Dubbed vs Undubbed?

Dubbed or Undubbed?

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Re: English or Japanese Language?

Wow. Quite a few are dub haters. Well that's ok. Personal preference is a given. I wish there were more people like me that enjoy both styles when possible. Oh well.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

When I was small, I was never cared about anime dubbed or not since the only important for me that i can understand what are they saying.
But over years I learn about sub and I found it better to watch in their original language. (Anime with Japanese, Cartoon with English)
Sometimes with dub i can see the voice doesn't match with the picture and it really bothering me (Mouth still move even the voice already over)
And also not all anime get dubbed
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Re: English or Japanese Language?

Wow. Quite a few are dub haters. Well that's ok. Personal preference is a given. I wish there were more people like me that enjoy both styles when possible. Oh well.

I wouldn't go as far as calling us dub haters, merely those who do not enjoy them over the original language used in the productions. I think it's a need to have dubs available regardless of the fact that I don't personally care for them because not everyone thinks like me. (shocking I know :P )

I'm the same way with international films I don't enjoy them being dubbed, however lets face facts Jackie Chan became a hit in America because they took a chance and dubbed a couple of his films and then released them here. I was unaware of Jackie Chan at the time like most Americans I am sure and when my brother and myself went to see Rumble in the Bronx I was quite impressed with him. Looking back on it had they not dubbed the movie I seriously seriously doubt he would have became an international success.

So there is a need/justification for having dubs, however that doesn't mean we have to choose them over subs nor does that mean (in my opinion) that the pros and cons you laid out justify good reasons to watch and not watch either version. They are your opinion to which you are entitled too as I am entitled to my opinion hence this second post because I did not appreciate being called a hater for reflecting my thoughts on a subject where you ask for our thoughts.

Subs vs. Dubs has been and will always be a very heated debate amongst us otakus, don't disrespect us who don't agree with your opinions, please and thank you.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Dubbed ones have never been good
Wow. Quite a few are dub haters. Well that's ok. Personal preference is a given. I wish there were more people like me that enjoy both styles when possible. Oh well.
Dubs vary from anime to anime, some are very very crappy in both actor quality and the way their syncronised with the anime. In most instances, unless the anime is hella popular, the dubbing is either fanmade or 3rd party outsourced. However I watch animes in both dubbed and subbed when possible as it adds rewatchability and gives me an excuse to download dual audio. I can say with certainty that some anime have better dubs than subs; Black Butler is a good example, the dubs IMO easily surpass the subs. But subs v dubs is like Mac vs Windows, neither is right, most people that point fingers and deliberately state one is better than the other are really just exposing flaws in one side and comparing the pros in the other; case in point, my best friend hates dubs because he says every anime with english dub has atleast 1 really annoying voice actor (naruto or the guy from once peice for example). However subs have those kind of voices just as frequently.
Take it from someone who watches every anime in both when possible whether subs or dubs are better comes down to each individual anime on the basis of voice actor performance, script and audio quality. Even if one is obviously inferior to the other in a particular anime, some might still feel comfortable watching original subs or english dubs depending, but comfortability doesn't make it 'better'.
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Re: English or Japanese Language?

Very well said him_dox. I agree with your point made about your friend "hating" dubs do to the annoying voice, believe me I've ran into numerous characters that the voice given makes me want to shoot my TV set, both languages mind you.

Personally I don't rewatch any show be it anime or live action TV because once I have seen it in my opinion there is no point is seeing it again because I know what is going to happen. I also prefer to not watch dubs if at all possible, however my oldest son is big on Pokemon and Bakugan which of course at age 7 he watches them in the dubbed format. I too watch them in the dubbed format as I like to sit down with my boys and watch tv with them from time to time.

If I was truly a hater of dubs then I wouldn't bother watching them considering my sons have a wide variety of interests TV wise. I am sure a lot of us started out with dubs, however not all of us remained with it. As pointed out by nacht not all anime gets dubbed. :)
Re: English or Japanese Language?

I prefer watching Anime in SUB works, there are only a handful that I can say the English voice actors did a good job on showing the emotion and catching the true meaning and expression meant from the original. I will watch both, I manly prefer a quality rip over worrying about the SUB/DUB aspect of it, I can always re-cut/edit what Audio I want into it so it is nor here nor there.

I took a BD Rip of Hellsing, it was Eng Dub and I despised it SO much, I found a good quality SUB Jap Audio and re-synced the Japanese Audio + Subs back over it. BUT I was after the Video Quality.

Please do not refer to me as a "Hater" this will turn me into one, you ask an opinion to others, then call them that, is rude and childish.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Finally, someone who agrees with me has posted on this thread. Thank you. And you, Mr Perplexing, I am not disrespecting you and others like you. Don't jump to conclusions and get ahead of yourself. Like I said in the first post, there are some subed anime that I prefer over the dubs, like Naruto and Valkyria Chronicle, and then there are some dubs that I prefer over the subs, like One Piece (Funimation Dub of course) and Chobits. And then there are animes that are good no matter if it's dubbed or subbed, like Fullmetal Alchemist, Spice and Wold, Devil May Cry and Full Metal Panic.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

I'm not jumping to conclusions I am merely stating that because I as well as another disagreed with you we were wrongly labelled haters. Obviously you are not paying attention to what I am saying but picking out one or two snippets and then assuming I am getting ahead of myself.

