Dreams dreams dreams~

@ Sam

Heart-shaped tattoo. Sound good?

I would like slave robots that dress as elves... please?

Blackhole in that backpack. >_>

@ Genki

And you suddenly bump your head on pole, tumble, and fall in a manhole~ All you because you dreamed while being awake by day~
Hmm ;R /me wakes up from dream while being awake by day, and falls into sleep instead zZZZZz Then starts to climbs up out of manhole while 'sleepwalking'.

<Genki is just full of autonomous protection mechanisms.
/me dreamt she casually stepped all over Genki

For Sam to post his dreams in his own thread, instead of that other dream thread, it makes me wonder why take such action? Is there something more or am I overthinking this? Hope he feels better by 'releasing his dreams' in written form.
/me wakes up surprisingly relaxed and tender, like he had a foot massage. Wait where is all this oil coming from... :?

I sleepwalk>hopefully I don't sleep talk.

Maybe just overthinking 「o,o/ But wasn't the other thread also one of his own dream threads ? I could probably make some guesses, but; I am too unsure of them.

Edit: okay just my wild guess is he's actually happier now than usual < But, both melancholy and happiness I thought can give some increased creative activity of sorts.
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Hmm? The other thread wasnt mine~ I made this so sova might post but he hadnt for a while xD At least not here =w= Also... the other dream thread was in general discussion and whatnot I think? So we dont get to freely chat there... o.o

Can it be a temporary tattoo? o.o

Lol x3 Why not..~ Would fit with mokou's theme of mechanical creations..~

Hammer space xD Or what was that trope... x3
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I guess that's the feeling. Your dreams seem more 'full' when written here than in the other thread.

The tattoo is removable if you like.

Hmm... Genki and Sam become Mokou's assistants to assist the troubled elf robots on their quest for more bear material for their hover craft.
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Hmm... the other thread contained some older dreams as well..~ So maybe it is also a difference in writing skill?..~

Okies~ Heart tattoo it is~

Bear... i wonder where the other half of the bear is at x3 Perhaps the storage room..~ Can probably find other materials as well~
|o.o.` Bears !
and hover crafts...

I thought she was building an Ark for all the animals. Or did I sleep many centuries until the advent of hovercrafts.

It makes me envision something alternative to the planet of the apes movie suddenly...A bunch of Yogi bears flying around in hovercrafts.

It would be so much easier if you meant BEER materials for their hoovercrafts. Hoovercrafts running on BEER as fuel ! (no one can yet figure out why they seem to swirls around so much though, people have just started to referring to them as "Drunk" hovercrafts, and politicians are still fighting the crime wave of drunks drinking the beer of other peoples vehicles !)

This reminds me I had the most odd dream...but it's already vague now what it was about. Pity, cause it was one of the weirder types. And I think it involved someone from around here. I'll try remembering.

Ah, I didn't pay much attention to what part the last dream thread was in. But this one feels nice, fresh. Smells like lemon.
Hmm... just had a dream about an amusement park... was trying to eat fried rice on the roller coaster... too bad I cant remember who was in the dream >< An indoor roller coaster through the dark... was fun at least =w= Till I had to wake..

I prefer bear to beer =w=
『Since all these bumps on the thread reminded me of it, I might as well write up the mad dream I saw tonight...』

『I don't remember when exactly this dream started and don't feel like this was beginning, but I can remember only from this moment... It was evening outside. The building I live in is a 9-story building with 3 different entrances and about 4 appartment rooms per each entrance's floor... I was inside at the stairs between 8th and 9th floor I think and was writing something on the window with a knife... The light of sunset fell on the window from outside and made messages easily readable... [MENTION=78507]Satori[/MENTION] ; was standing near me. For some reason we didn't talk to each other but took turns writing on the window as if chatting in skype... It continued like that until sun disappeared beyond the horizon. Then I noticed that it was getting noisy in front of the house and decided to go check... Satori was nowhere to be seen anymore...』
『As I got up to 9th floor and into the elevator to get down because it was a pain going down the stairs I noticed that there were people there that I knew... (Not sure who but I think one of them was Ravan) I got stiff as they asked me if I was going down too... I realized that they were there on the same floor and have seen me scratching on the window with a knife and asked that kind of an obvious question (we were on highest floor, obviously we can only go down) as an attempt to switch topic and not make me realize... But the thing I asked them instead seemed strange... I asked "Was I alone back there?" to which they gave me very puzzled looks never replying until the elevator arrived at the 1st floor. I already knew what that awkward silence was... I knew best that Satori was actually just a plot of my imagination... But now they knew too... But when I came back to myself, they already scattered somewhere... I got outside the building...』
『There were lots of different animals and humans around... I think there were like 4 people with dogs there. As I went towards them they started barking at me from different sides as if leading further away from the building. There were some more animals but I don't remember what. In the end, I got to the middle of the field in front of the building and there I saw a really big bear. It was a grizzly bear but was about the size of an elephant... It's fur was so fluffy... It had some projector attached to it's head and when it pointed it at the sky, it turned on projecting a large purple beam with a sound as if it was shooting... I guessed that someone wanted to make people think that bear was launching purple beams at the sky... I heard people's amazed voices about how cool, beautiful, cute the bear was and about how some girl wanted to hug it and mother of that girl not letting her... I just started walking away towards the neighboring building. On my way there I kept getting my path cut off by people holding snakes in their arms. In the end I somehow got past them and went towards the building.』
『In that building, my grandma that is pretty much the ruler of the family from shadows lived. For some reason I forgot the key from my own appartment at her house so I was going to get them back. When I approached the building I noticed that nobody was around anymore and sounds from the field could no longer be heard... It was awefully quiet... And then one of the people I rode in the elevator with (Ravan I think) came up to me with his eyes being glowing red and started going on about how the grandma was evil and his family couldn't live happily because of her thus they just died. He started going on about how it was my fault for not killing grandma yet and stuff like that. I couldn't care less about his blabbering... He knew that Satori was just my imagination so he had to die. I used the knife I had and stabbed his chest with it... He disappeared into ash and I simply continued on my way to grandma's house.』
『It was another appartment building. It had 5 floors and 3 appartment rooms on each floor at the stair hall. I entered it and noticed that lights were off on some floors as well as the fact that door to basement that was usually closed was opened. I didn't give it much attention as I started rising to the 3rd floor to grandma's room. But when I got to 2nd floor, I heard the sound of door leading to outside being closed and locked and then footsteps leading up the stairs. I realized that it was a trap and someone else was coming after me and hurried to grandma's room. But hurrying too much I accidentally got 1 floor higher than intended. The steps going after me intensified and soon caught up to me while I was waiting for door to someone I didn't know to be opened. I turned around and suddenly all lights turned on and I realized that it was the grandma I was coming to. I think it was something along the lines of breaker breaking and her going down to fix it and noticing me on the way. I got my keys from her and a magazine filled with half-solved nonogram... I tried solving it but couldn't for some reason... It was half-solved incorrectly... As I was trying to solve it, Satori was standing near me watching but I could no longer see her... And as I gave up on the nonogram, I woke up...』

『About the last part, I was already waking up so I myself realized that Satori was there, but the me in the dream still couldn't see her...』
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Bears are a bit~ dangerous *seen to much documentary stories with bears.

Well I def had a dream. But, it got NSFW. I'll leave most in the dream realm. In short I was hiding somewhere with this girl..emh, and we didn't want to be found. But just in case, we had an eye on both kind of opening to the room/space, and when we got a bit snuggly and explorative with each others, we where both mentally prepared to quickly roll around if we heard anything, and just pretend we lay sleepily under the covers, secretly smiling with one eye half open c;

[MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION]; tl;dr for the moment, maybe later, I'm a bit curious to see what you could dream up.
『So I guess you didn't read that other dream I posted here either? :/』
『How should I explain it... I think you should know that feeling when dreams end with your point of view suddenly going from 1st person view through the back and then backing away into camera of 3rd person view? It was that kind of ending and when I exited the eyes of myself from the dream and was backing away I noticed Satori standing there before I finally woke up. Still not sure I explained this properly xD』
dreams dreams dreams I shall read your dreams
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; ojou sama~ [MENTION=25147]MokouX13[/MENTION];

The relevant part of the dream started around the time I was playing games. It was a defense game where you send units across the field and the opponent sends theirs across as well. I was getting swarmed by bulls because I had no idea what I was doing at the start. The game allowed the player to choose four skills (units and spells) and I had customized the current one to favor ranged... sorta... My first unit was a mage... with a giant sword and a metal rod on his back. He wears a ram or bull skull and looked more like a death knight than a mage. Also acted more like a death knight than a mage since he rarely cast his magic and preferred hacking at enemies... My second was a heavily armored centaur with a crossbow. He was a proper range unit until he got in melee range. The third slot was a spell which increased the speed and power of ranged units by 35%... This wasn't a great set up if the power bonus only applied to ranged attacks... My last was a heavy axeman for the front line, though it was questionable whether the other two might work just as well. I basically just clicked at the units and spells randomly at the start in somewhat of a panic (it isn't particularly pleasant to see bulls charging at you). The spell seemed to work to push back the rampaging bulls, but I didn't know it only had two uses before it switched to another skill. After the golden aura faded from the mages and centaurs, I clicked to cast it again. A small vortex sucked up a quarter of my units and cursed them. I noticed the card changed this time I and it was now a dragon unit. I just left the dragons to finish the battle since they seemed more than capable.

