...Ja yoku kike ne... Boku wa Hungarian no kiboodoo ga aru de gozaru yo...~ Saa... Boku no ryuu ima o wakatta yo...~?
Peering around as if to check the alley~ He beckoned them towards a small door~ Powerful seals felt when the door was opened~ Leaving a little pressure on the two~ Now the shopkeeper repeated "We must know how you obtained that medallion before we can say anything more~"
43072 The pair looked at each other. After heaving a sigh the boy told them about what happened in the previous world in short.
"As I thought, The Blaze medallion..." shopkeeper said.~
43073 A little nod exchanged by the shopkeeper and the man as they said "follow along" and started walking towards the back of the room~ The pair follow along and stare with surprise as they walk through the wall~ A head stuck through to call "are you coming or not?" before disappearing again~ Warily the pair continue through and find themselves in a massive cavern filled with people in hooded robes~ Then the shopkeeper said "I am Mavis" and continued with "Welcome to Hiltop~"
43074 The cavern they entered was a lot larger then the house they were in just a second ago, so they have guessed that they were transported in another location. The cavern was round. It was about 15 meters high, and had a diameter of at least half a kilometer. The cavern had it's own buildings, it's own people. It was as if they had wondered into another city. As the pair stared in awe at this scenery before them, the shopkeeper continued.~
43075 With a hint of pride he said "I am the leader of this division and i will offer you the information we have on the amulet if you agree to offer us your aid~" To the confusion of the pair~