FAQ about the people you know

Q: Hmm why is there even...

A: No idea...

Q: Will you?

A: Nah probably not...

Q: So what now?

A: Ehh not sure...

Q: What am i talking about?

Q: I thought you knew?
Q: Hey there. Oh my gosh it is him! Do you mind if I ask you some questions?

A: ... Sure, ask away~ ^____^

Q: How does it feel to be in the same movie as XX?

A: Wh-whaaa?!

Q: Like I said, how does it feel to be in the same movie as XX?

A: I'm not catching your drift...

Q: ...You are Bob, aren't you?

A: *face palm* Do we all look the same to you?! Ohh darn it, it seems we do >.>

Q: W-what is it that you're holding there?

A: A needle~

Q: W-why do you have a needle?

A: Who knows~ :goodtea: Oh hey where are you-

Q: You like Dubstep, correct?

A: Why yes I do.

Q: Have you ever made some Dubstep songs?

A: Yes, but I didn't finish any of them.

Q: When will you finish them?

A: When I finish them.

Q: A bit sassy now, are we?

A: Nope. That's just how I am.
Q: Why do you 'casually watch'?

A: It means I know what's going on, but prefer to just look over it.

Q: Does that mean you don't care?

A: ...

Q: Why the ellipses?

A: The answer should be obvious.

Q: Is it? :/

A: Bunch of (insert whatever)
A: Bunch of giant w*nkers!

Q: Why are you-

A: I'm British you know~ :goodtea:

Q: Is that why you're always drinking tea?

A: To some extent. But I drink tea because I like it.

Q: Is that also why you had crumpets for breakfast earlier too?

A: How did you-? >.>

Q: I also heard that this Sunday you'll be go-

*/me glares at reporter*

Q: Never mind... I heard that you are someone's waifu. Can you confirm this?

A: ...
Q: Hmm waifu?

Q: Wasnt there talk of that somewhere?...

Q: Hmm was there?

Q: Wasnt there?

A: Not sure~

A: Hmm random insert...

A: Bunch of giant flaming ponies singing under a double rainbow while tossing around chunks of gold hoping that they hit someone~

Q: Why?

A: I dont know :/

A: Your odd...

A: As are you~

Q: Can i poke you?

Q: Where did you get that needle?

A: I "borrowed" it from bob~

A: Thats not bob :/

Q: Isnt he?~

A: No he isnt...

A: *Pokes*

Q: What was that for D:

A: I dun know...

Q: You do know youre bleeding right?

Q: Holy **** how did that happen? D:

A: You poked me...
Got quite confusing towards the end. May have been better to label as Q1 as the one who asked you questions, A1 as the one answering and Q2 when you ask a question and A2 when he answers. :goodtea:

Q: What'cha eatin'?

A: Pringles.

Q: You like?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you know Pringles contain MSG?

A: Yes:

Q. Then why are you still eating them?

A: Just because. Why do you keep asking me about Pringles?

Q: Because I'm bored. Are you still going to eat them?

A: I am not amused.

Q: Did you just-

A: Yes! Are you going to let me eat in silence or not?

Q: Okay... ;_;
Q: Hmm should i follow?

A: I wonder~

Q: Isnt it all the same anyway?

A: Sort of~

Q: Im you arent i? O.o

A: Maybe~

Q: Planning on giving any decent answers anytime soon?

A: Nah~
Q: When are you going to make the room?

A: When I feel like it.

Q: How long will it take?

A: Possibly a year.

Q: Why so long?

A: It seems long, but it actually isn't. That's the media for you.
Q: What to poke next...

A: Avatar of course~

Q: But why?

A: No real reason :/

A: Mehs fine...
Q: Why you stop reply at most threads?

A: Cause i have enough of life and want to die~

Q: Whaaa! :neardead:

A: Was joking with you :emjudge: it actually because either i have alot of stuff to do or either because i'm too lazy

Q: Well as long as you don't really want to die it alright ^_^

A: Now... do i? :traitor:

Q: :surprised:
Last edited:
Q: Do you like this thread?

A: Yes. I find it enjoyable.

Q: Did you know that you're actually meant to make FAQs about the people you know rather than yourself.

A: Yes. I'm quite aware of that. :goodtea:

Q: Can I ask why you answer your own questions instead?

