First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)


Elite Member
Nov 25, 2011
Do you still remember about your first love?

I have a very dramatic love life.

Highschool... Suppose to be a moment in your life where you find your first crush/love. I found mine when i was in yr 9. I liked this family friend guy who i hated for 10 years until that year. We went to the same school, same tutor centre, same badminton teacher and i often went to his house due to some family gathering. I hated him because he was mean to me but until that very year, he begin to look at me as a girl and be more nicer to me. And maybe because he's suddenly nicer to me i suddenly start liking him. (sounds drama already but it's true)

That year, 2009, there was badminton PE classes. Obviously, me and him was in it. I thought i was one step closer to him because we were the only ones who actually trains. I had a best friend that time... she was quite nice but often have the image of a bitchy princess. I told her that i liked him, she said would see if he's a nice guy or not.

One day, there was this badminton event that only requires me and him. I was excited and happy of course. It's super rare that we have normal boy girl conversations together. Hence wise, i was really really really really happy. I was so happy that i went home and told my bestfriend about it.

BOOM. This is where everything goes wrong.

MSN messenger:
Me: hey hey, you know what? He talked to me today!!! im so happy rite now!!
Bestfriend: Oh really? Ummm hey.... I think i like him as well.
Me: (startled) oh really? haha, i see.

At that time, i thought, "nah, it's alright, they PROBABLY not gonna get together anyway...". SO, i said, i dont mind (how stupid, when i look back and thought)

Few days later, my bestfriend began to get closer and closer to him. Hugs, share jacket, trade jackets, sit together in lunch time, text each other and flirt during the badminton class (my friend was in it as well). I pretend i didnt see anything but... it was stuck in my mind...I knew what was going on and didnt want to face the fact that my bestfriend would be going out with the guy i know. I was upset.

Yea yea, another week later, they officially began dating. FML at that time.

I totally went into depression. Sad and unhappy about everything. If my bestfriend was not my bestfriend, i wont feel as bad. If he wasnt my close family friend, maybe i would have a bigger chance? THese are all excuses for myself to feel better.

During that semester, my bestfriend would make jokes about my crush on him like.. "what? you still him?"
I never said back stuff but... I believe that she should shut up about it since she knew from the very beginning that i liked him + she's going out with him now. That was the thing that totally put me off during those times.

My life in year 9 was miserable. I had to leave the group i hang out with (which includes my bestfriend), i stopped going to his house for gathering, i stopped badminton training with him, i left tutor centre and i totally avoided them during breaks. Maybe this sounds stupid to you but at that time, i thought it was the best method to run away and forget about them which will ease my sadness.

And because of this, i went into a new group and met my current bestfriend now. And yea, i stopped being friends with her...

It took me almost a whole damn year to recover from this sadness thingy.

Yr 10.
This was my favourite year.
My love in this year all began in a badminton tournament. I met a boy there.
My first impression to him was totally bad... at that moment, i wasnt trying to show any woman-image to him AT ALL. I was jumping around being noisy haha.
Well, i had a bag of chocolates on that day and i couldnt finish it all. So, i gave him some cos i gave his sister one and it would be sort of unfair if i didnt give him one. So that's how we met.

Later on the winter holidays, i added him on facebook. We began talking- he start asking for my phone number and msn contact. I eventually gave him my email address. We began talking heaps on msn.

I decided to invite him to a badminton social thing that my friend organised because there wasnt enough people going. We were suppose to meet at the shopping centre which is close to the bus stop, he came several minutes late because he was watching Twilight 1 with his friends- which apparently he skipped the ending to leave early. On the way from the bus stop to the badminton centre we were going, it suddenly began raining (it was the rainy seasons that time) I only had one umbrella so we had to share.
(that was sort of romantic i reckon) he had to hold the umbrella for me while holding on to his badminton stuff. And i have to stay close to him to NOT get wet.

Time passes, we finishes badminton. He said he had to go so i thought maybe i should go too, hence wise, we took the bus together. Just when he was about to get off the bus, he told me to check my phone once he leave. After he left, he sent me a message, confessing his love to me. Interestingly, i wasn't that surprised but i definitely enjoyed the moment when i received my first love confession.

Hence. We start going out. Went to a few dates.
Gave him my first kiss as a encouragement reward because he lost the badminton competition AND i said if he wins, i will give him a reward (but he didnt and he was really upset after that)...

During those times, i met a lot people through him. I had a boyfriend that our network totally doesnt over lap at all. ( different school, friends, etc etc) but we manage to get together. It was probably the best time of my highschool life i reckon...

BUT, this relationship did not get to a happy ending...
A twist came in and separated us apart...

--- stay tuned for chap two------ HAHAHAHAH
That was quite a read... and it wouldn't be the first time i heard similar stories (not even second time... not even the 10th)
This is... hard to respond to, but honestly I am surprised (and slightly worried) that you tell such stories so soon upon joining this forum. :x

I don't want to say too much... except that it appears you are venting due to emotional pain, i think.
Well, vent away, it'll be good for you
yea.. i know the problem myself...
But i'm fine now :D
Enjoying life rite now. :D
Well love triangles are often two-edged. You might expect your best friend to suppress your feelings for the guy because she's...well, your best friend, but that goes double from her view. I'm not sure if she genuinely liked the guy or did it just to be a jerk to you, but either way she knew what she wanted and took an action. This is only my view and don't take any offense to it, but I don't believe anyone should be suppressing their feelings for the sake of someone else no matter who they are. Life isn't eroge (unless you are Checkmate ofc), the person you like isn't suddenly going to come through for you if you miss the opportunity. If you really want something you should grab it before it's too late. Of course, you'd probably also have to choose between your best friend and will-be-boyfriend, but hey, that's the way life goes.

That's just my 2cent, it is an unfortunate situation and I do feel for you. A relationship is never a smooth sail so you'll just have to keep going at it, I guess. And since you are happy now I presume there's some sort of happy ending to this story lol.
Question: You said you give your 1st boyfriend your chocolate because you couldn't finish it, but you also mentioned that you gave his sister one too. How many chocolate did you have in the bag, and how many have you ate before you gave them away?
You must have like chocolate very much, I guess.

BTW, nice love story you have there. Make me envy coz my school days ain't that colorful at all.
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Oh everyday life is fun isn't it. I've broken up a lot of times, but the only time I was in the receiving end... I didn't like it.
Well, a way better love story than mine.
I'm going to resume mine for you:


Done! :(
Wow! That was intense. :D
Lol alex's first comment is about chocolate wow XD
Checkmate is the one who made this forum sooo yeahhh
LOL really??? she dragged you into twilight?
I liked the first movie but now the new one, breaking dawn, is just.... to much....
Rather than a vampire movie, it looks like some scary raping movie O_O where the guys raped bella and she pregnant? LOL
scary raping... i don't watch twilight... thinks is boring... even more don't want watch it when u say raping vampire... 0__0
From love story to Twilight. We've veered off course too far now.

Can you imagine 3 guys watching Twilight together? I was one of the 3, and I never continue the saga after that

Btw, really nice story. When will the 2nd chapter be released?? Very interested in your story
Hahahahaha thanks people :DD
I'll write up chapter two when i get free time :D
That was quite a story... err... part of one anyways xP. Puts me in the mood to write a memoir for some reason O.o
lolol really? I like your avatar... well, i actually like the otherside of her better :SSSSS Elfen Lied, a super sad story.

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