Embarrassing and awkward moments...

wow, i just remember this, back when I was small child, my sister knew that I was terrified of clowns so used to tease me with a porcelain clown doll that she had. She would do things like leave it outside my door at night so that when I wake up in the morning and open my door, it was there on the floor waiting for me. She told me it was alive and wanted to "play" with me. One day, I couldn't take it anymore, so when she wasn't there, I took a hammer and smashed its feet so it wouldn't be able to walk to my room anymore. I got into so much trouble later that day, but at least I felt safer... until she told me that I made it angry and that it would find a way to get its revenge.
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Hmm being the only guy at a girl's b day thingy? though i suppose i should just get used to it already :/
hmm..try to invite the girl in....aaaahhhh!!!! kusoo!!.:angvoodoo:..why the hell i remembering
that again:foreveralone:
Originally Posted by renano
Hai! Douzo, Nero-sama~

* Renano slowly unbuttons her shirt and lets Nero do his bidding

Originally Posted by Decalcomania
*Decalcomania sucks on renano's breast and drinks her soma.

renano is my Maria-chan. c:

Originally Posted by renano
Ahhhh~ Nero-sama~

Take as much you want. If it's you, I'm willing to... Ahhh~

* Renano continues to moan and watch Nero-sama drink her soma

Originally Posted by Decalcomania
Your soma is very delicious, renano. It is quite sweet.

The areas with * (name) was originally the / me feature used by Decal and Rennie. And when you quote someone using the / me feature it will use you own name. So try replacing the whole of * (name) with AhGwee and see~ Probably the most embarrassing moment today~
So did i was right Sam-kun?

your real name is Henry-kun? xD


It was my sister's birthday today, so I went into her house while she was at work, thinking that I'll clean it up for her present. When I was doing the dishes, a cup jumped out of my hand. I juggled it in the air for a few seconds before I finally got a good grip. Relieved that I didn't drop that cup, I went to continue washing the dishes. But the next cup I washed fell out of my hands, landed hard on another cup in the sink and shattered both. So much for good deeds.
This story is about a friend. Me and my friend just got back from the beach he went up stairs to change and go take a shower, but then he noticed that kids were starring at him(he was half naked) and they were yelling eWWWWWW XD
my friends and I were watching the new episode of Adventure Time earlier tonight. There's a scene where a Clown pops out of no where that caused me to suddenly scream and turn away. My friends teased me about it for the rest of the night.
Hmm... /me wants to glomp crush... but thatll just be odd... hmm which i am... xD
Hmm making people blush... Well not like it wasnt embarassing for meh too... >///<
My Most Embarrassing moment is When my Crush :lovestruck: accidently sat on my legs while on a school bus:blushing: while I got a big "B***r":fullblush: :nosebleed:
Was drinking water while walking,
before i got a chance to swallow i had a violent cough and spit out
all the water in my mouth without realizing there were 2 girls right in front of me...
Im pretty sure i was very awkward in the last month with my depression... >< But i thank those that put up with me despite...
Said the wrong stuff to the wrong person xD

What stuff ?? hahahahah This reminds me why I got an award called the gravedigger on an other forum !


Im pretty sure i was very awkward in the last month with my depression... >< But i thank those that put up with me despite...

You where ? To me too or just to others...Cause I didn't notice it too much, or at all.

My Most Embarrassing moment is When my Crush :lovestruck: accidently sat on my legs while on a school bus:blushing: while I got a big "B***r":fullblush: :nosebleed:

Ehhe....I had a close girlfriend once, not a "girlfriend" as in a couple but a good girl-friend.

She was drunk one late evening, and we where riding in a car, all the seats where full....so she choose to sit on my lap in the back seat.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... She would not stop moving around lol ! suspectivly on purpose no less. With that cheerful and clever look in her eyes keeping me in suspense, not knowing whether she was super messing with me or just being drunk.

Okey nothing happened on that ride ! just saying, thanks to my Monk concentration that I had to conjure up at that time. We knew each others very well, and she was the kind of girl who liked messing with me, we both did that, like buddies, and had plenty of laughs together.

But now, being as drunk as she was, inhibitions perhaps non existent, she might have tried to push me really really far that time like perhaps only she would have dared.

Actually it was not really an embarrassed moment as it was the fear of it becoming one !:redface:

Come to think of this all now...I miss our times together. And I remember caring for her, still do, even though our lives paths have gone in different directions and we haven't see each others for years.

But my question too you Goku is this....DID SHE NOTICE ????
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Awkward situation is when you are to pay in front of the cashier on a supermarket or whatever and you can't find your wallet and behind you is a crowd ready to kill you because you spend their times...
Hmm... when my backpack bumped against a female friend somewhere and she though i touched her?... :/
That sounds a bit fun.......I mean....After all your innocent,, so you don't have to worry ...too much, But still get to see what happens as if you wasn't XD learning new things is fun.

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