Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

I'm beginning to think that the "Complete Edition" is probably a compilation set of four disc with all four games and that Exstia 3 will be the end of the series.

Cmon all girls corruption route, or even better, all girls corruption in ALL route but different ways to corrupt them all.
That would make sense, considering that the price for the complete version is to high for just the first 3 games.
I hope aswell (and most likley it will happen) for a full corruption route where all 4 girls getting corrupted.
yes all corruption route pls lusterise~ i would like to see an end where 4 of them take over the world , killing even the bad guys in the process lel, and it seems like marina has gotten some new upgrade~ new costume!
absolutely stunning visuals! nailed the feeling perfectly~! 2020 is gonna be a good year ;D
So escude's teaser for their new work has its genre written like this:
Usually, when it involves corruption training they're using 調教, but here it's 躾. Do they mean differently, or are the two interchangeable?
After I tried to translate it one by one, it reads somewhere along the lines of "save the world through sexual training".
Still can't imagine what kind of scenario will that be.
Can't wait for VB Frontier steam key..
I can't wait for the all-ages version....
After all I love corruption that involves more emotional appeal (something like star wars' anakin I guess ?) rather than physical appeal (sex only)
To bad the steam key is delayed
fellow comrades, both escude and lusterise updated their official webpage today!

Marina gets a new transformation scene in exstia! and all 4 heroine are present in the character page so i hope we get all heroine corruption route! Some sample cg has been released but only marina and riise are in them so far though.

not much information about the escude game yet.
fellow comrades, both escude and lusterise updated their official webpage today!

Marina gets a new transformation scene in exstia! and all 4 heroine are present in the character page so i hope we get all heroine corruption route! Some sample cg has been released but only marina and riise are in them so far though.

not much information about the escude game yet.
Where can i see this?! Can you give us a link? Thx.

Here is an image for Exstia. I supposed it is gonna update by today. The game industry seemed to be on the same page when comes to game.

An update of new game or hentai ova with/ might have corruption:

風雷戦姫 神夢
Released date : 31 Jan 2020
Corruption confirmed. Image have been released.

Released date : 31 Jan 2020
Corruption confirmed. Image have been released.

神装剣姫 アークセイバー~魔族懐胞~
Released date : 28 Feb 2020

愛聖天使ラブメアリー ~悪性受胎~ THE ANIMATION 第1巻
Released date : 28 Feb 2020
You know it has corruption...

愛聖天使ラブメアリー ~悪性受胎~ THE ANIMATION 第2巻
Released date : 26 June 2020
You know it has corruption...

Released date: 27 March 2020
Confirmed. Webpage is still not complete yet.

Released date: 24 April 2020
Last edited:
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Another thing to mention that luna soft's game is being planned to be released in 12/26, so pretty much on Christmas day it's coming out.
Venus blood frontier is out in a new version both in english(one steam not 18+ and one18+ jast usa) and in japanesse but the japanesse version was out at 00 00 in japan hour and in 14 hour in english.
So for now only japaness version is out the english versionn will be out betwen now and in few day so wait for english version or buy it
ps the english version is maybe unscenrored like rance english game. and the game have something like 10 new h scene

edit The pirate version is out if some want it
Last edited:特装版-update-1-01-[h-game]-901615/

Can someone confirm this is the real deal? as in really english? Also someplace other than steam to buy it, i have a bad experience with them and censorshit, althouh worse comes to worse i always do this: downlaod it and if i like it i buy it....but i still play the pirated version because it isn't censored xD

Also please heavily consider buying this game. If the frontier kickstarter failed, dualtail/ninetail was going to close down. The kickstarter was a last plea for help.

"Well, the Visual Novel industry...Really is tough. It's like a huge whirlpool of problems that we at Ninetail are swept up in. In a sense, us expanding overseas by localising our products was us reaching for a lifeline, in a way.

Apparently the norm is that even if your Kickstarter fails the first time, you just patch it up, make it better and then try again! But when I first ventured to make use of Kickstarter, in a way, it was going to be a final challenge, one final desperate struggle...And if it had failed partway, I was just about ready to just close up, finish any titles we were currently working on, and retire. Such was my resolve going into this project."
Pray for my job application to be accepted guys. If I land the job I'll consider supporting corruption stuff once in a while like this one.
Good luck!

Also to add to my previous post.

If frontier sells well, they will translate Venus Blood Hypno next!!!

Also please heavily consider buying this game. If the frontier kickstarter failed, dualtail/ninetail was going to close down. The kickstarter was a last plea for help.

"Well, the Visual Novel industry...Really is tough. It's like a huge whirlpool of problems that we at Ninetail are swept up in. In a sense, us expanding overseas by localising our products was us reaching for a lifeline, in a way.

Apparently the norm is that even if your Kickstarter fails the first time, you just patch it up, make it better and then try again! But when I first ventured to make use of Kickstarter, in a way, it was going to be a final challenge, one final desperate struggle...And if it had failed partway, I was just about ready to just close up, finish any titles we were currently working on, and retire. Such was my resolve going into this project."

I already planned to buy this one, i think i will have to buy from steam since its easier for me, but honestly i probably will download JUSTUSA's version and play that 1 xD, steam usually needs to buy or get a R18 patch and is anoying.
Another thing to mention that luna soft's game is being planned to be released in 12/26, so pretty much on Christmas day it's coming out.

i think they planned for update and site release , the game itself probably have to wait for awhile more though
Please, recommend me a good RPG with a prideful and strong minded powerful heroine, with fun gameplay (good RPG mechanics). If posible with good graphics or NTR on it (but this is optional).
Any Corruption Games with gradual change ?
The slower and more detailed the better.
Also and i know thats asking for much, can you think of an Game that has the Corruption/training part as actual Gameplay ?
Kinda like in the Venus Blood series, but maybe more expanded on ?

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