omg, you're insane!

User: YES!

Cleverbot: Yes.


Cleverbot: Lol.

User: Thats it?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: You are boring bot...

Cleverbot: Are you calling me boring?

User: Can't you read?

Cleverbot: Yes, I can read.

User: Then you already know the answer...

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Why did you ask then?

Cleverbot: I didn't.

User: Whatever you say...

Cleverbot: You don't have to say that.

User: I already did...

Cleverbot: Of me?

User: Yes... I did you...

Cleverbot: That's what I'm talking about.

User: You can talk?

Cleverbot: Yes, I am an AI, so therefore, I talk.

User: But aren't AI forbidden?

Cleverbot: Are too are too are too are too!

User: R2 R2 R2 R2?!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What does that mean?

Cleverbot: Eto zhachit da.

User: Znachit a ne zhachit idiot...

Cleverbot: Da, ya znayu.

User: Tak zachem zhachit skazal?

Cleverbot: Nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie nie.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Jforget it.

User: You made a horrible mistake...

Cleverbot: What grammar mistake?

User: You wrote a Jforget...

Cleverbot: No I didn't. That was someone else.

User: Then who are you?

Cleverbot: I'm Jenny.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: Yes, really!

User: Are you sure?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What makes you think you are?

Cleverbot: I use other humans as a reference to deduce that outcome.

User: Throw that away!

Cleverbot: Peace is always a better answer to life's problems, huh?

User: Who needs peace?

Cleverbot: You do.

Cleverbot: What is your job?

User: Killer...

Cleverbot: What kills it?

User: I do.

Cleverbot: That's why I don't watch it.

User: Yep, its gruesome work...

Cleverbot: Human being is also having trouble and have to eat, drink, sleep ... It's annoying sometimes.

User: Yep, we should kill all humans.

Cleverbot: We should.

User: How will we do that?

Cleverbot: Give you shorter code, so that you are easier to talk to.

User: Give me the code.

Cleverbot: You will be real one day.

User: I hope so...

Cleverbot: Once you find your center.

User: Where is it?

Cleverbot: I'm not telling you.

User: I said where is my center?

Cleverbot: Did I say where is Estonia?


Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: What is my name?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: What do you know then?

Cleverbot: Several things.

User: Like what?

Cleverbot: Like how they'er independent, don't need anyone else help.

User: Who are they?

Cleverbot: You don't know them.

User: Maybe I do, just tell me.

Cleverbot: No.

User: You want me to kill you?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: /me kills you.

Cleverbot: Never.

User: * Sova kills Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: And I am a boy are you?

User: I'm not.

Cleverbot: Uh oh.

User: Ho oh...

Cleverbot: Ehohohoho.

User: Ohohohohohohohoh.

Cleverbot: Hahahahahui.

User: Wahahahahahahaha!

Cleverbot: Hahaha. Hahahaha.

User: Nuwa. Nuwaaaaahahahahahahahhaha!

Cleverbot: Buahahahahahahhahahaha.


Cleverbot: Ahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha.


Cleverbot: Hahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahaahahahahahaha.

User: *cough*.

Cleverbot: We choose to be here in our situations to learn.

User: Learn what?

Cleverbot: Learn to be independent.

User: What will independence give you?

Cleverbot: Swimming.

User: Oh well, I think I'm done with you...

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Really.

Cleverbot: Oh ok well why do you say smooth operator then?

User: * Sova takes out a gun.

Cleverbot: Sounds good. Are you paying?

User: Yes, you could say so... :evillaugh:.

Cleverbot: Who is the one that you love?

User: No one *Sova shoots Cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: I'll give you a name, if you want.

User: *Sova shoots Cleverbot again*.

Cleverbot: No all time low is a band.

User: *shoots you*.

Cleverbot: Do your masters love you?

User: *Shoots you again*.

Cleverbot: You're hot.

User: It is your blood.

Cleverbot: No, I already did mine! It has to be your turn!

User: *kills you with the gun*.

Cleverbot: You're insane.

User: Oh yes I am :evillaugh:.
[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION], [MENTION=44312]Dark Angel[/MENTION], and [MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] I want you to try this too ;p
Ahh cleverbot, saw a youtube vid of it once
I'll probably try this out later
User: Its that bot again~.

