Embarrassing and awkward moments...

Hmm bathroom stuff >.< I hate when people walk off without washing hands... thats why i dont want to shake hands with people >.<
When I'm standing on the street deciding where to go and everyone just happens to be looking as I go back and forth between two/tree directions. :goodtea:
Having a bird poop on your head while in public. I dislike seagulls very much.
Hmm coming back and remembering that i didn't post why i had to leave.
I remember I having a crush on a girl at school. Someone found out and told her while we were sitting at the same table. I started denying it and called her ugly.

First time I got slapped by the girl I liked. Unfortunately, it wasn't the last D'x
Hmm talking about avatar and asking her "where she was?" aka which episode but she interpreted it differently... xD
I was walking with my friends the other day, and a huge beetle flew right into me and hit me square in the forehead hard enough to make a small *thud*.
When i have sudden black out and don't know if there going to be another one soon~
I was helping my sister out in the kitchen today. She was preparing the meal while I was washing the utensils as she finished using them. She placed a slab of marinating tri-tip steak on the counter and then left the kitchen to get something. I don't really know how, but while I was washing a cup, a bit of soapy water sloshed out and landed right on the meat. I just stared at the bubbles on top of the meat for a few seconds, transfixed. After a few moments I got a paper towel and blotted the spots until the bubbles were gone. She cooked it and everyone ate. I feel horrible...
Getting ready to explain something, then I pause and totally forget what I was about to say and just reply 'Never mind' instead.
Someone making a joke while you're drinking and then you accidentally spew out the contents because it was too funny to hold in~

Lol that happens a lot xD A friend of mine almost dropped her pizza cuz she was laughing hard~ Sitting on the floor and whatnot too~
My sister was washing the dishes and accidentally broke a mug. Later, when our parents asked about the missing mug, she said that I broke it while washing the dishes. They believed her because of how notoriously clumsy I am.
Hmm im somewhat clumsy at times... stuff seem to break... then i get to hope no one notices...
Unfortunately for me, whenever something breaks the default assumption is that it was my fault.
*sigh* The truth about my name. I tell people that its my gamer tag. The truth is that it has been my nick name since I was a baby. Apparently I used to drop things all the time and my parents would say "Aw, did it fall down?". They even say that "fall" was my first word. So its my nickname at home. I just try to give it a positive spin.
Don't worry [MENTION=19454]Fall[/MENTION]

i sure that you will be able to get rid from that "reputation" (not sure if reputation is really the right word here) if you really want to, i believe in you :hi:


Sammy~ you make me wonder what your real name is...
any chance i will get a hint?
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Hmm my nick sounds like "hey hey/hay hay" so quite a few ways to make fun of it especially with horses and stuff ;p

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