[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ; Many thanks~ That's the one. ^^
I just find the PR making to be so enticing and most of all fun. Currently working on my 3rd PR (video again having deleted and remaking some) with the addition of new features which are unlocked as your fame spreads in Luminose. You will need to talk to the woman opposite to the desk where you can make your PRs. My body becomes all warm and fuzzy when making these videos. To some extent, it also shivers in excitement. >w<
I've cut down on the captions since I feel they get in the way of the video experience and only use about 1-2 captions max compared to the previous video you viewed. The only limitations I find in the captions are that you aren't given the option to edit your own and it's hard to match the timing with some scenes, preventing me from using them as a whole. Though I try to please as much as I can.
Another thing I would have enjoyed using would have been been more facial expressions, but the list doesn't expand with popularity. I would have liked expressions similar to emoticons or even sad faces to use, for example when the video is over. 10 seconds require a lot of thought and planning. >:3
I'll excuse myself from here since I feel that I've been expanding my talk of Pokes everywhere. *ehehe*
Have a good day. c: