Dreams dreams dreams~

『The dream I saw today was kinda too hazy (only remember being in snow plains, charging, being launched into air, falling 1 meter away from place I was launched from, breaking through my drawer while expecting thousand of spiders to come out of it and then being called useless by some girl that launched me) but trying to remember it I remembered the dream I saw yesterday so decided to write it up instead xD』

『I don't really remember when the dream started but I remember being in the bar I lived in with 4 other close people. Other than me I think it was 2 girls and 2 guys. The only real thing we shared was the fact that we all had some special ability. 1 guy had ability to reinforce his body, 1 girl had some impressive memorizing ability remembering anything she saw even once exceptionally clearly and being able to repeat any action showed to her even once (except special abilities), 1 other guy had teleportation and I'm not sure what the last girl was able of... I also didn't remember my own ability at this point.』
『It was early evening. I left the bar we were living in. It looked kinda old and ruined so I think its not that we kept the bar but lived in the abandoned one... I went to university that was kinda away for 500 meters. I remember hearing from the last girl that there were lots of murder incidents happening in the region and she had a bad feeling so I should be warry. I'm not sure if she just saw the news (unlikely since bar didn't have electricity I think) or she found that info with her ability but either way I just decided to follow her advice as I went to university.』
『The way to the university was skipped and I was already inside the place looking... for the way out... I went around the building passing through different classes that had lessons in session saying 『Don't mind me.』 to them until I finally found the way out.』
『Once outside, I noticed that it was already dark and street lights were already on. The only way home was to pass around the corner on the street but I already saw what around it even without going there. There was a corpse lying there in the pool of it's own blood and a policeman investigating the scene. Suddenly I got a nosebleed. Holding my nose with a hand I went there and turned around the corner confirming the scene. I started going through it even though there were "Do not pass" yellow lines there spraying the blood from my nose that ran like a waterfall all over the scene. Yet again, I said 『Don't mind me, just passing through...』 to policeman as I went near some hardly-noticable underground storage. Immediately I realized what was inside and turned around to policeman saying that he should check it. Right afterwards by nosebleed stopped and I started running. Running as fast away as I could.』
『As it usually happens in dreams, running was difficult and legs didn't follow my commands that well but I somehow managed to continue running at the fast pace. But then I realized that I had skateboard so I threw it in front of me and then jumped on it and started riding away. As I was riding away, even without looking back I saw that back at the crime scene, policemen took out another policeman that was hiding in the underground storage and were beating him to half/death right at the scene. The culprit behind the murder was another policeman. I finally got to the bar but noticed that only the 1st guy that had reinforcement ability was there. It was wrong... Everyone should have been here... I immediately ran out of the bar and started running back at the crime scene. I remembered that I never got the look at the victim's body and I had an incredibly bad feeling.』
『And when I was running along the street again, suddenly explossions started happening from the building on the right with glass breaking and raining down on the street like a rain. The guy seemed to have followed me and then ripped a door of a truck nearby and used it as a shield against glass for us. From all the loud sounds and explossions, machines parked on the road had their alarms ringing, people were screaming, and although it was a night, fire from the building completely lighted up the place.』
『The 2 of us were just running forward. But then I saw another thing. Out of us 5, the 2 girls were already dead... The girl that had awesome memorization got blown up in the explossions and the girl that warned me was the victim of that street murder. Next thing I saw was that there was a gas pipe beneath us... I thought we were done for, but then guy with teleportation teleported us along with a everything in the range of around 25 meters around me elsewhere making us escape explossion. Reinforced guy sighed saying that we were safe, but I explained to him that it had no meaning as the 2 girls were already dead... Then I think I thought of something about how the fates of us 5 were connected and how the 3 of us will die anyway and this world was done for. And then, I just woke up.』

『Now that I think about it, I think I had some sort of clairvoyance or remote viewing xD』
I can't remember much about this dream. It didn't last until the time I woke (probably because I woke earlier on for some reason), so didnt remember that I had the dream until I actually thought about it. The dream took place in a large castle like building. There was probably a harry potter inflience here. I believe that I arrived here during the day, but I can't remember much of that part. I was wandering around the building at night and met a friend (or two). I can't quite remember who. I think I was looking for something, though we were normally not allowed to leave our dorms at night. The walls were orange or perhaps cream with the light of flames making it more orange. The halls were spacious and ceilings high. The windows were ornate with long vertical strips of glass creating a pointed arch. Everything was quite dark as the flames were too weak to light most of the chambers. We spent most of the dream just walking around although we met a professor at the end and she pointed out the way we were supposed to go. The dream ended (was interrupted) as we entered a room.
『Thats a pretty normal dream... Or at least kinda uneventful. Unless you got your memory erased about how you got into the castle... And then you were looking for the way to get memory back and get out... And evil professor is the mastermind...』
Lol I got the dream during a nap so it wasnt very long... also that I woke in the middle of it all =w=
『Just this messy dream I saw tonight... I'm pretty sure it had much more than I will write, but this is pretty much all that I can remember...』

I'm not sure if this was where dream started but the earliest fragment I remember is myself being with [MENTION=78507]Satori[/MENTION] ; but... We were both 3 and 4 years old respectively... Yet we weren't like some real toddlers but like anime lolis. We were talking to each other (I think it was quite a high level of conversation for that age) about something but then it appeared. It was a big llama made out of gas... Or was it smoke? It was grey but I thought it was gas at first... And then the llama spoke. It spoke something in a highly maner and then we obtained some super powers...
Some lots of weird stuff happened here but I don't remember it well enough >_< Not sure what exactly happened, but as a result of it, the whole world was now filled with super powers.
The dream skips through quite a few years afterwards. I'm not sure what age I was at here, but pretty sure it should've been at least 17. I was hacking into different databases and stuff in order to help a detective search for some girl that was kidnapped... Or was it the other way around and detective was the one helping..? Either way, I don't remember who was the one that kidnapped but I'm 100% sure I did some hacking. We went into the house of the girl and started investigating it. I was doing something on my laptop and from the light I saw reflection of my face in it... It looked exactly like CUL. I continued working on laptop, I think that for some reason I was hiding my true identity and at the moment was looking over a similar disappearing/kidnapping case that was reported in this area. I stopped working with laptop after I explained the similar case to detective that was searching the rooms for clues and went over to him. He was examining the balcony. I think it was on the second floor. After some examinations, we somehow make the whole balcony disappear and make a steel bars appear instead of it and it looked like they were broken at the ceiling so they fell over horizontally and made a sort of a platform in front of the house. For some reason it had plush toys scattered on it so I immediately went out and started collecting them before the fell through openings in steel bars and on earth outside. It was then that I sensed someone's killing intent at me from outside. It felt familiar... I had 5 or 6 faces flash through my mind. Most likely the kidnapping was done by some organization that I already met in the past.
I think something more happened but when I realized I was walking along the street pretending to be a normal high scool girl returning from school when I noticed a guy from that organization walk past, he didn't notice me since I was disguised. Another one from same organization was walking few steps behind him so as not to show they actually know each other. And for some reason that 2nd man had red shima-pantsu hanging from his belt for everyone to see... A passing by teacher saw him and in a single motion transformed into bluish-grey mecha-armor (quite similiar to Iron Men), got behind the man and then broke his neck. There was a small middle school grader boy standing behind who saw the whole thing and had a shocked impression on his face. Teacher saw the boy and said "Fire is warm and all, but if you touch it, you'll get BURNED." before disappearing somewhere. The first guy out of the organization got spooked and was nowhere to be seen. I continued my investigation elsewhere...
And yet again, I think there were some more messed stuff happening but I just can't quite remember it :/
『Here's the crazy dream I saw today...』
When the dream started I was already navigating some underground tunnels stalking this person who was looking for some document. I needed it too so the plan was to have him find it and then kill the man and take the document. I stalked him to some corner that had lots of books and documents and had a shop full of groceries across from it. Once there, he started searching over the documents. After some time he stopped to make a break and drink some juice, during that break I approached the shelves with documents and looked over them myself. They were filled with books of scientific titles mostly related to medicine. I think the document we were looking for was some medical research related to some unknown new sickness. There were rumors that in here you could even find a medical card of the first person who got sick with it. But then as I was too into searching, the man returned. I grabbed a random lady that was passing by and used her as a shield to hide behind from him. Surprisingly it worked and he noticed only the lady. He and the lady started talking without minding me holding her and hiding from behind about the document. Then they started arguing about how she thought he wasn't worthy the documents because he didn't drink enough apple juice and about how he thought that drinking banana and strawberry juice should've done the job. I somehow got my hands on the document that the lady apparently held and sneaked out returning to my ship... Yes, ship...
I got back to the ship from this giant underwater research facility and then sailed away. I was the captain of the ship so I gave commands while turning the wheel. But even though it was a fairly large ship, crew consisted of only 2 people. We were found soon enough and enemy galleons sailed forth after us. While maneuvering the seas and sinking down the enemy ships with cannons I realized that we somehow made a loop and returned to the facility... We were already surrounded so I made a bold move. I left the ship to the other person and jumped down into the ocean with a bicycle after shooting a whole through the underwater passage of facility with a cannon! I got sucked in right into it and then I started riding the bicycle through the underwater tunnels. But then when I turned around the corner, I hit some person who was standing in the tunnel looking at me! The vission went black.
When I opened my eyes I was no longer in underwater research facility but in some other large strange building. I knew that there were only 2 people in here. Me and some guy that wanted to hunt me down. I had to escape. I ran around the building meeting the guy from time to time and dodging his attacks before shoving him off to fall of the stairs. There were lots of stairs to shove him off around... I continued running away until I found a TV. I turned it on and some show was showing on it. It was some fighting show of "awakened" white-haired people fighting each other on the scene of some live concert. Apparently it was the Survival Mode where one had to fight many fighters in a row with a single hp gauge. The person currently fighting defeated all his enemies before the last one but got his chin kicked and KOed on the very last one. I stopped watching the TV and noticed that I was now outside and no longer in that building, not to mention no TVs were around. I didn't mind that, got into black limousine and then woke up after closing it's door.
Hmm this one was really random O.o I wonder... what dream did I have last night... >< Cant remember... School has been on mind for a while...
/me had a dream where he was watching 'something' on a screen, while trying to sit on a cardboard box....but then he could not be able to sit comfortable no matter how. orz

It was very interesting...
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; ojou sama~
The dream then changed when I went back to sleep. I was in some dormitory complex and part of my dorm resembled my house in a twisted way. I wandered into the halls of white with a sea green light on the walls, similar to how light reflects off the surface of water. I was to the left of a T intersection, in the hallway that stretched off to the left and right. In front to the right, there was a long hallway with windows along the side. It was a bridge connecting to another building. To the right, there was a railing above what I believe was the living room (I didn't get a good look) and marble steps leading down to it. I went to the room in front (door was around the corner) and got my art supplies. I'm not really sure why they would be in someone's room, but it seemed to be somewhat of a studio or store. There was a display case to the right where other people leaned their art supplies against. A couple shelves were behind the display case and a window was to the right (left in my view) of it. To the left was a (king sized?) bed and three doors. Two doors were probably closets with the last a bathroom. I set up an easel and painted for a while. Someone walked in after a while and he grabbed his bag of art supplies. Ojou sama came in later and flopped onto the bed. I was quite surprised to see her, although I guess it wouldn't be unusual if we lived in the same dorm. She then said that there was too many people in her bathroom, so I pointed her to the one here. I had an urge to go back to my room and ran off after a bit. It apparently had a second floor under and another bathroom. This one was mostly blocked by a bookshelf with less than a foot of space to slip through. Beyond was the morning light, shining through the open door. I went back upstairs and to another bathroom where I brushed my teeth and poked at the new wisdom tooth. I went in a room to the right and found ojou sama again. I would guess that this was her room. The dream ended as we were walking out.
『Not sure where is the start of the dream or where is the finish, which dream is a part of another and which is a different dream since I have been waking up and falling asleep repeatedly... But here it is, the dream I saw yesterday~』

