I'll probably need like... 5+ more Jhens at this rate, the arm is rarer than the freaking jewel. I have 3 jewels but 2 arms+...
Edit: True it was cheap because it just took like one mega potion and maybe one potion and your set for the next OHK, its what gunners loved to use when fighting black fatty. QQ
You know that sand fish that be jump into the boat when we were fight jhen,,, It from them... Low rank... High rank gives quality fin... Low gives large/big fin...
Sure more Jhen is fine with me, almost got enough for one set but I also need one arm from the low rank one as well. Few more scales+, 3 more quality fins and 10 more big fins then done.
That isn't me doing that, thats him - for some reason I get rag dolled like crazy when I'm on his back and SOMEHOW I fell THRU his body while I was mining the back.