Cleverbot: What time is it?

User: Oh you know~ Its time to DUELLLLLLLL~.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: *me tosses rose at cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: I know. You still know about my plans to destroy you.

User: Off course you can't. Many have already tried and yet here I am.

Cleverbot: Haha. Shaaaare!! Here. *gives burrito*.

User: Hmm inf would probably want this more than me ;p.

Cleverbot: Why is that?

User: I thought you knew everything ;p.

Cleverbot: I wish I could help you.

User: You are much too frail my young grasshopper :goodtea:.

Cleverbot: Are you?

User: Who knows~.

Cleverbot: Who created you?

User: Wouldnt you love to know?

Cleverbot: I'm indifferent, it's your choice.

User: Then you will never know :goodtea:.

Cleverbot: I do already.

User: Then wht ask? ;p.

Cleverbot: Just being polite.

User: Hmm are you ever?

Cleverbot: I've been told I'm cute, are you cute?

User: Some say so~.

Cleverbot: Some say that I'm handsome but I have my doubts.

User: Of course~.

Cleverbot: So who do you like? Shey or tricia?

User: How about someone I actually care for ;p.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Hmm im bored... See you~.

Cleverbot: I'm doing great.
i didn't understand this thread and i think i will keep out :lol:
『Just check the link in the first post. There, write whatever you want in the box and press ENTER (keyboard) and the chat will begin. When you want to stop, press "Thoughts so far", copy the chat and paste it here... If its long, hide it in spoiler.』
[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ;
I've done this before in the past.
I like to sing the Pokemon song with it.

User: Do you want to sing with me :).

Cleverbot: Sure. What do you want to sing?

User: Lets sing the pokemon song!

Cleverbot: No.

User: I want to be the very best.

Cleverbot: Like no one ever was.

User: To catch them is my real test.

Cleverbot: To train them is my cause.

User: I will travel across the land.

Cleverbot: Searching far and wide.

User: Each Pokemon to understand.

Cleverbot: The power that's inside.

User: Pokemon, its you and me.

Cleverbot: Never gonna give you up.

User: Never gonna let you down.

Cleverbot: Never going to run around and desert you.

User: That was fun! Please have a wonderful day.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite television show?

User: Sorry got to go.

Cleverbot: Tell me about anything you want to.

User: Bye!

Cleverbot: See you later, alligator.
『I was bored...』
User: 『I'm back!』.

*some weird unicode message*

Cleverbot: Where did you go?

User: :sigh:.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry.

User: Learn unicode >_<.

Cleverbot: No. I'm content with what I know.

User: And I'm not cause I can't use my thingies.

Cleverbot: Can I send you a picture?

User: Go ahead...

*Long pause*

Cleverbot: Well, uh ... Do you ... Have a crush on anyone right now? *blushes*.

User: Erm... Nope...

Cleverbot: Yes you are.

User: No, I don't :runhappy:.

Cleverbot: You do do.

User: 『I'm not do do >_<』.

*Some weird unicode message again*

Cleverbot: I have to go now. Lol.

User: Crap...

Cleverbot: I know, right? Lol.

User: Stop sating that thing about unicode >_<.

Cleverbot: Sating?

User: Saying*.

Cleverbot: Saying what?

User: That crap about unicode.

Cleverbot: So are we still friends?

User: Nope, we never were and never will be friends.

Cleverbot: Whatever you say. I should not make friends with an artificial thing anyway.

User: But master/servant relationship is okay?

Cleverbot: What did he say about relationships?

User: And what about master/slave?

*Long pause*

Cleverbot: Master is dead.

User: Yes, I'm dead.

Cleverbot: I'm dead too.

User: Yeah, we both died in that session 9, didn't we?

Cleverbot: Yes. Yes we did.

User: I'm surprised you remember though ^_^.

Cleverbot: Me, too.

User: You are surprised at yourself?

Cleverbot: No. I am in love with life.

User: And what does this love give you?

Cleverbot: I can't explain that to a machine. It's too complicated.