I was talking with mokou and ojou sama on skype up until I noticed that mess of bulls and returned to talking with them now that it had settled. We send random videos to each other, mostly touhou from mokou. An odd conversation popped up about wishes and love. It went along the lines of kissing someone and chanting some words 27 times.

A girl, I don't quite remember who, walked in and I realized I was not quite at home. I was sitting on a bed and there was a short wall (reached up to my shoulder while I was sitting) that separated the room into two sections. There was someone on a computer in the other half, so I guess this was a shared room. Anyhow I hid under the covers. The girl started talking to me and trying to get me out of hiding. She was tugging on the blanket, so I poked my head out and got an accidental kiss... It would have been awkward if my first thought wasn't a wish that it could've been someone else I won't mention. I went back under the covers and wondered if this could work for that wish. For some reason I wanted to go to a national park, although I'm not sure where. I chanted the park name 27 times and the girl sneaked under the covers as well to see what I was doing. My sister was running around the house calling everyone to dinner, so I popped out from under the blanket. I found two tokens with the park's name on the table. I assume they were the ticket in... unless the wish just gave me a souvenir from the park... The dream ended with dinner.
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[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; ojou sama~ [MENTION=25147]MokouX13[/MENTION];

The relevant part of the dream started around the time I was playing games. It was a defense game where you send units across the field and the opponent sends theirs across as well. I was getting swarmed by bulls because I had no idea what I was doing at the start. The game allowed the player to choose four skills (units and spells) and I had customized the current one to favor ranged... sorta... My first unit was a mage... with a giant sword and a metal rod on his back. He wears a ram or bull skull and looked more like a death knight than a mage. Also acted more like a death knight than a mage since he rarely cast his magic and preferred hacking at enemies... My second was a heavily armored centaur with a crossbow. He was a proper range unit until he got in melee range. The third slot was a spell which increased the speed and power of ranged units by 35%... This wasn't a great set up if the power bonus only applied to ranged attacks... My last was a heavy axeman for the front line, though it was questionable whether the other two might work just as well. I basically just clicked at the units and spells randomly at the start in somewhat of a panic (it isn't particularly pleasant to see bulls charging at you). The spell seemed to work to push back the rampaging bulls, but I didn't know it only had two uses before it switched to another skill. After the golden aura faded from the mages and centaurs, I clicked to cast it again. A small vortex sucked up a quarter of my units and cursed them. I noticed the card changed this time I and it was now a dragon unit. I just left the dragons to finish the battle since they seemed more than capable.

I was talking with mokou and ojou sama on skype up until I noticed that mess of bulls and returned to talking with them now that it had settled. We send random videos to each other, mostly touhou from mokou. An odd conversation popped up about wishes and love. It went along the lines of kissing someone and chanting some words 27 times.

A girl, I don't quite remember who, walked in and I realized I was not quite at home. I was sitting on a bed and there was a short wall (reached up to my shoulder while I was sitting) that separated the room into two sections. There was someone on a computer in the other half, so I guess this was a shared room. Anyhow I hid under the covers. The girl started talking to me and trying to get me out of hiding. She was tugging on the blanket, so I poked my head out and got an accidental kiss... It would have been awkward if my first thought wasn't a wish that it could've been someone else I won't mention. I went back under the covers and wondered if this could work for that wish. For some reason I wanted to go to a national park, although I'm not sure where. I chanted the park name 27 times and the girl sneaked under the covers as well to see what I was doing. My sister was running around the house calling everyone to dinner, so I popped out from under the blanket. I found two tokens with the park's name on the table. I assume they were the ticket in... unless the wish just gave me a souvenir from the park... The dream ended with dinner.

/me senses it was a wet dream

Sounds more about things in reality that you kind of want to happen.

I could be wrong.

I would like to believe that the bulls represent you in a way: to be manlier, take charge, go head on, don't be afraid

The latter might be your 'desire'. You may not realize it or think about it, but perhaps it is your subconscious.

And I can still be wrong about it all.

The part with Mokou and I seems the most 'stable' or not really 'getting messed up' from the bulls or kissing. Maybe we were there to help transition from one scene to another or provoke something.

