Count to a million

30401...great....but i guess it's time for me to sleep>.<

see ya tomorrow:bye:
#30403. G'night Nawi.

Haven't you played 'The Epilogue' part of Persona 3 FES? That shows what happens to the protagonist after the game finishes and Margaret speaks of what happens to Elizabeth when you fight her as a secret boss in P4. :goodtea:
#30408. Hello Selvaria. It's a shame, but I must take my leave now. Talk to you later~ :goodtea:

30411 Nothing much on my side as well just relaxing a bit after school and enjoying that it is weekend now for me :)
30413 Well it is because of the time difference ;)

How long do you have back at work before it is closing-time for you??
30419 Hi Zoa. Doesn't sound good that you oversleept, but it happens from time to time for even the best :)
30421 Yeah I can see that it is a bit of a problem, but if it was some important lessons then you will just have to read up on it later :)
30423 It is just typical that you tend to forget things when you are late ;)

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