『At some point of time I have been starting and playing some new game I got... I don't remember much about it but just remember that it had an incredible amount of information, terms and different unique stuff in it. I think you could choose different forces to play as and I was listening a briefing about some ancient knight house that I was thinking to choose. Overall there seemed to be over 20 different forces and I was still in decision. But then something happened (I think I got awakened for few seconds) and I was no longer playing that game. Instead I was already playing ff14. It seemed like they finally fixed the system I didn't like in the game so I was immersed into playing. And then after playing for some time and beating some boss I woke up.(still in the dream)』
『But I woke up inside a college while lying on 2 chairs lined up. I understood that me playing both of the games was a dream I saw. It looked like I slept through whole 3rd lesson like that and teacher couldn't get me to wake up thus gave up. I asked if we have a 4th lesson and the guy I knew said there was but it was meh. I said then I'll skip and went out of classroom and started going down the stairs. Right in front of stairs was exit and I went right through. Once I stepped for 10 meters outside, I heard a voice stopping me. It was some older person so I thought a teacher or someone was stopping me to ask why I exited but apparently it was some people giving cards to everyone who left the building for some reason. I don't know why but I decided to take one as well. I thought it was some card about leaving early but it was something completely different. On the card, there was a picture of a gorilla that said something about it being on a run and that "Things might not be what they seem to be...". As I was pondering over the meaning of this, I approached the stairs to go down the mountain slope.』
『But it was a pain going down the slope so I hanged from it's edge and jumped down on the stone ark. From it I hanged down and jumped on another stone ark and repeating the process jumping to total of 4 times, I reached the bottom... I was in the greeny field now and I saw a puppy come by. I thought it was cute as I noticed another doggy. It was also cute but it wasn't one either. I started moving further and noticed more and more small animals. There were no longer only dogs but cats, hedgehogs, seals, smallish bears and even owls too. All were small, about the size of football ball at maximum and all were cute. I took out my phone and started trying to take pictures of the owls but they kept turning or running away. And then some kid in animal clothes noticed what I was doing. I immediately sensed killing intent and started mixing into crows of people in animal suits that appeared from nowhere. I was running away and I felt the kid chasing me. I went through dark tunnels and went to some place with metal gates. It was dark as at night. All the gates seemed to have been closed for some reason so I had to go around. But I could no longer feel kid's presence so it was okay.』
『I somehow slipped out and went out of door from the side of the building. It was day and sky was bright blue. Trees were green and except for some street roads, green grass was everywhere. I got down from platform I was at and started going to bus stop that I was planning to use. But once I got it and looked at the shadow made by sun and street pole, suddenly dark music started playing as if a rare/dangerous enemy appeared in game. Something or someone that kinda looked like girl started appearing in the corner of bus stop. I took out a handgun out of my pocket and shot it twice. The music got toned down but it wasn't gone. I shot it once more and after letting some *fsssssh*'ing sound, music stopped. I let out a sigh and woke up for real now. xD』
This dream had influences of the mg and drmmo. It may have been season fate but seems a bit more like season crown. The mg part was labyrinth. There was also borderlands creatures within.

At the furthest I can remember, this dream started with quest. I was with others at the bottom of a small valley (if it could even qualify for that). Surrounding this irregularly shaped space was nearly vertical walls of light brownish stone. The forest at the top of the cliff seemed to be tropical, although there was nothing but grass down in this clearing. I believe the hunted creature was something like a warthog and it had minions running around. There was four or so around me and we had probably retreated.

The dream then follows Sova, Takao, and Leon running around a field. They were testing their abilities on the creatures around and otherwise causing a ruckus. Then the dream moved on to following Judas who had a modification where he gained stats with every strike. He slashed at a thresher (worm like creature in borderlands) and then ran around striking creatures as he passed. I think he ended up with quite a group following him.

