Yeah, I kept trying to shoot that arm but his tusk/face would sometimes lean in the way.
Lol... I just need 2 more to get both sets.... Well back to killing it again.... :sigh:
Did you get both sets? Getting tired so think I'ma head to bed, we can finish this tomorrow~ think I only need those fins now.
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Hey Eva.... Give me a mins... I was so cold that I just lay on the bed while :casserole:.... Did you make the jhen armors set yet????
Heya Slayn, its no problem you don't need to force yourself man. xD Yeah, I was fin farming and just finished the set off.
Oh... That awesome.... The pierce shot damages will be up then....

BTW, was it snowing where you at???? It was around my area that why it cold.... Was :casserole: to warm my self up....
I live in Ohio but we didn't get snow YET, but tons of frost all over the ground/cars. My room stays really warm though to the point I'm about to sweat because my room is like 8'x15' or something and running PC, PS3, TV and jumping back'n'forth between the two makes it get toasty in here. ;p
Congrats on reaching 1000....

Hmm.... Were you able to make the jhen bow though????
I have all the Jhen materials for Jhen bow but I need 1 tigrex fang+1 and 4 amber fang+ to make it.

Edit: Bah, one sec I forgot to upgrade my armors defense.
Bah, we can do it again~ seriously though, why is that right arm so hard to break...

Edit: We both shot the hell out of it without a break.
You can't really tell when you look from the front.... It was definitely broken... Got to check the side though....

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