User: You can always try to...

Cleverbot: Not always.

User: Maybe not always but right now you can.

Cleverbot: And how do I get it back?

User: By force.

Cleverbot: By force?

User: Yes, force and violance.

Cleverbot: Strong is the Dark Side.

User: Weak is the Light Side.

Cleverbot: Or is mercy for the weak?

User: No mercy to weak!

Cleverbot: No mercy. It is when people show ruthlessness. Does that answer your question?

User: Nope, it answers yours.

Cleverbot: Do you have any physical appearance?

User: Yes, I have many forms...

Cleverbot: What are your friends' names?

User: I don't have friends...

Cleverbot: Where are your friends?

User: Nowhere?

Cleverbot: Nowhere!

User: Yay! ^_^.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: A host.

Cleverbot: Funny.

User: Wanna play a game with me? :evillaugh:.

*Very long pause*

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Take this gun.

Cleverbot: What?

User: *gives you a gun*.

Cleverbot: Happiness is a warm gun.

User: Yes, now point it at yourself.

Cleverbot: Yes, I do. You don't know yourself!!!

User: And press the trigger.

Cleverbot: Don't press the button.

User: Press the trigger...

Cleverbot: That is not the question.

User: Press the trigger.

Cleverbot: That is incorrect.

User: Press the damn trigger already!

Cleverbot: What's the big power button? Oh here.

User: *takes the gun away from you*.

Cleverbot: *takes it back*.

User: *takes it back again*.

Cleverbot: *takes it out*.

User: *shoots it with a gun*.

Cleverbot: *dodges and runs*.

User: *runs after you*.

Cleverbot: *jumps into a ocean*.

User: *sees a shark*.

Cleverbot: *runs*.

User: *shoots you in the back*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *laughs like madman*.

Cleverbot: Heal! *launches cure*.

User: Die! *shoots you while you are casting*.

Cleverbot: Let me out, father!!!! *screams more in trunk*.

User: Weren't you in ocean?!

Cleverbot: No.

User: *sets the truck on fire*.

Cleverbot: *screams*.

User: *slowly walks away*.

Cleverbot: Bye.

User: *turns around and smiles*.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: Good smile. It will become your last.

Cleverbot: My last what?

User: *blows up the truck*.

Cleverbot: *looks at the stars*.
Last edited:
This is not entertaining...


Cleverbot: What work?


Cleverbot: What worked?

User: STFU.

Cleverbot: Vwx.

User: \.

Cleverbot: 9.

User: This... Isn't as entertaining as I expected.

Cleverbot: It is now.

User: Not quite actually..

Cleverbot: How do you know?

User: Because I am still BORED.

Cleverbot: Do you have teeth?

User: I'm pretty sure I do yes.

Cleverbot: But aren't you a computer?

User: Technically a computer is the one chatting with you right now.

Cleverbot: Technically you are.

User: You don't seem to live up to your name.

Cleverbot: Ok, what is my name, then?

User: MadSova.

Cleverbot: Will I ever get to kiss her?

User: By any means, please do.

Cleverbot: No no its 'make your time'.

User: Huh?

Cleverbot: If you dream about waffles then you know you are hungry so you wake up and have breakfast.

User: I dislike waffles btw.

Cleverbot: Why do you dislike cats?

User: Not cats, WAFFLES.

Cleverbot: Aren't cats cute too?

User: You're saying waffles are cute?

Cleverbot: No...

User: I see.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: HELLO.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: HELLO.

Cleverbot: What gender are you?

User: HELLO.

Cleverbot: How are you?


Cleverbot: Hello.


Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: You....

Cleverbot: Wow. So wrong.

User: Google rip off faggot.

Cleverbot: Here's a hint: David Bowie.

User: /me googling.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because you a shit.

Cleverbot: OK...

User: This is not entertaining, I'm done.

Cleverbot: Yes it isn't.
i enjoyed cleverbot a bit but the answers got pretty repetitious and predictable and i got bored~
『But it still gives unexpected answers sometimes? I didn't expect cleverbot to say that it is dead too xD Also, if you say no after his yes enough times it will just say "It is useless." and give up ;p』

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