FAQ about the people you know

Exactly egozi. But you got the wrong person. XD
Death by a spoon is so far, one of the most painful way of dying and the one of the most entertaining way of killing someone ^^
xD agreed

But how i got the wrong person?
i don't said that this video was about killing Sam with a spoon : P

Just wanted to show him something similar XD
Q: Why are they talking about killing me with a spoon?

A/Q: Who knows but is it any worse than all those other people trying to kill me?

A: Hmm could just put on that shield and ignore everything like usual~
Q:i wonder who made this thread.....

A: i think its egozi...

Q:you know this wasn't a question theres is no a question mark.....

A: oh my bad sorry.

Q: now your sorry haa.....thats it i won't give you KitKat~

A:what why :deadsad:

Q:i don't have to repeat myself again~

A:but but but......

Q:i think one but is enough...

A: :deadsad: but if you don't give me food you'll die.

Q:really why is that??

A:because im you...you are me.

Q:oh then won't let you play games anymore..

A:no problems you won't have fun then~


A:see who is your master right now??


A:why are you not answering??


A:hey where did you??????????


A::deadsad: he left me....
Q: Ralium could leave himself?

A: Hmm i suppose~

Q: You wont will you?

A: Ehh all depends~

Q: Wait what really?

A: Who knows what circumstances would pop up~

Q: Hmm well yes ii suppose but can you?

A: Might be tough~

Q: Would it be worth the effort?

A: Everything is circumstantial and you would know immediately anyway~

Q: Hmm well yes i suppose i would.... So does that mean ill have to make another copy to talk to?

A: I wonder how long that copy will last~ Though i guess you could learn something about yourself from all this~
A:.....:deadsad:where are you Ralium...??

Q: im back.....just had some business with the toilet.

A: you liar you where sitting the whole time eating breakfast.:raging:


A:meh.....alright haven't you noticed something~??

Q:what is it??

A:something about samy~

Q:i wonder~

A:something about his sig.....

Q:i wonder if he changed the places of the sentences that are under the sig because he saw mine.....oh well


Q:well to the next episode where ralium will be fighting himself with blood and lots of anger and rage..

A:wait wait wait:surprised: why is this an episode.......and why are we going to have a fierce fight with blood and rage

Q:i don't know well don't hate the player hate the game or don't hate the game hate the creator.

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A: Hmm not particularly but if you want to think so then feel free~

Q: I suppose he wasnt around to see the other sigs was he?

A: Nah probably not but youve been lazy~

Q: But so are you ;p Should we try for something then?

A: Hmm sure why not ;3
Q: What goes through the mind of renano when she plays those 18+ visual novels targeted for males?

A: "...Wish there was Aoyama Yukari's voice."

Q: Uh... what else?

A: "All this loli makes me feel tainted."

Q: What about the 18+ otome-ge then?

A: "No such guys exist like that in real life... bleh."

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

A: "This girl is so useless! I would have *beeeeeeeeeeeeep* and *beeeeeeeeep* those stup-"

We apologize for this abrupt broadcast. Miss renano shall take a break before she 'erupts'.
Q: Who took Sam Sam's Whale
A: how should i know
Q: What happened to my Goat?
A: Rallium Stole it and sold it for a pickle
Q: Why am I still asking questions to myself
A: I blame Sam for posting too much

A: Hmm "perfect" guys could technically exist~ All depends on the eye of the beholder... and what happened to the beholder xD As for that whale... probably viet's fault :goodtea:

Q: When was there a goat? O.o

A: No idea~ Ask Weiß~

Q: So what does your posting have to do with anything? :goodtea:

A: Ehh its probably simpler to just blame it on the top guy :goodtea:
A: So... how you been?

Q: I fine thanks.

A: Glad to hear it ^_^

Q: Say.. why you started as "A" yet you the one that asking the questions O_o?

A: No idea... but it seems like you just fixed the order =)

Q: Oh i did? O_o

A: yea you do :)

Q: I see.....

A: So where's everybody?

Q: You've just ruin the order again! :raging:

A: Darn~ :reallydespaired:
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Q: What makes you feel happy?

A: Tales of Xillia :fulfilled:

Q: What make you feel "alive" ?

A: Knowing that Tales of Xillia going to be release next year :blushhappy:

Q: What you do when you bored?