Bottom line is I don't agree with your pros and cons entirely so accept it, I do not care for dubs so accept it, I prefer subs so accept it. I will not comes to the middle of the road and start watching dubs because you stated your opinion, however I respect your opinions and I would expect the same treatment. I also stated that there is a need for dubs but my personal preference is to not watch them because I have that choice to make and no amount of pros and cons thrown out there will change my mind simply put.

I even went as far as explaining in my third post that I watch pokemon and bakugan with my oldest in the dubbed format because of his age. He does a fine job with reading but he needs more time with that before jumping into subs, being the parent that I am I gladly bring myself to his level so that he and I can enjoy those shows together.

I've already accepted what you said and appreciate your opinion hence my initial post, however instead of accepting my thoughts you chose to label me as a hater.

I'm not mad, nor am I trying to start a flame war or anything, I'm not a petty person I have no need for that kind of stupidity. I will however make it a point to say something when I feel that I was wrongfully labelled as you have done, and rightfully so I should.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Oh, that was not my intention, but you clearly don't like dubbed stuff anymore. So your now a "Dub Dislike-r"! No? "Dub Uninterested"? "Dub Ignored"? "Dub Is A Pain In The Ass"?
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Okay so now you was in the wrong by insulting myself and another and instead of owning up to it you insist on insulting me further?

Do not group me because you feel as though I'm in the wrong for disagreeing with you. In all seriousness this thread should not even exist because it's just a carbon copy of the dub vs sub thread we have on here as well as every other anime forum in existence. http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/anime-talk-9/dubbed-vs-undubbed-468/

I'm sorry but I'm not going to stoop to your level and group you as you have unfairly group myself and others.

Again bottom line here dubs are not preferred by me compared to subs, I've stated this in every post now. I make an exception to that with my oldest son by watching pokemon and bakugan with him. So again I'm being insulted by you when I've done nothing more than state my opinion.

Don't bother responding it's obvious you want to flame and insult people who have an opinion. :)
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Dude, I'm just yanking your chain! Pulling your foot! I thought you would see my obvious quotation marks marked for joking sarcasm but I guess I wasn't obvious enough. Sorry. Jeez, getting so riled up, taking it so seriously. I'm no flamer. I've had to deal with a few of them when writing my fan-fiction. And if you still think I'm being an ass, then I'll just go bash my head against the wall.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

well you must understand that some people take offence to comments or certian things like that i do not think you meant it badly but it just came across all wrong

i watch anime but kimmy likes watching with subs and jap since i do not like to read when watching tv i mainly have her get me dubed ones and yea some of them are pretty horrid perfect example the girl that played kurumi in steel angel kurumi her voice cuts through me like a hot knife through butter but kim likes her voice

this is jan her other half by the way and if my spelling is off sorry for that but i do not really care haha grammar nazis can eat me
Re: English or Japanese Language?

That she does. Well if this thread is just stupid to have should I cancel it?
Re: English or Japanese Language?

nono it is not stupid in any way this is a good thread it is just some people took offence and it is all good now no biggie it is good to see how other people opinions are about things that is what makes us all get closer and get to know one another on here

i thought it was a good question and info keep it going
Re: English or Japanese Language?

Subs all the way. I don't like many of the English voice actors, they are either emotionless or overact the part. They rarely get it right. Subs have it's problems too, but my Japanese is getting better now, so I rely less on subs.
Re: English or Japanese Language?

I like Japanese and English-sub
And then there are animes that are good no matter if it's dubbed or subbed, like Fullmetal Alchemist, Spice and Wold, Devil May Cry and Full Metal Panic.
Yeah FMA dub was brilliant FMP aswell. Chobits was good both ways but one piece... i couldn't bare to watch the english dub the main characters voice cut through me like a scissors through paper.
That she does. Well if this thread is just stupid to have should I cancel it?
Nah it wouldn't be a forum without a flame or two.

Btw while where on the topic of opinions... Devil may cry sucked ass, like major ass subbed or dubbed... :P
I disagree, Devil May Cry is a good side mission of the game series. Sure some of the facial scenes were awkward and Patty was a complete pain, but it wasn't all that bad.
I support undubbed! I think the voice expression part is part of the culture...
voice actors are a big thing in Japan I think...so their original voice is the best...
I can kind of recongize some who's voice is whose now....haha...
I can't stand english dubbed ones...really....I rather not watch (just like Gdragonx says)....
Undubbed here means subbed right ?

I will definitely go for undubbed (subbed).

The reason is very simple; any kind of shows will always be the best when watched in their original language, no matter how good the dub actor/actress is.
This is not even a competition... voice acting in japan is a serious career while in other countries, say USA it is usually reserved for the washed up, the untalented and the slow rising actors, given that the occasional good one comes around. So undubbed all the way! :)
as i previously stated, it varies from anime to anime. Bias aside... undubs win with sheer numbers i suppose...

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