A: Because this thread messed up along the way and people decided to answer questions about themselves.

Q: Will you be attempting to change that any time soon?

A: Who knows, it's up to Egozi to decide~ :goodtea:

Q: Thanks for the answers. Any last words?

A: Majinken! Majinken! Majinken!
Q: Nice avatar.

A: Why thank you.

Q: Any thoughts about changing your signature as well?

A: Yes, I do.

Q: What will be in it?

A: If I told you, there wouldn't be any surprise, now will there?

Q: I guess not.

A: Idiot.
Q: Want to poke people?

Q: Hmm sure~ Who?

A: Hmm lets go for eozi and gwee~

Q: Why them?

Q: I dunno?

Q: Hmm how about all the other odd people around?

A: /me pokes sam~

Q: Oww that hurt D: Why?

A: Because~
Q: Sam seem to have fun poking himself to the point he forgot about us ^_^

A: Desho! desho!

Q: I think we should go and hide before he will notice us ^_^

A: desho! desho! ( ;゜0゜)

Q: Did you notice that none of us either ask or answer a question?

A: ?@! desho! desho! !(◎_◎; )

Q: And why the "desho" thing?

A: So you will ask about it and fix the Q&A order =D

Q: Ohhh ( ̄~ ̄; )
Q: Desho?

A: Desho~ :3

Q: Desho desho?

A: /me pokes egozi~

A: Desho :3

Q: So whats desho?

A: I dunno~

A: Sounds familiar though~

A: Hmm maybe egozi will tell~

A: /me pokes egozi~
Q: Come to think of it.. what Desu really mean?

A: Well... Desu is just... Desu : P

Q: No, i mean for real, what Desu means?

*Egozi poke Sam back :blushhappy:

Q: Stop ignoring me!

A: *Egozi keep poking Sam :embjudge:

Q: Answer me! you little shmitel bitter! of man kind!

A: :eek:

Q: :D

A: :deadsad:

Q: ;)

A: Not going to tell you what Desu mean now~

Q: :neardead:
Q: You sleepy?

A: Kind of.

Q: Whatcha listening to?

A: Crunkstep.

Q: What's Crunkstep?

A: Google it.

Q: I still don't know what it is.

A: Then look harder. I'm not telling you what it is.

Q: That's not a surprise.

A: Indeed it isn't.
A: Sammmmmmm T.T Egozi poked meeeeeeeee :runaway:

Q: Want me to poke back? :traitor:

A: Yesh *sniff* :deadsad:

A: Okies off i go :runhappy:

Q: Come back soon? :bigeyes:

A: Yes~ As soon as i get this done :evillaugh:

A: Okies~ Ill be waiting :3 :blushhappy:
Q: Why did you poked Sam? :o

A: Ahh for sign of love and friendship?

Q: Gay@!

A: HA?@ no i not :shocked:

Q: Murderer@!

A: ah? how come? O_o

Q: Ballerina !@!

A: what?..... :surprised:

Q: Other random stuff@!

A: ok.. you start to annoy me you little :wtf:

Q: But i am your father@! muhahahah@!

A: Wha?@! Nooooooooooooooooooo@!@! :reallydespaired:
Q: Are you a metalhead?

A: Yep.

Q: But I thought you liked Dubstep more?

A: Nah, that's just the image I show others.

Q: So you love rock music more?

A: Sure.

Q: You're very vague.

A: And you're very annoying.
Q: Hmm why do you like air?

A: No idea~

Q: Sleepy?

A: Yep~

Q: Sleeping?

A: Nopes still have way too much to do :/
Q: So... what now?

A: Don't know... what you want me to do?

Q: Just do something for Karen's sake! anything!

A: Ahh... ok? Chupakabra O_O?

Q: No... like... do something other then chatting...

A: like what?

Q: Don't know, i'm is the one who asking the question here for Karen's sake!

A: Ahhh Pink~Ponk~Puwink~

Q: T~T why i even bothering ~
Q: Hmm so who are you?

A: Bob~

Q: Really?

A: Depends~

A: Sounds a lot like that other guy...

A: Maybe~

Q: You sure?

A: Not really~

Q: How about for a cookie and sharp stuff?~

A: Sure~

Q: Chasing that person again?

A: Yep~

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