A: Think about Tales of Xillia :embjudge:

Q: If you could describe happiness through words what words you ganaa use? (Like i don't know the answer to that myself already 'ד_ד )

A: Tales of Xillia! Tales of Xillia! Tales of Xillia! Tales of Xillia! Tales of Xillia! :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy: :runhappy:

Q: Why you making just a big deal over a game?

A: Tales of Xillia! :fullblush:

Q: Seriously get a life baka!

A: :blushing: Tales :romeo: Of :lovestruck: Xillia!

Q: That it, i going destroy your other Tales of copies, it for your own sake!

A: Wha? :neardead: Noooo! :reallydespaired: Xillia!!!@@@!

Q: T~T sigh~
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Q: Hmm so why doesnt egozi's siggy seem to work?

A: No idea~

Q: Why is he going nuts?

A: He'll probably stop as soon as tales is gone~

Q: Then why did he double post?

A: Who knows~ Ask him~

Q: Why am i asking about egozi?

A/Q: Why would i know?

A/Q: Because you are me?

A: But i dont know...
Q: My siggy doesn't work?! :O

A: Don't know... i see it work just fine....

Q: But Sam said that it doesn't work.. I've been wondering why people stop talking about it....

A: So just ask him if he was joking or if your sig really doesn't working.

Q: Good idea :fulfilled:, Sam is my sig works?
A: Hmm doesnt load for me but might just be me or temporary~

Q: How come youre always such a fool?

A/Q: I dont know~ why shouldnt i be?

A: Hmm on wells all the same to me but i guess thats what makes me a fool in the first place~
Q: So wait.. till now (before today) you could see my sigs?

A: why you asking me that? ask Sam... T_T

Q: I just did! this question not was for you! baka!

A: Oh O_o.... why the baka though? :runaway:

Q: cause i felt like it :lmao:
A: Baka must mean youre other self is tsundere~

A: Hmm i dont think i could see it yesterday either~

Q: Why is there two answers in a row? o.o

Q: Why not?

Q: Are you trying to go plato or aristotle or whatever on meh?

A: Sure~
Q: And before yesterday? i put this sig 3 weeks ago....
don't tells me that it not works in US :happytears:

A: But i can see it just fine...

Q: No one ask you T_T

A: But you the "Q" man! you must asking something!

Q: Ok then, why don't you STHU?

A: Why you have to be so mean? :runaway:
A: Hmm i might have seen it before... what did it look like? xD

Q: Now to see his reaction?

Q: More tears?

A: Maybe~

A:why are you angry:beglife: whyyyyyyyyyyyy??

Q::raging:i don't know the creator said that the next episode will be the fight of ralium vs ralium Rowrrrrrr

A::beglife: well we don't have to fight we'll just hurt each other~

Q:i know but what can i do(-_-)

A::smug:i know how to tame you:hypnotize:renano renano renano:hypnotize:

Q::spiraldown:hhhheeeellllllppp........yes master :robot:

A: muhahahaha:lmao: i know your weakness:smug:

Q:........yes master:robot:

A:so did you notice too that i can't see egozi's siggie??

Q:.......yes master:robot:

A:oh well,stab yourself i order you~

Q: nnnnoo i can't master.

A: you disobey me :enraged: have this :hypnotize:renano renano renano:hypnotize: now stab yourself.

Q:.......yes master:robot: *stab :vomitblood:

A::vomitblood: oh *beeeeeeep* i remembered im you...you are me:vomitblood:

X:sorry for interruption but at the moment ralium is in the hospital he can't continue this episode because he is suffering from serious injury~
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Q: Hmm so theres a virtual hospital around here?

A: Nah not really~ Never felt the need to make one cuz i heal from anything completely in a couple minutes anyway~

Q: So where are they sending ralium?

A/Q: Hmm might be some shady place but just let him be~ Hell live... right?

A: Yeah he probably will~ Might get shoved full of odd stuff though and cant say much about how he will when he leaves~

Q: Should we help him?

A: Nah he should be fine~ He has some odd power of an angel anyway :goodtea:
Q: So till now you don't saw the sig at all? or you just saw some lines? o_O
A: Hmm yesh just some thing that says click~

Q: I wonder what would have happened if i didnt point it out :goodtea:

A: Who knows how long he wouldve just continued~

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