We (I'm not sure how many, but perhaps ten or so) then appeared before a sorceress which I believe was the queen. The room was a bluish grey which might have been from her choice of lighting on a grey stone. She had a table covered with objects (I can't remember) and held a staff of wood which was slightly jagged at the tip. Behind her was a large statue of a woman wrapped in bandages with a hand shaped as if it had been holding something before. The queen wanted a sacrifice to the statue to revive the goddess and chose me to put the staff in her hand. The statue came alive and grabbed on when I placed it within her hand. The queen was delighted and wanted some wish granted but the goddess had other things on mind and ignored her. I believe that she gave us a quest before she wandered off.

We ended up at a restaurant next. It was a large wooden structure which had a slightly asian feel to it and it might have been a chinese restaurant. I met another group on the way up the stairs and the children were running around as they tend to. Someone walked by with a baby and I pat her on the head (so chubby). She was level two and had two abilities. We reached a round wooden table and ate, although I can't remember what. There was a negative feeling during the entire stay and I just knew that two people had died somewhere around. We started down the stairs suddenly someone pat my cheeks. I turned and saw that it was the baby from before, but for some reason she had leveled up to level four and her fourth ability was special. I was wondering how dinner could possibly level a baby up so fast and the negative feeling grew.

We walked outside the building and saw that it was more like a western style mansion with weathered stone walls and gothic towers pointing towards the cloudy grey sky. There was a large garden surrounded by white stone walls and paths went along the top of the walls. Directly out the door was two staircases, one to the left and one in front. On the ground level to the right, there was a metal fence with a gate where we were to leave. We needed to get down to the garden and pass under the arch created by the path above, but I saw no way down. The garden was split into three roughly square sections with a stone bridge connecting the two sides forming the two divides in the middle. The stairs only led up and after three flights to the left, there was something that looked like an outdoor bar. We went forward and the stairs turned to the left after the first flight. I saw a man laying against a column to the side of the bridge and another man quite like him standing in the middle of the passage. People started screaming about a window and I went over to the side and peered over the stone wall to see that someone was walking along the other path. A window of the mansion was falling out and I watched as it broke free from the wall. It slowly tumbled down towards the confused man, walking along unaware. Then it smashed on his head and he stumbled forward, wondering what could have hit him. He turned to find himself laying under the broken window. He had a slightly blueish glow in my sight and I realized he was a ghost. I talked with the person standing in the middle of the hall and he mumbled about his death. I continued up the stairs and found that the upper floor was quite large. It wasn't quite outdoor as there was a roof over it all and it extended at least 200 meters in from under the roof. There was a ballroom of ghostly dancers and many ghosts conversing around small round tables. Rows of chairs had been set up near the balcony and some ghosts watched the events unfold below. Others were a the bar and getting drunk, although I'm not sure how ghosts could eat or drink. A row of serving boys walked in with large slices of cake on paper plates and passed them to the ghosts. They wore a bright red uniform with gold buttons and tassels. Their hats were tall and had a gem with frills at the front. They seemed to see me as a servant and one of them asked me to help hand out the cake. The cake just seemed peculiar and I half expected the ghosts to drop after eating it, but I never got the chance to see as my alarm woke me.

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This dream had influences of the mg and drmmo. It may have been season fate but seems a bit more like season crown. The mg part was labyrinth. There was also borderlands creatures within.

At the furthest I can remember, this dream started with quest. I was with others at the bottom of a small valley (if it could even qualify for that). Surrounding this irregularly shaped space was nearly vertical walls of light brownish stone. The forest at the top of the cliff seemed to be tropical, although there was nothing but grass down in this clearing. I believe the hunted creature was something like a warthog and it had minions running around. There was four or so around me and we had probably retreated.

The dream then follows Sova, Takao, and Leon running around a field. They were testing their abilities on the creatures around and otherwise causing a ruckus. Then the dream moved on to following Judas who had a modification where he gained stats with every strike. He slashed at a thresher (worm like creature in borderlands) and then ran around striking creatures as he passed. I think he ended up with quite a group following him.

