Eye Spy & What Am I?

Nopes lol ;p

Final Hint :
Think about something exist but you can't touch it..
That was close [MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; you're sharp..
And my paws are sharps too :traitor:
Don't sweat it ;p

Hmm.. nopes nopes and nopes.. still wrong :goodtea:
But slayn idea about light was close.. ;p
[MENTION=23111]Slayn312[/MENTION]; got it!!
You go to jail!!!
Eh.. you go next!! ;p
Lol... Well it was either that or the other cuz it chase you and so no escaping it....

We are many guards of a precious gate
Sometimes we lean backward and sometimes we stand straight
Some of us are short and some are tall
We never quit the fight but we might fall
We wear war paint and cover in black
We always defend but never will attack

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