Overall, pretty neat dream. I like that you try to recall as much detail as possible which is quite a feat.
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Nope not a wet dream...

Hmm... I dunno... the last time I almost got an (accidental?) kiss was someone trying to force meh and I just had no idea what was happening @_@

But I was fighting against it or is that why O.o Subconsciously wanting to be manlier... actively opposed to it... with dragons... xD

Mehs.. I wouldve preferred just chatting for longer xD Or maybe remembering more about what we were talking about...

Thank you..~ Though I feel this dream is a bit lacking in detail compared to the previous... It was a bit more rushed in terms of time to write..~
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A very, very wet dream... Pervert xD

Was it the initial shock of being kissed in which you felt like you "didn't know what was happening"?

/me agrees with the idea that the bulls and dragons are there to make you manlier :goodtea:

Chats... of love? <3

No, we should thank you for sharing the dream~

You can tweak it later if you recall any more details. Could come back to you or don't~
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Ehh... but I was just hiding half the dream @_@

Oh.. the kiss was just out of nowhere from a girl I had just met that day... @_@ She has... voices in her head? Forget what that was called... Im not sure if she actually managed to since I was just pulling away after she grabbed my head @_@ Happened too fast...

Well everything there was kinda bulky @_@ Death knights.. centaurs... the such... I doubt I could compare...

More like chats of randomness I would say x3 I dunno how we ended up with that odd wish thingy.. perhaps talking about witches and supernatural stuffs?..~

Ehh... perhaps if I finish writing stuff for the mg..~ Sort of the reason I didnt spend tons of time on this one~
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Half the dream should be about girls in bikinis drenched in whipped cream and chocolate sauce. (I only added the cream and sauce because I just ate ice-cream) xD

She actually sounds like a swell girl. I'd like to know her~ :3

Hmm... did you ever say anything about it to her?

/me initiates 60 minute workouts for Sam

Let's get you pumped!

That kissing thing sounds like those chain mails or memes in which you "need to send it 10 times or repeat a name 50 times" and pass it on.

Is MG really occupying your time? Or is it personal life?
I doubt thatll ever happen O.o At least not in my dreams o.o Normally dressed is fine...

Well she has a bf and actually tried doing the same to someone else earlier that day @_@ Soo.... I have no contact with her anyhow... She slapped another girl three times that day...

Ehh.. well... @_@ I would like workouts more if I could multitask during them xD I tried reading while on the bicycle thingies but it was too shaky =w= Also cant draw or write...

Lol it sort of does... xD Except a bit more difficult to actually make work that just passing it on =w=

Well school is semi busy and I have little personal life so that just goes to the mg xD Just putting whatever spare time I have into it..~
So.. We are supposed to share our dreams here?

I suddenly find my self in a situation where everything was normal, I woke up in my room while my PC is still on with Anime OST playing in winamp. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face as usual, when I stare at the mirror I realize that my hair has grown 10-15cm longer than it's suppose to be but I didn't mind it. Heading into the bathroom I take a quick bath and get some clothes on, then I go to school. Once I get there I go straight to my class and take my usual seat by the door.

The lecture starts.

As usual I doze of when the teacher starts teaching since I already cover those materials the night before. after some time I hear the teacher called a name that is familiar to me but I didn't recognize that name as my nickname for my daily life at school and other public places. "Rimu" the teacher called, "Could you wake up and tell us about how this formula is used on such problems?" and at first I just confused and let it slip but the teacher called few times after that until I'm sure that he is calling me. In the confusion I stand up and do what he wanted me to do. When I return to my seat a friend who sat beside me said "Hey, Rimu, could you tell me how it's done?" then I tell him that 'Rimu' is my nick name when I do cosplays and such but then he answered that I once told him about my cosplay nickname which is "Prima" my real name. And I was confused even more, not to mention that he says "Isn't that your nickname when you do those beautiful boys character cosplays?"

Break session comes...

I rush to the school bathroom and enter the boys toilet without thinking and someone kick me out, then I learning from what just happened I enter the girls bathroom and go straight to the mirror there. and there I was speechless and confused to find my self in a girls uniform and I was a genuine girl. Then I pass the day as normal as I could especially when I found out that my girlfriend turns into a tall and manly bishonen (Kinda like it tough... )

Right after I go to bed and start to sleep I wake up and find my self as my normal self again......
Gender bent dreams xD I had a couple of those before... mostly while I was playing alice in fear's mg =w= Then continued with ariya in sova's mg... all the magics :bigeyes: Your dream seems fairly normal though~ xD

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