We (I'm not sure how many, but perhaps ten or so) then appeared before a sorceress which I believe was the queen. The room was a bluish grey which might have been from her choice of lighting on a grey stone. She had a table covered with objects (I can't remember) and held a staff of wood which was slightly jagged at the tip. Behind her was a large statue of a woman wrapped in bandages with a hand shaped as if it had been holding something before. The queen wanted a sacrifice to the statue to revive the goddess and chose me to put the staff in her hand. The statue came alive and grabbed on when I placed it within her hand. The queen was delighted and wanted some wish granted but the goddess had other things on mind and ignored her. I believe that she gave us a quest before she wandered off.

We ended up at a restaurant next. It was a large wooden structure which had a slightly asian feel to it and it might have been a chinese restaurant. I met another group on the way up the stairs and the children were running around as they tend to. Someone walked by with a baby and I pat her on the head (so chubby). She was level two and had two abilities. We reached a round wooden table and ate, although I can't remember what. There was a negative feeling during the entire stay and I just knew that two people had died somewhere around. We started down the stairs suddenly someone pat my cheeks. I turned and saw that it was the baby from before, but for some reason she had leveled up to level four and her fourth ability was special. I was wondering how dinner could possibly level a baby up so fast and the negative feeling grew.

We walked outside the building and saw that it was more like a western style mansion with weathered stone walls and gothic towers pointing towards the cloudy grey sky. There was a large garden surrounded by white stone walls and paths went along the top of the walls. Directly out the door was two staircases, one to the left and one in front. On the ground level to the right, there was a metal fence with a gate where we were to leave. We needed to get down to the garden and pass under the arch created by the path above, but I saw no way down. The garden was split into three roughly square sections with a stone bridge connecting the two sides forming the two divides in the middle. The stairs only led up and after three flights to the left, there was something that looked like an outdoor bar. We went forward and the stairs turned to the left after the first flight. I saw a man laying against a column to the side of the bridge and another man quite like him standing in the middle of the passage. People started screaming about a window and I went over to the side and peered over the stone wall to see that someone was walking along the other path. A window of the mansion was falling out and I watched as it broke free from the wall. It slowly tumbled down towards the confused man, walking along unaware. Then it smashed on his head and he stumbled forward, wondering what could have hit him. He turned to find himself laying under the broken window. He had a slightly blueish glow in my sight and I realized he was a ghost. I talked with the person standing in the middle of the hall and he mumbled about his death. I continued up the stairs and found that the upper floor was quite large. It wasn't quite outdoor as there was a roof over it all and it extended at least 200 meters in from under the roof. There was a ballroom of ghostly dancers and many ghosts conversing around small round tables. Rows of chairs had been set up near the balcony and some ghosts watched the events unfold below. Others were a the bar and getting drunk, although I'm not sure how ghosts could eat or drink. A row of serving boys walked in with large slices of cake on paper plates and passed them to the ghosts. They wore a bright red uniform with gold buttons and tassels. Their hats were tall and had a gem with frills at the front. They seemed to see me as a servant and one of them asked me to help hand out the cake. The cake just seemed peculiar and I half expected the ghosts to drop after eating it, but I never got the chance to see as my alarm woke me.

AAAAAAAAH...!!!:surprised: Text mass...!!!:dead:

