Corruption games (also brainwashing,mindcontrol)

Hi guys,

just want to inform everyone that NEXTON is holding a survery about localizing their games in english.
NEXTON has some brands with corruption like Lusterise or Liquid. So if you want to see any of their games getting translated, please fill out the survery and vote for it.


I hope they will grant our long lasting wish: Exs-Tia translated.
Here are the results for the nexton localization survery.

And guys, you did well. Liquid and Lusterise were voted in the top 5 brands. And the Exs-Tia Series was the second most voted game that people wanted to see localized!

So, lets see where this is going. Exs-Tia games officially translated in english could now really happen.
Sad to see the corruption genre not being in the top 5 but at least Ex-Tia and Herencia (so maybe Sailor Element) are being considered :D
Sad to see the corruption genre not being in the top 5 but at least Ex-Tia and Herencia (so maybe Sailor Element) are being considered :D

Yeah really weird if you ask me, i mean Ex is all about corruption so you would assume it would be there
Yeah really weird if you ask me, i mean Ex is all about corruption so you would assume it would be there

Well four of the five most popular genres were romance, fantasy, action/battle and school life and technically Exs-Tia does fulfill those criteria (depending on the route of course). I think the great thing about Exs-Tia is that it does has something for everyone. I'd compare the Exs-tia series to Alicesoft's Choukou Sennin/Choukou Tenshi series. If Exs-Tia does well in the west hopefully that'll motivate Lusterise to finally make a finale for the franchise/Exs-tia 4.

Though I am surprised Exs-Tia managed to get more votes than Koihime. I've always assumed that was the most famous and most popular amongst western audiences.
Does anyone have a copy of pin-point's prism shine (装甲戦姫プリズムシャイン~正義のヒロイン堕落の洗脳調教~) by any chance? I tried yesterday, but couldn't find any live torrents or downloads.
Someone may remember that I was working on a translation for Shinsou Seiki Elementia. I actually restarted from zero, as it really sucked. It's still made using GT, but it is way better than it used to. Maybe in a far future I'll be able to "relase" it. Or maybe not.

Does anyone have a copy of pin-point's prism shine (装甲戦姫プリズムシャイン~正義のヒロイン堕落の洗脳調教~) by any chance? I tried yesterday, but couldn't find any live torrents or downloads.

And here you have. For once I actually have the installation files! Once you're done tell me, because I'm running out of space on my cloud.
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VenusBlood ORBIT coming soon !
orbite never heart about it befor ? it is this
and how long is soon ?

Bye the way it look very good it have
think i was hoping :
a corruption
a corruption game of angel
AND a corruption game from dualtail.
it half unexpect ( i was half believe that nitail have the manpower to do two game in same time ).
But really good new :)
i not sure but it probaly a feburayr or mars realease date hopefully the game will be translate in english too but is unlikely
corruption is totaly confirm in the game But don't go in the site if you don't be spoil for now not a a lot of spoil but a least one character have the corrupt form reveal but i don't have fullly check it so maybe it have more
Venus blood orbit is a gacha game on android/ios/pc. It said will start service this winter in the website. From the look of it, only Ssr have corrupted form
Venus blood orbit is a gacha game on android/ios/pc. It said will start service this winter in the website. From the look of it, only Ssr have corrupted form

i don't know what is a gacha game but it do not sound good.
i don't know what is a gacha game but it do not sound good.

It's like those "free to play" mobile games that make money with microtransactions and have you unlock things with lootboxes and similar.
The japanese variants is usually implemented with "cards" or similar that you have to find at random and level them up by making them fight.
Think games like fate grand order or kantai collection.
...Yeah, it's as bad as it sounds.
Android? Count me in. Browser game is such a pain. And gameplay looks like Priconne too so I'm watching it for now
not another gacha if i dont have enough gacha games sucking on my wallet already xD, prolly gonna skip this
Still can't find the expected release date for VBO...
Anyone has an estimated range?


I saw someone said something about this winter or something... But when is the japanese "winter" anyway?

Still can't find the expected release date for VBO...
Anyone has an estimated range?


I saw someone said something about this winter or something... But when is the japanese "winter" anyway?


"The Japanese winter is a relatively brief one starting around the beginning of December and running through to the end of February or at the latest, mid-March." Cited from

Btw also found this game while i was surfing on dlsite, description says there's dark path classes for each character, so i'm just gonna leave the link here:
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