Jk... Wow, the dream was indeed moved...:goodtea:
Sadly, the beginning of the dream is mostly fuzzy. The dream as a whole was quite action packed from what little I remember. So to start with the chunks I do have, there was an arena where we were all trapped. We knew where the exit was, but no one tried to leave. We met in the buildings and planned for the beast guarding the exit. The buildings were weathered and old. White was their primary color except for the broken chunks where the concrete behind was showing.
Outside was a forest of browns, the air thick with dust. A few rays of sunlight pierced through to the forest floor, but otherwise it was in a state of twilight. Most of the trees were tall with few branches lower down and the occasional root above the ground. I ran though the forest with a few others, looking warily about at the darker patches here and there.
We crossed under an arched gate of intertwining roots that we had avoided since the start. A building sat beyond, the last unexplored place. We entered a second gate and into a courtyard, each side with a thick wall of stone. Above the gate was something like an observation room with a roof of curved tiles, similar to that of Chinese architecture. Black windows kept those behind from sight. Within the courtyard was two smaller buildings with a similar roof. They were short enough to climb and some set up position on them. A few trees and bushes were within the building, but otherwise it was patches of grass. The ground slopes down towards the far side and reveals a doorway under the wall.
I went in with another girl and found that the sides were littered with seemingly random objects half embedded within the walls. Halfway through the tunnel, we hear a roar and ran back for the other side. A grizzly bear charged through the tunnel after us and the ones waiting fired upon it as soon as it came out of the tunnel. A second bear joined soon after, slightly smaller than the first. Those they swat down disappeared and many were gone within minutes. I leapt on the roof of one of the structures and then onto a ledge in the wall around. I ran along the ledge while the bear tried to reach me. There was perhaps two others left when I looked again, one cowering on the roof of a structure and the girl I had gone into the tunnel with. She was running around the other structure with the smaller bear chasing behind.

Then the dream moved on to another. There may have been a part skipped, but it is too vague to remember. I think there was a part with people in bulky armor hunting some creatures in a grassy field by a lake. The armor has a round sphere around the shoulders and seemed thick The sun was bright and the mountains faded in the distance. We ended up in a building after.
I was in what felt like a magical futuristic metropolis... except it didn't look very futuristic. There was dull skyscrapers that looked like they had been cut from a block of stone. Rows of square windows went across the building and there was only darkness within each. Perhaps this was the poorer section of the city or where the otherwise ignored population lived. There was a drastic difference even with the buildings just outside this monotonous city.
The headquarters I was at were about ten miles away and connected through one of the main streets. I never did get a clear view of the headquarters from outside, but it seemed like a building perhaps ten stories high.
I walked along one of the streets and found a side path going through a bamboo forest. To the left was a Japanese style mansion built on a small lake, perhaps artificially created. A girl stood outside with her parents, the owners of this property. They were a family of scholars and had a large library from their research. Apparently they were also of a non human race, although I am unsure what exactly. They were pleasant to chat with, but I was called back to the headquarters.
There was riots within the city and the defense force was to deal with it. They sent bombers over the city and each rained missile after missile as they went over. I was seeing it all from a bird's eye view and saw the masses running on the streets. They were all heavily clothed, perhaps to hide their identity. The bombers flew as a row and spread out as they went over the city. Then suddenly, one of the bombers were dragged down.
There was a small grassy clearing that seemed quite out of place within the city and a single woman stood in the middle. It was the mother of the family I met before. She had a long whip like weapon capable of grabbing onto the bombers and pulling them down. The other bombers flew over and two turrets appeared under the bombers. They fired upon her, but she seemed relatively unaffected as she pulled another bomber out of the sky. I looked closer and saw that they were shooting something like ping pong balls... I have no idea how hard they were shooting them, but those things are quite light. Eventually they just landed and shot her with something else to knock her out. For some reason, the plane I was in almost landed on her. It was close enough that everyone thought it actually did run over her and they didn't bother to check.
I walked back down the street and quite a few of the others were around as well. I saw the girl as we passed the mansion and went over. Her father was standing somewhat further away, watching others pass. She pulled out a gun as I got near, except I didn't recognize it as a gun at first. Its barrel resembled a glass jar with cyan light within and it seemed to be created from bamboo. The other parts were decorated with charms and bells, with a few characters I didn't recognize written on the grip. I got the feeling that it was like a hand cannon. I was on a wooden porch besides the house and she was at the bottom of the few steps down. The other soldiers seemed to tense up as she screamed “Why did you kill my mother?” Her father seemed surprised, but otherwise just watched. I stood there for a while before running off to the right towards their house. The porch extended over the water and was divided by a central railing. I ran until I found an opening to get to the other side and ran back towards her. I have no idea what I was doing there but I woke so I will never find out.
Guess I stopped dreaming when I was eight years old. Lol. I think that dreams do not help to act in life. Better to set goals and achieve them.

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